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[IMG]A. Iske J. Levesley (ed.). Algorithms for Approximation (Sp.djvu2.7M
[IMG]Aaronson J. An Introduction to Infinite Ergodic Theory (AMS.djvu5.6M
[IMG]Abell, Braselton. Differential Equations with Mathematica (.djvu7.0M
[IMG]Abraham R., Marsden J.E. Foundations of Mechanics (2ed., AW.djvu8.9M
[IMG]Abramowitz M., Stegun I.A. (eds.) Handbook of Mathematical .djvu 15M
[IMG]Aczel J. Lectures on Functional Equations & their Applicati.djvu5.0M
[IMG]Adams, Smith, Vyborny. Introduction to Mathematics with Map.djvu3.0M
[IMG]Adams J.F. Lectures on Exceptional Lie Groups (Chicago Lect.djvu873K
[IMG]Adams N. (ed.) Methods & Models in Statistics (WSP, 2004)(2.djvu1.8M
[IMG]Adams R.A. Sobolev Spaces (AP, 1975)(600dpi)(T)(278s).djvu8.0M
[IMG]Addison P.S. Fractals & Chaos. An Illustrated Course (IOP, .djvu4.9M
[IMG]Adhikari S.K. Variational Principles & the Numerical Soluti.djvu1.9M
[IMG]Adler A., Coury J. The Theory of Numbers. A Text & Source B.djvu3.1M
[IMG]Adler R.J. Geometry of Random Fields (Wiley, 1981)(290s).djvu2.6M
[IMG]Afraimovich, Hsu. Lectures on Chaotic Dynamical Systems (AM.djvu3.8M
[IMG]Agrachev A.A., Sachkov Yu.L. Control Theory from the Geomet.djvu1.9M
[IMG]Agresti A. Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis (Wiley.djvu2.9M
[IMG]Aguilar M., Gitler S., Prieto C. Algebraic Topology from a .djvu2.3M
[IMG]Ahlfors L.V. Complex Analysis (2ed., MGH, 1966)(400dpi)(KA).djvu3.3M
[IMG]Ahlfors L.V. Complex Analysis (3ed., MGH, 1979)(KA)(100dpi).djvu5.6M
[IMG]Ahlfors L.V. Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings (Van Nostr.djvu854K
[IMG]Aitken A. Statistical Mathematics (5ed., Interscience, 1947.djvu5.2M
[IMG]Akhiezer N.I., Glazman I.M. Theory of Linear Operators in H.djvu3.6M
[IMG]Akivis M.A., Goldberg V.V. Projective Differential Geometry.djvu4.5M
[IMG]Alekseev V.B. Abel's Theorem in Problems & Solutions (Kluwe.djvu2.3M
[IMG]Alexandroff. Elementary concepts in Topology (1932)(T)(62s).djvu420K
[IMG]Alexandrov A.D., Reshetnyak Yu.G. General Theory of Irregul.djvu3.6M
[IMG]Alexandrov A.D., Zalgaller V.A. Intrinsic Geometry of Surfa.djvu2.9M
[IMG]Allen, Tildesley. Computer Simulation of Liquids (1987)(400.djvu4.0M
[IMG]Alley M. The Craft of Scientific Presentations (Springer, 2.djvu2.5M
[IMG]Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. Automatic Sequences. Theory, App.djvu8.7M
[IMG]Alon N., Spencer J. The Probabilistic Method (2nd ed. Wiley.djvu2.6M
[IMG]Altman A., Kleiman S. Introduction to Grothendieck Duality .djvu1.0M
[IMG]Análisis Matemático - Vol. 1 (Rey Pastor, Pi Calleja y A. .djvu 0
[IMG]Anastassiou G. Handbook of Analytic-Computational Methods i.djvu1.4M
[IMG]Ancona V., Vaillant J. (eds.) Hyperbolic Differential Opera.djvu4.0M
[IMG]Anderson D.A. Factorization in Integral Domains (M.Dekker, .djvu3.1M
[IMG]Anderson F.W., Fuller K.R. Rings & Categories of Modules (2.djvu4.9M
[IMG]Anderson J.D.Jr. Computational Fluid Dynamics. The Basics w.djvu6.7M
