Online Health & Nutrition Newsletter
Vol. 2.                                                                                                                               Issue 7. 20. June 1998
Spirit of Health

          Here is the eleventh issue of our online newsletter, "Spirit of Health." We bring you articles which are always beyond the mainstream medical school of thought and may be new to the alternative minded, as well.

          If you would like to access back issues of this newsletter you can do so by selecting and choose the Newsletter link.

          This issue brings you excerpts from Sam Bisers Newsletter "The LAST CHANCE Health Report" featuring medical Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze. To subscribe to this Newsletter contact the University of Natural Healing - (804) 973-0262. The cost for one year (12 issues) is $49.50, for two years (24 issues) $77.00.

IMMUNE SYSTEM FORMULAS for pneumonia, killer viruses, cancer and AIDS.

People with a weak immune system can die quickly. If you don't believe it, just read the headlines...

"Flesh-eating bacteria eats man alive, Legionnaires Disease kills everyone in hotel room, Woman with tuberculosis infects other passengers on airplane, Cholera found in the U.S. water for the first time. Cancer rates skyrocket, No Stopping AIDS, Herpes (shingles) infections on the rise, Candida albicans overgrowth reaching epidemic proportions, Epstein-Barr virus plague, Parasite invasions increasing, Measles returns," etc.

          And, you've heard the other bad news, antibiotics and other drugs are useless and won't save you anymore because these new "bugs" eat penicillin and anti-viral drugs like candy.

          As far as I see it you only have 2 choices, either staplegun 20 mil plastic over your entire house and don't come out for the next 25 years or ...supercharge your immune system, as you'll learn in this issue.

          This month, we continue our discussions with Dr. Richard Schulze, the medical herbalist who has cured the incurables. The formulas and methods you are about to learn have never been released before to the general public. They were developed by Dr. Schulze at his clinic for the terminally-ill. What Dr. Schulze is going to teach you is unapproved and unaccepted by the armchair herbalists who write the popular books.

          These people ridicule Dr. Schulze and call him "an herbal caveman out of touch with modern methods." They label his cures as "para-herbalism." The problem with these herbal professors is that they spend their time in the library and have never seen a patient - ever. These people are educated cowards and herbal idiots.

          What Dr. Schulze teaches you in this newsletter was learned on real people with real diseases that were killing them. In this issue, you will learn specific dosages and detailed formulas that herbalists keep to themselves. Our goal is to teach you what you need to cure yourself at home. Healing knowledge is power - power to live!

"Echinacea cures the incurables, but not the way people are using it."

BISER: Most people believe that herbs are mild and quite ineffective, as compared to drugs. Is that true?

SCHULZE: Not at all. In most cases, herbs are more powerful than drugs - when used with complete, fullspectrum programs, as I did in my clinic.

          Now, you realize I am not talking about the garbage sold at healthfood stores. I'm talking about the stuff people can make at home, as I'll show you in a moment.

BISER: What have you seen herbs do in your clinic?

SCHULZE: I had sixteen people with AIDS, some of them terminal, and they were cured with natural healing.

          Because of the geographic area my practice was in, I saw many AIDS patients. These people usually had low T-Lymphocyte blood counts. Many under 200, some in the double digits; I even had a few with 1 or 2 T-cells only.

BISER: Only one or two?

SCHULZE: Yeah, it doesn't get worse. And some of these people had Karposi's Sarcoma Cancer and Pneumocystic lung fibrosis, too. I had some real sick patients. Some had less than two weeks to live.

BISER: What happened?

SCHULZE: Almost across the board, I saw everyone's T-cell count double in a matter of days as long as they followed the full incurables program, stopped their immune-destroying chemotherapy with AZT, and took the herb echinacea at the rate of 360 drops (12 dropperfuls) a day of tincture. I also had to work on their attitude, but we'll get into that some other time. Many of these dying people had a complete return to health.

"Homemade echinacea jumps the T-cell count better than any drug the doctors have."

BISER: Echinacea! Isn't this herb just the new fad?

SCHULZE: If you call 1,000 years or more of use a new fad.

BISER: Who's been using it that long?

