Hallelujah Acres
P.O. Box 2388
Shelby, NC 28151
(704) 481-1700
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Products, Products
by Rev. George H. Malkmus
Almost daily, I receive
a letter or package in the mail asking me to look at a new product
that someone thinks I should know about and promote through Back to
the Garden. I have huge files containing hundreds of these letters
and enclosed literature, along with many boxes of audio and video tapes.
Checking out all these
new products can be a time-consuming effort. Rarely do we run across an
item that we feel can genuinely improve our health, but when
we do, we will use it personally and likewise, we feel an obligation to
make it available to our readers.
With most of these
new products, however, following our initial investigation and sampling,
we find the best course of action is to ignore them because they are of
little or no benefit. This is understandable, because there are so many
people out there trying to make a profit in the field of health, while
there are so few people who understand the very simple principles of natural
health and healing. And then, occasionally, we run across a "health"
product or advice that is so unhealthy that we feel an obligation to warn
our readers against it.
Such is the case with
the recent craze of a mineral supplement being promoted with an audio tape
by a Dr. Joel Wallach titled "Dead Doctors Don't Lie."
I have received dozens of these tapes from various people and many have
called to ask my opinion. So let me share my thoughts:
I have listened to
the "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" audio tape several times and I believe
it is one of the most destructive, counter-productive, and contradictory
tapes on nutrition I have ever listened to. It is inconsistent with almost
everything we teach here at Hallelujah Acres. Through
the first part of the tape you would think you were listening to a vitamin
commercial as Dr. Wallach promotes vitamin supplementation, rather than
food, as the means we should use to nourish our bodies.
We disagree. I do
not believe God ever intended us to receive our nutrients in mega-doses
or in pill form -- but rather I feel that "vitamins" in this
form are actually harmful drugs and are received as foreign
substances by our bodies.
Dr. Wallach mocks
those who advocate a good diet and teach against the use of such products
as salt and butter. Then he claims those who use butter and rock salt live
long lives while those who avoid them die young. Later in the tape he goes
into a long discourse stating that almost all of our physical problems
are caused by a mineral deficiency -- from diabetes to arthritis
to you name it. Never once does he state that improper diet or lifestyle
has anything whatsoever to do with our physical problems. Dr. Wallach states
it is impossible to get the nutrients our bodies need from food, therefore
he concludes proper diet is irrelevant to maintaining proper health.
At the end of his
discourse, he contradicts most of what he has said throughout the tape
by saying we must receive our minerals in colloidal form and that
only the living plant is capable of creating what he calls a colloidal
mineral. He then tells about this recently found mineral deposit that
contains some 60 trace minerals he claims are in colloidal form.
The conclusion to be drawn is that only by purchasing and
using this product can we be nourished properly and experience health.
Here at Hallelujah
Acres, ever since our beginning, our emphasis has been on nourishing our
body with the nutrients God originally intended to sustain us in perfect
health, which, of course, is the Genesis 1:29 diet of raw
fruits and vegetables. We teach that minerals from living plants are the
only form of minerals that can be used by our living cells for building
material. Minerals found in the Earth are inorganic, and cannot be used
by our bodies. In fact, inorganic minerals are harmful in our bodies.
For example, calcium
(limestone) in drinking water, which is absorbed from the Earth, is not
the same as the calcium in a fresh stalk of broccoli or a carrot. Plants
absorb inorganic minerals from the Earth, and through the process of photosynthesis,
transform them into living, organic minerals that can be used as fuel and
building material by the 100 trillion living cells in our body. Since our
living cells cannot use dead inorganic minerals, these minerals from the
powdered rock in drinking water must be dealt with and eliminated
by the body as a foreign substance. Most of the calcium in non-distilled
drinking water is eliminated as waste, but that which is not eliminated
is left behind in the body's connective tissues, causing arthritis in the
joints, kidney stones, gallstones and hardening of the arteries with calcium
deposits in our veins.
We also teach that
because of soil erosion and non-organic growing methods, most of our soil
has been depleted to the point that our food is deficient in many minerals.
So, even though raw fruits and vegetables provide our only usable source
of nutrition, eating raw fruits and vegetables will still not necessarily
provide the optimum level of nutrition originally intended for our bodies
simply because the mineral content of the soil in which they were grown
has been depleted.
