
The Hermetic Quarterly


Summer, 1996

Vol. 2, No. 2


Table of Contents

From the Editors

Medieval Methods of Geomancy
Part One: Basic Techniques
John Michael Greer

The “Arabic” Parts of the Original Rosicrucian Documents
John Eberly

Hermetic History — Erase It or Face It
LeGrand Cinq-Mars

Book Reviews:

Talismans and Planetary Squares
Al Billings

Unfamiliar Harmonies
John Michael Greer

The Black Arts by the Golden Horn
John Michael Greer


Caduceus: The Hermetic Quarterly is published quarterly by Cinnabar at [old address redacted]. The focus of Caduceus is the Hermetic tradition: that is, the various schools and traditions of Western esotericism, including Qabalah, ceremonial magic, alchemy, and the various systems of thought devised by Hermetic magical orders such as the Golden Dawn or the Martinist Order. We are interested in materials from the whole span of Hermetic history, from its origins in the Classical world to the present day. We would like to see articles of a range of types, from the scholarly through the theoretical to those dealing with practical technique. In all cases, end-notes and a bibliography are encouraged.

Subscription prices are $18 U.S. for a year within North America and $25 U.S. for overseas international subscriptions. Please send submissions in ASCII, Word or RTF formats on a 3.5″ IBM-compatible disk or in hard copy to Caduceus c/o Al Billings [old address redacted]. Questions or comments can go to the same address or be or be e-mailed to [old e-mail redacted]. Checks for subscriptions should be made payable to Cinnabar and sent to [old address redacted].