Here is the thirteenth issue of our online newsletter, "Spirit of Health." We bring you articles, which are always beyond the mainstream medical school of thought and may be new to the alternative minded, as well.
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This issue brings you excerpts from Sam Bisers Newsletter "Herbal Therapy
for Serious Illness" featuring medical Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze. To
subscribe to this Newsletter contact the University of Natural Healing
- (804) 973-0262. The cost for one-year (8 issues) is $48.00.
Many of the men and women who came to medical herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze already had serious bone breakdowns. Their doctors warned them they needed immediate surgeries or hormone therapy.
The doctors warned what could happen if patients followed Dr. Schulze's programs and delayed medical care. Within two months, patients were back, getting bone density X-rays that astonished their doctors.
Dr. Schulze used a combination of things that people are not doing together. He used weight-lifting to build bone, reduced protein intake to stop calcium loss, and fresh juices to supply calcium and other minerals in a more absorbable form than cow's milk.
Many people today are lifting weights. That's not new. What is new is how Dr. Schulze incorporates weight-lifting into a nutritional program that grows new bone in eight weeks. Weight-lifting on its own does not feed bone. But as part of this natural healing program, you can have bones that will not shatter when you bend over.
If a bone break puts you in bed, you can lose 25% of your muscle mass in two weeks.
BISER: How bad can a patients' bones get when they are weak. This is something I have never looked into.
SCHULZE: If you go to a doctor and they say your bone density is down, that means every hour, every minute after you walk out of that doctor's office, you are susceptible to some type of fracture.
I've had men and women with low bone density get into a car accident. They don't get a whiplash, they break their neck. Okay. This is what happens when your bones start getting brittle.
BISER: Their necks broke?
SCHULZE: Oh yeah. Broke the cervical vertebrae because of having weak bone density - where the rest of us may get a whiplash.
So when your bone density is weak, the rest of us would have a sprain or a strain or a bump or a bruise. But to a person with weak bone density it becomes a fracture - if not a compound fracture - if not bones crushed so it looks like you were run over by a truck.
I've had women with low bone density, who, for instance, fall and break the arm bone into 20 or 30 pieces. A doctor can't set that or put that back together. We're talking a plate now in the arm.
We tend to think of a bone break as either a green stick fracture, like when you are bending a green stick and it doesn't break clean, it separates. Or a compound fracture, where the bone actually separates and breaks in half.
But when you have osteoporosis, or brittle bones, or low bone density, you break your arm and that bone may shatter into 37 pieces. Now all you have is bone chips, six inches of bone chips.
A doctor can't put that back together. I've had many men and women come to me with a broken, say elbow or wrist, and the doctor said that the bone density is so bad in their elbow and wrist that they can't put it back together. So the doctor was going to go in and take a piece of the hip out, and put that into the elbow.
I am saying to myself, "Now wait a minute, this doesn't make sense at all." It is insane to carve into a hip to replace an elbow. Not to belabor this point, but one reason is that if you take any chances with the mobility of a senior citizen, you could kill them.
Any horse vet will tell you if you want to kill a horse don't let it get out. Most vets know that if you let it get out and run around, it will probably get better. The fastest way to kill a senior citizen is to make them lie down for two weeks.
The next thing you know they will have pneumonia. Their arthritis will kick up; anything could happen. The fastest way to kill anybody over 50 is to immobilize them. So why would you want to destroy the hip, or do a hip surgery on someone who has a good hip but a bad elbow?
The reason I am mentioning this is because people have to be concerned about this. You have to make sure your bone density is high, so you don't get in that position where you are laying in the doctor's office - and they are telling you they can't fix your bone. If that happens, the doctors are going to take bone out of another part of your body, which is insane. Or else they will recommend an artificial joint.
They would like you to think that the stainless steel and nylon gives you perfect motion! But if anybody could see one of these surgeries and the problems with them and the patients afterwards, as I have - they wouldn't even consider it.
"Weight-lifting increases bone density more than any other form of exercise."
SCHULZE: I had numerous patients come to me with either fractured hips or whatever due to osteoporosis or the doctor saying that their bone density was very, very low.
I never went at it from a hormone level. Although I did put the women patients on hormone balancing herbs, such as chaste tree, dong quad and wild yam, I really went at it from much more of a nutritional and movement aspect.
There are all the studies across the board show that people who do aerobics and weight-bearing exercise have between 2 to 4 times the bone density.
