Serial Passage of Vaccine Components Through Animal Cell Lines
According to the vaccination paradigm promulgated by medical companies, the passage of viruses through animal cell lines is necessary in order to reduce the toxicity of the viruses to humans. This belief is contraindicated by historical evidence.
Back in the 1940's there was a campaign in French West Africa to immunize population groups to yellow fever virus. The virus was passed through mouse cell cultures 258 times, and the mice who were paralyzed had their brains ground up and dried, and this preparation was used to "innoculate" over 100,000 people in 1944. This resulted in over 100 cases of brain damage (meningioencephalitis) and 18 deaths.
The SV-40 Virus Contamination of Vaccine Cultures
In 1960 it was discovered that millions of polio vaccine doses produced in the early 1950's from monkey kidney cells were infected with simian virus 40 (SV-40), which was found in both Salk and Sabin polio vaccines. SV-40 is resistant to the "neutralizing effects" of the carcinogenic germicide formalin added to the vaccines, and was passed on to millions of people who now have SV-40 as part of their genetic structure. SV-40 is one example of a DNA polyoma virus. Polyoma (many tumor-causing) viruses cause prolonged infection where tissue is destroyed, integrate into the hosts genetic material, are capable of mutating a cell, may reproduce after coming into contact with a "helper" virus, enable the separate replication of the viral genome, can generate immune responses, and they can induce malignancy.
Scientists are amazed at how little genetic information these viruses carry in proportion to the damage they can cause. Also, with polyoma viruses, it becomes impossible to detect the viral genome once it has been integrated, and it may reappear if the transformed cells are fused to others which are naturally permissive for SV-40 or other polyoma viruses.There have not been many statistical studies done, for obvious reasons, to determine all of the long term effects of polio immunization; it is known that polio vaccines injected into humans before 1962 contained SV-40. This was documented in an article in 1969 in Science Magazine, a Journal Of The American Association for the Advancement of Science. It was an article by Dr. Joseph Fraumeni entitled "Simian Virus 40 in Polio Vaccine: Follow-up of Newborn Recipients". It stated that SV-40 virus was an unrecognized contaminant if virus vaccines prepared in monkey kidney cell cultures prior to 1962. However, the SV-40 virus was recognized by Dr. Hillman in 1960, which does not explain the two-year gap in "lack of recognition" and suppression of this information that followed. Legalese defines the word contamination, with respect to vaccines, as something external to the manufacturing process, and does not permit the public dissemination of the fact that the SV-40 virus already existed in the cultures used to prepare the "polio vaccine". SV-40 is an oncogenic (cancer-causing) virus.
According to the report, "from 1960 to 1962, polio vaccine in various forms and regimens was given to 1077 newborn infants at the Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital, in a study to assess the feasibility of introducing active immunity to poliomyelitis in the presence of maternal antibodies. Normal term infants were assigned with parental consent to one of six study groups. An attenuated poliomyelitis vaccine was given orally to 925 infants; some received very high concentrations of S-40 within a few hours of birth. The remaining 152 children were injected with large doses of inactivated polio vaccine which had smaller concentration of SV-40 than the oral preparations. Later in infancy, all the chidden received "booster" injections of attenuated or inactivated polio vaccine, or both, which presumably contained SV-40. Since 1964, we have made periodic efforts to determine the death rate among the vaccinated children, who were from an urban, low socioeconomic, highly mobile, predominantly Negro population."
An analysis of the above reveals staggering gaps in logic that support the premise that it may well have been done deliberately to study the negative effects of the vaccine. The study purports to have been performed in order to "evaluate antibody formation" in newborn vaccines, but in defiance of the orthodox definition of an empirical study, no control group was used or selected so that such an evaluation could take place. Follow-ups were made to determine death rate and not state of health. The parental consent forms detailed no risks involved with the experiment that would bar the parents from signing. The health state of vaccines at the time of the report was not mentioned. Clearly, either total incompetence or negligence was involved, or the study was done to assess the known negative results to those vaccinated. Evidence points to the latter, and this constitutes a criminal act.
SV-40 is also a DNA virus. A study on DNA viruses was completed in 1966, and the results of the study were published in a 1967 edition of the American Journal of Pathology; the results clearly showed the known connection between such viruses and cancer: "A number of viruses containing DNA have been shown to induce tumors when inoculated into newborn animals. Members of the papovavirus group, mouse polyoma, and simian virus 40, all adenoviruses, are now recognized as oncogenic (cancer-causing) when tested by this method".
