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p. 457 p. 458


A. A. A., Kabalistic, 199


Abdallah, the Magian, 412

Abgarus, Christ's letter to, 317

ABRACADABRA, origin of, 316

Abraxas as Phœbus, 103

------, explained, 117

------, the Sun-god, 117

------, etymology of, 251

------ Religion, 257

------ Religion defined, 257

------, meaning of, 259

------, curious type of, 328

------ figure, first mention of, 111

------ -gems, the true, 245

------ gem-legends, 247

------ -gems, how used, 274

------ -gems, materials and art of, 274

------ -god, described, 250

Abraxaster-gems, 226

Abraxoids, 237

Abraham, statue of, 161

Abrak, the Mystery of, 317

Achamoth, Wisdom, 330

Achoreus, 322

Adad, the Sun, 161

Adam, Book of, 4, 415

------ -Kadmon, 34

------ -Kadmon typified, 233

Added talismanic legends, 277

Adonai, Adonis, 296

Adoneus, 'the Invisible,' 297

AΕ.I.O.U., Austrian version of, 234

Æneas, his funeral sacrifice, 367

Æons, Simon's, 67

------, whence derived, 260

------, list of the, 263

------, male and female, 263

------, seals and numbers of the, 331

------, addresses of the Soul to the, 332

------, pictures of the, 363

Æsculapius, 177

------, the Sun, 177

Agathodæmon Serpent, 215

AGATHODÆMON, legend, 216

Agathodæmon gems, examples, 296

Ahriman, Evil, 132

Akbar, his religion, 416

Alabarches, 27

Albigenses, their creed, 340

------, last traces of the, 399

Alexamenos, graffito of, 230

Alexandria, the Serapis of, 159

Allah, sigla for, 10

Alleius Caronius, spell of, 223

Alphabetical names, 311

'Amen,' why used in prayer, 267

Amenti, the-Four,  106

ΑΜΗΝ, the Three, 147

Ammian, upon the Magi, 272

Amor, how adopted, 234

Amshaspands, the Seven, 140

Amyclae, Apollo of, 298

Andrew, and the Rosy Cross, 394

Andrew, Revelation to St., 341

Angel-worship, 344

Angels' Names, talisman, 193

------, planetary, 344

Antigonus Gonatas, his treaty with Asoka, 51

Anubis, with two faces, 110

------, with triple head, 293

------ -Christus, 230

------ -Christus, figure of, 279

------ -Typhon, 302

Apis-bulls, catacombs of the, 164

Apollo, with talismanic legend, 302

Apollonius of Tyana, 53

Apsethus and the parrots, 58

Apuleius, 110

------, 'De Magia,' 283

Arabic terms in mediæval art, 418

Archon, the Second, 77

------, Demiurgus, 81

'Archons of the Great Fate,' 352

Aristotle, copied by Basilides, 70

Ark of the Covenant, 7

Artemis of Pallene, 167

Arthur's Oon, 136

A.S. the Rosicrucian, 315

Asceticism, why enjoined, 419

Asoka's Edicts, 51

Assassins, the sect of, 410

------, their Degrees, ib.

