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The Lemegeton or Lesser Key of Solomon -- A collection of medieval and post-medieval grimoires  attributed to King Solomon. The four main sections comprise a reasonably complete system for invoking the forces of the magickal universe -- albeit with some strange twists in the approach.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Goetia -- Evocation of 72 demons associated with the Shemhamphorash, and (in pairs) with the decanates of the zodiac. A substantially reformatted version of the Mathers/Crowley/deLaurence edition.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Theurgia-Goetia -- The conjuration of 32 Aerial Spirits and their servants, partly good and partly evil, who govern the points of the compass.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Ars Paulina or The Pauline Art -- Part I: A system for invoking the Angels of the Hours of the Day and Night, with an interesting astrological twist. Part II: A system for invoking the "guardian angel" ruling the zodiac degree under which the user is born.
Possibly a precursor of, or inspiration for, Dee's Heptarchia Mystica.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Ars Almadel -- Evocation of the Angels of the four "Altitudes", who rule the equinoctial and solstice points, the seasons, and the signs of the zodiac.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Ars Nova -- A rather peculiar small book of prayers and orations. More an appendix to the Goetia than a book in its own right.

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The Greater Key of Solomon

The text and illustrations of the 1916 Mathers/deLaurence edition, minus the useless additions by deLaurence. A system of planetary magick, more straightforward than that described in the Ars Paulina.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Introduction and Book One -- Concerning the ceremonies and operations of the magickal art.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) The Holy Pentacles -- The Pentacles or Medals to be used in the magickal art, and the uses for which they are effective.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Book Two -- Concerning the proper behavior of the Mage and his assistants, and the tools and materials of the magickal art.

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The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Introduction and Book One -- Background information on the manuscript by S.L. Mac Gregor Mathers; autobiography and general comments of Abraham the Jew as written for his son Lamech.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Book Two -- Detailed instructions for invoking the Holy Guardian Angel, and for summoning and directing the demons.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Book Three: The magickal talismans to be used in this magick.

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pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) The Ars Notoria - The Notary Art of Solomon

A new version transcribed directly from Robert Turner's 1657 edition.
A dense and difficult document, but one which had a profound influence on John Dee and other Renaissance mages. Describes a system for attaining to knowledge and skill in the Liberal and Mechanical Arts through prayers and special invocations in "barbarous tongues".

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The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy

In the 1650's, English scholar Robert Turner put together a collection of magickal papers from various sources under the title The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. Only two of the papers therein are purported to be by Agrippa, but all of them have had a strong influence on the Golden Dawn and other magicians in the English-speaking world. Transcribed directly from a copy of his edition. Sections will be posted as they are completed.

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) Of Geomancy -- Attributed to Agrippa. The classic and definitive exposition of this divinatory art, covering both its practice and interpretation. Illustrations have been updated to correct errors and omissions in the original.

Of Occult Philosophy, or Of Magical Ceremonies: The Fourth Book -- Attributed to Agrippa. Primarily a practical commentary on certain practices detailed in Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy.

Heptameron: or, Magical Elements -- Attributed to Peitro de Abano. A detailed system of invocations for the Hours of the Day, the Seasons, and the Days of the Week.

Isagoge -- by Georg Pictorius Villinganus. "An Introductory discourse on the Nature of such Spirits as are exercised in the Sublunary Bounds; their Original, Names, Offices, Illusions, Powers, Prophesies, Miracles; and how they may be Expelled and Driven away."

On Astronomical Geomancy -- by Gerard Cremonensis. A simplified technique that produces a "horary chart" for the question being asked, which is then interpreted astrologically. 

pdficonsmall.gif (947 bytes) The Arbatel of Magic -- The introductory book of a nine-part work which was either lost or never written. This work is the apparent origin of the widely-known "Olympic Planetary Spirits". Discusses the necessities of magickal work, the relation between the magician and spirits, other topics of general import to magick.

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The Hieroglyphic Monad by Dr. John Dee -- In twenty-four theorems, Dee attempts to condense the whole of occult knowledge into a single comprehensive symbol. Written about twenty years before his Angelic Conversations.

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The Rosicrucian Manifestos: Fama Fraternitatis and Confessio Fraternitatis. The documents which first stimulated the Rosicrucian movement in Europe.

The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz

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Transcendental Magic

Eliphas Levi's tour de force on the theory and practice of magic. Part 1 covers theory, and attempts to reconcile the traditional interpretations of magic and religion with the emphasis on Reason and Knowledge of Levi's own day. The reconciliation doesn't succeed, but Levi's understanding of the traditional viewpoint is strong enough to make this work valuable. Part II covers the practical aspects of magic.

Part 1: The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic

Part 2: The Ritual of Transcendental Magic