Here is the sixth issue of our online newsletter, "Spirit of Health." We bring you articles which are always beyond mainstream medical school of thought and may be new to the alternative minded, as well.
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This issue brings you excerpts from Sam Bisers Newsletter "The LAST CHANCE Health Report" To subscribe to this Newsletter contact the University of Natural Healing - (804) 973-0262. The cost for one year is $49.50, for two years is $77.00, Over seas add $18.00 a year.
Simple home programs can save your pet and help you avoid enormous veterinary bills.
A look at the major killer of horses.
SCHULZE: The first statistic is horrifying, but 90% of horses that die, do so because of what is called colic, which is just intestinal blockage or intestinal spasms. Now that is horrifying. There is nothing that you can look at and say 90% of humans die of. . .
I mean 90% of horses die from an intestinal problem . There are two reasons for that and we just covered them. They don't move and then we feed them the wrong foods. So they don't get to move to stimulate their intestines.
Add more fiber to those animals' diets. Make up an oat bran or a rice bran or wheat bran, and mix that with your red clover, your plantain, your dandelion, make up a real fibrous type meal.
These animals do well on oils, flax seed oil, olive oil. Get some oil and fiber into them and it will hopefully reverse any damage that is happening to their intestines by not getting enough movement. All these animals are too penned in, and not allowed to exercise properly.
"How I saved hundreds of horses who were dying."
SCHULZE: I will tell a story here, it is my first experience with a horse within colic. I got a call from one of my patients, hysterically crying. She said she was over at a local stable in L.A., and her favorite horse was dying.
The vet wanted to put it down, said it would probably be dead even before putting it down. She asked if I could come over right away. I thought, "Why not?," it was my day off, so I threw my. herbs in the car and took a drive over.
I got there and the horse was lying down in the stall. It was in shock and wasn't even moving. I asked what was going on. I mean I knew nothing about a horse. Didn't grow up around horses. Then she said it was dying of colic. I saw the vet there and I talked to the vet, who was rolling his eyes at me, because he heard who I was, a weed doctor, an herbalist.
I asked what was wrong, and he said the horse was dead. Basically dying of colic. I asked, "What is colic? I don't know what it is." He said "It is intestinal impaction that is so great it is killing the horse." He said he had already.given it a gallon of mineral oil and that didn't work.
Well, anybody with any brains knows that if you put a gallon of mineral oil, or any amount of oil in someone, it is avery slow-acting way to get them loosened up.
It is not going to work immediately and so, generally,the horses are cut from the throat to their genital organs, their intestines are opened up and a resection is done to try to cutout the bad parts. But the vet said that there wasn't time to do that, and that the horse was dead.
I looked at the horse and even her gums were white.There was no blood in her gums. It was in shock and it was hardly breathing. The lady was crying and screaming, asking if I could do anything. I asked how I could get herbs in it.
The vet said the only way to get herbs in a horse is to put a tube down its throat or through its nose into its stomach and pour them through a funnel. I said, "If I mix something up will you give it to the horse?" He said, "But it is dead, why torture it?" The lady said "You do what he says!!"
So I reached down and got a gallon of warm water.
The first thing I did was grab a handful of cayenne pepper and the vet grabbed my arm and said, "What are you doing? That is hot chilli pepper."
I said, "Yeah, it is cayenne pepper and it stimulates the digestion, probably faster than anything."
But the vet said, "You are going to kill this horse."
I said, "Wait a minute, you just told me that this horse is dead," and so he let go and I threw it in and just to spite him I grabbed another whole handful of cayenne and threw it in this bucket of water, I threw in aloes, I threw in cascara, I threw in senna, the vet was absolutely. freaked out. I mixed up this warm mixture of brown, red herbs. He tubed the horse, and we funneled it down. He said, "You know, the horse is dead, don't torture it any more."
I then got over on the horse and I got my. elbow and my.knee into its guts and started giving it a gut massage. Well, I did that for about five minutes and walked out of the stall, and as I was talking with the vet and the woman was crying, we looked and the horse was up in his stall.