------, grades of, 411

'Assembly,' Masonic, 378

Ass-headed deity, 230

Astrology, in Rome, 227

Assumption of deities’ forms, 365

Athelstan, first Saxon builder, 383

Athelstans’ Constitutions, 381

ΑΓΙΟΝ ΟΝΟΜΑ, gem-legend, 172

Augustine, a Manichæan, 48

AUM, symbolism of, 266

------ or OM, 266

------, virtues of its use, 267

------, type of the Trinity, 320

Avila, bishopric of, 339

Ἀχθαναβάς, place of torment, 355

BABYLONIAN characters used in talismans, 368

Babylonii numeri, 368-69

Bacchic serpent, 323

Bacchus, the sun-god, 322

------, god of the Jews, 323

Bacon's 'House of Wisdom,' 398

Balsamus, Barbelus, 259

Balaam's sacrifices, 442

Bambino, il santissimo, 336

'Baphomet' of the Templars, 235

Baphometic figures, 403

------ Tablets, 383

'Baphometicum Mysterium,' 128

Barbelo, 259

------, 'Mother of the Saviour,' 333

Barruel, upon the Illuminati, 425, 426

Basilides, his system, 70, 257

Basilidan doctrine defined, 258

Bath, scroll found at, 360

B. C. D. L. M. N. S., 402

Belenus, 136

------, Gallic Sun-god, 136

Betulus, thunderbolt, 210

'Birth of the New Sun,' 366

'Birthday of Mithras,' 119

Blood-offerings to ghosts, 165

Boethius’ Arithmetic, 370

'Bologna, Scavi presso,' 428

Bouillon, Cardinal, 362

Boundary Spirit, the, 76

'------ Spirit,' Deus Terminus, 299

Boundless Power, 59

Bouteilles cemetery, 371

Brachmans, origin of, 272

Brandmarks, Mithraic, 139

Brazen Serpent, the, 218

'------ Serpent' whence derived, 3

'Bringer of luck, the,' 85

Bromius, how figured, 132

'Brother,' Masonic, 378

Buddha Gaya, inscription at, 269

Buddha's Foot, 270, 271

Buddhism described, 49

Buddhist missions, 51

------ symbols, 389

------ influence on Gnosticism, 390

Bulgarians, the sect, 409

Bull, Mithraic, 132

'Bulletin Monumental,' on Masons’ Marks, 383

Bulls, mummies of, 164

Burying-alive, penance, 154

Byzantine Gorgon-amulets, 169

CABIRI, copper of the, 89

Caduceus, its symbolism, 176

Camillus Leonardi, 338

Capricorn, 183

------, bearer of souls, 183

Carbonari, their origin, 391

Carnarvon, gold plaque found at, 339

Caste-marks, and various siglæ explained, 13, 14

------ diffusion of, 386

Catalogues of Gnostic gems, 278

Cave of Mithras, 136

Chain, Magic, 362

Chalice, Mithraic, 126

Charun, the Etruscan, 182, 187

Ceraunia, talismanic, 197

Chest-protector, 223

Chiflet's talisman, 290

Childeric, Tomb of, 194

Chinese symbols, 391

Christ, identified with Serapis, 161

Christ's person described, 162

Christmas day, how fixed, 120

Chrysocheir of Tephrice, 412

'Chnumis,' various spellings of, 216

Chnuphis, with mystic numeral, 340

------ gem-legends, 243

'Circle of the Sun,' 300

Clemens Alexandrinus, 257

Clemens and Basilides, 257

'Cleopatra, Death of,' 181

p. 459

Cnidus, Temple at, 360

Cochet, abbé, 371

Colic, amulet for the, 367

Collar of SS, its origin, 219

'College of Arabian Sages,' 394

Colossus of different metals, 163

Constancy, emblem of, 220

'Constitutiones Artis Geometricae,' 377

Continence, meritorious, 334, 335

'Corax' of Mithras, 126

Cow, type of Isis, 110

'Counterfeit of the Spirit,' 38

Crescent and seven stars, 318

Cross, Sign of the, 276

Crown of Mithras, 128

Crusades, their effect, 418

Cursing by the Name, 444

'------ Psalm,' the, 360

Cynocephalus, 108

Cypher of the Illuminati, 425

Cypselus, Coffer of, 183

Δ.Δ.Δ., 199

Δαίμων, Νοῦς, Ψυχή, 347


Dante's allotment of Heaven, 345

Dante's Charon, 188

Death, antique type of, 179

------, extinction of, 335

------, Grecian types of, 188

------, in ancient art, 179

'------, Spiritual,' what, 180

Decline, gems of the, 274

Deities represented by numerals, 307

Delphic Ε, the, 297

Demiurgus, how baffled, 330

'------, doing the work of the,' 334

Demons, Kabbalistic, 36

De Quincy, on the Rosicrucians, 393

Destructive Principle, 167

Deva, her symbol, 301

Devils, casting out of, 259

------, their various shapes, 357

Dextræ: Fede, 336

Diagramma of the Ophites, 332

ΔΙΚΑΙΩΣ, on a gem, 129

Dionysiac symbols in vase-painting, 427

Dis, the Roman, 187

Dis-pater, of Gaul, 164

Divining-rods of the Magi, 307

Docetae, illusionists, 261

------, typical, 109

------, of the Parsecs, 137

'Domine quo vadis,' Church of, 271

Donati, Oblati, 412

Donatist Confession of Faith, 316

Donner-keil, strahl-pfeil, 205

Draco, type of 'The good and Perfect Serpent,' 289.

