Online Health & Nutrition Newsletter
Vol. 2.                                                                                                                               Issue 5. 27. April 1998
Spirit of Health
- Special Triple Edition Report -

          Here is the ninth issue of our online newsletter, "Spirit of Health." We bring you articles which are always beyond mainstream medical school of thought and may be new to the alternative minded, as well.

          If you would like to access back issues of this newsletter you can do so by selecting and choose the Newsletter link.

          This issue brings you excerpts from Sam Bisers Newsletter "The LAST CHANCE Health Report" featuring medical Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze. To subscribe to this Newsletter contact the University of Natural Healing - (804) 973-0262. The cost for one year (12 issues) is $49.50. Two years (24 issues) are $77.00.

Natural healing can cure the medically-incurable.
But as currently practiced, it is a disaster.
According to Dr. Richard Schulze, "Medical doctors kill you with their treatments. Natural Healers and herbalists kill you with their inexperience, their ignorance, and their impotent therapies and remedies."

         Natural Healing can cure more than you believe it can cure - when done correctly.

         It can cure conditions medicine cannot cure, and it can do it consistently, not once in a while. Look at some of the letters and comments Dr. Schulze and I received from customers who followed his programs:

Insulin-Dependent Diabetes: "I THREW MY NEEDLES AWAY;"




Two Decades of Crohn's Disease: "HEALED IN 3 DAYS;"


Parkinson's Disease: "THE SHAKING STOPPED;"

Hip Replacement Surgery: "CANCELLED."

          Miracle cures are happening. But for hundreds of thousands of people who practice natural healing, miracle cures are NOT happening. I know this because of what readers tell me in their letters. Many follow their wholistic doctors, but still suffer and die. This is a painful fact I have not wanted to discuss in print - until now.

          For an answer and explanation to this dark underside of natural healing, I turned to Dr. Richard Schulze, a medical herbalist who is known worldwide for the ability of his programs to cure incurable diseases.

          According to Dr. Schulze, "You will never hear this information in any natural health publication, because the greatest enemy to your recovery may be the alternative healers themselves."

WARNING TO READERS: This report contains strong language and occasional profanity. I am quoting  what real-life sick and dying patients said to Dr. Schulze. I am also quoting what Dr. Schulze told me about the way things really are in natural healing. This report is uncensored, because the raw truth may shock you into action and save your life.

If such language may be offensive to you, STOP reading this report right now. Do not write me later and complain. STOP reading right here. Do not go further.

BISER: Most readers won't believe their eyes. You, of all people, talking bad about natural healing!

SCHULZE: Medical doctors say natural healing and herbs don't work. They are right; most natural treatments don't work.

          This is not to say that Natural Healing won't work if done correctly; it's that 99% of the clinics and practitioners I see are a bunch of pu....s*.

[* Editors note: Cowards with female characteristics!]

          If you use their watered-down therapies, wimpy programs, impotent cleansing routines, and minuscule herbal dosages, you'll end up 6 feet under. Do people really believe they are going to get cured from killer diseases with a few drops of this or that, or a light massage, or a weekend fast? Good luck!

          There are only a few practitioners in the world who have the guts to put their patients through half of what necessary to heal a deadly or chronic disease. Sure, these people can cure the odd case of pimples or dandruff, but the really sick just get sicker and die.

          To most, wholistic and natural healing means soft lights, flute music, incense and essential oils and taking a few herbal capsules. Don't get me wrong, all this can be a nice touch, but if you think this alone is going to heal you, you have a gigantic surprise coming.

"While you are fiddling around with your scented candles, the doctors are sharpening their saws, filling their syringes, and adjusting their radiation equipment. At least they know that to heal killer diseases, you have to be tough."

BISER: So, if you have gangrene, they won't balance your aura, they'll just cut your leg off.

SCHULZE: That's right. If you want to heal serious disease and illness with Natural Healing, it needs to be at least as tough as the medical approach. But you don't see tough in New Age Healing Centers; you see soft-spoken wimps selling enzymes and healing fairy tales.

BISER: Surely there must be some good holistic doctors and natural clinics?

SCHULZE: Where? If I knew of any I would tell you. Remember, I'm out of practice. I would love to have places to refer people to. One lady called just the other day and asked for a referral in New York State. I said, "New York? I don t know anyone in this whole country that does the work I am talking about."

          This was the main reason I did the Save-Your-Life Video Collection with you. It was a lot of hard work and took a year and a half, but no one else knew the natural treatments and therapies for deadly diseases, or had the cures to prove it.