SCHULZE: The American Indians used echinacea extensively for hundreds of years. They used it for all types of disorders but especially for wounds and rattlesnake bites. They knew that it increased the body's ability to recover from illness and injury, but also protected the body from poisons and toxins.

"Dr. King was a famous doctor at the turn of the century whose wife was cured of cancer by taking echinacea tincture. The doctor's regular herbal medications did not help her.

BISER: But why didn't the doctors use it?

SCHULZE: They did. It's a very interesting story. In the late 1800's, there was a man named Joseph Meyer from Pawnee City, Nebraska.

          He was a peddler of various goods by wagon and he learned the virtue of a Kansas root from his Plains Indian friends. He made and bottled a tonic of alcohol from this root and sold it as a cure for everything that seemed to be.

          He traveled the west in his wagon selling this tonic and became quite famous both as a healer and showman. As the story goes, he would let live rattlesnakes bite him on stage to prove the effectiveness of his tonic and it seemed he never got ill.

          This is where the name snake oil peddler originated. He also claimed that his tonic would cure cancer. It seemed to, and he claimed it was good for everything from mad dog bites to the plague.

          At the end of the 19th century, he decided he would like to know what this root actually was so he shipped off a case of his tonic to Professor King, one of this nation's leading doctors at the turn of the century and author of the famous King's American Dispensatory.

          Professor King laughed at this request, stuck the bottles of snake oil tonic under a bench at home and wrote Joseph Meyer back and told him what an idiot he was to think that an herb could be identified from a bottle of tonic and to send the whole plant to his laboratory if he wanted it identified.

          In the meantime, Professor King's wife was dying of cancer and wasn't getting better, despite all that he was doing trying to save her.

          He had the best medicines of the day. His friends and colleagues, especially the Lloyd brothers of Cincinnati, Ohio made what was then, and still is considered today to be, the highest quality and most effective herbal preparations in America. But nothing helped Professor King's wife and she was slipping away.

          Joseph Meyer sent off the plant and Professor King shelved it. A few months later, professor King's wife had a full recovery from cancer. He was overjoyed, of course, and questioned his wife. He told her that he was glad that his medical advice and prescriptions finally worked. He was shocked to hear that she had given up on his medical advice months ago, stopped using his prescriptions and started using snake oil.

          At that time, no echinacea preparation was sold or ever heard of in medicine. In 2 years, it became one of the most widely-used tonics by doctors in America. It was only abandoned when the A.M.A. destroyed herbal medicine in this country and drove the over 20,000 practicing herbal doctors out of business.

          Unfortunately, most modern herbalists I meet don't like to hear or tell stories about echinacea curing cancer.

BISER: Why not?

SCHULZE: Because they want herbology steeped in scientific data and standardization. They want to forget about the past; they think it's embarrassing, and they never want to talk about the fact that herbs, absolutely, without a doubt, destroy tumors and cure cancer.

"Most echinacea products in the health food stores are a bunch of watered-down useless garbage. Test them and you'll see I'm right."

BISER: Why not?

SCHULZE: It is definitely not politically correct. Today's herbalists want to downplay herbs and cancer, so they can "get along" with the power people.

          Another reason a story like this is embarrassing is that most of today's echinacea tinctures on the market are so standardized (the modern lie for watered down), I can't even taste or detect any Echinacea in 75% of them.

          I would guarantee you that Joseph Meyer's snake oil tonic was better than any of these pharmaceutical herbal products. In fact I know that the tinctures at the turn of the century were stronger.

BISER: How do you know?

SCHULZE: I've tasted them.

BISER: Tasted tinctures over 50 years old?

SCHULZE: Absolutely. About 15 years ago, when Dr. Christopher was alive, he told me I should go and visit a friend of his named Nathan Pothurst because Nathan was, I believe, in his nineties at the time and Dr. Christopher didn't know how much longer he would be alive.

          I traveled to visit him and had the opportunity to spend some time with a man who ran one of the last existing Botanical Pharmacies that I know of in the United States. His pharmacy was in downtown San Francisco on Ellis Street amidst the skyscrapers, and I believe it had been in operation since before the First World War, maybe earlier. This man was an endless supply of knowledge of what it was like in herbal pharmacy almost 100 years ago.