That is why we recommend
drinking freshly-extracted vegetable juice
(especially carrot juice made from California juicing carrots). The advantage
of drinking fresh carrot juice is that you can consume the nutrients from
a whole pound of carrots in one eight-ounce glass of carrot juice. That
is more carrots (and nutrients) than you could ever consume in one meal
by eating carrots. The other big advantage to fresh juice is that because
the pulp (fiber) has been removed, all these nutrients can be in the blood
stream and on their way to feeding the cells in just a few minutes, without
the time-consuming and energy-depleting process of digestion. This is the
reason we teach that fresh vegetable juice is the fastest way of nourishing
the body's cells and immune system, which boosts the body's self-healing
capabilities to enable the body to heal diseases and disorders. With this
understanding, it should come as no surprise when we see people healing
all types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and many other
diseases after switching to a vegetarian diet with an emphasis on raw foods
and fresh vegetable juices.
Some will tell you
the solution to the problem of not being able to obtain optimum levels
of nutrition from the food we eat is to take synthetic vitamins, mineral
supplements, protein powders, etc. This message is very prominent
in the world, mainly because of the tremendous amount of money
to be made from synthetic vitamins and processed foods. Messages like that
of Dr. Wallach can often gain quick popularity because people love to be
told that they don't have to change their diet, eliminate harmful foods
or habits, or even exercise to maintain proper health... all they have
to do is take a magic pill or potient that will give them all the nutrients
they need.
At Hallelujah Acres,
we reject this message because these are not the substances by which our
Creator intended our bodies to be nourished. And they do not produce healthful
results. On the average, people who consume megadoses
of synthetic vitamins, mineral supplements and protein powders along
with their processed foods, meat, dairy,
white flour and sugar are just as sick and die just as early as the rest
of our unhealthy population.
We teach that the
only way to eliminate sickness and reach our ultimate level of health is
to quit consuming the above-mentioned harmful substances, which caused
or contributed to the sickness, and begin nourishing our body's living
cells with the nutrients by which our Creator intended us to be sustained.
The reason fresh vegetable
juice makes such a difference in our body's health and self-healing ability
is that this process begins with nutrients in the form we were intended
to consume (raw vegetables), and produces a liquid that offers more of
these nutrients than we would otherwise be able to consume by eating the
vegetable. And this is without cooking, freeze-drying or any other process
that changes the basic structure of these nutrients.
Anyone who has ever
given fresh vegetable juice (from a good quality juicer) a serious try
knows that it produces healthful results. The man who developed the process
of juicing, Dr. Norman W. Walker, lived to be over 100 years old, and wrote
his last book when he had passed the century mark. This is even more impressive
when you consider that Dr. Walker was seriously ill and dying in his early
40s when he was persuaded to try natural healing rather than the medical
Fresh vegetable juice
could be categorized as a nutritional supplement, because it is a means
of supplementing the nutrition we receive from the food we eat. We would
be equally justified in categorizing fresh vegetable juice as a natural
food because its essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein and enzymes)
are in the same form as they were in the raw vegetable created by God for
our sustenance. Just as a raw carrot, carrot juice is actually alive as
it enters your body, bringing living nutrition to your living cells.
Contrast this with
other forms of vitamins, minerals, protein powders, enzymes, etc., which
either start with a substance never intended as food for humans (such as
vitamins from coal tar or minerals derived from rock), or else they start
with a natural food and process it by cooking or freeze-drying, so that
its nutrients are no longer in their original, natural, raw form that we
can utilize.
So, fresh carrot juice
is clearly superior to run-of-the-mill vitamin pills, mineral supplements,
protein powders, enzymes, etc. In this comparison, the number of milligrams
of a vitamin or mineral is irrelevant because one milligram of a nutrient
in its natural form is better than ten pounds of that nutrient in an unnatural
form that must be eliminated by the body as a foreign substance.