'Dragon of the Outer Darkness,' 358

Dragon shaped, lion-shaped, demons, 357

Dream-bringing demons, 70

Dreams, caused by magic, 40

------, sold by Jews, 221

Druidical religion, 422

------ stone, with Caste-marks, 387

Druidism, invented in Britain, 421

Druids, put down by Tiberius, 421

Druses of Lebanon, 413

Dualism, Hindoo, 264

------ of deities, 264

Dolcino Fra, and Margarita, 68

Durga, of the Indians, 260

Δ.V.Χ, 256


Egg of the World, 367

Egyptian deities, list of, 105

------ sacred animals, 107

'------ Gospel of the,' 335


Eleazar, drives out devils, 280

Elements, Angels of the, 39

------, æons of the, 262

Elephanta, rock-temple of, 427

Elias, legend of, 334

Emanation, doctrine of, 92

'Emanations,' the Basilidan, 259

------, doctrine of, 259

------, the Five, their Coptic names, 313

Emesa, Temple of, 154

Empedocles quoted, 61

Enoch, Book of, 18

------, or the "Name," 253

Epiphanius, 13

Ephesus, School of, 7

'Ephesian Spell, The,' ib.

Epoptas, the Masonic, 426

Esoteric Mohammedanism, 415

Essenes, origin of the, 51

Evil Eye, talisman for, 256

------ ------, theory of the, 195

------ Spirits, origin of, 439

Eye-covered figure, 403

FABLES, Gnostic love of, 257

Faculties, whence derived, 346

p. 460

Fakir, badge of a, 390

Fate, office of, 350

Ferdinand of Naples, 392

Fermesse, emblem of, 219

'Fifteen Points,' Masonic, 379

Fire, amulet against, 422

------the First Principle, 69

Five, the sacred number, 299

'------words' on the vesture of Jesus, 308

Foot, carved on stone, 185

'------, the divine,' 270

------, winged, 271

Formulæ, Gnostic, 280

------, purpose of, 329

Forty-two a sacred number, 442

'Free and accepted,' 385

Freemasonry, antiquity of, 375

------, first established, 391

------, pretender founder of, 376

'Free-masons,' the real, 386

Freemasons, true origin of title, 391

Frog and serpent, symbolical, 36

Future punishments, 356

Fylfot, Swastika, 389

'GABES, the book of,' 343

Galen, upon the jasper, 219

------, upon demoniacal possession, 280

Gallic brand-marks, 428

------ coins with Tribal marks, 429

Garnet talisman, 289

'Gate of the Gods,' 346

Gaul, Gnosticism in, 338

Gayatris, quoted, 268

Geomancy, Arab, 305

Geometrical symbols for deities, 307

'Genealogy of Mary,' 231

Germanicus, bewitched, 358

Gitteh, 21

Gnosis, machinery of the, 104

------, the Jewish, 4

------, true aim of the, 333

Gnostic gems, lists of, 278

------ symbolism, preservation of, 375

Gnosticised types, 277

Gnosticism, beginnings of, 21

------, wide diffusion of, 337

Godhead, how constituted, 39