BISER: Weight bearing means weight lifting?
SCHULZE: Yes, or machines, or even power-walking, because you are bearing the weight of your body. Women who do aerobic and weight-bearing exercise have 2 to 4 times the bone density of women who sit on the couch.
This is something that is really important. It just goes to show that your bone cells, your osteoblasts, produce more bone when they are getting worked. When you are sitting around and being sluggish, not only are you increasing the amount of fat in your body and in your heart - but you are decreasing the density of your bones.
You know, one thing I always did with my women across the board, is get them on a five-day-a-week exercise program. Many of them had bone scans afterwards and had dramatic increases in their bone density. I told the men and women to lift weights and to move their bodies.
BISER: What kind of moving did you prescribe for women patients.
SCHULZE: Mostly walking. What I can get anybody to do is get out and walk for 45 or 50 minutes every day, whether it's down the block, or whether it's around your house three times.
I'd have patients that lived in large tall skyscraper-type buildings, or 30 or 40 condo unit buildings, and I'd say, "Get in the fire stairs, and start going up and down the stairs. You know you live on the 30th floor, so once a day when you come home, walk up 30 flights, that will take you a half hour."
You would think that this would be a minimum everybody would do. But with our fast-paced life, I would say that 80% of my patients didn't walk. And of course, in L.A., it's a classic story, you know. We get in our car to drive next door. So I really got my patients to start moving.
BISER: What about impact aerobics?
SCHULZE: Although impact aerobics are proven to increase bone density, they can also create joint problems. So you help one thing and hinder another.
But, there is no doubt about it, weight-bearing exercise enhances bone density 2 to 4 times, and I saw this across the board with my patients. But there are some cautions, and they are obvious.
Weight-bearing exercise increases bone density - but not without a good diet.
SCHULZE: If you don't have the nutrition in your body that the bone cells need to build bone, you're just going to build brittle bone, or you're not going to build any bone at all.
To build bone, bone cells need nutrition. If your hormones are not balanced and your estrogen and progesterone are too low, it's not going to work either. That's why body builders even shoot steroids.
So the reality is: yes, weight-bearing exercise increases your bone density - if everything else is going well.
This is what they are not telling you. But if you are a 50 year-old man or woman who isn't on a good diet, who shows signs of osteoporosis and low bone density; you do weight-bearing exercises and you may fracture yourself. You could break a bone.
BISER: Is his theoretical or have you seen it?
SCHULZE: Oh, no it happens all the time.
First of all, many men and women fracture themselves doing nothing. They get out of the car and they break their hip. Okay. They lean on a desk and they fracture their wrist or their elbow.
I mean bumping their shopping cart and breaking a finger. You take someone like that and put them in the gym and start them doing weight-bearing exercises and unless a trainer works with them to go gradually and carefully-something could snap.
Many women go into gyms and get horribly disillusioned when they get hurt and they fracture something.
BISER: Yes, but have you seen this or just read about it?
SCHULZE: Oh, no, no. I spent a lot of time in the gym and it's a real common occurrence.
BISER: You mean you've met women who have shattered bones.
SCHULZE: I've been there when it happened. When you hear the scream and someone falls off the machine.
This is general knowledge about weight-bearing exercise. No one bothers to tell you that your elimination organs have to be clean, and that your nutrition has to get into your bone cells.
You know, bone cells will not grow bone from junk food and soft drinks. In fact, all those things have been proven to degenerate and throw all the usable calcium out of your body.
So weight-bearing exercise with the wrong food program does absolutely nothing. Weight bearing exercise with hormone imbalance does absolutely nothing. And that is your best case scenario.
The worst case scenario is, it will cause you to have a fracture. Break your hip, break a wrist, break your elbow. And it is not uncommon, so those people who promote weight-lifting are accurate, but they are leaving out a few things.
[Note from Sam: I just picked up an outstanding book on weight-lifting for women, but it's just as good for older men. It is called, Strong Women Stay Young, and it's by Miriam E. Nelson, Ph.D. What this woman's research shows was that, after a year of strength-training twice a week, women's bodies were 15-20 years more youthful. Bone loss was prevented or reversed.
Women as old as 89 were getting younger from the weight-lifting. My wife Sandy is following the simple weight-lifting programs in the book, with ankle weights and dumbbells, and it's working. She thinks it's a perfect complement to Dr. Schulze's natural healing ideas.]