          Nathan used to supply Dr. Christopher with some herbs and herbal products and he is also the man who told me the earlier Professor King story.

          Nathan still had some samples of tincture in his pharmacy from just after the turn of the century.

          I was privileged to be able to wipe the thick dust off and sample some of them and, let me tell you, even after over 50 years, these tinctures curled my toes they were so strong. When herbal doctors reigned in this country, they didn't use the tinctures like most of what is available today. The modern watered-down garbage wouldn't have made it to the public because the pharmacists would have thrown it down the drain.

BISER: You are kidding me! Aren't you being a little hard again?

SCHULZE: You tell me, but first, try this experiment. Go to the store, buy every echinacea extract you can find, and I guarantee you that what you can make in your kitchen in one hour will be better than any of these so-called standardized, super-potency, chelated, gold label, whole plant, quick active, fresh plant juice, hydroprocessed, German commission E garbage.

BISER: I did your test, you were right. It's hard to believe, but it's a bunch of garbage out there. If strawberry jam tastes like strawberries and lemonade like lemons, why doesn’t any of the super duper Echinacea extracts taste like the real thing, the plant itself? What should l tell my readers to do?

SCHULZE: If they can't find a reputable source, they should make their own. It's very easy.


SCHULZE: Just buy some fresh or even dried Echinacea root. Start on the new moon and soak this root in 80-proof vodka for 4 or 5 days and then put it in your blender.

          Blend at low speed at first. It won't turn into total liquid but it will break down some. Pour this back into the jar and let it settle. Whatever size jar you are using, make sure that 2/3 of the jar is this settled root mash and 1/3 over that is the alcohol. On the full moon, press this out by hand through a clean and rinsed dishcloth.

          If you want to make a really super-strong tincture, save this tincture until the fall and pour it over fresh Echinacea leaves and flower heads using the same procedure as above. Make it with the moons, about 14 days, strain this out and you will have the best, most potent Echinacea tincture, better than anyone makes.

BISER: Should people grow their own?

SCHULZE: Absolutely. I suggest that anyone who has the slightest green thumb give it a try. Echinacea is in the sunflower family, looks similar to one but has bright purple flower petals. It is a beautiful plant to have around the house. (Editor: Sources for organic seeds listed later.)

          Echinacea has 9 known species and all are native only to the United States but they are now grown all over the world. The plant is in the sunflower family and the most popular species used medicinally are Echinacea Angustifolia, Echinacea Purpurea and Echinacea Palladia but all 9 species are medicinally competent. However, the Echinacea Angustifolia is probably stronger. It was the one preferred by the Plains Indians.

"How to actually use this miracle plant."

BISER: All right, now tell me, what does Echinacea actually do?

SCHULZE: It seems to be more what doesn't it do. It has been found in hundreds of medical and scientific tests conducted worldwide to stimulate and boost almost every aspect of your immune system.

          It helps the body create more immune blood cells, actually increases T-cell counts, helps increase macrophage production and activity (eating ability), stimulates production of interferon and interleukin I, and it seems to protect cells from invasion.

          I have heard it is even being used in Germany as an intravenous injection for immune depression and degenerative disease. In fact, the Germans have run tests on Echinacea showing great immune enhancement using these poor quality extracts. Just imagine the miracles when you make your own or use a great quality one.

BISER: How do you use it?

SCHULZE: It's easy. Echinacea root must be simmered to make a decoction. Put 1 level tablespoon of the cut and sifted root or five 1-inch pieces of the root into a saucepan with 16 ounces of distilled water. Simmer slowly for 1/2 hour. Drink this 2 to 3 times daily.

          For a tincture, a minimum dosage is 60 drops (2 dropperfuls) 3 times daily or 180 drops (6 dropperfuls) a day. Take this dosage for two weeks straight, rest one week and repeat, if necessary.