God's name, how expressed by the Egyptians, 319

Gold plaque, Carnarvon, 339

'Good one, the,' 354

Gorgon, an amulet, 169

Gorgon, original type of, 167

------, type of Death, 18

Gracchus destroys Cave of Mithras, 126

'Great Names,' the, 308

Gustavus Adolphus, chymic gold coins of, 396

Ha-Brachah, 'Abraxas,' 251

Hadrian, upon Serapis, 161

Harpies and Syrens, 189

Harpy, on tombs, 188

Heavens, the, 259, 365

Hebdomad of Basilides, 81

Hebrew terms used by Christians, 125

------ words, false use of, 88

------ words, use of, 285

Hecate, how invoked, 281

Helena, 'the Lost Sheep,' 68

------, made an idol, 70

Heliodorus, upon the Evil Eye, 195

Heliogabalus, 119

------, magic practices of, 226

Hell, description of, 356

------, gods of, 170

'Helmet of Adoneus,' 296

'------ of Hades,' 186

Henry III. employs Italian artists, 384

Henry VI. on Freemasonry, 376

Heracleonite passport to the moribund, 329

Hiero prohibits human sacrifices, 417

Hindoo deities, 264

------ dualistic deities, 264

------ symbols explained, 388

Hippolytus, on Basilides, 257

------, his Treatise, 11

Historians of Gnosticism, 11

'Holy Name,' Basilidan, 259

Homer, Ophite explanation of, 86

Hoop, type of Time, 179

Horapollo's 'Interpretation,' 108

Horse, symbolic, 185

Horus or Moses, 322

------, how adopted, 232

Hosea Lux, mystic book of, 397

Hours, Genii of the, 366

Human sacrifices, 226

------, Druidical, 421

IAO, his various titles, 326

Iao, the Lunar Genius, 332

Iaos, Autumnal Sun, 321

ΙΑΩ, the name explained, 319

Ibis, type of Moon, 107

p. 461

Idea, the Platonic, 34

Idol-worship, Gnostic, 70

Idols, wooden, of primitive Greece, 167

CΙΨ the Primal Man, 351

Ignorance, the god of, 261

ΙΗCΟVC, numerical value of, 255

Ildabaoth, demon, 357

------, son of Darkness, 37

Illuminati, grades of the, 425

Imprecations fixed on Temple-walls, 360

Incubi and Succubæ, 334

India, her connexion with Greece, 271

------, her influence upon Egypt, 320

------, primitive religion of, 272

------, source of the Magi, 272

------ visited by Greeks, 53

Indian sources of Gnosticism, 42

Ineffable Name, the, 266

------ Name, Hindoo, 266

------ Name, origin of, 320

------ One, Mystery of the, 148

Infant sacrifice, 334

Infernal powers depicted, 364

Initiated, brand-marking of the, 139

Initiation, tests at, 421

Inner Man, the, 38

Innsbruck Tablet, the, 127

Inscriptions, Abraxas, 248-9

------, Gnostic, 248-9

Inserted legends, 327

Intelligences, Simon's, 67

'Invisible Gods, the,' 289

Invocation of Names, 310

Ioh, the Moon, 324

Irenæus, 11

Isiac Procession, 111

------ Symbols, ib.