Reducing protein intake improves bone strength.
SCHULZE: The Number Two thing I did with my patients' health was reduce their protein intake. This is another big factor.
I have a report in front of me I pulled that says, "Studies from the Medical Tribune and The Journal of Clinical Nutrition conclusively show that by age 65 meat eaters have double the bone loss and bone deterioration of vegetarians."
A lot of studies have shown this. People need to try a vegetarian food program. I've been a vegan for almost 30 years. It's been proven again and again that with high protein in your system, all the calcium in your blood gets urinated out, or a very large percentage of it.
So, if you are constantly eating high animal protein foods, you are constantly urinating out all your free calcium. Say you eat a steak and you have a salad. Well, there is calcium that gets into your blood. But the high animal protein causes you to urinate out the floating or the free calcium before it gets a chance to get into your bones. It is one of the by-products of your body processing protein.
Another thing I've noticed in my research, according to the Department of Agriculture, is that the average American diet has 200 to 250 percent, or 2 to 2 1/2 times, the protein requirement that we need. One of the things that has happened with the good life is not only an excess of cholesterol and an excess of fat, but too much protein.
I read recent reports that said the average American in their lifetime puts ten to twelve entire 3,000 lb. cows through their mouth, their bloodstream-and out their bowels. There are a lot of people, not just a few wildcats, but mostly mainstream doctors, who are starting to recognize the correlation between high protein consumption and osteoporosis.
Many studies are showing that after you eat a high protein meal, you urinate and your calcium loss is awesome.
If you eat a high meat-based diet, you are peeing your bones down the toilet.
SCHULZE: Asian people continue to consume pork, chicken and beef, but their bone density levels are different to ours. They don't seem to be effected, because they mix their meats with lots of vegetables and have a lower overall animal food consumption.
BISER: Now some people start worrying about protein. If they reduce their protein, will they have less energy?
SCHULZE: There has never been any scientific evidence to substantiate that protein has anything to do with energy. It's complex carbohydrates, starch, sugars, your body processes them, converts it into glycogen and stores it for future energy.
The food that wrecks bones.
BISER: Richard, I want to show you a book I have called, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston Price, D.D.S. This man traveled around the world and found that when native people started eating refined flour products, it destroyed their bones in one generation. No matter what race of natives, it happened the same. Broad skulls and wide dental arches and beautiful bodies were replaced with deformed narrow skulls (like many if not most Americana), narrow dental arches, and misshapen bodies. The way I see it, white flour products, including pasta, are the worst destroyers of bone in anyone's diet. Vegetables are great for bone, but anything with refined flour is a bone poison.
SCHULZE: I agree Sam, and that's why I hit so hard on getting supernutrition into our bloodstream. We'll get into proper foods for bones in just a moment.
How to get more calcium from natural non-dairy foods, and change bone density so it's obvious on X-rays.
BISER: That's great. Now what about
getting enough calcium from non-dairy foods? Most
nutritionists say that's difficult, if not impossible.
SCHULZE: It wasn't for my patients.
A lot of people think, "Okay, I need more calcium, I'll drink milk." Even Dr. Spock before he died came out and said, "Milk doesn't work; it is not good supplementation." The reason is that milk is also very high protein.
Not only is the calcium in milk hard to assimilate, but the high protein of milk makes you urinate it away. What we need to look for are liquids that contain a lot of calcium, if we want a liquid replacement for milk, but are low in protein. Two of the classics are juices: carrot juice and orange juice. I used to get all my patients that needed calcium onto those two things.
You have to get a juicer. This is the old, "back to the juicer" again. Let me give you a few numbers, which most people find amazing. An 8 oz. glass of milk, especially if it is fortified, has about 250 mg. of calcium - with a very low assimilation percentage.
An 8 oz. glass of carrot juice, has easy, 100-200 mg. of calcium, that's if you use the worst carrots. The best quality organic carrots in a best juicer can give you double that: 300-400 mg. of calcium, which is almost half your daily requirement in one 8 oz. glass of juice - and you assimilate all the calcium.
Orange juice for calcium.
BISER: What about orange juice?
SCHULZE: Orange juice has 100/200 mg., which is similar to milk. But when you consider milk's high protein, which makes you urinate out the calcium instead of assimilating it, that makes orange and carrot juice far superior, and 4, 5, 6 times more assimilable and you're going to get a better calcium blast from them.
