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Shakespearean plays

This list contains the abbreviated forms used in the OED for the titles of Shakespeare's plays.

All's Well All's Well that Ends Well
Ant. & Cl. Antony and Cleopatra
A.Y.L. As you Like It
Com. Err. Comedy of Errors
Cor. Coriolanus
Coriol. Coriolanus
Cymb. Cymbeline
Ham. Hamlet
Haml. Hamlet
1 Hen. IV 1 Henry IV
2 Hen. IV 2 Henry IV
Hen. V Henry V
1 Hen. VI 1 Henry VI
2 Hen. VI 2 Henry VI
3 Hen. VI 3 Henry VI
Hen. VIII Henry VIII
John King John
Jul. C. Julius Caesar
Lear King Lear
L.L.L. Love's Labour's Lost
Macb. Macbeth
Meas. for M. Measure for Measure
Merch. V. Merchant of Venice
Merry W. Merry Wives of Windsor
Mids. N. A Midsummer Night's Dream
Mids. N.D. A Midsummer Night's Dream
Much Ado Much Ado about Nothing
Oth. Othello
Per. Pericles
Rich. II Richard II
Rich. III Richard III
Rom. & Jul. Romeo and Juliet
Tam. Shr. Taming of the Shrew
Temp. Tempest
Timon Timon of Athens
Tit. A. Titus Andronicus
Tr. & Cr. Troilus and Cressida
Twel. N. Twelfth Night
Two Gent. Two Gentlemen of Verona
Wint. T. Winter's Tale

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