Albinism is a rare hereditary disorder in which little or no melanin is formed.
Albinism occurs in people throughout the world and in all races.
Albinism is easily recognized by its typical appearance. People with albinism (albinos) have white hair, pale skin, and pink or pale blue eyes. The genetic disorder causing albinism also results in abnormal vision and involuntary eye movements (nystagmus).
Because melanin protects the skin from the sun, people with albinism are very prone to sunburn and, therefore, to skin cancer. Even a few minutes of bright sunlight can cause serious burns.
There is no cure for albinism. People with the disorder can minimize problems by staying out of direct sunlight, wearing sunglasses, and applying sunscreen with the highest sun protection factor (SPF) rating (see Section 18, Chapter 214). Even while wearing sunscreen, people with albinism should not expose their skin to bright sunlight for any prolonged period.