An article by M.A. Israel, "Molecular Cloning of Polyoma Virus DNA in E-Coli", published in Science Magazine in 1979 described the use of Polyoma DNA in molecular cloning into E.Coli for the purpose of ongenicity (production of a cancer-causing virus). It only takes 10 or 20 particles of polyoma per cell to cause malignancies. Matrix III volume one describes in detail the research done at the National Cancer Institute in producing cancer-causing viruses under the guise of cancer research.
Research indicates that there is an unusual feature to these viruses, in that the tumors they eventually cause appear to be virus-free, making it impossible to detect viral causation in tumors induced by these viruses. Over 500 million people have been inadvertently innoculated with SV-40.
SV-40 an Integral Part of Genetically Engineered Products
When a genetically engineered product is manufactured, a probe, plasmid or vector is an essential part of the process; these can be defined as a specific kind of molecular structure that permits the passage and insertion of one type of DNA into the genetic material of the organism used to manufacture the genetically engineered substance. Some of the newest genetically engineered products for sale are those "vaccines" against "AIDS". Most of these vector probes contain SV-40 or portions of SV-40 as part of their structures, SV-40 being a very important active component in the process. Any review of the various symposia conducted on genetic engineering makes it clearly obvious that it is an important factor in recombining viruses and genetic material (recombinant genetic engineering). Due to the influence of the SV-40 base, various other viruses are eagerly assimilated. Sometimes, in genetic literature, SV-40 is called "plasmid pMV104, which uses SV-40 as its origin but hides the immediate relationship with SV-40 from public perusal. The action of the presence of Sv-40 material is analogous to that of DMSO, in that it acts like a "wheelbarrow" to carry other substances into an otherwise well-protected cellular body; this is the main reason why an individuals' subsequent reaction and susceptibility to environmental pollutants after injection with a vaccine.
Supporting these lines of thought, an article in the January 6, 1962 Science News- letter indicated that "common human viruses act as carriers in causing cancer by interacting with cancer-causing chemicals; this has been indicated by experiments which show that cancer-causing substances that are present in too small a quantity by itself will become active and create tumors when combined with single doses of virus. Malignant tumors appeared in five type of injected mice." The viruses mentioned were ECHO9, B-4, Coxsackie, and Poliovirus 2. The article further indicated that "viruses may also activate other cancer causing substances besides chemicals in the environment, such as DMBA, AF, and DBA."
The Use of Animal Cell Line Substrates for Human Vaccines
In our current cultural situation, medical drugs are generally dividied into three categories: (1) Pharmaceuticals, (2) Biologicals and (3) Genetically Engineered Products, which now include sera (plural of serum), vaccines and blood derivatives. Most vaccines are manufactured using what are called continuous cell lines (CCL), usually animal tissue based, which provide the raw materials having specific biological properties which serve as the substrate for production of genetically engineered (biotech) drugs. In the past, vaccines were made solely from individual lots of animal tissues or human disease by products.The main aspect of CCL that is attractive to vaccine manufacturers is an infinite lifespan and a high growth rate, but the problems are "biochemical, biological and genetic variability in terms of the production of transforming proteins and potentially oncogenic (cancer-causing) DNA, contaminating viruses and predisposition to tumors in animals." J.B. Griffiths from the United Kingdom gave a presentation in 1988 in which he stated "it is now generally accepted that continuous cell lines are acceptable as substrates for the production of biologicals, provided that the manufacturing process yields no detectable risk attributed to the cell subtrate." Three French doctors in 1988 warned of hazards from introducing plasmid DNA into mammalian cells, "since part of the regulatory genetic elements used in the expression vectors (plasmids) is often virus-derived, and the presence of these DNA sequences in the final product represents a potential risk."