He had leaped up back onto his feet, but his side was cut from trying to kick himself, because it was in so much abdominal pain. It leaped back up on its feet and was standingin its stall. It's gums were red and the vet said "I don't think it is going to live, but I think it's out of shock, so now would be a good time to kill it."
BISER: Oh God!
SCHULZE: Yes, he said it would be a good time to in ject the poison, let's put it down right now. I said "No way, this sucker is my patient now." It's gums were red and it was out of shock. He said he didn't know how it got out of shock.
I said, "It was the cayenne pepper that you said was going to kill it. I don't care how far gone it was, cayenne moves the blood and then it will move the intestines."
We stood there and the vet was amazed and pretty mad, because, as I said, they are pretty conservative. The woman was thrilled, but the vet still said it was dead, and wanted to kill it.
About ten minutes later, it kicked the wall and it got this really wide eyed look and the next thing we heard was this gigantic explosion and it sprayed the wall of the stall with ab lack wet liquid and then it ran around in a circle.
About two minutes later, it got this wide eyed look, sprayed the walls with the black diarrhea, ran around in a circle and in about fifteen minutes the horse was eating, which is a sign that it is over.
The vet said "I believe this horse is going to live, this is unbelievable, I have never seen anything like this."
For about the next hour that horse would get that wide eyed look, spray the wall with black diarrhea and then run around. I asked the vet why this horse was running around in circles. He said, "I think he's trying to get away from its rearend." That's what the vet said to me
What we did was, we taught the horse the laws of jet propulsion, and I had made a mistake. In my fury, of all this pressure of the vet saying he was going to kill the horse, to put it down, I got temporarily confused.
BISER: You made it to ostrong?
SCHULZE: Yes, I asked the vet how much the horse weighed and he told me 1500 pounds. I calculated that in my.mind quickly and thought, "Okay, that will be a hundred times the adult dose." Well it is only ten times the adultdose. Because it is 1500 over 150 Ibs normal human adult weight. So basically, I gave this horse ten times the horse dose of cathartics, and we taught it the laws of jet propulsion.
The downsides were none. We had to put some herbal ointment on his rectum, it got a little burned, and it lived. In fact, I think the horse is still alive today.
"The bottom line to this story is that 90% of horse deaths are due to intestinal blockage and spasms."
SCHULZE: Usually because of feed impactions, but sometimes they will eat sand, or a rubber hose. The best, fastest way to get it out of there is the Intestinal Formula No. 1, and herbs like cayenne pepper.
BISER: Anything else on horses?
SCHULZE: Yeah, there are a few things. People always say, "Well,
how much Intestinal No. 1?" If they are going to use that, use the whole
bottle. Take it out of the capsules and use the whole bottle of 90 caps,
put it in a gallon of warm water with two handfuls of cayenne pepper and
tube it
down the horse.
Now, a funny story after this, is that the Mexican grooms, who took care of the horses, said "You did the Mexican treatment" and I asked what that was.
And they said they chop up hot chilli peppers, put them in a bottle of tequila, shake it up and pour it down the horse's throat; then they take the horse and make it run or swim and exercise.
They said they rarely lose a horse to colic, but no one asked the grooms because they thought you had to have someone who had gone to medical school.
So, as it turns out, what they were making was cayenne tincture with tequila, giving it to the horses and making them exercise. And they rarely lost a horse to colic.
The first thing to remember is just cayenne, if that is all you have, get it down the animal. If you have it, get them a bottle of intestinal corrective formula #1, and do that stomach massage and I will guarantee you that you will never lose an animal to colic.
We have done that now, I am going to say, to 600 to 1000 horses that were colicky and close to death and we have never, ever, had a horse die, ever. Not one. Or even need to have surgery, ever.
BISER: Thank you, Dr. Schulze, for this introduction to natural emergency care of animals.
Questions and Answers for Humans.
Avoiding alcohol in tinctures.
READER: Are there any problems consuming the aIcohol in tinctures?
SCHULZE: Occasionally a few people have an emotional or spiritual aversion to consuming alcohol. On this I will make the following statements:
The base of the majority of my formulas are mostly distilled water - but it does have a pure grain alcohol content. Grain alcohol dissolves anti extracts certain important phytochemicals, plant chemicals that all's necessary for the different formulae to be effective. Therefore, it is better than just water alone.