BISER: So your patients were not taking the 2,000 to 3,000 mg. of calcium from tablets on the side?
SCHULZE: No, they didn't need it. Many of my patients went back and had bone density tests and were shocked at the results.
In fact, we just did the same thing with a lady over in England who was a patient in one of the clinics I started there. She had fallen and had severe injuries, broke a wrist on one hand, broke her elbow on the other and fractured her hip.
When they did her bone density test, they said that they were frightened at the frailness of her bones. They even wanted to go in and on some joints put in pins and steel, because they were afraid that her bones would fracture.
We put her for two months on this program of exercise, reduce protein, and calcium supplementation with the juicer and with some food. There are foods that are also famous for high calcium like green leafy vegetables.
Throw some greens into that carrot juice; some parsley and kale and chard. Throw a little beet in there and now you have a calcium blast. Certainly the sea vegetables, like any type of seaweed, especially dulse and kelp, are very high in calcium and so we put her on some of these.
All the sea vegetables are calcium and iron rich. There are tremendous amounts of that available in ocean water.
And sesame seeds too. Tahini is something that is a superior food, and all it is ground sesame seeds. I go to this little Middle Eastern store, Lebanese store, right across the way and I get tahini every week from them. It's fresh, organic, tahini brought in from Lebanon. It's lovely and that's a great calcium supplementation— little sesame butter or sesame tahini.
BISER: What happened with this woman?
SCHULZE: The lady did this for two months, went back and got a bone density check and the doctors' jaws dropped. They were shocked. They said that she had the bone density of a teenager, and this was just two months on this program.
BISER: And no hormones.
SCHULZE: No hormones at all.
BISER: And no calcium tablets.
SCHULZE: No, no calcium tablets, no hormones. Of course, we put her on the female balancing formula. We do that with anybody who shows any symptoms of hormone imbalance and osteoporosis is one of those signs.
Bone density: there have been hundreds of patients that have gone back, couldn't believe it, had their bone scans and had the doctors remark, "This is amazing, I've never seen it."
[Note from Sam: Grains like oats, wheat and rye contain physic acid when they have not been sprouted. Unsprouted grains contain enzyme inhibitors for the seed's or grain's own protection. This is the opposite of what people need. You need enzymes, not enzyme inhibitors. Therefore, cereals and foods of these ground grains can leech calcium and other minerals from people, and could make their bones worse, but better. This is not theory. I have seen it happen. For this reason, sprouted grains are much better for people with bone problems.]
BISER: Didn't the doctors of these patients say, "Ma 'am, you had better be on estrogen or your bones are going to fall apart"?
SCHULZE: Yes, in fact, many of them threatened the patients and said, "Great, but don't call me when you are lying on the floor with a fractured hip and you can't walk anymore."
BISER: Well, Richard, this is how they scare them into hormone therapy, isn't it?
SCHULZE: Oh, it's one of the ways to absolutely frighten a woman into hormone therapy, either the fact that you are going to get brittle bones, or the fact that you are going to get old and lose your hair and become a wrinkled prune.
Oh, yeah, doctors are big on threats and scared the heck out of these patients. And, of course, by even suggesting the exercise, reduce protein intake and supplementing your calcium with juices - we are going against the tide of medicine for the last 20 to 40 years.
BISER: Don't doctors tell people they'll be as good as new after a hip operation?
SCHULZE: Everybody thinks they are going to go in and get a hip replacement surgery or hip surgery - and they are going to be a teenager again. It isn't that way.
I did a study in my clinic just asking people who had hip, elbow, shoulder - in other words, joint surgery - how happy they were with it. The results I got from talking with people is that over 9 out of 10 people I interviewed in my clinic said if they had to do it over, they would not have done the surgery.
SCHULZE: The results are not impressive. Many people are scarred and maimed and are very disappointed with what happened. They have six-inch elbow scars, eight-inch knee scars (it looks like Frankenstein, and it makes you want to vomit), and 20-inch shoulder scars.
(The scar goes almost from their nipple on the front all the way over their shoulder almost to their spine on their back. It looks like King Arthur hit'em with a broad sword and almost chopped them in half.)
Women don't realize what they will look like after these operations. The scarring I saw in my patients is horrendous.