Isis, symbol held by, 301

Italian masons, mediæval, 384

Iva, god of thunder, 175


Izeds, Zoroastrian, 132

JAMBRES, magician, 40

James I. of Scotland, Act concerning Masons, 371

Jasper, virtue of, 219, 222

Jerome, on Basilides, 259

------, on Spanish Gnosticism, 339

------ to Læta, 126

Jersey, Gallic coins of, 429

Jerusalem, visited by Scythicus, 44

Jesus, his invocation, 285

------, ineffable origin of, 255

Jewish badge, 388

------ influence at Rome, 27

------ Magicians, 40

Joan of Navarre, 220

Jovis Axur, 278

Judaism, origin of, 28

Justice, symbol of, 110

Justinian's persecution, 340

Justin Martyr on Mithras, 122

KABBALA, real source of the, 3

------, and Talmud, 33

Kabbalistic cyphers, 199

------ titles, 287

Kali Bhavani, 167

Karamala, Psychopompos, 166

Kaulakauch, 262

Kavlacav, 88

Kef Mariam, Agnuscastus, 369

'Kells, Book of,' 430

Kerner, on talismans, 205

Kerner's division of the Soul, 348

Kingdoms of Nature, 98

Kircher's Leaden Book, 362

Klippoth, demons, 36

Knocker, Masonic, 403

'Knot of Hercules,' 176

Kosti, Zoroastrian 401

Kronos, abode of, 241

------, how figured, 240

Κῆρ, how figured, 190

'LADY, the Great,' 307

Lamp, spell made to the, 223

Language of Gnostic legends, 282

Lapo, il Tedesco, 384

Larva, 181

------, ghost, 181

Lat, the Hindoo, 298

Lantef, Temple of, 422

Leaden Books, 362

------ scrolls, magical, 358

Lebanon, sects of the, 340

Legends, translations of, 311

'Leonticus,' 'Coracicus,' 126

Lessing, on Freemasonry, 422

Lettering of legends, 276

Letters, composing a female form, 288

Life, possible duration of, 221

Light, Empire of, 8

'------ of lights,' 293

------, The Divine, 81

'------, Place of,' 350

Lines and dots on gems, 305

Lion, typical, 109

p. 462

Lion, form of Bacchus, 131

------ headed man, 131

Litanies of the dead, 331

Lizard, type of Logos, 107

Lodge, ceremonies at the, 382

'------,' Masonic, 380

'------ of St. Theodosius,' 424

'------, the Scottish,' 425

'------, Templars,' 413

'Logos,' emanation of the, 261

------, Nous, Sophia, 261

------, version of Shem, 288

'Lord of Light,' 47

Lots of the Kingdom, 153

Lotus, explained, 174

'Love, Perfect,' 69

Lower world, Ruler of, 97

Lucan's Gods of Hell, 170

Lucian's Philopatris, 184

------ 'Toxaris,' 53

Lingam-yoni, the, 112

Lunus deus, 324

Lydney, leaden scrolls found at, 361

MACROBIUS, on Æsculapius, 177

------, on Serapis, 159

------, on the descent of the Soul, 346

Magdalene, discourse of the, 150

Magi, General Council of, 49

------, their origin, 273

Magic, cultivated in Britain, 421

------, the founders of, 40

------, founders of, 221

------ chain, to make a, 362

'------ Papyrus,' spell from the, 242, 282

Magione, Masson, Massoney, a Templars' Lodge, 413

Makamat, of Hariri, 416

Mandaites, 4

------, the, 415

Manenti, inscription at Villa, 361

Manes, history of, 46

------, his use of Palmyrene alphabet, 370

Manicheism, 156, 157

------, elements of, 47

------, how diffused over Europe, 409

------, why successful, 420

Manicheists, persecuted by Justinian, 408

ΜΑΡΩΗΝΙ, talisman, 313

Marcus, 'Revelation' of, 2S6

Maria Honorii, 191

Marini, scrolls found at Villa, 366

Marks of owners’, Gallic, 428

Maroni, abbè, 425

Mary Magdalene, on the use of talismans, 332

------ ------, Revelation to, 349

------, the Heavenly, 141

'Masonic Grip,' 337

------ rules, genuine, 379

------ secrecy, 380

------ signs, origin of, 427

Masonry, genuine rules of, 377

Masons’ Marks, origin of, 385

Matter, to be renounced, 356

------’s theory, 326

Maya, illusion, 261

Medicinal talismans, 328

'Mercia, the Lady of,' 383

'Merchants of the Staple,' their Marks, 385

Meru, Mount, 42

Mete, Von Hammer's, 404

Metempsychosis, 355

Middle space, the, 102

------ ------, archon of the, 353

'------ ------,' the Platonic, 347

------ ------, Iao, Ruler of the, 325

Missa, derived, 125

Mithraic bronze ticket, 9

------ Cave, discovery of a, 131

------ Degrees, the, 127

------ monuments, 115

------ Sacraments, 122

------ remains in the West, 422

Mithras, bought with blood, 122

------, how figured, 133.