For example, the diosgenin in Discorea villousa (WildYam) is only soluble in alcohol and not in water. The alcohol also helps the herbs assimilate quicly into, your body -within one to two minutes - and preserves the formula which gives it an almost indefinite shelf life (5 to 75 years). Tintures are very concentrated so very little is needed, we usually suggest 1 or 2 dropperfuls, (30 to 60 drops), 3 times daily to start.
The actual amount of alcohol per dosage is so small that there is more in some mouthwashes. This dosage has been tested on people who are alcohol sensitive with no adverse reactions It is also a safe amount for anyone in a 12-step program or Alcoholics Anonymous.
If you want to avoid the alcohol in tinctures, just put the amount of tincture you want in the bottom of a teacup, then pour boiling water over it. Since alcohol has a lower boiling point than water, it will evaporate first, and go into the air, thus leaving the tincture.
What order to follow in cleansing organs?
READER: Which organs should be cleaned first, second and third?
SCHULZE: There's no second - first is the colon. You clean the colon out. Never an exeption to that rule.
Then if you were going to pick second, you pick either the liver or kidney. You use your own intuition on that, which way you think you want to go. But you clean the bowel first, always.
Fresh juices tastes awful!
READER: What can I do with raw juices when I can't stand the taste?
SCHULZE: My three thoughts are: first, dilute fifty-fifty: Juices are very concentrated and for most people I always suggest fifty percent juice, fifty percent distilled water.
The second thought, and this is a common question, use more of the juice that you think you're going to be able to handle, and less of the ones that you don't, andl then work your way into it.
Sometimes I tell people to take four glasses of carrot juicea day. Well, at first that might have to be ninety pelrcent apple and ten percent carrot, until you acquire a taste. Then eightypercent apple and twenty percent carrot. And that's the same way you do it with kids.
My third thought is, medical therapy is a lot worse than juices. Drink the juice and shut up.
Allergy to cayenne pepper?
READER: Can anything be used in place of cayenne pepper? I am allergic to it.
SCHULZE: Second best would be ginger, and black pepper, if we're talking about circulation enhancement. But it's almost impossible to get any good black pepper that isn't horribly tainted, so ginger's really the best choice.
Also, some people have a metabolism that doesn't agree with cayenne. They run too hot and cayenne makes them hotter. This is not an allergy but a constitutional reaction. I am one of those people and I use cayenne only when I have to.
Nausea from liver flush.
READER: I've done a simplified liver flush several times, it makes me nauseous. What helps?
SCHULZE: If they're having a lot of problems with nausea, cut down on the olive oil, make it one tablespoon or even a half a tablespoon of the olive oil. Increase the ginger, and then they can drink their detox tea or their digestive tea afterwards sooner, like right after the liver flush. Drink the liver flush down and then the tea to push it through. And one or all of those three things will stop the nausea.
Chemotherapy and liver cleansing?
READER: Can the liver cleansing be done while on chemotherapy?
SCHULZE: I'd rather be doing chemotherapy with the liver flushing than without it. If you're going to take toxic, killer, poisonous chemicals into your body, you might as well help your liver in putting them back out.
Many readers need help on making tinctures.
READER: I've been r unning finished tinctures through my juicer and the end result is a puree of sorts. Is this a good idea?
SCHULZE: You know, Doctor Christopher did have this kind of belief that you should get most of the big sediment out, because he thought that during the opposite phase of the moon some of the properties might go back into the herb residue.
I think that, if we're dealing dealing with a lot of residue yes, - filter it out. But if we're dealing with more like a sediment, fine. People are highly filtering tintures today, and it s very worrisome, because you can literally filter a tincture back to water.
Any good tincture if it sets for a while, you get a layer at the bottom. That layer at the bottom should only be, maybe a half inch to an inch, not four inches. Four inches means you need to filter your tincture a little more.
By the way, if you get your herbs in fresh, and don't have time to puree then in a blender, just cover them in alcohol in a jar until you are ready.
To obtain the full information on cleansing select and click on Health and Natural Healing Programs in the side bar. To purchase the above mentioned formulas use the same address and click on Where to get.
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Best of Health