There is, however,
one nutritional supplement on the market today that I would put in the
same category as fresh carrot juice. BarleyGreen is a powder derived primarily
from the juice of young barley plants. This juice is spray-dried
into a powder in a patented process in which no heat above body temperature
is used. Because of this juicing process, BarleyGreen has the same advantage
as fresh vegetable juice in that its nutrients can go directly into the
bloodstream and to the cells without digesting fiber. And because no heat
or freeze-drying is involved in the processing, the nutrients in BarleyGreen
are still in their live, raw, natural form.
The reason young leaves
of barley are the main ingredient in BarleyGreen is that barley has been
determined to have the widest spectrum of all the necessary vitamins, minerals,
enzymes, proteins and chlorophyll of any source on Earth. The grain of
barley has been used as a staple of human nutrition for thousands of years,
but the peak of nutritional value of the barley plant is reached when the
young plant leaf is about 10 to 12 inches tall, the stage at which it is
harvested to produce BarleyGreen.
And even more nutritional
value is gained with the addition of kelp to BarleyGreen. When Dr.
Hagiwara brought his green barley powder to the United States some
14 years ago, he brought a product that had been developed for the Japanese
people. But he quickly realized that the American people were extremely
deficient in trace minerals and so he added kelp to his green barley powder.
Kelp contains every known (and some still to be discovered) mineral that
exists on the Earth -- possibly as many as 100. Why does kelp contain
so many minerals? Because the ocean is the repository of all minerals
on Earth as minerals have washed down the streams and rivers into the oceans
for thousands of years. Ocean plants, living in this sea of minerals, are
able to take these inorganic minerals from the sea water and change them
to an organic form.
You can still buy
the original green powder product Dr. Hagiwara developed for the Japanese
people in health food stores under the label "Green Magma," but
it does not contain kelp and thus will not give the same results
as his BarleyGreen product, which is marketed exclusively by American Image
Marketing (AIM). There is no product on Earth, of which I am aware,
that will provide the body the vast array of nutrients in such high and
dense form as BarleyGreen offers.
There are many reason
why BarleyGreen stands head and shoulders above all other green
powder products on the market today:
- Other than Green
Magma, which we just discussed, BarleyGreen is the only green
powder product on the market that contains maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate
made from pine nuts and corn. Competitors call it a filler, but maltodextrin
serves a vital purpose as a water-soluble fiber to stabilize the
nutrients and prevent oxidation! Without this stabilizer, the product would
oxidize (just like any other form of vegetable juice) and have an extremely
limited shelf life. Beware of any green powder on the market today if it
does not contain maltodextrin, as it will oxidize and not give the same
- BarleyGreen is
organically grown and harvested at the peak of its nutritional value. The
juice is separated from the fiber in a juicing machine, and the juice is
spray-dried to a powder in a vacuum in two to three seconds at less than
body temperature. This is a patented process no other company is allowed
to use. Because of the stabilizing (bonding the juice to maltodextrin)
and the no-heat processing, BarleyGreen remains a raw product with
enzymes still alive for three to five years in dry powder form. Yes, BarleyGreen
is a live, raw food. Even after sitting on a shelf for three to five years,
the chlorophyll in BarleyGreen is still capable of conducting photosynthesis
in sun light, meaning that it is still alive.
- When it comes to
nutrients, no product on the market can begin to compare. BarleyGreen
is the most nutritionally dense food that has ever been found... providing
the widest spectrum of naturally occurring nutrients available in a single
source on the Earth today! It contains all the known minerals on Earth,
almost every vitamin ever discovered, plus enzymes, chlorophyll, antioxidants
and all of the essential amino acids. And BarleyGreen is alkaline in pH,
which helps neutralize the acidity of a meat and grain based diet. Because
of the incredible density of nutrients and its unique processing that maintains
these nutrients in their natural form, BarleyGreen is a product without
We have been conditioned
to judge a product by the amount of specific vitamins and minerals, such
as vitamin C or calcium, rather than considering its nutritional content
as a whole, and how all these nutrients work together. Nutrients do not
work alone, so it is useless to buy a pill containing nothing but vitamin
C or nothing but calcium. As Dr. Hagiwara explains: "Barley
Green makes such a difference because it is a whole food. A food
such as BarleyGreen should not be recognized by discussing only the amount
of its vitamins and minerals. The era of focusing on a single vitamin or
mineral is gone in the field of the most vanguarded research, and much
more attention is being focused on biological phenomena."
