About the Appropriate Technology Sourcebook and the AT Library
The Appropriate Technology Sourcebook by Ken Darrow and Mike Saxenian reviews 1,150 publications from international and U.S. sources, covering small water supply systems, renewable energy devices such as water mills and improved cook stoves, agricultural tools and implements, intensive gardening, conformal education, small business management, transportation, small industries and other topics.
This book can also be used as an index to the Appropriate Technology Library, a complete low-cost library that contains most of the book reviewed here. The disk and file numbers after the title of each of the books in the Sourcebook refer to the corresponding file or microfiche in the AT Library.
The Appropriate Technology Library contains the complete text and images from 1,050 of the best books on all areas of village-level and do-it-yourself technologies...over 150,000 pages! In use in over 130 countries by Peace Corps Volunteers, development and relief organizations, and engineers, the Appropriate Technology library is the most comprehensive, compact, and cost effective information resource in the world!
To order the AT Library please visit our website at www.villageearth.org or call 1-800-648-8043.