          But if you read all the advertising for books and magazines on Natural Cures, you would think we are in the middle of some Golden Age of Natural Healing. I don't see it; I don't meet the cured patients. Besides my old patients, and your readers, I think you could fit all these other so-called cures into my living room, probably my closet.

          I get hundreds of letters every month, from people begging me to refer them to a doctor or a clinic that follows my programs, because I no longer practice. It is a natural healing disaster out there. I wish I had a thousand places to tell these people to go, where they could find help, but I stopped giving referrals.

"These natural clinics are a real joke, promising miracle cures, but where are all the recovered patients hiding?"

BISER: Why did you stop referring people to clinics?

SCHULZE: The last person I referred was a young lady with AIDS who called me. I referred her to the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida.

          The woman called the director and told him of her problem, and that Dr. Schulze suggested that she check into their clinic for a stay to get better. He told her not to come; he said she was too far gone. What kind of crap is that? All he did is depress that poor girl's immunity even more. If Ann Wigmore, the founder of the Institute, were alive today, I would call her and have this guy's butt kicked.

          This girl lived for 2 and 1/2 more years, and might still be around today - if they had the guts to take her on. These spineless pu....s are so afraid of serious disease and illness, and so afraid of death.

          Go ahead and ask your natural doctor how many people he has seen cured naturally from breast cancer, malignant liver tumors or diabetes. You will see an uncomfortable look on his face, and then a blank stare.

          I ask these other doctors questions like, "When you get a cancer tumor to burst, what does it look like when it comes out? Or, "What color is it?". I want to compare notes; I want to learn.

          I called the author of a top natural cancer cure book and asked him for details of tumors. What I heard on the other end of the phone was, "Ahh, well, oh, gosh, well I've never really seen a tumor erupt; I just collected the data for the book from reports."

          I myself can describe a thousand different tumors I saw; the white spider-looking tumors, the red bloody sponge-like, the white crabmeat to the brown ground hamburger-filled tumor that erupted and fell in my hands.

          You want to talk tumors? I can go on for days. I've dreamed about them. What the hell have these other natural doctors been doing? Obviously not curing cancer.

BISER: I hear what you 're saying, but readers still won't believe it that Dr. Richard Schulze is condemning Natural Healing and Alternative practitioners.

SCHULZE: Natural healing works. I saw thousands healed in my clinic. And tens of thousands healed worldwide. You name the disease; I have seen the recovery and not just the odd case here and there.

          I have seen natural therapy and herbs heal chronic, deadly disease consistently, over and over again, when applied correctly. I am not talking about a fluke here. It has been repeated time and time again.

BISER: Then why don't the clinics and practitioners use what works?

SCHULZE: Most of them don't have the faintest idea. Using natural therapy and herbal medicines to heal serious disease and illness is a lost and forgotten art. The few that do know give you a watered-down version, mostly on purpose, I think.

"Most practitioners are much more afraid of losing you because they offended you, than of you dying from your disease."

BISER: What do you mean 'on purpose'? Why would any practitioner not want you to get well?

SCHULZE: Oh, I think about half of them are burnt-out and just want your money. I hate to say this, but I've seen a lot of chiropractic clinics who used "natural healing" to increase cash flow, but who never really believed in the cures I talk about.

          And, I know you may find this hard to believe, but another quarter of the natural practitioners just want a date or have some personal agenda; so if you're not interesting, they will shuffle you out in a hurry. You have no idea how many dozens of female patients said they had been screwed - physically (not financially)- by their natural doctors.

          The final quarter of the natural practitioners are sincere, in their wimpy way. I do believe they have a desire for you to get well, but they don't have the guts to tell you what is necessary, if they even know.

          Many times, when I was in my office interviewing a patient, they would start telling me their symptoms. Then they would tell me what a perfect life they lead, and I knew it was all bullshit.

          As they were chattering away, I would be thinking to myself - "Richard, do you have the balls to tell Mrs. Smith that she is a bold-faced liar? That her manipulation has probably worked with every other doctor before me? That I don't believe a damn word she says? And that if she wants to be well, she will need to stop bullshitting me and herself, and be willing to do anything necessary to get well?"

          I would continue: "Richard, do you have the guts to tell her that I think her vaginal cancer was partially caused by the fact that she has been living with a man she has hated for years, and hates sex. In fact, I think she hates all men; I think she hates me."

