A child's first tooth usually appears by 6 months of age, and a complete set of 20 primary or first teeth usually develops by age 3. Before a tooth appears, the child may cry, be irritable, and sleep and eat poorly. The child may drool, have red and tender gums, and constantly chew on food and objects during tooth eruption. During teething, the child may have a mildly elevated temperature (below 100° F). Children with higher temperatures and those who are especially fussy should be evaluated by a doctor because these symptoms are not due to teething.
Teething infants get some relief from chewing on hard, cold objects, such as a frozen bagel or banana. Parents should prevent the infant from biting off large pieces, which can choke the child. Firm rubber teething rings and teething biscuits are also useful. Massaging the child's gums with or without ice may help. Teething gels may provide relief for a few minutes. If a child is extremely uncomfortable, acetaminophen or ibuprofen is usually effective for pain.