          In serious conditions this dosage can be doubled, even quadrupled up to 2 dropperfuls every hour of the day. I have personally used one ounce per day for a superimmune blast. Echinacea and Garlic are a dynamite duo and I highly suggest they be used together. I suggest anyone on Echinacea consume at least 3 cloves of garlic a day, also.

BISER: What about other diseases?

SCHULZE: Echinacea is a specific for when you have a cold, flu or fever. It’s also for fighting any type of infection, heat or swelling. It is potent for any toxic bite or sting. You can also use it externally. It is famous for cancer and should be used two weeks on and one week off until health returns.

          I have had many patients recover from cancer, some from A.I.D.S. and other degenerative diseases and all of them used Echinacea as a foundation part of the program.

          I had a woman come into my clinic who had an infected, swollen sore throat for 3 1/2 months and the doctors had given her every drug and antibiotic under the sun; nothing worked. Her immune system was shot. She used Echinacea tincture for 2 days and it was gone and never came back.

          I have had patients with chronic infections for years get almost instant results using Echinacea only for a few days.

"Mass inoculations and over-drugging: two reasons why immune disasters are happening to today's Americans."

BISER: I've seen all of these headlines, what's going on?

SCHULZE: Everything is finally hitting the fan. For years, medical doctors have been indiscriminately dishing out extremely potent bacterial, viral and fungal-killing drugs like candy.

          Disease microorganisms, antigens and pathogens are not stupid. They have become immune to this chemical blitz the same way cockroaches now eat insecticides; they even thrive on them.

          Doctor's best chemical weaponry is now useless to destroy mankind's deadliest enemies, and many organisms have mutated into merciless lethal killers.

BISER: I suppose you are against all inoculations?

SCHULZE: I sure am. My son just turned a year old last week. He was born at home, was never vaccinated, has never eaten anything but mom's milk, fruit and superfood drinks, and has never has a cold, ear infection, not even a sniffle. You tell me.

          Inoculating and vaccinations are pure poison, killing and maiming thousands of children. There was never one case of an autistic child before vaccinations were used. But what is worse is the stupefying effect these poisons have on our immunity.

BISER: I heard that the polio vaccine, that supposedly saved thousands, was recalled?

SCHULZE: It was. When that vaccine was first developed in the late 1940's, it was made from the pus of dead pig kidneys infected with poliomyelitis.

          It was filthy live bacteria and viral pus, but they cleaned it, to 1940 standards, and gave it to everyone reading this newsletter. Twenty years later, in the 1970's medicine and science decided to look at the vaccine again, with more updated and modern equipment, and discovered 149 live viruses and bacteria living in the vaccine, and recalled it immediately.

          Just one of these viruses is now labeled the SV-40 virus and is found inside cancer cells and, by the way, the cancer rate has skyrocketed since the usage of the polio vaccine. Your readers have got this junk inside of them.

BISER: What can my readers do to protect themselves?

SCHULZE: Well, first, don't get any flu shots or blood transfusions. Remember Dr. Christopher warned us not to break the skin; he called it the hermetic seal of the body. Also, remember, the best defense is a good offense.

BISER: You mean the strong will survive.

SCHULZE: Exactly; those who stay healthy, do periodic cleansing and detoxification programs, eat right, exercise and think positive, will have the strongest defensive systems.

"You can't build more immune cells from pizza, beer, ice cream and coffee"

BISER: O.K., How do we keep it strong?

SCHULZE: Well, it's a whole program. Everybody wants the fast, easy way, with a little Echinacea added to a bad diet, but it doesn't work. Your body won't build immune cells from Beer, Pepperoni Pizza, Ice Cream and Coffee. In fact, junk food and sugar actually depresses your immunity.

The first step in building any blood, red or white, is a food program that will supply super amounts of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids), this is what you build blood from, and I said a food program, not pills.

BISER: In other words, not by taking vitamin and mineral pills.

SCHULZE: No, by using foods.

BISER: What foods?

SCHULZE: First, juices, get a juicer. I have seen people build their blood up in hours using the juicer; it's like a blood transfusion.

BISER: Any particular blood-building juices?

