Retinal Detachment
Retinal detachment is separation of the retina from the underlying layer of blood vessels.
When the retina detaches, it separates from part of its blood supply, preventing it from working properly. Unless the retina is reattached, it may be permanently damaged.
Detachment may begin in a small area, usually as the result of a retinal tear. If the small area is not reattached, the entire retina can detach. Retinal tears that can lead to retinal detachment are more likely to occur in people who are highly nearsighted (myopic) or who have had cataract surgery. Tears are also more likely to occur after an eye injury. Fluid or blood from a damaged blood vessel may collect between the retina and the underlying tissue, further worsening vision.
A retinal detachment is painless. People usually see small, floating objects (floaters) or flashes of bright light that last less than a second. Loss of peripheral vision typically begins first, and vision loss spreads as the detachment progresses. The loss of vision resembles a curtain or veil falling across the line of sight. If the macula becomes detached, vision rapidly deteriorates, and everything becomes blurred.
A doctor examines the retina through an ophthalmoscope and can usually see a detachment. If the detachment is not visible, an ultrasound scan of the eye can reveal it.
Treatment and Prognosis
Anyone who experiences a sudden loss of vision should see an ophthalmologist immediately. Depending on the cause of the detachment, laser surgery or freezing therapy (cryopexy) may be used to repair the retina. Laser surgery seals holes in the retina. Freezing therapy causes a scar to form, which holds the retina in place.
If the retina is reattached within 2 to 7 days, the likelihood that sight will improve is usually good. If the retina has been detached for a longer time or if bleeding or scarring has occurred, the likelihood that sight will improve is decreased.