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[DIR]Parent Directory -
[SND]3-09 The Differences Between Needs And Strategies.m4a4.5M
[SND]9-05 Why We Don't Express Gratitude.m4a4.5M
[SND]6-03 Seeing A Person, Not A Title.m4a4.7M
[SND]4-03 What Empathy Isn't.m4a4.7M
[SND]2-02 Four friends_ Anger, depression, guilt, and shame.m4a4.8M
[SND]2-04 Developing a language of life.m4a5.0M
[SND]4-07 The Need Behind The _No_.m4a5.0M
[SND]1-04 Contributing to life.m4a5.3M
[SND]2-07 A language of life.m4a5.3M
[SND]5-05 The Need Behind The Strategy.m4a5.3M
[SND]4-09 Too Many Words.m4a5.4M
[SND]6-02 Respect Of Authority Versus Fear Of Authority.m4a5.5M
[SND]5-03 Clarifying Responsibility.m4a5.5M
[SND]4-02 The Dynamics Of Empathy.m4a5.7M
[SND]3-03 Evaluating Without Criticism Or Blame.m4a5.7M
[SND]6-05 How Labels Affect Behavior.m4a6.0M
[SND]6-04 Seeing Children As Human Beings.m4a6.2M
[SND]9-02 Differentiating Gratitude From Praise And Compliments.m4a6.2M
[SND]1-07 Strategies to avoid.m4a6.2M
[SND]7-04 How self-judgment stimulates depression.m4a6.2M
[SND]1-02 The purpose of Nonviolent Communication.m4a6.7M
[SND]5-08 Expressing Ourselves Vulnerably.m4a6.7M
[SND]3-04 Connecting Our Feelings To Our Needs.m4a6.7M
[SND]8-06 Restoritive justice in action.m4a6.8M
[SND]1-03 How are we meant to live_.m4a6.8M
[SND]6-07 Standing Up To Authority.m4a6.8M
[SND]3-08 Destructive Strategies.m4a6.9M
[SND]6-08 Experiencing Ourselves Vulnerably Within Institutions.m4a6.9M
[SND]4-08 Connecting With The Life In Silence.m4a6.9M
[SND]4-05 What Empathy Is.m4a6.9M
[SND]1-08 Language that denies choice.m4a7.0M
[SND]3-07 Receiving Requests As A Gift.m4a7.1M
[SND]8-04 The protective use of force.m4a7.2M
[SND]6-06 Teaching Children To Maintain Their Integrity.m4a7.2M
[SND]7-06 Mediation between groups.m4a7.3M
[SND]5-02 Expressing Our Needs As A Gift.m4a7.3M
[SND]1-09 A map to the program.m4a7.4M
[SND]9-08 Gratitude At Work And Home.m4a7.5M
[SND]4-06 When Others Judge Us.m4a7.8M
[SND]3-02 A New Kind Of Honesty.m4a7.8M
[SND]1-06 A radical transformation of language.m4a7.8M
[SND]5-06 Communicating About Sexuality.m4a7.9M
[SND]3-06 Making Clear Requests.m4a8.0M
[SND]7-05 How empathy supports mediation.m4a8.2M
[SND]9-04 Grandma And Jesus.m4a8.4M
[SND]1-05 Expanding NVC.m4a8.4M
[SND]7-02 How empathy supports healing.m4a8.4M
[SND]2-09 Never give our power away to others.m4a8.8M
[SND]2-08 Self-forgiveness.m4a9.0M
[SND]6-09 When Authority Destroys Creativity.m4a9.1M
[SND]4-10 Responding Empathically.m4a9.2M
[SND]7-07 How empathy supports reconciliation.m4a9.3M
[SND]5-07 Stereotypes And Intimacy.m4a9.4M
[SND]2-06 How self-judgements create depression.m4a9.5M
[SND]7-03 Role play demostrating empathy.m4a9.5M
[SND]2-05 Learning from our mistakes without losing self-respect.m4a9.7M
[SND]8-05 Despair work.m4a9.7M
[SND]2-03 Coming back to life when angry.m4a9.8M
[SND]4-04 Connecting In The Now.m4a 10M
[SND]9-07 Creating The Space For Gratitude.m4a 10M
[SND]5-04 Learining To Say No.m4a 11M
[SND]8-03 Making requests in a powerful way.m4a 11M
[SND]8-02 Transforming domination structures.m4a 11M
[SND]9-03 Expressing Gratitude.m4a 11M
[SND]3-05 Basic Human Needs.m4a 12M
[SND]9-06 Receiving Gratitude.m4a 12M