SCHULZE: The best vegetable combination is:

          70% carrot juice
          20% beet root and beet greens
          10% other dark greens

          If you are not used to carrot juice, start off with 80% apple and 20% carrot. As you get used to this, start adding more carrot and less apple. This is a good way to do it for children, also. The juices must all be fresh, you must buy a juicer and juice them yourself.

          The best fruit combination to build the blood is:

          40% apple juice
          40% grape juice
          20% any red, blue or purple fruit (blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, cherry, prune, etc.)

         The best detoxifying juice, and also blood builder, is wheatgrass juice. You can find it at most health food stores. It is strong-tasting and also strong in action. Start with 1 ounce per day only and if you can't stand the taste mix that 1 ounce with 8 or more ounces of carrot juice.

BISER: What else?

SCHULZE: What I call the Super Foods. These are foods and herbs that naturally occur on this planet that are the most concentrated forms of nutrition discovered. We mentioned them in the last newsletter and gave the formula. You add equal parts of each, or change ingredients to suit your taste or metabolism.

          You have to supply your body with the highest quality FOOD sources of Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Amino Acids etc., if you expect to build blood and a strong, powerful immune system. Then you can use herbs to wake it up.

"Echinacea stimulates the immune system, but it doesn't come close to garlic as far as an anti-infection herb."

BISER: What about garlic and the immune system?

SCHULZE: I know what Echinacea has done for me in the clinic. It is one of my most favorite herbs, but if I could only choose one herb for the immune system, in fact if I could only have one herb to use it in the clinic at all, it would be garlic.

BISER: Why so much belief in garlic?

SCHULZE: It's not belief; I have seen the miracles it creates.

BISER: What have you seen?

SCHULZE: I have seen garlic heal cancer, inside and out and I have seen it destroy all bacteria, virus, fungus, worms and parasites, everything inside, and outside too.

          Garlic is the most potent killer of bacteria, virus and fungus, in fact any antigen/pathogen, stronger than any other herb. In other words, echinacea may stimulate the immune system more than garlic, at least there is more clinical proof of this, but it is not nearly as potent at directly destroying pathogens.

          Garlic does enhance the immunity, but is the deadliest killer of everything that can hurt you. This is why I say echinacea and garlic are the best dynamic duo.

BISER: Give me some specifics on garlic?

SCHULZE: To begin with, it is nature's best antibiotic. It destroys bacteria. Many substances in nature destroy bacteria, but few kill all bacteria. Garlic is classified as a broad-spectrum antibiotic. In other words, it kills both gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

          In fact, garlic is so powerful it can be diluted 1 part in 125,000 and still be effective against bacteria. Also, just the odor alone has been found to be anti-bacterial, so if you eat it and breathe on your friends, you might lose them, but you will also disinfect them.

          Garlic's widespread use in Russia as an antibiotic has given it the respected name of Russian Penicillin. In fact, it works better.

BISER: How do you know this?

SCHULZE: I have spent time with a leading immunologist who escaped from the old Soviet Union in the 1960's. He did his research for years at the famous Pavlov Institute. He showed me results of testing they did on Garlic and its power which proved it to be more effective than penicillin in every test against bacteria, more potent than any antibiotic known.

          In Russia, the economy is not controlled by pharmaceutical companies and Medicine, like it is in the United States. So, it only made sense for them to use the cheaper, easily available garlic - with no side effects other than the odor - as the nation's antibiotic.

BISER: Why does it work better?

SCHULZE: Pharmaceutical antibiotics are non-selective in their destruction of bacteria in your body; they just destroy it all.

          This creates many problems because our body has millions of so-called friendly bacteria that we need for proper metabolic functions. This is why many people, after a course of antibiotic therapy, have digestive problems, constipation, and yeast and fungal overgrowth infections.

          A worse problem is that antibiotics don't destroy 100% of a bacteria strain in your body. Usually only 99%. The remaining bacteria mutates, becomes more deadly and antibiotic-resistant. This is how very lethal, antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria are created.

          Garlic is totally selective in its bacteria destruction, only killing bacteria that's harmful to our body. What is amazing is that, at the same time, garlic actually enhances our friendly bacteria and improves our intestinal flora and digestion.