But when all is said
and done, I am a bottom liner! I do not care what the claims are for a
product or how long the list of nutrients on the label. What I want to
know is DOES IT WORK? As I listen to and read the thousands of testimonies
that pour into Hallelujah Acres from all over the world as people describe
all the physical problems they have been able to heal, and the excellent
health they are experiencing, I am convinced that BarleyGreen and
the Hallelujah Diet are the solution to the misery and sickness
so many people are suffering in the world today.
But as important as
BarleyGreen is, we must remember this supplement is just one part of the
diet we recommend. Unlike the promoters of some other supplements, we do
not claim this one substance will solve all physical problems without any
other dietary and lifestyle changes. We encourage people to adapt the entire
Hallelujah Diet, which means 75 to 85 percent raw fruits
and vegetables, and the elimination of harmful substances such as meat,
dairy, drugs, processed foods, white flour and sugar. Sunshine and daily
exercise such as vigorous walking also is essential. People willing to
make these changes usually see amazing improvement in their health.
Another reason this
entire program is important is that there are actually two elements to
proper diet. The first element is taking in the nutrients our body needs.
The second element, which most people neglect, is eating food that helps
us get the toxic waste out of our body. All disease is the result of not
getting the proper nutrients into the body and/or not getting the waste
Every cell and organ
produces waste that must be eliminated from the body, but people who eat
a low-fiber diet of meat, dairy, white flour and processed foods, and get
little exercise, are unable to completely eliminate this toxic waste. Fiber
is important because it acts as an "intestinal broom" to clean
out the toxic waste from our colon. Animal products, white flour and most
processed foods have zero fiber, which is even worse when you consider
all the toxins these foods add to the body that also need to be eliminated.
That is why
people need to replace their meat, dairy and white flour with raw fruits
and vegetables and whole grains, which provide the fiber to keep our colon
clean and improve the waste elimination of every cell in our body. That
is also why we are highly skeptical of anyone, including Dr. Wallach, who
tells people they can solve their physical problems by taking a nutritional
supplement, without a need to change their diet.
The reason people
achieve such dramatic results on the Hallelujah Diet is that this program
offers everything the body needs -- proper nutrition, high
fiber and regular exercise. And although raw fruits and vegetables are
an excellent source of fiber, we have found that another AIM product, Herbal
Fiberblend, can make a noticeable improvement in waste elimination even
for people with a good diet. And for people with constipation or other
elimination problems, Herbal Fiberblend can make a tremendous difference.
In addition to the
fiber, Herbal Fiberblend provides a combination of 17 herbs that help to
reduce mucous and eliminate harmful parasites in our body, among other
benefits. And, like BarleyGreen, Herbal Fiberblend is a raw, uncooked,
unprocessed product, meaning the nutrients it offers are in a form our
body can use. Rhonda and I use Herbal Fiberblend every day, and we have
seen many people with serious colon problems helped by this product. Both
Herbal Fiberblend and BarleyGreen are all-natural, raw products. We don't
like to be product-oriented, but when we find a natural product that is
this beneficial to people's health, we feel an obligation to recommend
For this reason, BarleyGreen
and Herbal Fiberblend were the only dietary supplements we consumed or
recommended for several years. We have sampled and tested many other products
during this time to determine if they were beneficial, because we try to
keep an open mind on this subject. We continue checking into other products,
simply because if we were to find a product that offered a significant
healthful benefit above and beyond that offered by the Hallelujah Diet,
we would feel an obligation to let people know about it.
That is what we did
last summer when we heard numerous reports about the amazing benefits of
a powerful antioxidant known as proanthocyanidins. We heard reports of
people who took this product receiving relief from heart and circulatory
problems (such as varicose veins), arthritis, asthma and numerous other
conditions. We also found it can provide an extra energy boost, it can
improve vision and it appears to speed the healing of injuries.
are not a vitamin, but they are an antioxidant that increases the efficiency
of other antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamins C and E. The proanthocyanidins
in the AIM product Proancynol are derived from green tea, grape seed and
pine bark. These are all natural sources, but we must acknowledge that
because this product has been processed with heat and put into capsule
form, it is not as natural as BarleyGreen or Herbal Fiberblend. Thus, here
was our dilemma: Do we promote Proancynol because it can be beneficial
to many people's health, or do we ignore this product because it is not
as natural as the other elements of the Hallelujah Diet? We want to help
people, but we also want to remain consistent. After much consideration,
our decision was to continue to make it available to people who want it,
but not to actively promote it.