Did you ever see someone after knee surgery? They have a scar right across the front of their knees. Gee, that looks great in shorts. They continued to have the pain and the aching and the arthritis. The problems they had were horrible. Most of them needed a follow-up surgery anyway.
BISER: In other words, even though their hip was degenerating they were not better off from surgery?
SCHULZE: No. In fact, I have seen better results with people who did nothing. This is a classic of medicine.
I've seen better results with the bone setters in rural Spain for instance, who you would just go to and they would soak your leg in herbs and stretch your leg out and set your bone, than I have with modern surgery.
Any woman who is heading towards menopause, even in their mid-40's should consider what we are saying here. A juicer is a tool for health when you want to build up your bones. You can build your bones up in no time by supplementing with juices, especially a bone-building cocktail, like carrot and greens juice.
There is no reason to let doctors scare you into their operations and their estrogens. It's true, estrogen can increase your bone density. But it can put you in a casket too. If I were a woman, I'd rather limp with an arthritic hip than have malignant vaginal cancer. I think anybody would.
Food programs - so your body has what it needs to make better bones.
BISER: Food is the raw material for your bones. You can't make bones from soda pop. Herbs can be the spark plugs for your glands, but no car runs on electrical sparks. It needs gasoline.
So - if you don't eat the right foods, the herbs Dr Schulze recommends may not work.
When Sandy and l met Dr Schulze, we were like anyone else. We didn't want to change our diet. Why bother? We just wanted some of his magic herbs so we could feel better quickly with no effort. But when we finally changed what we were eating every day, his herbs worked a lot better.
You may consume ounces of herbal formulas, but you are eating pounds of food. Eating the wrong foods can overrule the most amazing herbal formulas. ignore food changes, you are using herbs irresponsibly. I know, I was one of the ones who did it. Herbs are not natural healing. They are only part of natural healing.
Herbs are not a band-aid for reckless living. As Dr. Schulze says, they are a finishing touch. They are only the icing on the cake - not the cake. Like any tool, they work best when you use them right
You need food to build hormones...
BISER: Why can't a woman just take a complete multi-vitamin, multi-mineral tablet made especially for women? Isn't that better than worrying about what special foods to eat?
SCHULZE: I never saw "pill" nutrition work. It didn't work for me when I was ill - and it never worked for my patients.
You have to remember that I got the worst cases. The gynecologists sent over the suffering women they couldn't help. No one came to me first, not even the healthfood crowd. I was the last stop for women with hormonal problems - and the last, last stop for men and women with deadly diseases like terminal cancer.
When patients came in, they had already taken vitamin pills. If they were going to work, it would already have happened. Vitamin pills are chemicals, not foods. For example, did you know that niacin is made from boiling sulfur in the presence of asbestos? And vitamin B-12 is made by using treated sewage sludge as a raw ingredient. Can anyone really call this natural healing?
Most people who take vitamins never ask where each vitamin in their bottle came from: the source!
You can't put Nature into a pill. Every year, scientists discover more and more components of food. Each year, there are more healthfood with the latest food compounds.
But if you rely on one or more of these tablets, how do you know you are getting the food ingredients they'll discover five years from now. You can't eat a bad diet, and make up for it with a pill. The supplement companies want you to believe that, but it's not so. The old-time healers used foods, and one of these foods was yeast - a food that people today ignore in favor of B-vitamin tablets, or stay away from because of fears of candida.
Americans are wrong when they think yeast causes candida. It helps cure it, as well as cure hormonal imbalances. But you have to use the right kind of yeast.
SCHULZE: Using high B-vitamin foods and yeasts to heal was one of the secrets of the old great healers. But it's been forgotten.
Nutritional yeast is a single-cell plant, which means that it goes into your blood stream predigested. Spirulina is the highest source of natural vitamin B12. There's no higher source of B-12, and the second highest is nutritional yeast; that's why I use them both.
They both go into your body before they even hit your stomach, because they're single-cell plants, which means you don't have to digest them. It's just like whales sucking plankton; they don't have to digest it. It just goes right into their blood stream. So this is a key factor.
BISER: I remember Dr. Henry Bieler, the old healer, used to use baking yeast for people.
SCHULZE: Yes, and it works. Now, an interesting side-note is that in Europe, they think live yeast cures candida. In this country, they think it's the death food. I believe the Europeans.
You go to Germany and they believe that the live yeast is very healthy in building up your system. They're right. It doesn't cause candida. It builds up your immune system and corrects it. What I use is food yeast, just for nutritional consumption. It's non-fermenting and doesn't produce any gas like live yeast can.
