Online Health & Nutrition Newsletter
Vol. 2.                                                                                                                               Issue 4. 12. March 1998
Spirit of Health

          Here is the eight issue of our online newsletter, "Spirit of Health." We bring you articles which are always beyond mainstream medical school of thought and may be new to the alternative minded, as well.

          If you would like to access back issues of this newsletter you can do so by selecting and choose the Newsletter link.

          This issue brings you excerpts from Sam Bisers Newsletter "Herbal Therapy for Serious Illness" featuring medical Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze. To subscribe to this Newsletter contact the University of Natural Healing - (804) 973-0262. The cost for one year (8 issues) is $44.00. 

How to eleminate them with natural healing.

           This month, we continue our discussions with Dr. Richard Schulze, the medical herbalist who has cured the incurables.

          The formulas and methods you are about to learn have never been released before to the general public. They were developed by Dr. Schultze at his clinic for the terminally-ill.

"I have cured thousands of people who had serious cases of herpes."

SCHULZE: Being in the Los Angeles area, I've had thousands and thousands of patients with herpes.

          And without sounding like a broken record natural healer, I noticed one dramatic thing in my practice. It was really like a bold line between two groups.

          The first group was those who had herpes and the infections kept coming back, back and back, and re occurring every month, or, with the women, every time they had a period, or every time they had intercourse.

          Then there was a second group that never had them come back.

          The big difference was that the second group that never had the herpes come back all made life-style changes in every category. In other words, they started eating better. They started exercising. They started having a better attitude and, of course, with that better attitude about health, probably began choosing sexual partners who were healthier too.

          You know, with that whole life-style change, this second group would get rid of their herpes and never, ever have their herpes come back.

          On the other hand, the first group that wouldn't change their life-style, and I would treat their herpes topically, it would come back, back, and back. So this is one of those instances where I would say, from my long experience with thousands of people, that treating herpes symptomatically doesn't work.

          Oh, there might have been one or two percent of the people that did it and got lucky and it worked, but with the vast, vast, vast majority, way up to 98%, the only way to get rid of herpes is the treatment, the herbal treatments and life-style change. Because it's an immune disorder.

"Most of us have the herpes viruses in our body. Many of us test positive for it even though we don't have the outbreak "

SCHULZE: I think in years to come, we will all test positive for herpes simplex and zoster, for Epstein-Barr virus, and for HIV. We can't stop virus contamination.

          The point isn't, do we have these viruses in our body?

          The point is, do these viruses ever get a hold in our body and come into a clinical state, where we actually notice we have them?

          I have patients with HIV that are going to outlive their doctors. So just having a virus doesn't mean you are sick.

          With herpes, one thing I've noticed is, that since you have an immune system that is depressed, and then the virus gets a hold, and the virus keeps breaking out constantly, the real cure for herpes is to strengthen your immune system.

BISER: That's what you talked about in the last issue?

SCHULZE: Absolutely. That would be it. Now specific, topically, the best thing I've ever used in the clinic is garlic oil. Now it's very intense, but we do know that garlic is one of our most potent anti-viral agents.

          In fact, of all the research I've read, I have never seen anybody say there was a more potent herb, and in the clinic, of all the herbs I've used, nothing compared to it. Garlic is the strongest anti-viral.

          Briefly, you just make a garlic oil and you just chop up your garlic, put it in a bowl, pour olive oil over it, let it sit for 3 or 4 days, and then squeeze it out through cheese cloth. And you make yourself a nice garlic oil, and you dip a Q-tip in that garlic oil and actually scrub it into the herpes blister. Just kind of rub back and forth the herpes blister and put that garlic oil in.

          Now, breathe, because for the next 5 minutes you are on a ride there. I mean, herpes blisters, being a virus of the nerves, hurt like hell anyway. But when you start scraping a little garlic oil in there with a Q-tip, now you are in for some pain.

