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The Talmud, by Joseph Barclay, [1878], at


1. Rabbi Eliezer said, "an heifer for a sin-offering is allowed even in pregnancy." But the Sages disallow her.

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[paragraph continues] R. Eliezer said, "she is not to be taken from foreigners." But the Sages allow her. And not only she, but all the offerings of the congregation, and of the individual, may come from the Land (of Israel), or from outside the land, from the fresh harvest and from the old harvest, except the omer, 1 and the two loaves, 2 which may only come from the fresh harvest, and from the Land.

2. An heifer whose horns and hoofs are black should have them cut away. The pupil of the eye, and the teeth, and the tongue, cause no blemish in the heifer. If she be diminutive, she is allowed. "Had she a wen which was cut away?" R. Judah "disallowed her." Rabbi Simon said, "every place which was cut down, and no red hair sprang up in its place, renders her blemished."

3. An heifer produced from the side, or from the hire of immorality, or exchanged for a dog, is disallowed. R. Eliezer allowed it, "as is said, 'Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God.' 3 But she did not come into the house." All blemishes which are disallowed in holy things are disallowed in the heifer. If one rode on her, or leaned on her, or hung something on her tail, or crossed a river on her, or doubled the rope over her, or put his garment on her, she is disallowed. But if one bound her with a rope, or made a shoe to prevent her slipping, or spread his garment over her because of the flies, she is allowed. This is the rule. Everything which was necessary for her is allowed. If there be any use of her for another's benefit, she is disallowed.

4. If a bird rested on her, she is allowed. If the male came to her, she is disallowed. R. Judah said, "if he were

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brought, she is disallowed, but if he came of himself, she is allowed."

5. If she had two black or white hairs in one cavity, she is disallowed. R. Judah said, "even in one pore." "If they be in two pores and they prove united?" "She is disallowed." Rabbi Akiba said, "even four or five, if they be scattered, may be plucked out." Rabbi Eleazar said, "even fifty." R. Joshua, son of Bathira, said, "if there be even one in her head, and one in her tail, she is disallowed." "If there be two hairs, their roots black, and their tops red, their roots red and their tops black?" "All follows after the appearance." The words of Rabbi Meier. But the Sages say, "after the root."


302:1 Lev. xxiii. 10, 17. The omer or wave sheaf of barley was always cut on the evening of the 15th Nisan, even though it were a Sabbath. It must always have been gathered from a fresh harvest cultivated even in the Sabbatical year. The reapers asked these questions three times of those who were witnesses, "Has the sun gone down?" "With this sickle?" "Into this basket?" "on this Sabbath (first day of the Passover)?" "Shall I reap?" After the witnesses answered these questions the sheaf was reaped. It was finally ground into flour, and an handful of it mixed with frankincense was burned on the altar. The remainder belonged to the priests.

302:2 Numb. xxviii. The two wave loaves of wheaten flour were always offered on the Jewish Pentecost.

302:3 Deut. xxiii. 18.

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