Healing results from nutritional yeast.
BISER: So you've seen results, in how long did you say?
SCHULZE: A day. Twenty four hours. I mean, it's unbelievable. It's unbelievable how fast you can get a response. Immediately, in as little as 12 hours. I've seen people improve from 80% all the way to 100%, to where they didn't even know they had a disease anymore.
I had one woman who was 102 years-old, lying in bed wanting to die. After a day on a mixture of superfoods including nutritional yeast, she wanted to live again, and shortly after, made a road trip across the country to visit relatives. That's the kind of power nutritional yeast and other superfoods have.
BISER: What kinds of conditions has this yeast helped?
SCHULZE: Depression. Nerve diseases. Hormone imbalance. You never know what it will help. I use it in all conditions.
BISER: What you're talking about is bringing back another neglected form of healing - B-vitamins from real foods.
SCHULZE: The old healers used molasses and sugar cane, sugar beets, and yeast. European tradition was to use lots of yeast.
The best food yeast to get is called, "Red Star T-6635 #12 Large Flake." This is food yeast that is grown on beets as a food source. Ask your healthfood store to order it for you. If this doesn't suit you, try another type of yeast.
[Note from Sam: In my local store, I found a nutritional yeast from a company called Twinlab. This is what Sandy likes. I use another yeast called Brewer's yeast, also in powder form from Twinlab, because regular nutritional yeast doesn't agree with me.
[You can mix the yeast in fruit juice, or fruit juice diluted half and half with water. You can also add a couple of tablespoons of flaxseed oil, or ground flax seeds. Keep in mind that some people will do better on certain oils than others.]
One additional thing I did in about half the cases was to add fresh wheatgrass juice.
SCHULZE: Wheatgrass is an amazing detoxifier and rebuilder. It is completely different to eating wheat. It's a powerful healing juice for a woman's body, and there's nothing quite like it.
BISER: What can readers do to use wheatgrass?
SCHULZE: You might have to grow your own wheat grass, and actually purchase a wheat grass juicer, or something you can juice with. If you don't have a wheat grass juicer, just soak the wheat grass in water and blend it up in your blender and drink it, grass and all.
Anybody can grow wheat. You grow wheat and it just grows into grass. You can grow it yourself. It's very easy to grow. You just buy wheat, and you take organic wheat kernels, and you soak them for a few days until they actually sprout.
You can soak them for about 24 hours and then put them into a damp cotton cloth for another two or three days, until the wheat sprouts, and then you can just make them like other sprouts. Rinse them in water two or three times a day until they have tails on them about an inch long, and then you can go ahead and plant them right in the soil.
Some people plant them right away and then just keep the soil damp the first couple of days, and you grow your own wheat grass. Now you have what looks like your front lawn in a tray in your house.
What do you do with it? Well, you can run it through your juicer. A lot of people think you have to have a wheat grass juicer. A wheat grass juicer just gets more juice out of the wheat grass. There are hand-operated ones and there are electric ones. The hand-operated wheat grass juicers are about $70-80, and the electric ones are usually $300, but you could run the wheat grass right through your Champion juicer. [Shown by picture.]
[Note from Sam: Wheatgrass juice is available flash frozen as a juice, which may not be 100% as good as fresh, but far better than nothing. I had our local healthfood store order a case for us. Wheatgrass tablets don't have the same effect.]
You can just cut the wheat grass up and soak it with water and put it in a blender. I've had many patients just take the wheat grass, cut it up and put it in a blender, fill that blender with water and blend it up and you'll get a greenish water. Or, you can run it through your juicer with other things like carrots, and it gets caught up in your juicer
Wheat grass is something everyone should consider as a medicinal cleansing and building juice. It's very bitter tasting. Start out with a little bit. I suggest people start out with an ounce a day and don't take it on its own. I like an ounce of wheat grass with 16 ounces of fresh carrot juice. It just gives the carrot juice a little greenish tint and it's very palatable.
There is also what I consider the wheat grass cocktail, which is a base of apple juice with, say, about 12 ounces of apple juice, a couple of ounces of lemon juice, a thumb size piece of ginger and an ounce of wheat grass.
One thing that is very interesting, is that lemon and lime tend to cover up the taste of wheat grass, which is good because a lot of people find it very strong to eat or drink, and lemon especially seems to cover up the taste.