          But, I've had people with chronic, debilitating, painful herpes come in with it on their penises and on their anuses, and women with it on their vagina and anuses. That's herpes simplex number 2. And of course, with herpes simplex number1, people have it all over their face. And within 2 or 3 days, those lesions will be gone.

BISER: Wouldn't they be gone anyway?

SCHULZE: Not necessarily. I've had patients, you know when you get a bad herpes outbreak, they don't ever go away. They are there. They go into, a less painful remission and come rightback out again. I've had people that had 8, 10, 12 months of continual herpes right in the same place, not going away. That, of course, is a sign of a depressed immunity, and also, that person needs a lot of work.

          The herpes that we hear about most generally are ones that, you know, are there for a couple days and then they go away. But I've seen many where they don't go away. Where they are just there and there and there. Or they go, they come for 10 or 12 days, go away for one, and come back for 10 or 12days. So it's almost a constant barrage of outbreaks.

BISER: And the garlic oil will stop that?

SCHULZE: Yes, certainly.

BISER: How do they make the garlic oil?

SCHULZE: The best way, is to just take a shallow pie plate, like a glass or pyrex type of pie plate, and take a dozen whole bulbs of garlic. You can do this in a couple of ways. The easiest way is just put them in the blender, you don't even have to peel them.

          Put them in the blender, skin and all, everything. This is the easy, simple way. Then just put enough oil in for it to make an applesauce-like consistency. Pour that in a pie plate and then add more olive oil, to where that olive oil clearly covers all of the garlic, and after you turn on the blender, it will have the consistency of applesauce.

BISER: And then let that set?

SCHULZE: Yes, just let it set for 2 or 3 days. Or you can let it sit for 14 days or more and strain on the full moon.

BISER: You could let it soak for months, but you won't have that much time.

SCHULZE: It doesn't matter in this case. It will work right away too.

          For an easy recipe, you just finely chop garlic and fill a bowl with it, then pour on olive oil until it just covers that garlic. Let it set in a warm place, not the sunlight, but just somewhere warm in the house.

          You can even turn on the oven, about 120 degrees, preheat it, and then turn it off and set it in the oven and leave the door open. Just to get it nice and warm. And then use muslin, strain it by hand, and squeeze it real tight through muslin, and you'll get like a golden, greenish, very garlic-smelling oil. And then you can just take that garlic oil and put it on. This is a great garlic oil. You can even use it in your ears for ear infections.

"There is no garlic oil from the health food store that even comes close to what you can make at home."

BISER: Will this all be as good as what they can buy in the health food stores?

SCHULZE: There is nothing that you can buy in a health food store that would come near the strength of what you can make. This home recipe is very, very strong.

          I used to just take it in the clinic and use Q-tips. Becausemy patients, if I told them to do this after their first application, might not. I just used to take my patients, take a look at their herpes lesions, and take that Q-tip, have them lie on my table,do a little breathing, or maybe a little body work, and then scrub the lesions with this garlic oil. And like I said it's quite painful. I've had a lot of tears in my clinic doing this.

BISER: But it cures it?

SCHULZE: Absolutely. In two or three days.

BISER: How often do they do this application?

SCHULZE: Four times a day. And then, another thing that can be used that's very, very good is a solution of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is an antibacterial and antifungal; it's also very effective as an anti-viral. Do not use it full-strength. Use a solution of 10% tea tree oil and 90% jojoba oil. A little tea tree oil over that area afterwards is a little more soothing and anti-inflammatory and that works very nice too. You can scrub that in, also.

          I also make an anti-viral with Saint John's wort, and I've used it, because Saint John's wort and lemon balm are considered to be good anti-virals. But I've never seen them work the way garlic does. They work O.K., but with garlic, you can have the lesions gone in 24 hours. I mean with someone who just has a sporadic herpes outbreak, they've got instant relief after the burning stops and it'll go away quite fast.

          When I say 2 or 3 days, I meant for the people who have constant herpes outbreaks.