BISER: Can you tell us some of the bacteria that garlic is proven to destroy?

SCHULZE: Garlic destroys many types of bacteria including Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Typhoid, Diphtheria, cholera, bacterial dysentery (Traveler's diarrhea), Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Rheumatic bacteria, and many others.

          But, that's not all, garlic is also an extremely potent anti-viral agent. Garlic has been tested against many viruses and is known to destroy on contact the viruses that cause Measles, Mumps, Mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr), Chicken pox, Herpes simplex #1 and #2, Herpes Zoster, Viral Hepatitis, scarlet fever, Rabies and others.

          But still, that's not all. Garlic's anti-fungal ability is second to none. In the laboratory, it has proven to be more potent than any known anti-fungal agent including Nystatin. Garlic will regulate the overgrowth of Candida albicans and positively kill ringworm.

BISER: What have you used garlic for in your clinic?

SCHULZE: Everything I mentioned above but mostly cancer. Garlic is a proven cancer remedy.

          About 1/3rd of all the medical research into garlic is cancer-related.

         Garlic has been shown to help our white blood cells not only defend us against cancer, but also to increase our ability to destroy tumors. When the properties of garlic are present in the bloodstream, many aspects of our immunity are enhanced. Garlic has also been found to stimulate interferon production, enhance natural killer cells, stop tumor growth, and even reduce the associated pain of cancer.

BISER: Any particular types of cancer?

SCHULZE: Most of the research has been done on cancers of the digestive tract. In one medical university study, garlic was shown to reduce stomach cancer 10 times more effectively than the non garlic-eating group.

BISER: How do you suggest to actually use it?

SCHULZE: Anyone who wants to start using garlic should start with one large clove a day. Each clove should be an inch to an inch and a half long.

          The best way is raw; either chewed, chopped in your salad or run through your juicer with fruit or vegetable juice. When you can handle this, go to 2 cloves and work your way up to 3. Most studies show the minimum effective dosage to be 3 large cloves a day - so this is what you want to take.

"The bottom line I told my patients is that cancer smells a lot worse than garlic."

BISER: But everybody is afraid of the bad breath from it.

SCHULZE: There are a lot of natural breath aids. I find the best way to cover up the breath problem is a little peppermint essential oil or tea tree oil. Just a drop or two in the mouth does the trick.

          Dr. Christopher used to suck on a clove bud; that also does the trick. There is a good tea tree oil breath drop in the health food store called Tea Tree Mouth Drops by Thursday Plantation out of Australia. I used this one in my clinic, and it always did the job. They also make a tea tree oil- tooth pick.

BISER: You also mentioned external use.

SCHULZE: Absolutely, it works great outside the body, too. Remember, GARLIC WILL BURN YOU. Garlic contains sulfuric acid and will burn through the skin. This can be helpful when you want to burn off cancers, warts, boils, anything, but make sure you are also taking it internally.

"Here is a formula for a poultice made with garlic that I used in my cancer cases..."

BISER: How do you actually use garlic for cancer?

SCHULZE: There are two basic ways. The first is simple. If the affected area is small like a wart, tiny cancer or boil, just slice a medium-to-large garlic clove in half and tape the wet sliced garlic right on the spot.

          Tape it on with some adhesive tape or a few Band-Aids and change the garlic 2 to 3 times daily for a fresh piece. This will usually burn what you want off in a few days.

          The second way is a garlic poultice. You have to be careful with this one. Put many garlic cloves in a blender and add some apple cider vinegar and slippery elm inner bark powder. It makes a brown glop Apply this to the area, rub in well and it will stick as it begins to dry a bit. You can add a little cayenne pepper.

          Here is a formula I've used with great success.

          In a blender put:

          1 heaping handful of fresh, if not dried Red Clover Blossoms
          1 entire bulb of peeled garlic cloves, at least 12 large cloves.
          1/4 cup of fresh grated poke root or 1/3 cup of the dried powder
          2 tablespoons of Goldenseal root powder
          2 tablespoons of activated charcoal
          1 teaspoon of tea Tree Oil
          1 Cup of Bentonite Clay
          1 cup of Slippery Elm inner bark

          Put this all in a blender and add enough 50/50 solution of distilled water and raw apple cider vinegar to make a paste, add at least 1 ounce of blood root tincture per 8 ounces of liquid, blend well and apply.

