The vaxxers feel the need to do this because they know people and docs are losing confidence in their poisons...
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Freeland_Dave — Tourism? Well there goes the neighborhood. Can I get a refund on the tax dollars spent on science that will go to tourism? Not a good idea.
David S — WW1 - Wilson (who provoked Germany will illegal munition sales/shipments to the UK) WW2 - FDR (who provoked Japan beginning in early 1941 with embargoes and attacks on them in China) Korea - Truman
Vietnam - JFK/LBJ
Serbia, etc. - Clinton
Iraq/Afghanistan - Bush with much democratic support
Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Egypt - Obama
who thinks that democrats are the peace-lovers, is not reading history.
Both major parties are simply the two wings of the war bird of prey
that controls our government. Putting your faith in either one of them
will only lead to more misery for this country.
Thurston Howell III — It
is vulgar. Unclean in thinking and action. It does do harm to the mind,
perverts the mind, just as thinking on good things is beneficial for
the mind. (Philippians 4:8) . . .brothers, whatever things are
true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are
righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable,
whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and
whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things.
(Titus 2:5) . . .be sound in mind, chaste. . .
John 100 — Looking
at these old ladies they are so far past the wall they have no need for
Abortions, i have a 3rd option, let the uncivalized have their
abortions, we put our energy into teaching our kids how evil abortions
is for western kind, how important each of us are because we are so few
in the world, it's not what we do as Europeans, let the lower class
uncivilized humans do this, infanticide is in most all nonwhite
cultures, they want infanticide because its in their bio spirit. We must
value our young because we dont have very many children.