Use dulse from the ocean for making more hormones.
BISER: Are there any foods you used that really worked in getting women the hormones they needed?
SCHULZE: One such food is dulse. In the beginning, I used dulse when I was grabbing at straws in tough cases.
It had a tremendous effect on women I just wasn't getting results with. I increased their intake of sea vegetables to give them lots of trace minerals. And that fed the endocrine system what it needed to balance out.
Dulse is famous for helping the thyroid, because of its iodine content. No one ever used it for the ovaries or the pancreas, but it worked great for those organs too. You have to use a 4 oz. bag a week of the dulse to see results.
[Note from Sam: The dulse I use is from a company called Main Coast Sea Vegetables in Franklin, Maine 04634. You can mix it in tomato juice or anything else. The product is called Dulse Flakes, and it is available in healthfood stores.]
Rye builds muscle, but eating wheat builds fat.
BISER: Richard, I think we should tell women that drinking wheatgrass juice, or eating old-fashioned wheatgerm, is completely different to eating wheat bread!
SCHULZE: It sure is. One of my old teachers, Dr. Bernard Jensen, used to say: "Wheat is the most inferior grain."
He'd say, "Wheat makes you fat. Rye builds muscle.'
BISER: Rye builds muscle?
SCHULZE: It sure does. And women don't know that. I was over in Germany, and I saw the well-defined, large, striated muscles - not flab - in the men and women who ate whole grain rye breads. I'm not talking about the rye bread sold in supermarkets. I mean the real thing like they make it in Germany.
I never heard of any natural healer of old who put people on wheat diets. It's the worst of the grains. Everybody's favorites were barley and rye. These are some of the grains that our ancestors ate. They ate buckwheat and bulgar type wheat and oats, rice and quinoa. Quinoa is an excellent one. The Indians pronounce it phonetically like "keenwah."
BISER: Then we switched over for some reason in history to being wheat eaters.
SCHULZE: A lot of what we eat now is what the farmers can create large crops of and make a lot of money on. No one ever sat down and thought what would be best nutritionally for Americans, or the people of the world.
BISER: The bottom of the official food pyramid is six or more servings of refined wheat products.
SCHULZE: I wonder who promoted that one? Wheat is a good grain to store in your fallout shelter in case times get tough. But on a daily basis, most people today don't even experiment with others. Look at millet. The only place I have even seen millet in the American home is in the bird cage. No one eats it, but it's just one if many ignored grains.
BISER: You're right, we don't put wheat out for birds.
SCHULZE: No. I've read reports that during periods of famines they have given wheat to horses and other animals - and killed them. You constipate them and kill them if you give them bread. We know that when you give grains to a horse - you have to give them oats and barley and rye. You would never give a horse wheat.
When my late teacher Dr. Christopher talked about eating wheat, he talked about soaking it and sprouting it. You take an organic red wheat kernel and you soak it and sprout it. You eat that and you have something very different than pasta or bread.
You soak it in water and keep it wet for a couple of days. It grows a tail. You can put it in a bowl, pour anything over it; soy or rice milk, water, it's very sweet. I used to make that and grind it up in a blender into a ball and then put it outside and make sun bread.
[Note from Sam: Sandy and I have cut our intake of refined carbohydrates such as pasta and bread almost to zero and we feel much, much more alert. I think these things jerked our blood sugar around and made us sleepy. The only bread we eat now, based on what we learned from Dr. Schulze, is a sprouted rye seed bread or sprouted barley bread made by Elvarado Street Bakery in Rohnert Park, California (707) 585-3293, and sold at our local Whole Foods natural food store.]
Soy products are NOT a magic answer for hormonal precursors for bones and health.
SCHULZE: When we refer to primitive people in Asia or China who use soy, that's not the only thing these women were doing. We're talking about a group of people so poor they live off the land.
They are doing everything right. They are exercising hard, because they have no cars and no choice but work physically hard to live. They don't have convenience stores. They eat primitive food because there is nothing else. In other words, they are eating a lot of produce and a low animal food diet.
BISER: But experts give soy all the credit for their health.
SCHULZE: That is silly. Soybeans are great food, yet the experts make soy to be a miracle cure. It's the same mentality of looking for magic bullets, instead of building a healthy lifestyle.