------ identified with Christ, 119

------, Zoroaster's, 116

Mobed, insignia of a, 10

Modern forgeries, 275

Molochites, green jasper, 275

Montfaucon, 365

Moon, absorber of souls, 347

------, Egyptian idea of the, 324

------, how lighted, 48

------, type of, 107

Moor's 'Hindoo Pantheon,' 267

Moses, magician, 221

Mylitta, 155

'Mysteries, the,' 145

------, benefit of the, 352

------, explanation of the, 89

Mystery of the First Court, 352

p. 463

'Mystery, the First,' 342

Mystic Names, Invocation by, 285

Naas, the element Water, 224

------, worship of the, 101

Naaseni, their celestial hierarchy, 309

------, Ophites, 101

'Nabis' on gem, 244

'Name,' power of the, 201

------, virtue of the, 253

Names, expressed by numerals, 254

------, spells made up of Holy, 281

------ of God, how made up, 286

Nushirwan protects Philosophers, 56

Nature, Active and Passive, symbolized, 112

Navel, 'Circle of the Sun,' 363

Nebuchadnezzar, 382

Nebuchadnezzar's 'Image,' whence derived, 163

Nechepsos, King, 216

Neutra, Rabbi of, plate K, 4

'New Name,' a, 129

Newton Stone, the, 386

Nicocreon, 160

'Nile,' derivation of, 320

'Ninety-nine Names of God,' 231

'No-being God, The,' 75

Nodens, Temple of Deus, 361

'Nothing,' of Basilides, 72

Numbers of the Names, 287

Numerals, sacred, 10, 369

------, standing for deities, 307, 368

Numerical forces, 254

O. O. O. 199

Oath of Artaxerxes, 116

Obsidian arrow-heads, 203

'Ocean' of the Ophites, 87

Ogdoad of Basilides, 84

'Old Man of the Mountain,' 418

'Old Man's Head,' Baphometic idol, 404

'Omestes’ Dionysos, human sacrifice to, 168

Omphalos of Delphi, 298


Ophiuchus, 98, 237

Ophite doctrine of the First Principle, 224

------ theogony, 309

Ophites, 12

------, hymn of the, 92

------, their 'perfect sacrifice,' 323

------, their system, 82, 92

Ophites, Schema of the, 332, 342

Or, The Divine Light, 35

Oracle of the Clarian Apollo, 321 Orcus, 189

------, the demon, 356

------, typified, 182

Orai, Venus, 332

Origen, 12

------, on Gnostic deities, 325

Orites, 209

Orléans, Paulicians of, 410

Ormuzd, Good, 132

Orpheus, on mystic Names, 284

------, Mysteries of, 401

Osiris, Lord of the West, 188

'Osor-Apis,' 164

Osthanes, magician, 421

Outer Darkness, the, 357

Ovid's 'Ibis,' 181

PALMYRENE alphabet, 370

Pantheism of Manes, 48

Pantheism of the Manicheans, 156

'Papyrus, the Magic,' 223

Parca, how personified, 190

Parvati, origin of Isis, 171

'Passover, the perfect,' 334

Passport, for the next world, 329

Paulicians, sect of, 409

Pegasus, badge of the Templars, 420

Penances, Hindoo, 153

'Peratai,' sect, 225

Persea-plum, 301

Perugia, Mithraic Cave at, 132

'Peter Gower,' Pythagoras, 376

Petraces, talismanic gem, 299

Petrus, civis Romanus, 384

Phanaces, Sun-god, 116, 140

Philip, Gospel of, 333

Phœnician deities, 240

Photius, on the Bætylus, 207

Pictish tattoo-marks, 420

Pilate's letter to Lentulus, 162

Pile Cinq-Mars, the, 429

'Pistis-Sophia,' analysis of, 14

------ ------, analysis of the soul, 349

------ ------, celestial hierarchy, 239

------ ------, doctrine of the Sacraments, 141

------ ------, Kabbalistic names of deities, 311

------ ------, Theogony of the, 341

------ ------, Types explained, 233

Plague, amulet against, 317

p. 464

Planetary genii, Gnostic gods, 325

Planets, mystic names of the, 309

Pleroma, defined, 245

Pluto, how figured, 186

Pluto, Plutus, 186

Potentiality and Activity, 65

Powers, figures of the, 343

------, invocations to the, 343

------, names of the, 198

Praun Cabinet, gems in the, 292

Prayer of the Saviour, 289

Priscillian, 338, 406

Procopius, 340

Propagation of species why prohibited, 419

