25.3 Combining VBScript and HTML
HTML pages are written as text files
in the same way as VBScripts. HTML pages display information
according to a series of tags, which you use to turn certain
formatting on and off. The tags you normally use to construct a basic
page look like this:
<TITLE>Hello World Page</TITLE>
Hello World
<P>Hello again
The <HTML> tag denotes it as an HTML document. The <HEAD>
and </HEAD> pair denote everything within those tags as
belonging to the header description part of the document. The
<TITLE> tag denotes the start of the page title and
</TITLE> turns it off again. The <BODY> tag denotes the
main part of the page, which contains a simple text string, a newline
or paragraph marker <P>, and then another line of text. This is
the bare bones of writing HTML documents. You can create lists, set
colors, make and populate tables, display images, and so on. However,
you do not need to go into all of that to demonstrate incorporating
ADSI VBScripts into HTML pages. You only need to be aware of the
following major sets of tags: <FORM> . . . </FORM>,
<OBJECT> . . . </OBJECT>, <% . . . %>, and
<SCRIPT> . . . </SCRIPT>.
25.3.1 Incorporating Scripts into Active Server Pages
Two sorts of scripts can be created
within ASPs: client-side scripts and
server-side scripts. Client-side scripting is used to access all the
objects in a web page (e.g., text, images, tags), browser objects
(e.g., frames, windows), and local ActiveX components. Server-side
scripting is used to create a web page dynamically via parameters,
forms, and code that is then passed to a browser.
Because the two types of scripts are executed at different locations,
each has a separate set of interfaces. You place your ADSI scripts in
server-side scripting, not client-side scripting.
We'll go through the major differences now so that
you will be less likely to make annoying mistakes. Client-side scripting
use the <SCRIPT> tags to add client-side VBScript code to an
HTML page. Whenever the browser encounters the tags, the enclosed
script is executed as if it were being issued from the client. You
can use blocks of scripting in both the BODY and HEAD sections of an
ASP if you want to. If you put your code in the HEAD section, it will
be read and executed before any item in the BODY section is accessed.
As an example, here is a procedure to display a line of text:
Document.Write "This is a line of text<P>"
The LANGUAGE attribute indicates that this is VBScript rather than
one of the other languages. As this is not running under the WSH, you
do not have a VBS or JS extension to denote the language. The
Document::Write method writes the line to the
web page. It is only one of a number of properties and methods from
interfaces available to you as an ASP developer. You also can use
MsgBox and InputBox within
client-side scripts.
The important thing about client-side scripts from this
chapter's point of view is that ADSI functions and
methods cannot be included in these scripts. This is an important
limitation, one that we will show you how to get around later. Server-side scripting
You also can use the SCRIPT tags to denote
scripting in ASPs. To distinguish server-side SCRIPT tags from
client-side tags, you use the RUNAT attribute as follows:
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Managers,ou=Sales," _
& "dc=mycorp,dc=com")
Response.Write objGroup.Description
The RUNAT="SERVER" tag is used as is. It does not require you to
substitute an actual server name.
Server-side scripting can also go in either the BODY or HEAD
sections. As you can see from the example, server-side scripting can
include ADSI calls without any problem. The Response::Write method is
used to write lines of text out to a page by code that is processed
on the web server. You cannot use Document::Write in server-side
scripts as the Document interface is unavailable to the server; it is
available only to the browser.
There is also another and more common short form to denote
server-side scripting, the <% . . .%> tags. Any code between
this set of tags is automatically treated as server-side scripting
code. Here is the previous example again, using these tags:
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Managers,ou=Sales," _
& "dc=mycorp,dc=com")
Response.Write objGroup.Description
Throughout the rest of the chapter, we will use the <%. . .%>
tags to indicate server- side scripting and the SCRIPT tag to
indicate client-side scripting. The <%. . .%> tags allow you to
create quite complex scripts that switch back and forth between HTML
on every line if you like. For example, here is a simple server-side
If myCondition = True Then
Response.Write "The Condition is TRUE<P>"
Response.Write "The Condition is FALSE<P>"
End If
Here is the same script again using the <%. . .%> tags more
heavily so that we can make use of HTML whenever we want to:
<% If myCondition = True Then %>
The Condition is TRUE<P>
<% Else %>
The Condition is FALSE<P>
<% End If %>
If you choose to use the <%. . .%> tags, you can change the
primary scripting language for a single page by adding a command line
to the beginning of your ASP. The syntax for this command is the
following if you are using JScript, VBScript, or any other language
that supports Object.Method syntax:
You should make this line the first line of the ASP and make sure
that you have a blank space between the @ character and the LANGUAGE
If you are writing ASPs using VBScript as your language, you can omit
this line from all your ASPs, as VBScript is set as the default
language anyway.