There are hormone precursors in every whole grain and bean - and in almost all foods. There are very little if any hormone precursors in garbage food - in junk food and in overcooked food.
[Note from Sam: The best soy milk Sandy and I have found so far is a brand called Edensoy, the regular formula, and not the Edensoy Extra. Most other soy milks are too sweet. They make sealed one-cup packs with a straw you can take to work. Westsoy Regular Organic Soy Milk is the only unsweetened soy milk we found.]
Animal foods contain hormones that can mess-up a woman who already has hormone problems.
BISER: Are there any foods that women with hormone problems need to avoid?
SCHULZE: If a woman has serious hormonal problems, she should temporarily or permanently drop all animal foods.
If she does, she will feel a lot better, and her hormones will balance faster. Animal foods are already riddled with growth hormones and steroids. They are the last thing you need when your own hormones are badly out of balance.
Hormones are pumped into everything from eggs and dairy cattle all the way to beef and chicken. You put those super-hormones in a woman and who knows what's going to happen? We need to get women off of horse urine estrogen from their doctors, but also get them off of cow estrogen and chicken egg estrogen and all animal hormones and hormones that are in animal foods.
I got my women on a vegetarian diet and it was like putting out the fires in these women. It was allowing their bodies to normalize. You need a good healthy diet that supplies your body with the ingredients it needs to build hormones. But you also want to look out for the foods that will make you worse. Number one is animal foods and right up there with the other barrel of the shotgun is sugar and refined carbohydrates - which are sugar.
The number two and three bad foods are sugar and caffeine for a lot of women. Sugar and caffeine will put additional stress on your pancreas and adrenals, two key endocrine organs.
If your body is already pushed to the breaking stage with hormone imbalance or hormone crash - and then you add chocolate, sugar, alcohol, coffee, or a diet high in animal foods, I've watched that push a lot of my women off the hormonal cliff.
BISER: What about organic beef?
SCHULZE: Some people say, "Well, I only eat range beef that has had no hormones or steroids, and the cow was allowed five minutes to pray before it's head was chopped off."
But it still has naturally concentrated hormones that turn a 300 lb. calf into a 3,000 lb. cow in a year. The other thing is; I'm not so trusting of the farmers. By law, they were supposed to stop using DES or diethylstilbesterol fifteen years ago in America. And yet they still find traces of it in animal foods.
The bottom line is that when farmers are going to starve to death, they're going to do what they have to do to pay the house mortgage, and sometimes that's throwing some hormones in your food. So, if you've got bad hormonal problems, you don't need animal hormones to confuse your already unbalanced body.
Final note on strong bones by Sam Biser
This is extra advice to complement your program of great nutrition plus weight-lifting for strong bones.
First, if you eat out and feel you must have a meat entree, split it with someone else and have a large salad. Asians are more healthy than Americans and they mix animal foods with plenty of vegetables. They never have slabs of animal food with a mere broccoli stalk on the side as we do. They do the reverse; plenty of vegetables, and little or no meat.
Many readers would be better off being a vegetarian three to five days a week. This would give their hormonal system a rest from the bombardment of animal hormones in meats. This is no reason to load up on junk starches.
Second, I asked Dr. Schulze about desserts, because I know sugar is terrible for bones. Dr. Schulze told me, "Your health is determined by what you do five days a week. If you are not seriously ill, it is okay to have a little 'party food' every week." As Dr. Schulze told us, "If you go out to eat, don't get a dessert for yourself. Split it with others. His rule is: "One dessert, many forks." You don't need your own large portion to be satisfied.
Third, on coffee, Dr. Schulze told me that people with certain metabolisms can have a small amount of coffee with no harm. My wife Sandy now has one or two small cups of coffee per day. She grinds the beans herself, then brews them for four minutes in an inexpensive French press, available at any coffee shop. By drinking the coffee immediately, she is getting anti-oxidants not present in coffee that has sat for more than 30 minutes.
If you have been abusing coffee for years as a stimulant, you will be better off without it. A small amount of coffee as an herbal beverage is different from using coffee as a daily life support system. Why go on a great program to build up your bones, and wear out your system with a strong stimulant?
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WARNING: Natural methods can sometimes backfire
and cause harm.
Remember that ALL herbs, foods or other natural methods
occasionally have dangerous allergic reactions or side effects in SOME
people. People have even died from allergic reactions to peanuts. Therefore,
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This newsletter contains unorthodox ideas and opinions,
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