Welcome to the “World Lending Library”

[DIR]Parent Directory -
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[IMG]AlbumArt_{B5020207-474E-4720-CDE4-F92FF25ACD00}_Large.jpg 15K
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[SND]26 Spotted Woodcreeper.mp3 99K
[SND]52 Golden-bellied Flycatcher.mp3 99K
[SND]80 Zeledonia.mp3 99K
[SND]66 Mountain Robin.mp3101K
[SND]76 Collared Redstart.mp3101K
[SND]86 Silver-throated Tanager.mp3101K
[SND]46 Barred Becard.mp3101K
[SND]50 Three-wattled Bellbird.mp3101K
[SND]58 White-throated Spadebill.mp3101K
[SND]84 Golden-browed Chlorophonia.mp3101K
[SND]16 Resplendent Quetzal.mp3102K
[SND]18 Orange-bellied Trogon.mp3102K
[SND]24 Golden-olive Woodpecker.mp3102K
[SND]30 Spotted Barbtail.mp3103K
[SND]40 Gray-throated Leaftosser.mp3103K
[SND]62 Ochraceous Wren.mp3104K
[SND]20 Prong-billed Barbet.mp3104K
[SND]42 Immaculate Antbird.mp3104K
[SND]48 Bare-necked Umbrellabird.mp3104K
[SND]96 Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch.mp3104K
[SND]12 Green Hermit.mp3105K
[SND]72 Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush.mp3105K
[SND]74 Slate-throated Redstart.mp3106K
[SND]22 Emerald Toucanet.mp3107K
[SND]44 Silvery-fronted Tapaculo.mp3107K
[SND]90 Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager.mp3107K
[SND]06 Buff-fronted Wood-Quail.mp3108K
[SND]32 Ruddy Treerunner.mp3109K
[SND]68 Black-faced Solitaire.mp3109K
[SND]94 Yellow-thighed Finch.mp3110K
[SND]98 Sooty-faced Finch.mp3110K
[SND]14 Violet Sabrewing.mp3111K
[SND]10 Spectacled Owl.mp3112K
[SND]64 Gray-breasted Wood-Wren.mp3112K
[SND]78 Three-striped Wabler.mp3112K
[SND]70 Slaty-backed Nightingale-thrush.mp3112K
[SND]82 Chestnut-headed Oropendola.mp3112K
[SND]36 Lineated Foliage-gleaner.mp3114K
[SND]60 Azure-hooded Jay.mp3114K
[SND]92 Black-thighed Grosbeak.mp3115K
[SND]34 Buffy Tuftedcheek.mp3115K
[SND]38 Streak-breasted Treehunter.mp3115K
[SND]88 Common Bush-Tanager.mp3116K
[SND]28 Red-faced Spinetail.mp3118K
[SND]54 Rufous Mourner.mp3118K
[SND]56 Yellowish Flycatcher.mp3118K
[SND]29 Song.mp3533K
[SND]55 Call.mp3583K
[SND]99 Call.mp3662K
[SND]35 Call.mp3736K
[SND]25 Roll, Call, and Drum.mp3738K
[SND]31 Song and call.mp3743K
[SND]49 Displaying male.mp3793K
[SND]77 Song duet from pair, calls and chip series.mp3823K
[SND]59 Song and call.mp3840K
[SND]11 Song from pair and hoot at dawn.mp3909K
[SND]02 Black-chested Hawk.mp3922K
[SND]67 Call and songs.mp3958K
[SND]53 Call.mp3965K
[SND]57 Calls.mp3972K
[SND]21 Call and duet.mp31.0M
[SND]51 Displaying male.mp31.0M
[SND]71 Song and call.mp31.0M
[SND]75 Song and call.mp31.0M
[SND]47 Song.mp31.0M
[SND]13 Song at lek.mp31.1M
[SND]63 Song and call.mp31.1M
[SND]79 Calls.mp31.1M
[SND]43 Song and call.mp31.2M
[SND]41 Song and call.mp31.2M
[SND]37 Song and call.mp31.2M
[SND]15 Song at lek.mp31.2M
[SND]87 Call.mp31.3M
[SND]07 song.mp31.4M
[SND]01 Highland Tinamou.mp31.4M
[SND]33 Trill_song, call.mp31.4M
[SND]27 Song.mp31.4M
[SND]97 Song and Call.mp31.4M
[SND]39 Song and call.mp31.5M
[SND]23 Song and calls from Several.mp31.5M
[SND]09 song, call, alternate song.mp31.5M
[SND]73 Song and calls.mp31.5M
[SND]19 Song, call.mp31.5M
[SND]85 Call and contact calls.mp31.5M
[SND]81 Song, call.mp31.6M
[SND]89 Calls and songs.mp31.7M
[SND]83 Song and Male wings in flight.mp31.7M
[SND]93 Song and call.mp31.7M
[SND]69 Songs and calls.mp31.7M
[SND]91 Song and calls.mp31.8M
[SND]17 Male song, perched and flight call, whistle call.mp31.8M
[SND]45 Song and calls.mp31.9M
[SND]65 Songs and scolds.mp31.9M
[SND]95 Song, greeting call, and calls.mp32.1M
[SND]61 Several call examples, including scolds, ends with contact calls at roost.mp32.4M