25.3.2 ActiveX Controls and ASPs
Anyone who has developed ASPs before or who
reads any ASP book will find out about embedding ActiveX controls
into web pages. The OBJECT tag is used to add extra functionality to
an HTML document by allowing the insertion of various ActiveX
controls onto web pages. Included in these are items such as buttons
you can press, drop-down list boxes from which you can select items,
text entry and display fields, and so on. When you insert an object
into your web page using the OBJECT tag, you can specify its initial
contents, its position, its caption, its color, and so on. Most
people who create web pages using ActiveX controls do not type all
this data in by hand. Instead, developers normally use a tool to
select from the available options when creating the tag.
If you want to buy a tool, you could use Microsoft FrontPage, which
was designed for people who are not used to scripting and would
prefer an Office-type interface. Alternatively, you could use
Microsoft InterDev, which was designed to have the same interface as
all of Microsoft's other development products, such
as VB. Various other free web-development tools also exist that will
insert these tags. Here is the clickable code for a command button in
a web page:
<TITLE>Simple Command Button</TITLE>
<OBJECT ID="CommandButton1" WIDTH=93 HEIGHT=33
<PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="2147483670">
<PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="2147483668">
<PARAM NAME="VariousPropertyBits" VALUE="23">
<PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="Click me!">
<PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="2469;882">
<PARAM NAME="MousePointer" VALUE="1">
<PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2">
<PARAM NAME="ParagraphAlign" VALUE="3">
<PARAM NAME="FontWeight" VALUE="0">
ActiveX controls are very useful, but they do have their limits with
respect to ADSI. For example, the object specified in the preceding
script is a client-side ActiveX control. If you wanted to attach an
event to it, say a procedure that is executed when the button is
pressed, you couldn't use ADSI code within that
procedure. For example, while this looks like great code, it will not
Sub CommandButton1_Click( )
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Managers,ou=Sales," _
& "dc=mycorp,dc=com")
Document.Write objGroup.Description
You can, however, easily populate list boxes and other controls with
the results of ADSI calls. This is great for display purposes, but
you can't manipulate the contents.
Let's lay out an example to show you the problem.
Let's say that we have an ASP with two list box
ActiveX controls. When the page is loaded, we can trigger the
population of the first list box with all the users in Active
Directory. We can do the same for the second list box with all the
groups in Active Directory. We now can click and select values from
each of the list boxes, although nothing happens when we do so. Now
we need to add a command button ActiveX control to the ASP. We wish
to attach an event to that button so that an ADSI call is made that
attempts to add the user to the group and print out the result.
Unfortunately, we can't do that, since the ActiveX
control event procedure is client-side and ADSI code must be
While ActiveX controls may be very powerful, they
can't incorporate ADSI directly from triggered
25.3.3 Forms
If ActiveX control events are not available, you can use
HTML forms to create simple ASPs. Here is an example:
<FORM ACTION = "simple_form_demo.asp" METHOD = "POST">
<P>A simple input field: <INPUT NAME = "myfield1" SIZE = 48>
<P>Here is a list of all the users in the default Users container:
<SELECT NAME = "user">
<% Set objUsers = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Users,dc=mycorp,dc=com")
For Each objObject in objUsers
If objObject.Class = "user" Then %>
<OPTION><% = objObject.Name %>
<% End If
Next %>
This form incorporates an alphanumeric input field, a list box
populated by users from the default Users container and a button
labeled Submit Query. The list box is populated via the OPTION tag
between a <SELECT>. . .</SELECT> tag pair. Clever use of
server-side scripts here between the SELECT tag pair means that you
can populate the list box using ADSI calls.
More importantly, once the form is submitted, server-side scripts can
retrieve the values typed into the input fields by passing the name
of the form to the Request::Form method. If the
previous form were submitted, you could retrieve the value selected
in the list box by using the following code:
One important point needs noting here. It is possible to attach
scripts to form-field events, such as clicking a button or tabbing
out of a field. Unfortunately, as the form is client-side, the script
attached to the event has to be client-side. That precludes the use
of ADSI in these sorts of scripts. Here is an example:
<TITLE>Display Description</TITLE>
<FORM NAME="Form1">
<INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="Button1" VALUE="Click me for Description!">
<SCRIPT FOR="Button1" EVENT="onClick" LANGUAGE="VBScript">
MsgBox "Clicked!"
Since the scripts are only client-side we will not be using these
types of scripts within this chapter.