Known Simian Disease Epidemics
Since simians (monkeys) are the prime creature that is used for animal research, it is no surprise that the urge to perform experiments between species, a post Atlantean tendency, was due to fall on them. As a result, outbreaks of cancer occurred in primate laboratories worldwide. In one experiment documented in the Journal of the American Veterinary Association, human blood laced with leukemia was deliberately injected in gibbon monkeys under the guise of "malaria experiments", and watched as the speed of action and the severity of the virus increased with the program of infecting more and more animals. During a period between 1969 and 1973 a leukemia epidemic affected 900 inbred Hamadryas baboons at an experimental animal station in Soviet Georgia. These monkeys were then shipped to Litton Bionetics in Kensington, Maryland, a laboratory that had such a bad containment record that even the National Cancer Institute called it "grossly irresponsible", according to an article in a 1979 Science Journal. Other violations of containment were reported an another infamous laboratory run by Litton: the Frederick Cancer Research Center. In 1971 and again in 1973, researchers were "surprised" at the occurrence of two epidemics of leukemia in gibbons which happened "unexpectedly" at the Medical Research Lab of SEATO in Bangkok, Thailand.
From November 1969 to November 1982, a continuous AIDS-like illness was observed among primates worldwide. The illness had the following symptoms: diseased lymph nodes, enlarged spleen, fever, diarrhea, weigh-loss, and infection with microorganisms. These scientists were perfectly aware that transmission of a virus from a species that is a natural host to a species that is not, causes mutations and an increase in virulence, but did the experiments anyway, with total disregard for others in the society.
In the Primate Research Center in Beaverton, Oregon, the population of black macaque monkeys, between 1978 and 1983, contracted what scientists referred to as "simian AIDS". The high peak for the epidemic was in 1980, at the start of the Reagan-Bush administration. Of course, we all know about the Ebola Reston incident from the book The Hot Zone.
Vaccination and Genetic Change: Mobility of Genetic Material Between Life Forms
One of the indications that vaccinations may in fact be changing the genetic structure of humans became evident in September of 1971, when scientists at the University of Geneva made the discovery that biological substances entering directly into the bloodstream could become part of human genetic structure. Originally, Japanese bacteriologists discovered that bacteria of one species transferred their own specific antibiotic resistance to bacteria of an entirely different species. Dr. Maurice Stroun and Dr. Philip Anker in the Department of Plant Physiology at the University of Geneva, began to accumulate evidence that the transfer of genetic information is not confined to bacteria, but can also occur between bacteria and higher plants and animals. According to an article in World Medicine on September 22, 1971, "Geneva scientists are convinced that normal animal and plant cells shed DNA, and that this DNA is taken up by other cells in the organism."
In one experiment, scientists in Geneva extracted the auricles of frog hearts and dipped them for several hours in a suspension of bacteria. Afterward, they found a high percentage of RNA-DNA hybridization between bacterial DNA extracted from bacteria of the same species as that used in the experiment and titrated DNA extracted from the auricles which had been dipped in the bacterial suspension. Bacterial DNA had been absorbed by the animal cells. This phenomenon has been dubbed transcession. There is evidence that this kind of phenomenon is happening all the time within the human body. It is conceivable, for example, that heart damage following rheumatic fever could the the result of the immune system reacting to its own cells producing a foreign RNA complex after absorption of foreign DNA.
In Science magazine, November 10, 1972, bacterial RNA was demonstrated in frog brain cells after a bacterial peritoneal infection. In the April 1973 issue of the Journal of Bacteriology, transcription of spontaneously released bacterial DNA was found to be incorporated into cellular nuclei of frog auricles. Studies by Phillipe Anker and Maurice Stroun have indicated spontaneous release of DNA material from mammalian cells, spontaneous transfer of DNA from bacteria to higher organisms, spontaneous transfer of DNA between cells of higher organisms, release of RNA by mammalian cells, and biological activity of released complexes containing RNA.
Malignant Cellular Transformations Caused By Foreign DNA
There is evidence that freely circulating foreign DNA can cause malignancy. In a 1977 issue of International Review of Cytology, Volume 51, Anker and Stroun discuss the possible effects of foreign DNA causing malignant cell transformations. When foreign DNA is transcribed into a cell of a different organism, "this general biological event is related to the uptake by cells of spontaneously released bacterial DNA, thus suggesting the existence of circulating DNA. In view of the malignant transformations obtained with DNA, the oncogenic (cancer-causing) role of circulating DNA is postulated."
