How to make the herbal heating oil.
BISER: Did any of the women get frantic when they ran out of it?
SCHULZE: Yeah. I used to have people come in and get 6 bottles and it's a big one. That's why I want your readers to know how to make this for themselves at home.
Here is the formula for the herbal oil.
32 oz. Wintergreen oil
16 oz. Olive oil extra virgin
12 oz. Menthol crystals
1 cup Arnica flowers dried
1 cup St. John's Wort flowers dried
1 cup Marigold flowers dried
1/2 cup Cayenne pepper, powdered (Habeneros, i.e., the hottest you can find.)
1/2 cup Ginger root, grated.
This recipe produces two quarts of herbal heating oil.
INSTRUCTIONS: Put all these ingredients in one big jar. Let it soak for at least two weeks, then strain on the full moon two weeks later, or, if you have time, let it soak for two or three months before straining on a full moon.
A word on obtaining ingredients: 1) Regarding cayenne pepper, the hotter, the better. Use African bird peppers, or habeneros.
2) Buy your menthol crystals at either a pharmacy or a lab supply house.That one can be a little difficult, but usually a pharmacy or a lab supply house can supply it. A lot of pharmacists carry it, because it stops itching.
What they do is they distill peppermint oil to make it, then they distill it a second time and it crystallizes. These crystals are pure menthol. Menthol is one of the active principles of peppermint oil. You have peppermint leaves, which have a lot of active principles, then you have peppermint oil, which is a more concentrated form, and then you have menthol crystals, which is even more concentrated.
Make sure the menthol crystals are made from peppermint or thyme.
Chemists always know that. I get it from a chemical supply house in Los Angeles. But a lot of times, people can contact their university or school, and just ask them where they can purchase some chemicals. You need a chemical supply house that sells natural chemicals that are derived from plants.
-End of excerpt-
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