Prevention of Infection
Several steps help protect people against infection. Hand washing is an effective way of preventing the transmission of infectious microorganisms from one person to another. Hand washing is particularly important for people who handle food or who have frequent physical contact with other people. People visiting hospital patients who are seriously ill may be asked to wash their hands and put on a gown, mask, and gloves before entering the person's room.
Sometimes, to prevent an infection, antibiotics are given to people who do not yet have an infection. This preventive measure is called prophylaxis. Antibiotics are given prophylactically before dental procedures to people with abnormal heart valves (see Section 3, Chapter 29). Many healthy people who undergo certain types of surgery--particularly abdominal surgery and organ transplantation--also require prophylactic antibiotics.
Vaccination also can prevent infections (see Section 17, Chapter 189). People who are at increased risk of developing infections (especially infants, children, older people, and people with AIDS) should receive all the vaccinations necessary to reduce this risk.