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11.6 Reseeding a Pseudo-Random Number Generator

11.6.1 Problem

You have an application-level pseudo-random number generator such as the ones presented in Recipe 11.5, and you want to reseed it, either because you have new entropy to mix in or because you would like to prevent against backtracking attacks.

11.6.2 Solution

Create a new seed by getting a sufficient number of bytes from the generator to seed the generator. If mixing in entropy, compress the entropy down to the seed size if necessary, as discussed in Recipe 11.16, then XOR the compressed seed with the generator output. Finally, reseed the generator with the resulting value.

11.6.3 Discussion

There are two common reasons why you may want to reseed a PRNG. First, your threat model may include the possibility of the internal state of your PRNG being compromised, and you want to prevent against an attacker's being able to figure out numbers that were output before the state compromise. Reseeding, if done right, essentially transforms the internal state in a way that preserves entropy while making it essentially impossible to backtrack. Protecting against backtracking attacks can be done cheaply enough, so there is no excuse for not doing it.

Second, you may want to add entropy into the state. This could serve a number of purposes. For example, you might want to add entropy to the system. Remember, however, that cryptographic generators have a maximum amount of entropy they can contain, so adding entropy to a generator state can look unnecessary.

When available, however, reseeding with entropy is a good conservative measure, for several reasons. For one reason, if you have underestimated the amount of entropy that a generator has, adding entropy is a good thing. For another, if the generator has lost any entropy, new entropy can help replenish it. Such entropy loss is natural because cryptographic algorithms are not as good as their theoretical ideals. In addition, because we generally do not know the exact strength of our algorithms, it is hard to determine how quickly entropy gets lost. (Note, however, that if the algorithms are as strong as believed, it should be quite slowly.)

While a generator based on AES or HMAC-SHA1, implemented as discussed in Recipe 11.5, probably never loses more than a miniscule amount of entropy before 264 outputs, it is always good to be conservative and assume that it drains quickly, particularly if you have entropy to spare.

When adding entropy to a system, it is best to collect a lot of entropy and seed all at once, instead of seeding a little bit at a time. We will illustrate why by example. Suppose you seed a generator with one bit of entropy. An attacker has only one bit to guess, which can be done accurately after two outputs. If the attacker completely compromises the state after two outputs, and we then add another bit of entropy, he can once again guess the state easily.

If we add one bit 128 times, there is still very little security overall if the generator state is compromised. However, if you add 128 bits of entropy to the generator all at once, an attack should essentially be infeasible.

The actions you should take to reseed a generator are different depending on whether you are actually adding entropy to the state of the generator or just trying to thwart a backtracking attack. However, the first step is the same in both cases.

  1. Figure out how big a seed you need. At the very least, you need a seed that is as many bits in length as bits of entropy you think are in the generator. Generally, this will be at least as large as the key size of the underlying primitive (or the output size when using a one-way hash function instead of a cipher).

  2. If you need to introduce new entropy, properly compress the data containing entropy. In particular, you must transform the data into a seed of the proper size, with minimal loss of entropy. One easy way to do that is to process the string with a cryptographic hash function (truncating the hash output to the desired length, if necessary). Then XOR the compressed entropy with the seed output by the generator.

  3. Take the value and use it to reseed the generator. If you are using a counter-based generator, you can either reset the counter or choose not to do so. In fact, it is preferable to take a bit of extra output from the generator so that the counter can be set to a random value.

For example, using the block cipher-based PRNG from Recipe 11.5, here is a function that reseeds the generator, given new, uncompressed data containing entropy:

void spc_bcprng_reseed(SPC_BCPRNG_CTX *prng, unsigned char *new_data, size_t l) {
  size_t        i;
  unsigned char m[SPC_MAX_KEYLEN + SPC_BLOCK_SZ];
  if (prng->kl > SPC_MAX_KEYLEN) prng->kl = SPC_MAX_KEYLEN;
  spc_bcprng_rand(prng, m, prng->kl + SPC_BLOCK_SZ);
  while (l > prng->kl) {
    for (i = 0;  i < prng->kl;  i++) m[i] ^= *new_data++;
    l -= prng->kl;
    spc_bcprng_init(prng, m, prng->kl, m + prng->kl, SPC_BLOCK_SZ);
    spc_bcprng_rand(prng, m, prng->kl + SPC_BLOCK_SZ);
  for (i = 0;  i <l;  i++) m[i] ^= *new_data++;
  spc_bcprng_init(prng, m, prng->kl, m + prng->kl, SPC_BLOCK_SZ);

To handle compression of the data that contains entropy, we avoid using a hash function. Instead, we break the data up into chunks no larger than the required seed size, and reseed multiple times until we have run out of data. This is an entropy-preserving way of processing the data that does not require the use of a cryptographic hash function.

11.6.4 See Also

Recipe 11.5, Recipe 11.16

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