1.7 Dispatching Using a Dictionary
Credit: Dick Wall
1.7.1 Problem
need to execute appropriate pieces of
code in correspondence with the value of some control
variable—the kind of problem that in some other languages you
might approach with a
switch, or select statement.
1.7.2 Solution
Object-oriented programming, thanks to its elegant concept of
dispatching, does away with many (but not all) such needs. But
dictionaries, and the fact that in Python functions are first-class
values (in particular, they can be values in a dictionary), conspire
to make the problem quite easy to solve:
animals = []
number_of_felines = 0
def deal_with_a_cat( ):
global number_of_felines
print "meow"
number_of_felines += 1
def deal_with_a_dog( ):
print "bark"
def deal_with_a_bear( ):
print "watch out for the *HUG*!"
tokenDict = {
"cat": deal_with_a_cat,
"dog": deal_with_a_dog,
"bear": deal_with_a_bear,
# Simulate, say, some words read from a file
words = ["cat", "bear", "cat", "dog"]
for word in words:
# Look up the function to call for each word, then call it
functionToCall = tokenDict[word]
functionToCall( )
# You could also do it in one step, tokenDict[word]( )
1.7.3 Discussion
The basic idea behind this recipe is to construct a dictionary with
string (or other) keys and with bound methods, functions, or other
callables as values. During execution, at each step, use the string
keys to select which method or function to execute. This can be used,
for example, for simple parsing of tokens from a file through a kind
of generalized case statement.
It's embarrassingly simple, but I use this technique
often. Instead of functions, you can also use bound methods (such as
self.method1) or other callables. If you use
unbound methods (such as class.method), you need
to pass an appropriate object as the first actual argument when you
do call them. More generally, you can also store tuples, including
both callables and arguments, as the dictionary's
values, with diverse possibilities.
I primarily use this in places where in other languages I might want
a case, switch, or
select statement. I also use it to provide a poor
man's way to parse command files (e.g., an X10 macro
control file).
1.7.4 See Also
The Library Reference section on mapping types;
the Reference Manual section on bound and
unbound methods.