Proserpine, Rape of, 187

Πτερόφορος, Egyptian priest, 315

Ptolemy iv., 158

Punch, council of five, 299

Punic language, late use of, 283

Pythagoras, his Four Books, 43

------, studies in Egypt, 287

------, source of his system, 12

Pythagorean Numerals, 370

------ symbols for Deities, 307


Quaternion, the Basilidan, 261

Quatuor Coronati, 381

Queen of the dead, 184

Quietism, Indolentia, 344

Quinternion, the Basilidan, 262

RADICALS, Simon's Six, 61

Raspe's remarks on Gnostic symbolism, 291

'Receivers of Light,' 354

Recognition by signs, 337

Regeneration typified, 233

Ring, Magic, to make a, 243

Rosicrucian ceremonies, 396

------ symbolical pictures, 397

Rosicrucians, their object, 393

Round Churches, 402

Rudolf II. patronises alchemists, 408

Runic legend on a talisman, 11

S.S.S. on bar, 218

Sacred animals of Egypt, 108

Sacrifice, the True, 225

Sacti, female Power, 264

Salagrama, 209

Samaritan legends, 316

Samothracian Mysteries, 89

Sangraal, quest of the, 405

Sanscrit names in Egypt, 265, 320

Satan, his real character, 441

'Saturn,' sons of, 422

Saturninus, 260

Sayce, Professor, 368

'Scottish Knight,' costume and ceremonies of the, 426

Scythicus, precursor of Manes, 43

Seal used by Christ, 317

Seals of the Æons, 331

'Seed of the World,' 73

Seele, Nerven-geist, Geist, 348

Seffrid, ring of, 338

'Seherin von Prevorst,' 284

'Self-collection,' continence, 334

CΕΜΕCΕΙΛΑΜ, explained, 222, 326

Sepheroth, the, 35

Sepoy Mutiny, 125

Serapeum, when destroyed, 164

Serapion, Aganaric, 164

Serapis, 158

------, Foot, attribute of, 271

------, gems referring to, 172

------, how figured, 159

------, introduction of, 158

------, type of the Universe, 321

------ and Agathodæmon combined, 358

Serenus Sammonicus, 220, 316

Serpent, kept in an ark, 323

------, guardian of tomb, 367

------, guide of souls, 368

Servatius, seal of saint, 57

Seven-branched candlestick, 388

Seven vowels, mystery of the, 201

Severus Alexander, his worship, 16, 227

Siglæ, standing for deities, 10

'Sign of Life,' 366

Signs and Passwords, Masonic, 384

Simon Magus, history of, 58

Simon's Four Books, 64

Sin, Assyrian Moon-god, 324

Sin, the cause of, 349

Sins to be renounced, 356

Skeleton, larva, 181

Sleep and Death, typified, 183

Solar symbols explained, 155

'Soli Invicto Comiti,' 222

Salome's question to the Lord, 335

Solomon's Seal, 388, 423

'Sons of the prophets,' 273

Sortes Antiates, 305

Soul, change of shape in the, 346

------, how constituted, 37

------, planetary origin of the, 344

p. 465

Soul, Platonic division of the, 347

Souls, sent back into other bodies, 355

Spells, specimens of, 243

Sphinx, the Destroyer, 327

Spiritual Man, the, 99

'------ ------,' who, 414

'------ Men,' who, 225

'Spirits, Essay on,' 395

Spuken, its cause, 348

Square-cut letters, 276

Sri-pa, Serapis, 165

'Sticks, asking counsel of,' 306

Stone, tools of, 202

Stonehenge, Mason's mark at, 387

Stukeley's theory, 323

Sufi, the Persian, 414

Sun, invoked, 268

------ and Moon, their names used as talismans, 283

------ god, various types of, 322

Suttee, monument of a, 185

Swastika, mendicants’ badge, 390

Symbol, Emblem, 336

Symbola of bronze, 338

Symbolic figures, expressing doctrines, 263

Symbolism, degradation of, 427

Symbols, transmission of, 423

Syrian influence on mediæval Europe, 417

'TABOR, Light of,' 300

Talismanic conversions, 277

Talismans, material of, 275

Taraka's penances, 153

Tat and Sat, 267

Tau, the Egyptian, 102, 112, 403

Taurobolia, 154

Templars, accusations against, 401

------, cause of their ruin, 420

------, grades of, 411

------, the Parisian, 399

------, suppression of, ib.