          "Richard, do you have the balls to tell her that her breath smells so bad that you could smell it from the waiting room before she came in the office? And that no perfume made can cover up the body odor I smell from her congested rotting colon?"

          The bottom line, what I had to deal with every day in my clinic, was, "Do I have the balls to be totally honest with every patient I see, to tell them exactly what I feel from listening to them, seeing them, smelling them, or whatever?"

          I know that when you have been working with patients for a while, certainly as long as I did, and your heart is pure, you only want the best for them. God starts talking to you; or some believe you become psychic.

          I know two things about these thoughts. They are the most important things to discuss, more important than anything. I also know that they are always right.

          I asked Dr. Christopher about this once. I said I was doubting these feelings I was getting, these messages. He got the maddest I ever saw him get and said to me, "God is always right. NEVER doubt God's messages." He never did, and I never did again.

          So my point here is: the biggest difference between me and the other healers is that I believed if my energy was pure and my only desire was to help my patients, that when anything came to me during a visit with a patient, no matter how embarrassing, how stupid, how weird or how insulting it would sound, I had to say it to the patient.

          A great guru in India once told me I could always say I was sorry afterward. He knew I would never have to, and I never did.

          Look Sam, everyone wants to be popular, at least liked. Health Care Practitioners are no different. They have to make a living and are afraid that if they are too rough, you might leave and go to an easier doctor or clinic. Most patients will.

          There are thousands of clinics, therapies, and formulae around that claim all kinds of easy miracle cures for serious diseases - by just taking a few cups of an herbal tea, or by spending a weekend at their spa.

          Deep down, most people feel that these clinics claim too much success for doing too little; they really don't believe the claims, but they want to believe. In a similar fashion, most people don't really believe they are going to win in Atlantic City or Las Vegas, but they still go and take the chance; maybe they will get lucky.

          Most of us, because we all want the easy way out, take it. All the patients that came to see me in my clinic had done almost everything else first, tried all the easy ways, and only as a last resort came to see me.

          I think the biggest reason some people get well at wholistic practitioners is that, even though the treatment is useless and impotent, it is also not harmful and buys enough time for the body to rest and heal itself.

          This also delays you from seeing a medical doctor. Medicine, because it is so toxic and dangerous, kills more people than it cures and is a bigger threat to your health than your disease.

BISER: So you are saying the biggest reason people get well at their holistic doctor is not effective therapy, but a lack of medical intervention?

SCHULZE: Absolutely. I used to know a great veterinarian. He had one of the highest success rates of any vet in his area. I wondered why. When I investigated his therapy, there basically wasn't one.

          When a horse was ill, he would say, "Well, let's put it out to pasture for a few weeks and then we'll see what we have." In a few weeks, the horse was usually better. All that fresh air and good food and exercise from running around. I think his biggest reason for success was that he didn't do a darn thing and just let nature heal. This works the majority of the time

BISER: The practitioners seem more afraid of losing you to another doctor - when they should be more afraid of losing you to the mortician.

SCHULZE: Yes, and because of this, they go easy on you. They offer you a treatment plan that is easy, anyone can do, and it doesn't require that you alter your life-style too much; just take a couple cleansing drinks a day and a few herbal pills.

          I will use the old business saying here, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."

BISER: What do you mean?

SCHULZE: If you have a serious life-threatening disease, and decide to heal yourself naturally using a wholistic practitioner, the healing process should disrupt your entire life.

          When my patients finally recovered from their Cancer, AIDS, Diabetes, Arthritis, whatever, most of them had made so many changes in their life, they would tell me they didn't know who they were anymore.

BISER: Does everyone have to make such drastic changes in their life? Aren't you being a bit tough? I know people who have gotten well only making a few changes.

SCHULZE: Yeah, well, people win the lottery too, but not many.

          There are always a few who drink one glass of carrot juice and their cancer disappears. But for most, it takes a full-spectrum healing program.

          If you only make a few changes, you might get better, but my experience is that you will not. Your disease might even seem to go away for a few months or years, but it will probably come knocking back at your door with a vengeance next time, if you are lucky enough to have a next time.

          After many years of practice, I have discovered the old saying, "You reap what you sow," is exactly correct. A farmer that plants watermelons in the spring never sees corn coming up in his field in the fall.

"If you don't want to take the responsibility, well, that's what medical doctors are there for. Go get your cancer cut, burned, and poisoned out, and that should buy you a few years. Some call that healing, I call it buying time."

