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We've made this web page available to help users of the web site find a personal printed copy of the Malleus Maleficarum. We don't sell these books ourselves, but rather have made them available through an association with Amazon.Com. Malleus Maleficarum Online does receive a small quarterly commission for the books which our users purchase through our links. This money is only used to help defray the costs of our Internet server; i.e. the financial cost of keeping the Malleus Maleficarum available online. No one involved with Malleus Maleficarum Online receives any of this money. All work done on behalf of Malleus Maleficarum Online was and is done on a volunteer basis with no compensation.
Listed below are the editions of the Malleus Maleficarum which are currently in print, as well as certain other references that pertain to this subject or subjects addressed within the Malleus itself. We certainly do not mean to imply that those who wish to be more familiar with this subject should purchase every book on this list. We've simply attempted to address the many different perspectives from which various people approach the Malleus Maleficarum, and have attempted to list other works which may also be of interest.
- Wicasta Lovelace