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(note:  herbs/plants ref. w/"The English Physitian", Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. -- where possible.)

or   (Botanical.com, A Modern Herbal, Mrs. M. Grieve)



"...A Wolf's Yard boiled and minced, is good to eat for the procuring of lust, when strength begins to fail..."

"...Strain them, and lay a Linen cloth soaking in the Expression a whole night.  Then dry it in the shade.  Do this thrice, and after copulation, wash your Yard in it, and lay some of the Linen on and keep it close...." ("A preservation against the Pox,")


"...Now shall I speak of many sorts of Yarn, because this may much help the household.  For the housewife has always need of it.  Our ancestors used Hemp and Flax..."


Yaw - To rise in blisters, breaking in white froth, as cane juice in the clarifiers in sugar works

"...Arsenic Opine that may be gotten, such as Yaws and gapes as though it had scales upon it, it must be of a very orient golden color, and must meddle this Arsenic Opine with the dust of Brass that has been filed from it, and..."


"...The powder of the Yew, does so ulcerate the skin..."

"... Others take Wolfs Bane, yellow Arsenic, Yew leaves, of each alike and mingle them..."


"...Then add Cumin seed well Bruised, Mastick, and Yolks of Eggs, well boiled..."

"... Rear Eggs are good.  Twenty of them boiled hard cut in the middle, and the Yolks taken forth..."


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