BISER: What's your point?

SCHULZE: My point is that if you have cancer, or any serious illness, you have to figure that you did whatever it took to make cancer in your body.

         You can take the responsibility for your own disease and its cure, or you can dump the responsibility for your problems on doctors. Natural Healing is for those who have the guts to say, "I got myself into this mess, and only I can get myself out of it."

         I would rather do too much and get healed, because you can always look back and say, "That sadistic bastard, Dr. Schulze, made me do more than I needed to." But if you don't do enough, well, dead people can't complain.

         Dr. Jensen used to have a wooden door on his clinic office. Carved into that door was the saying, "Everyone is looking for a Good Doctor I am looking for Good Patients."

         I have had many good patients over the years. They didn't put the healing responsibility onto me, but took it themselves. They not only did what I suggested, but they did more; they went that extra mile on their own.

         They would intensify the programs themselves, and for longer durations. Instead of feeling like I was dragging them through the healing process, I felt as though they were leading the march. I couldn't stop them if I wanted to. This type of patient always got well.

         I could tell the losers from the winners in my clinic in the first 5 minutes of the first visit, and I would tell them right to their face.

         I would say, "I don't want to waste my time and your money. So unless you get an attitude adjustment, like immediately, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."

BISER: I know some people think you and your system of Natural Healing is extreme, unnecessarily harsh. What do you have to say to that?

SCHULZE: I am a big pussycat; no kidding. Seriously, even in my most dramatic attempts, breaking the so-called boundaries of Natural Healing, pushing the envelope, going to extreme, I still come up short from what some of my teachers did, and what their teachers did before them.

          A hundred years ago, two hundred years ago, that was the golden age of Natural Healing. Let's face it, when we look back into history, just within the last few hundred years, before modern medicine, Natural Healing worked.

          Most researchers agree that our current longevity and so-called better health is NOT due to modern medicine. Instead, it is attributed to fresher more wholesome foods, refrigeration, clean municipal water supplies, and efficient sewage removal systems.

          Now, if we could just get rid of 99% of medicine, and replace the hospitals with health institutes and natural healing clinics like the one I used to run, just imagine how our longevity would increase even more.

BISER: Can you give me a few examples of what the old natural doctors did?

SCHULZE: Sure, let's start with Hydrotherapy, using water to cure. You know, part of my Incurables Program is to take very hot and then ice-cold alternating showers. I use 1-minute hot, then 1-minute cold, for 15 minutes.

"I pushed the paralyzed child, wheelchair and all into the ice cold river. The students were horrified. A short time later, this little boy's legs moved for the first time in his life."

BISER: I know this is a powerful and effective therapy. I have done it myself and I have seen the letters from people who skipped this step and did not get well, and then added it to the rest of your programs, and healed their cancer.

SCHULZE: Yes, it can be a bit tough at first, but while some say I am radical, I think I am just entry-level, beginning-level natural healing. Benedict Lust, a great European Natural Healer that came to America in the 1800's, had a hydrotherapy treatment that lasted EIGHT HOURS. That is eight solid hours in running water.

          Sometimes he would prescribe it for DAYS. He called it his Blood-Washing Method and it cured the incurables. He cured people of cancers, arthritis, blood diseases, diabetes, and many other diseases using this method.

          Hydrotherapy clinics in Malvern, England, dropped ice cold water from 30 feet up on your head to stimulate circulation. In Hot Springs, Arkansas, they would strap you to the wall and go up and down your spine with an ice-cold, high-pressure fire hose.

          Vincent Prieznitz of Hungary used to strip you naked, wrap a dripping cold sheet around you, make you drink a gallon of water, then go outside and sit on a snow bank for 2 hours. It is estimated he healed 2 million people.

          I traveled the world to the great old Hydrotherapy centers like Spa, Belgium; Baden Baden, Germany; Bath, England; Mondorf les Bains, France; Hot Springs, Arkansas; Malvern, England. Let me tell you, the effective treatments they had 75 and 100 years ago make my 15-minute alternating shower look pretty wimpy.

          When I was teaching for Dr. Christopher, many years ago before he died, one of the classes he asked me to teach was hydrotherapy. He knew it was a subject I loved.

          A woman brought her paralyzed son in a wheel chair up to Utah. I wheeled that boy, wheelchair and all, right into an ice-cold, fast, running river fed from melting snow. A few students were really upset at me for doing this; they thought it was way over the top. There was a lot of grumbling.