[IMG]Andersson M., Passare M., Sigurdsson R. Complex Convexity &.djvu2.2M
[IMG]Andrews G.E., Askey R., Roy R. Special Functions (CUP 1999).djvu4.1M
[IMG]Andrews G.E. Number Theory (Saunders, 1971)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(.djvu1.8M
[IMG]Andrews G.E. The Theory of Partitions (Enc.Math.Appl. 2, AW.djvu1.5M
[IMG]Andrzejewski R., Awrejcewicz J. Nonlinear Dynamics of a Whe.djvu3.6M
[IMG]Apostol T.M. Calculus & Linear Algebra. Vol. 1 (2ed., Wiley.djvu7.1M
[IMG]Apostol T.M. Calculus & Linear Algebra. Vol. 2 (Wiley, 1969.djvu6.4M
[IMG]Apostol T.M. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory (Spring.djvu2.7M
[IMG]Apostol T.M. Modular Functions & Dirichlet Series in Number.djvu2.3M
[IMG]Arbarello, Cornalba, Griffiths, Harris. Geometry of Algebra.djvu4.8M
[IMG]Arcangeli R., et al. Multidimensional Minimizing Splines. T.djvu4.9M
[IMG]Ardema M. Analytical Dynamics. Theory & Applications (Kluwe.djvu1.6M
[IMG]Ardema M. Newton-Euler Dynamics (Springer, 2005)(324s).djvu1.5M
[IMG]Arfken G.B., Weber H.J. Mathematical Methods for Physicists.djvu8.1M
[IMG]Argyris J., Faust G., Haase M. An Exploration of Chaos (Nor.djvu7.7M
[IMG]Aris R Vectors, Tensors & the Basic Equations Of Fluid Mech.djvu2.5M
[IMG]Ariyur K.B., Krstic M. Real-Time Optimization by Extremum-S.djvu1.6M
[IMG]Arnold V., Khezin B. Topological Methods in Hydrodynamics (.djvu3.4M
[IMG]Arnold V.I. Lectures on Partial Differential Equations (Spr.djvu1.7M
[IMG]Arnold V.I. The Theory of Singularities & its Applications .djvu808K
[IMG]Arscott F.M. Periodic Differential Equations (Pergamon, 196.djvu2.7M
[IMG]Artin E. Galois Theory (2ed., 1944)(200dpi)(T)(86s).djvu546K
[IMG]Artin E. The Gamma Function (1931)(23s).djvu413K
[IMG]Artin M. Algebra (PH, 1991)(633s).djvu 0
[IMG]Artin M. Lectures on Deformations of Singularities (Tata Le.djvu1.5M
[IMG]Arveson W. A Short Course on Spectral Theory (Springer, 200.djvu4.3M
[IMG]Arveson W. An Invitation to C-algebras (Springer, 1976)(116.djvu1.1M
[IMG]Arveson W. Ten Lectures on Operator Algebras (AMS, 1984)(10.djvu1.3M
[IMG]Arvo J. (ed.) Graphics Gems, vol. 2 (AP, 1995)(492s).djvu3.7M
[IMG]Askey R. Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions (SIAM.djvu1.0M
[IMG]Athreya K.B., Ney P.E. Branching Processes (Springer, 1972).djvu2.3M
[IMG]Atiyah, Macdonald. Introduction to Commutative Algebra (196.djvu1.6M
[IMG]Atiyah M., et al. Representation Theory of Lie Groups (Proc.djvu2.3M
[IMG]Atiyah M.F., Bott R., Shapiro A. Clifford Modules (1963)(36.djvu333K
[IMG]Atiyah M.F. Vector Bundles over an Elliptic Curve (1957)(40.djvu3.7M
[IMG]Atiyah M. Geometry of Yang-Mills Fields (Pisa, 1979)(100s).djvu741K
[IMG]Atiyah M. The Geometry & Physics of Knots (CUP, 1990)(84s).djvu368K
[IMG]Audin M. Lectures on Gauge Theory & Integrable Systems (199.djvu455K
[IMG]Audin M. The Topology of Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifo.djvu1.3M
[IMG]Audin M. Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds (2ed, Birkha.djvu3.5M