          I have used this cancer poultice hundreds, actually thousands of times on all types of cancers, above and below the surface with great results.

          Poultices of this type have been used for hundreds of years on cancers and have proven very effective. Dr. Christopher used many cancer plasters that he was taught about by his teachers. The one I suggest is a very strong general purpose poultice for all types of cancer.

BISER: What about Melanoma, Melanoma, skin cancer?

SCHULZE: Red Clover, one of the ingredients, is famous for skin cancer, a specific for melanoma.

          I have had many patients kill and lift off melanomas like a scab, flaking off a wound that has healed.

          I had one lady with a severe melanoma on her left arm. The cancer was black in color and the blood in the arm was also infected.

           Her arm was black and blue and the blood was not circulating. Her skin was so thin I could see right through it, it was transparent, like plastic food wrap. When I touched her arm lightly, it would start to bleed and leak blood, and sometimes pus would ooze out.

          One doctor even suggested amputation in fear of this deadly cancer spreading and of gangrene.

          She covered her entire arm, from the armpit to her fingertips, with the poultice every night. In the morning she would wash off the poultice during her hot and cold shower routine and then she would massage castor oil deep into the arm.

          At noon, she would apply another poultice for the rest of the day, wash it off with the hot and cold again and apply another poultice before bed. She also did the complete incurables program, which is the foundation; the poultice is just the specific.

          In a week's time, half the cancer was gone and the arm was regaining its normal color. The cancer peeled right off like thin layers of tar. In three weeks her cancer was gone and has never returned.

BISER: Thank you Dr. Schulze, for going public with these formulas.

Killer viruses: A formula for stopping them when drugs fail. Plus more...

BISER: What if a person is exposed to a killer virus, like one of the viruses discovered recently that can kill in four hours - and that no medicine can stop?

SCHULZE: I would use a formula I call Master Tonic, which every reader should make at home and have ready for this kind of emergency. When the problems occur, there is no time to make it. Here is the formula:

          1 part fresh chopped garlic cloves (antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasitical)
          1 part fresh chopped White Onions, or the hottest onions available (similar properties to
          1 part fresh grated Ginger Root (increases circulation to the extremities)
          1 part fresh grated Horseradish Root (increases blood flow to the head)
          1 part fresh chopped Cayenne Peppers, the hottest peppers available, Habeneros, frican
          bird peppers, etc. (great blood stimulant)

          Fill a glass jar 3/4 of the way full with equal parts of the above fresh chopped and grated herbs. Then fill to the top with raw unfiltered, unbleached, non-distilled apple cider vinegar.

          Close and shake vigorously and then top off the vinegar if necessary. Begin this formula on the NEW moon and strain and bottle on the FULL moon, (approximately 14 days). Filter the mixture through a clean piece of cotton, bottle and label.

          Make sure that when you are making this tonic that you shake it every time you walk by it, a minimum of once per day. Remember that all the herbs and vegetables should be fresh (and organic if possible), and to use dried herbs only in an emergency.

          If you have a hard time finding any of these particular herbs in your local health food store or grocery store, try asking the produce manager for a special order and if this doesn't work look for them in an ethnic area of your town, such as Asian, Indian, southern European, South American etc.; where people use these herbs in their everyday cooking.

          This tonic is extremely powerful, because all the ingredients are fresh. Its power should not be underestimated. This formula is a modern day plague tonic and when added to an incurable routine I have seen it cure the most chronic conditions and stubborn diseases.

          It stimulates maximum blood circulation, while putting the best detoxifying herbs into the blood. This formula is not just for the sniffles, it has helped to turn around the deadliest diseases.

          The dosage is 1/2 to 1 ounce, two or more times daily, gargle and swallow. My patients swear it is not only the cure for the common cold but every other disease of mankind.