The discovery in 1975 that viruses causing cancer in animals had a special enzyme called reverse transcriptase makes the problem even more interesting. These kind of viruses are called RNA viruses. When an RNA virus has the reverse transcriptase enzyme within its structure, it allows the virus to actually form strands of DNA which easily integrate with the DNA of the host cell which it infects. Studies by Dr. Robert Simpson of Rutgers University indicate that RNA viruses which do not cause cancer can also fom DNA, even without the presence of reverse transcriptase. DNA formed in this way from an RNA virus is called a provirus. It is known that some non-cancerous viruses have a tendency to exist as proviruses for long periods of time in cells without causing any apparent disease. In other words, they remain latent. Some examples of common RNA viruses that do not cause cancer, per se, but have the capacity to form proviruses are influenza, measles, mumps and polio viruses. In the October 22, 1967 British Medical Journal, it was brought out by German scientists that multiple sclerosis seemed to be provoked by vaccinations against smallpox, typhoid, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis and diptheria. Even earlier, in 1965, Zintchenko reported 12 cases in which MS became evident after a course of antirabies vaccinations. Remember that millions of people between 1950 and 1970 were injected with polio vaccines containing simian virus 40 (SV-40) transferred from contaminated monkey kidney cells used to culture the vaccine. It is impossible to remove animal viruses from vaccine cultures. You are reminded that SV-40, the 40th virus to be discovered in simian tissue, is a cancer-causing virus.
Immunization programs against influenza, measles, mumps and polio are in fact seeding humans with RNA and forming proviruses which become latent for long periods in throughout the body, only to re-awaken later on. Post-polio syndrome is a good example of this problem. Other examples may include the so-called mesenchymal and collegen diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus erythmatosis, where antibodies are formed by the immune system against the person's own tissues - tissues which have been impregnated with foreign genetic material. According to a special issue of Postgraduate Medicine in May 1962, "although the body generally will not make antibodies against its own tissues, it appears that slight modification of the antigenic character of tissues may cause it to appear foreign to the immune system and thus a fair target for antibody production." Two years later in 1964, studies were conducted on the polyoma virus, a tumor-producing DNA virus. It was discovered that the persistent genetic DNA material in the polyoma virus brought about malignant transformations in hamster embryo cell cultures. This was reported in the November 23, 1964 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Even common non-tumor viruses, including those in smallpox vaccine and polio virus 2, can act as carcinogens. It was reported in Science on December 15, 1961 that these common viruses acted as catalysts in producing cancer when given to mice in combination with known organic carcinogens in amounts too small to induce tumors themselves. This means that some vaccinations will induce cancer, when combined with the growing problem of environmental pollution from toxic by-products of agriculture (pesticides on and in food) and industry. Of course, this information is hidden from the public, which is why the FDA, EPA and the agricultural industries can get away with "sanctioning" small amounts of pollutants in food, water and air. The connection has not been made public, much to the joy of the chemical industry, the National Cancer Institute and the growing cancer industry, which continues to fraudulently solicit public donations to justify its own existence. As an aside, it has alreadybeen admitted that polio vaccinations have caused 100% of all polio in the United States since 1980 and the predominant cases of all paralytic polio since 1972 (Science, April 4, 1977). It is suspected that the Salk and Sabin vaccines, made of moneky tissue culture, have also been responsible for the major increase in leukemia in the United States.
The use of viruses, bacteria and animal tissue cultures in mass immunization campaigns, considering that this information has been known for 20 years, constitutes an intentionally created hazard to humans. The global impact on the wide range of genotypes relative to human beings is difficult to assess, but the outcome is definitely negative, and permitting the seeding of latent proviruses in humans, knowingly, can have no other rationale other than future medical profiteering, and constitutes a criminal conspiracy of vast proportions which is tatamount to a genocidal policy against the population, further constituting crimes against humanity, which is internationally punishable by death. But, of course, especially in the United States, this fact is ignored and suppressed from public knowledge, despite a 1984 plea by some U.S. physicians to the United Nations in a report. The fact that this goes on with the full knowledge of the world medical community makes this an international conspiracy where the population has no recourse, given that vaccinations are becoming mandatory and a prerequisite for many social programs.
Persistence of long-term viruses and foreign proteins and their relationship to chronic and degenerative disease was also pointed out by Dr. Robert Simpson of Rutgers University in 1976, when he addressed science writers at an American Cancer Society seminar, saying "these proviruses could be molecules in search of a disease." Dr. Wendell Winters, a virologist at the University of California noted, "immunizations may cause changes in slow viruses and changes in the DNA mechanism." Although host cells containing latent viral particles operate more or less normally, they begin to synthesize viral proteins under the guidance of the viral DNA, eventually creating the circumstances for various autoimmune diseases, including diseases of the central nervous system, which unfortunately add to the growing load of aberrant social behavior patterns.