[IMG]Auslander M., Reiten I., Smalo S.O. Representation Theory o.djvu3.6M
[IMG]Awrejcewicz, Andrianov, Mavenitch. Asymptotic Approaches in.djvu2.0M
[IMG]Awrejcewicz J., Krysko V. Introduction to Asymptotic Method.djvu2.2M
[IMG]Ayres F. Theory & Problems of Differential Equations (Schau.djvu2.4M
[IMG]Bach E., Shallit J. Algorithmic Number Theory, vol. 1. Effi.djvu7.1M
[IMG]Bachman G. Introduction to p-adic Numbers & Valuation Theor.djvu1.8M
[IMG]Baeza-Yates R., Glaz J., et al. (eds.) Recent Advances in A.djvu3.8M
[IMG]Bagrov V.G., Gitman D.M. Exact Solutions of Relativistic Wa.djvu2.1M
[IMG]Bailey W.N. Generalized Hypergeometric Series (1964)(L)(T)(.djvu1.3M
[IMG]Baker A. (ed.) New Advances in Transcendence Theory (Proc. .djvu3.3M
[IMG]Baker A. A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Numbers (C.djvu771K
[IMG]Baker A.L. Quaternions as the Result of Algebraic Operation.djvu666K
[IMG]Baker A. Transcendental Number Theory (CUP, 1975)(155s).djvu1.5M
[IMG]Baker G.A., Graves-Morris P. Pade Approximants, vol.1 (AW, .djvu2.1M
[IMG]Baker G.A., Graves-Morris P. Pade Approximants, vol.2 (AW, .djvu1.5M
[IMG]Baker G.A. Defects & Convergence of Pade Approximants. Revi.djvu1.5M
[IMG]Baker H.F. Introduction to Multiply Periodic Functions (CUP.djvu9.4M
[IMG]Baladi V. Positive Transfer Operators & Decay of Correlatio.djvu2.3M
[IMG]Balakrishnan N. A Primer on Statistical Distributions (Wile.djvu1.8M
[IMG]Balazs, Voros. Chaos on the Pseudosphere (PR143, 1986)(132s.djvu1.6M
[IMG]Balser W. From Divergent Series to Analytic Functions (LNM1.djvu672K
[IMG]Banach S. Mechanics (Warszawa, 1951)(271s).djvu8.8M
[IMG]Bandt, Graf, Zaehle (eds.). Fractal Geometry & Stochastics .djvu2.4M
[IMG]Bapat R.B., Raghavan T.E.S. Nonnegative Matrices & Applicat.djvu2.3M
[IMG]Barbeau E.J. Polynomials. A Problem Book (Springer, 1989)(4.djvu3.2M
[IMG]Barnsley M. Fractals Everywhere (AP, 1988)(KA)(T)(426s).djvu6.2M
[IMG]Barrow. Chaotic Behavior in General Relativity (PR85p1, 198.djvu1.8M
[IMG]Barry, Davis. Essential Mathematical Skills for Engineering.djvu964K
[IMG]Bartels, Beatty, Barsky. Introduction to Splines in Compute.djvu5.5M
[IMG]Barth, Peters, Van de Ven. Compact Complex Surfaces (Spring.djvu3.0M
[IMG]Barthelemy J.-P., Guenoche A. Trees & Proximity Representat.djvu2.4M
[IMG]Bartle. Elements of Integration (69s).djvu1.3M
[IMG]Bartle. Elements of Real Analysis (Wiley, 1964)(462s).djvu5.4M
[IMG]Bartle R. Introduction to Measure Theory (Wiley, 1964)(138s.djvu1.1M
[IMG]Barwise J. (ed.) Handbook of Mathematical Logic (NH, 1977)(.djvu8.8M
[IMG]Bass H. (ed.) Classical Algebraic K-Theory (LNM 342, 1973)(.djvu3.7M
[IMG]Bass H. (ed.) Higher K-Theories (LNM 341, 1973)(346s).djvu3.0M
[IMG]Bass H., Buium A., Cassidy P.J. (eds.) Selected Works of El.djvu9.5M
[IMG]Bass H. Algebraic K-Theory (1968)(791s).djvu5.1M
[IMG]Basset A.B. A Treatise on the Geometry of Surfaces (1910)(3.djvu2.9M
[IMG]Bateman H. Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical P.djvu4.9M
