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The Trial of Christ, by David K. Breed, [1948], at

p. 87


(References are to Pages)

Annas, biog., 45; mentioned, 4, 39, 44

Albright, Rev. Wm., 16 ftn.

Appellant, Christ would be, 39 ftn.

Appellate History & Procedure, 53

Apostles’ Creed, 63

Archeology, aid to research, 68, 71

Argument as to Jewish Trials, 51 ff

— as to Roman Trials, 62 ff

Assignment of Errors, defined, 10


Blackinton, Oliver, Esq., 7

Blackstone's Commentaries, 13, 14

Blasphemy, 42, 49, 56

Bowman, Rev. John Wick, 42

Breed, Rev. M. Edwards, 7, 42, 69


Caiaphas, 4, 44

Caiaphas’ Palace not proper meeting place, 40, 56

Chandler, W. M. Esq., cited, 41 ff

— discussed, 48, 62

Christ, as an Appellant, 39

Christianity a Revelation, not a religion, 6, 73

Citizenship, lesson in, 66

Commentaries, by Blackstone, 13, 14

Conant, Ernest Bancroft, Esq., 3, 63, 64, 69

Confucian Code, 69

Constitution of U. S., 13

Counsel, Jesus had no, 41, 58

Court Reporters in Sanhedrin, 15, 16, 48

Corpus Juris Civilis (Justinian), 63

Corpus Juris (Modern Legal Ency.), 38, 43

Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews (Mendelsohn), 43


Deutsch, The Talmud (Rabbi Emmanuel), 41

Dominion rule, Jerusalem by Rome, 52; compared with British Dominions, 52

"Double Jeopardy", 43

p. 88

Drucker, Rabbi A. P., cited, 40 ff, discussed, 47, 82

"Due Process of Law", 13, 42


Edersheim, Life & T. of Jesus, etc., 16, 40 ff

Edwards, Jonathan, 6

Errors, assignment of, 10; reversible, defined, 38; illus., 14; in trial of Christ, listed, 40 ff; discussed, 51 ff Exceptions to court rulings, explained, 39

Fourth Gospel, The—by Strachan, 41


Gaius, 68

Gamaliel, 70

Gospel Record of the Trials, quoted, 17 ff

— Matthew's, 17 ff

— Mark's, 22 ff

— Luke's, 26 ff

— John's, 31 ff

Government, function of earthly, 14

Hammurabi, Code of, 68

Herod, biog., 46; actions of, 50 ff


Isaiah's Prophecy fulfilled, (Is. 53), 76 ff


Jesus, had no counsel, 58

Jewish Law, 9

Jewish Trials of Christ, 51 ff

John's Gospel gives the Record, 17, 31 ff

Josephus, 41

Jurisdiction of Sanhedrin, 41 ff

Justinian Corpus Juris (Code), 63


Klausner, Rabbi Joseph, 52


Law and the Scriptures (book), 13

— Jewish, 9

— Roman, 9

— not a panacea for ills, 69

Lawyers in Sanhedrin, 59, 79 ff

— in New Testament, 79 ff

Life & Times of Jesus the M., see Edersheim

Luke's Gospel gives the Record, 17, 26 ff


Macartney, Rev. Clarence Edward, 4, 7, 12

Mark's Gospel, earliest 17, gives the Record, 17, 22 ff

p. 89

Matthew's Gospel gives the Record, 17 ff

Mendelsohn, Crim. Jur. of Anc. Hebrews, 43

Mischna, ftns., pp. 41 ff

Mosaic Law, 13

Moses, 45, 68


Numbers, 35:30 & "Due Process", 13


Paul, as a lawyer, 59, 70, 79 ff; quotes Roman L 82

Pilate, 5, biog. 46 ff, errors in trial, 63 ff

Pirke Aboth (Mischna), 41

Political Lessons from Trial of Christ, 66 ff

Process (of Court) Due Process, 13

— Illegal on sabbath, 5, 40, 54

— Illegal at night, 5, 40, 54

Prophecy of Isaiah (chap. 53) fulfilled, p. 75 ff


Record on Appeal (modern), 10; of trial of Christ, 17 ff; by Matthew, 17; by Mark, 22 ff; by Luke, 26 ff; by John, 31 ff

Redeemer, Christ as our, 73 ff

Religion, Christianity not, 6, 73

Reporters, in Court, 15, 16

Revelation not a religion, 6, 73

Reversible Error defined, 38; illustrated, 14; in trial of Christ listed, 40; discussed, 60 ff, 64 ff

Rimmer, Rev. Harry, 16, 71

Rollins, Senator J. M., Esq., 7, 39; discussed 62 ff

— Myrt A., Jr., Esq., 7, 39

Roman Law, 9, 43, 63, 82

Roman Trial of Christ, 62 ff

Salvanus, 65

Sanhedrin, 5, 40, 41; Court reporters in, 16; jurisdiction of, 41, 48, 52, 53; lawyers in, 59, 79 ff; verdict of as illegal, 40, 60

Scope of this book, 9

Self Incrimination, law of, 40, 42, 43, 55 ff

Stone Age to Christianity (book) cited, 16


Tacitus, 47, 63

Talmud, 41 ff

Technicalities defined and discussed, 15, 67 ff

Ten Commandments, mentioned, in modern law, 68

p. 90

Trials of Christ, six in twelve hours, 4; chronology, 47 ff; errors in, 40 ff; Jewish, 51 ff; Roman, 62 ff; fulfills Prophecy, 76 ff

Trials should be public, 42

Trials of Great Men of the Bible (book), 13

Trial of Jesus from Jewish Sources (Drucker), 40 ff

Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's Standpoint (Chandler), 40 ff

Twelve Tables (of Roman Law), 43, 63, 64, 65


United States Constitution, 13, 42, 43 ff, 55

Unanimous Verdict illegal in Sanhedrin, 53, 60


Verdict of Sanhedrin, illegal, 43, 53, 60

Voices from the Silent Centuries (Rimmer), 16, 71


White, The Law in the Scriptures, 13

Wigmore, A Panorama &c., 16, 68; Laws Evidence, 55

Witnesses, false 23, 41 ff; "warned" in capital cases, 42

Writing, history of, 14




87:* Biblical quotations are not indexed.