          I designed this formula as a fresh herb alternative to Dr. Christopher's plague formula, to be more alive, a herbal juice tonic, and believe me, you don't want to be without formulas like this when you or your loved ones get ill; it will save your life. Make up plenty, it can't go bad because vinegar already is, and will last almost forever.

Herbal formula for immune system stimulation

          70% Echinacea root
          10% Fresh chopped Garlic clove
          10% Siberian Ginseng root
          10% Pau'd Arco inner bark. (Most sold is junk.)

          Make a tincture of the above formula. For pneumonia and other conditions, use 2 dropperfuls a minimum of 3 times daily but 6 times is better. Use for 2 weeks, rest a week and use for two more weeks. Rest 1 month and do it again.

For more information on Echinacea's immune abilities, get the excellent book... Echinacea, the Immune Herb, by Christopher Hobbs, Phone 408-4579095, FAX 408-457-9097, Botanica Press, 10226 Empire Grade, Santa Cruz CA 95060

To learn how to grow Echinacea and other herbs, read this book: Herbal Renaissance: Growing, Using and Understanding Herbs in the Modern World, from Stephen Foster, P O. Box 1343, Fayetteville, AR 72702 Cost is $16.95 plus $2 shipping and handling.

SOURCES for echinacea seeds & products

Organically-grown Echinacea seeds can be obtained from Seeds of Change, (505) 438-8080, or write to P O. Box 15700, Sante Fe, New Mexico 87506. Each seed packet is $1.95. Two good seeds are: #396 Echinacea Angustifolia, which is what the Plains Indians used, and which Dr. Schulze says may be more medicinal than Echinacea Purpurea. A variety easier to grow is #096 Echinacea Purpurea, which is still excellent for curative purposes.

For Echinacea tincture, write for a catalog from: Southern Botanicals 611-D S. Myrtle Ave., Clearwater, Fl 33756 (727) 461-5455

Cayenne raising blood pressure?

           One reader wrote in and said that cayenne raised his blood pressure. It is important to remember that cayenne is not a drug for the circulatory system, but only part of a natural healing program.

          You need to clean out your liver with a liver flush and castor oil packs. This can substantially drop the cholesterol and affect the blood pressure. You also need to cleanse your colon.

          Also, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are a sign of dehydration, even if no thirst is present. You need to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, and include 1/2 teaspoon of salt a day in your program. Without the salt, the water will pass through your body too quickly and will not be retained - and the blood pressure will remain high, in spite of the increased water. Another benefit of water is that it can instantly relieve anxiety attacks and excess anger. Drink three glasses of water immediately when great anger or anxiety appear, or when you are under great physical pain. The water will cause your brain to excrete a calming chemical and you will be better in minutes. For more information, get Your Body's Many Cries for Water, $14.95 plus $3 postage, to Global Health Solutions, PO. Box 3189, Falls Church, VA 22043.

To obtain more information on Dr. Schulze 's healing or cleansing programs select and click on Health and Natural Healing Programs in the side bar. To purchase the above mentioned formulas use the same address and click on Where to get.

We hope that the information in this newsletter is of help and interest to you. Please let us know what topics you would be interested in and we will try and provide you the information you request. Our e-mail address:

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This newsletter is published under the First Amendment of the U.S.Constitution, which grants the right to discuss openly and freely all matters of public concern, and to express viewpoints no matter how controversial or unaccepted they may be. (Rev 3/17/95)

WARNING: Natural methods can sometimes backfire and cause harm.
Remember that ALL herbs, foods or other natural methods occasionally have dangerous allergic reactions or side effects in SOME people. People have even died from allergic reactions to peanuts. Therefore, any natural method you learn about here may cause harm, instead of the benefit you seek. ASK YOUR PROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER FIRST, and if he is not receptive, consult another Professional Health Care Practitioner.
This newsletter contains unorthodox ideas and opinions which are NOT accepted by the consensus of medical opinion. Before following these medically unproven ideas, please check with your own Professional Health Care Practitioner. If you feel you must self-medicate, proceed with extreme caution. Allergic effects can prove harmful.

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Health Freedom Resources, Inc.
1533 Long St. Clearwater Fl 33755
Ph: (727) 443-7711 Fax: (727) 442-4139