          That boy had been paralyzed from just after birth, when the doctors were doing a surgery. He was only a few months old. Well, they slipped with their scalpel and severed his little spine. He never moved again from the waist down.

          After I pulled him out of the ice-cold stream and dried him off, I put him back into the classroom. A few hours later, his mother screamed in class; his legs were moving.

BISER: So even students of Natural Healing think you go too far?

SCHULZE: They sure do. During one course I was teaching, when I was demonstrating the Cold Sheet Treatment, a student called 911. She actually thought I was killing the volunteer.

         By the time the ambulance arrived, the patient said she felt the best she had felt in years.

         Natural Healing for serious diseases can look scary to the bystander; they get frightened. Medicine would look much worse to the novice, but doctors draw the curtains before they mutilate, burn, and poison.

"I think I am mild when it comes to the great natural healers of the past. That just exposes my critics for me bunch of gutless, spineless wimps they are."

BISER: What else has been diluted, besides hydrotherapy?

SCHULZE: Take your pick; everything. How about crainiopathy (working on the skull)? You have reported on that. I have heard stories that the good doctors of old got you in a wrestle hold, adjusted your skull, and you could hear the pop in the next room. Today's cranial therapists (with the exception of powerful healer Dr. Dean Howell in Everett, Washington) are so mild, you can just about fall asleep during treatment.

          Then there's the work of Dr. Randolf Stone, the founder of the Polarity system of Natural Healing. He did some of the deepest and most intense bodywork. He restructured peoples' bodies with his hands. He not only corrected physical deformities, but, along with his food program and herbal cleansing, he cured the most stubborn incurable diseases, especially paralysis and nerve degeneration.

         You could hear his patients screaming a block away. He had techniques like none I have ever seen anywhere else. I tried to imitate some of these techniques from his earlier works, with the help of a friend of mine who studied at his school. Even my shaky attempts made profound changes in my suffering patients.

         His dozens of volumes of books have been reduced to a little paperback edition now; they left all his unique healing expertise out. The new reprints are almost useless.

         The majority of the schools that teach his work today leave all the deep work out. They say it is not necessary, too intense, unnecessarily painful. I guess they've never been in a hospital, if they thought his work was painful. I don't see the schools getting the results their great founder did.

         Paavo Airola was another very tough man, a real butt kicker. He wasn't afraid to pull you out of your wheelchair, or toss your crutches away and make you walk, even crawl, if necessary. He had better results healing people from arthritis than anyone.

         He knew what it took to walk again after spending 30 years in a wheelchair. He knew some soft coaxing, a warm shower, and a cup of herbal tea wasn't going to do it.

         He knew that you had to fast, on juices, maybe for months, and it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch to start moving. He knew you might scream in pain some nights when your joints cleaned out, but he also knew this was the only way to get you back on your feet and walking again.

         I saw a man come to him that had been crippled for over 20 years. This man had swollen joints and disfigured limbs. I saw this same man marching up a hill only 3 WEEKS LATER. He literally had a muddy footprint on his ass.

         I asked him what happened and he said, "I didn't want to get out of bed this morning, so Paavo kicked me in the ass." He said, "You know, I needed that kick to get going." Was that the kick of a mean man? I think not. Paavo knew what he had to do to heal the incurables, and he did it.

         Many people think that Dr. Christopher was a pushover, a puppy dog. Not true. He could be brutal.

         I saw him help a man release and pass a kidney stone using foot reflexology He wasn't doing a relaxing foot massage; you could hear this man screaming in the next building. Later that day, the man passed stones and blood in his urine.

         Dr. Bernard Jensen would fast you for weeks, then make you live on raw foods and herbs for months. During this time, he would give you enemas while you were inverted, until you thought the water was going to drain out your nose. Just when you thought you were clean, here comes Dr. Jensen and the enema again.

         Some say that Dr. Jensen was an extremist during his years of practice. Say what you will, but I have never seen anyone get close to the amount of fecal matter and bowel encasements out of people that he did.

         "You have to go back a 100 years or more to see natural healing at full strength. Even my clinic was a watered-down version. I could only tell my patients what to do, I couldn't do it for them - because they did it all at home."

BISER: But didn't you and old healers have sympathy for what patients go through?

SCHULZE: Sympathy has no place in Natural Healing. I have never seen anyone helped by being sympathetic. Feeling sorry for people doesn't get them well. Making them take responsibility for themselves does.
