Severed or Constricted Limbs or Digits
Body parts such as fingers and toes can become severed. Also, tissue may die because blood flow has been cut off by rings or other constricting devices. Rings cut off blood flow when parts of the body near the ring swell, often as the result of an injury or simply because of constriction by the ring.
Severed body parts, if properly preserved, can sometimes be reattached in the hospital. To prolong tissue life, the severed part should be put in a sealed, dry plastic bag, and the bag should be put in a container with ice. Dry ice should not be used.
A ring or other object that encircles any body part, such as a finger or arm, must be removed before the limb swells. Sustained, gentle traction can be used to remove rings. Soap and water may reduce friction, easing removal. Otherwise, prompt medical care is needed.