I view Wild Yam Cream
products in a similar manner when it comes to problems with PMS and menopause.
The Genesis 1:29 Diet will usually correct PMS and menopause-related
problems and normalize hormone levels. However, there are some women who
want to see more rapid results, while others have had hysterectomies or
other surgical procedures that interfere with normal hormone production.
In those cases, a good Wild Yam Product can be extremely helpful.
Again, this is somewhat of a compromise to the Genesis 1:29 Diet (because
it is a processed product and a symptomatic approach), but external application
of this product (containing progesterone) is so much better than the dangerous
Estrogen Replacement Therapy used by many doctors that we recommend our
Wild Yam Cream to anyone with problems in this area.
Now, let's look at
some of the other nutritional products that are quite popular today:
* Super Blue-Green
Algae is a product I have known about for many years and dozens of
people have tried to get me involved in marketing it. I have researched
the product quite extensively and Rhonda and I have personally tried the
product on several occasions. I cannot endorse Super Blue Green Algae
for several reasons.
Blue Green Algae is
taken from Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon which is touted as being so pristine
in the company literature, yet the August 1995 issue of Vegetarian Times
spent almost a full page telling how polluted the lake was and that local
residents wouldn't even swim in the lake because of this pollution. After
being told that this just wasn't so, I personally inquired of locals while
in southern Oregon this past fall and received confirmation of the lake's
Another shortcoming
of Blue Green Algae is that it is processed by freeze-drying. This is an
inferior process that causes a loss of up to 25% of the nutrients, including
the loss of some enzymes.
* Juice Plus
has become very popular and I have been inundated with distributors wanting
me to endorse, promote and sell this product. I have personally tried the
product and researched the product quite extensively and found several
reasons why I cannot endorse it.
Juice Plus contains
fiber which defeats the very purpose of juicing. Because the fiber has
been added back after juicing, this product must go through the digestive
process rather than being able to directly enter the blood stream. This
drastically reduces the percentage of nutrients reaching cellular level.
And Juice Plus is not organically grown.
As you are confronted
by new products -- and you will be -- never evaluate a new product by the
list of nutrients on the label or the claims made by the person promoting
the product! If the product is in powder form, first check into the processing
of the product to see if it has a stabilizer (maltodextrin) to prevent
oxidation. If it does not, it will have a very short shelf life. Second,
make sure no heat is used in its processing. Remember that enzymes, the
life force, start to die at 107 degrees and are completely gone by 122
degrees Fahrenheit. If the product has been freeze-dried you know the process
is an inferior one, and once again look for a stabilizer. Try also to determine
if the product has fiber, or whether it has been juiced to remove this
fiber. Remember, if a product has fiber, it must be digested, which means
you must expend energy before it is assimilated and many nutrients will
be lost.
And especially beware
of any product being promoted with the promise that all you have to do
to solve your health problems is to take this pill (or powder or whatever)
without changing your diet or lifestyle. If anyone suggests you can solve
your health problems without giving up the harmful substances that caused
those health problems, they are wrong. That's a lie many people would like
to believe, but it's still a lie. It's similar to the same lie being told
every day by doctors who earn a living by telling people that drugs, surgery,
chemotherapy, radiation, etc. can solve health problems with no need for
a change in diet.
Here at Hallelujah
Acres, our primary goal is to encourage people to return to the
diet God handed down to mankind in Genesis 1:29. We agree that because
our soil has lost much of its mineral content, some form of nutritional
supplement is beneficial. But this nutritional supplement must come from
a natural source and it must not be processed in a way that leaves a product
with lifeless nutrients in a form totally different from that by which
our Creator designed our bodies to be sustained in perfect health.
If we can focus on
the goal of encouraging people to return to the diet and lifestyle God
originally intended for mankind, we will see healthful results in people
that will far exceed anything that can ever be obtained by pill poppers,
product promoters and medical doctors.
from Issue No. 14 of Back to the Garden