Temple-church, symbolism of the, 401

Ten, a sacred number, 369

Terbinthus, 46

Tertullian, 187

Tetragrammaton, talismanic, 441

------, 319

Theogony, the grades in the Gnostic, 341

Theosebius, 259

Thales, doctrine of, 224

Thor's hammer, 206, 403

Thunderbolt, cell, 206

Tikkun, universal type, 34

Timothy, Epistle to, 7

Toleration, ancient, 417

Tomb of a Roman Empress, 192

------ treasures, 191

Tombs, talismans found in, 371

Tortures, the Twelve, 127

Tower of Babel, 382

------ of Silence, 137

Townley talisman, the, 290

Trades-union Rules, mediæval, 383

Transposition of letters, 312

Trees, the Five, 147

Triad, Pentad, Heptad, how typified, 314

'Trial-piece,' 383

Triangle, Rosicrucian, 315

Trikasa, Cerberus, 166

Trinity, Egyptian, 321

------, the Hindoo, 269

Truth, how figured, 288

------, Revelation of, 286


Ulysses and the Syrens, 189

Ulysses’ visit to Hades, 165

Uninitiated, their future state, 354

Universal Nature typified, 446

------ religion, idea of, 417

Universe, re-absorption of, 321.

------ typified by Serapis, 160

Uterine amulet, 300


------, his system, 260

Valentinian Sacraments, 141

'Vultus Triformis,' 395

'Varanes,' derived, 273

Vase, the Baphometic, 405

'Vase of Sins,' 111

Velaunii, 335

Venus Anadyomene, 287

Verulamium, spells found at, 339

------, scrolls found at, 360

Vesture, the shining, of Jesus, 308

'Vibies abreptio,' 182

Victory-stones, Runic, 212

Vienna Cabinet, gems of the, 278

Virgil, on spells, 281

Virgil's 'Copa Syrisca,' 181

'Virgin of Light,' 351

Visconti's magic scroll, 358

p. 466

Vishnu's Foot, 270

Von Hammer on Tortures, 128

------ ------’s theory, 403

Vowel, the seven, 199

Vowels, shrouding the 'Great Name,' 315

WATER, the First Principle, 224

Weishaupt, Spartacus, 424

Westminster Hall, Masons’ Marks at, 325

'White stone,' St. John's, 129

Winds, Hindoo, 265

'Winged Foot,' the, 185

'Wisdom of Egypt,' 278

'Wisdom of the Egyptians,' 437

'Wisdom,' the Power, 330

Wisdom, secret, 6

Woes, denounced, 358

Wolf of Serapis, 160

Wood's Serapis, 312

'Word, the true,' 252

Words of power, 280

World, creation of, 132

Worlds, the four, 36

Wormenhert, specus at St. Albans, 423

Wren establishes Freemasonry, 391, 422

XERXES, Ethiopian troop of, 203

------, sacrifice of his nephews, 168

X.P.S. on coffer, 396

YAMA, Lord of Hell, 165

------, and Serapis, 270

------ -putra, Hades, 71

Yang, Chinese symbol, 391

Year, how typified, 179

Yellow jasper, talismanic, 132

Yoni, Hindoo, 111

York, Mithraic Tablet at, 136

Z.Z.Z. on bar, 218

Zarmanes Chagan, 54

Zendavesta, analysis of the, 29

Zenodorus, his colossus of Mercury, 430

Zodiac, mystic sense of the, 346

Zodiacal gems, frequency of, 132

------ Lords, 349

Zoroaster, a Bactrian, 272

Zoroastrian Angelology, 9

------ burial, 137

Zwacke, Cato, 424




FIG. 19.
FIG. 19.