[IMG]Bateman P., Diamond H. Analytic Number Theory. An Introduct.djvu2.5M
[IMG]Bates D.M., Watts D.G. Nonlinear Regression Analysis & its .djvu3.4M
[IMG]Bathe K.-J. Finite Element Procedures (PH, 1996)(1050s).djvu9.4M
[IMG]Beardon A.F. Iteration of Rational Functions (Springer, 200.djvu1.9M
[IMG]Beauville A. Complex Algebraic Surfaces (CUP, 1996)(73s).djvu1.2M
[IMG]Bechtell. Theory of Groups (AW, 1971)(156s).djvu6.5M
[IMG]Becker E., Carey G., Oden J. Finite Elements. An Introducti.djvu3.4M
[IMG]Becker T., Weispfenning V. Groebner Bases & Commutative Alg.djvu7.1M
[IMG]Behnke H., et al. Fundamentals of Mathematics, vol.1. Real N.djv4.0M
[IMG]Behnke H., et al. Fundamentals of Mathematics, vol.2. Geome.djvu5.1M
[IMG]Behnke H., et al. Fundamentals of Mathematics, vol.3. Analy.djvu3.7M
[IMG]Beidar K.I., Martindale W.S., Mikhalev A.V. Rings with Gene.djvu4.0M
[IMG]Bell W.W. Special Functions for Scientists & Engineers (Van.djvu2.1M
[IMG]Bellman R., Cooke K.L. Differential-difference Equations (A.djvu3.6M
[IMG]Bellman R., Kalaba R. Quasilinearization & Nonlinear Bounda.djvu1.3M
[IMG]Bellman R. A Brief Introduction to Theta Functions (1961)(6.djvu771K
[IMG]Bellman R. Methods of Nonlinear Analysis, vol.1 (AP, 1970)(.djvu2.4M
[IMG]Bellman R. Methods of Nonlinear Analysis, vol.2 (AP, 1973)(.djvu1.8M
[IMG]Benabou J. Introduction to Bicategories (no TOC)(75s).djvu1.1M
[IMG]Bender C., Orszag S. Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scie.djvu7.8M
[IMG]Benes V., Rataj J. Stochastic Geometry. Selected Topics (Kl.djvu3.0M
[IMG]Bensoussan A., Lions J.-L., Papanicolaou G. Asymptotic Anal.djvu3.6M
[IMG]Berezin F.A., Shubin M.A. The Schroedinger Equation (Kluwer.djvu2.0M
[IMG]Berg H.C. Random Walks in Biology (Princeton, 1993)(133s).djvu1.1M
[IMG]Berge C. Graphs & Hypergraphs (NH, 1973)(546s).djvu5.0M
[IMG]Berge C. Graphs (3ed., North-Holland, 1991)(424s).djvu3.4M
[IMG]Berger, Pansu, Berry, Saint-Raymond. Problems in Geometry (.djvu3.0M
[IMG]Berger M. A Panoramic View of Riemannian Geometry (Springer.djvu6.1M
[IMG]Bergman S. The Kernel Function and Conformal Mapping (AMS, .djvu3.5M
[IMG]Berlekamp, Rodgers. Mathematician & Pied Puzzler. Tribute t.djvu1.5M
[IMG]Berline N., Getzler E., Vergne M. Heat Kernels & Dirac Oper.djvu3.9M
[IMG]Berman G., Fryer K.D. Introduction to Combinatorics (Academ.djvu2.0M
[IMG]Berndt B.C., Evans R.J., Williams K.S. Gauss & Jacobi Sums .djvu5.5M
[IMG]Berndt B. Ramanujan's Notebooks vol 1 (Springer, 1985)(367s.djvu2.4M
[IMG]Bernstein J., Lunts V. Equivariant Sheaves & Functors (Spri.djvu1.3M
[IMG]Berthelot P., Ogus A. Notes on Crystalline Cohomology (Prin.djvu1.9M
[IMG]Bertram, Constanda, Struthers (eds.). Integral Methods in S.djvu3.1M
[IMG]Besicovitch A.S. Almost Periodic Functions (Dover, 1954)(19.djvu1.5M
[IMG]Bessaga C., Pelczynski A. Selected Topics in Infinite-dimen.djvu5.6M
[IMG]Bethuel F., et al. Calculus of Variations & Geometric Evolu.djvu3.8M
[IMG]Bhatti M.A. Practical Optimization Methods with Mathematica.djvu6.1M