          One of the other things that you want these people to doat the same time, is become a garlic eater for a few days. Four to six cloves would be a good dosage of garlic. Have that garlic in them while they are scrubbing the lesions 3 to 4 times a day. Then the next thing they'll notice, it'll be gone.

          But again I want to caution what I noticed in my clinic: If you just do it as a treatment, and then don't make any other changes, chances are, the herpes will just come back on their regular schedule.

          Garlic needs to become a staple in your food program. If everyone would just make some regular modifications, like maybe cleaning up their food program. And how about doing a good bowel cleansing? That's a great way to strengthen your immunity. And maybe an echinacea routine every month.

BISER: One week a month?

SCHULZE: Yeah, one week a month. Boost the immunity with echinacea 3 or 4 times a year.

BISER: What would be an echinacea routine?

SCHULZE: It would be a week of echinacea. For example, taking a 2 oz. bottle of echinacea and consuming 8 or 10 dropperfuls aday for a week's period. In other words, just taking a whole bottle.

          You can take 10 dropperfuls of echinacea a day, like 2 dropperfuls 5 times a day for a week. And that will consume a whole 2 oz. bottle. You do that for a week and that's the way echinacea should be used - in a blast. The same way we would use antibiotics. [Editor: Make sure to use homemade echinacea tincture, which is far stronger than the commercial junk everyone is using.]

          Use it every day, a good high dosage of it for a week and then stop. That would stimulate the immunity. Clean up the food program, clean up the life-style, and these people will notice that the herpes doesn't come back. But if you just use the topical treatments, it helps but....

BISER: They get them back?

SCHULZE: ...they would get them back. Oh, occasionally, they wouldn't but herpes is a very stubborn virus. And it tends to just keep coming back.

BISER: Unless you really go after it?

SCHULZE: Yes, and you know, with some patients, really going after it would be just eating a little less junk food. With other patients really going after it would be a major life-style change. But at some point, all of these people grew out of their recurring herpes infections.

          And for people with herpes, most are willing to make the change because it's very, very painful. And, of course, it stops your sexual activity, even if it's oral herpes. You know, no one's going to want to kiss you with a big herpes on your face. And, of course, if it's vaginal or on the penis or anus, it stops your sexual desire because it's very painful and it's also infectious.

          On the other hand, and my patients have experienced the following hundreds of times, patients that took care of themselves often had a sexual partner that was active for herpes - but they themselves never got it.

          What I learned was, if you keep yourself strong and healthy, you can have a sexual relationship with someone who's covered with herpes, and who is in an active stage, and you won't get it (not that I'm suggesting this). I've seen this.

          And herpes is supposed to be very communicable that way, but when you keep yourself healthy, clean and strong, your resistance is high. I've always said to people, "I'll eat AIDS on a cracker". I'm not even afraid of it. These diseases only affect sick, weak people. The best way not to get sick is, stay healthy.

How to eliminate gobs of squirming parasites.

BISER: How do you get rid of parasites?

SCHULZE: Basically, one of the reasons people get parasites is that they don't have their bowels moving frequently enough. Animal food, especially meat, is loaded with parasites.

          In fact, one of my patients was a zoology expert, and used to examine all types of meats because they feed meats to animals. And, he said their average cubic inch, that's cubic, nota square inch, had over a thousand parasite larvae in it. That's the average cubic inch of USDA, grade A beef.

          He said that parasite larvae are rampant in animal flesh. He said that these parasite larvae don't do so much in the intestinal tract of, say, a carnivore. A carnivore's intestinal tract moves the animal food out in anywhere from three to eight hours. It goes right through the system. Carnivores have very short intestinal tracts.

          But, he said, if you gave that same food, to, say, a horse, it would kill them. That's why long intestinal tract animals are usually herbivores. He said that, what basically happens in people, is that the parasite larva in meat have a while to sit in our belly.

          And, see, this is where the problem is. It's not so much that we eat parasite larva, because, you can even get parasite larva on vegetables. It's that we are not having bowel movements. When you are supposed to have a bowel movement two to three times a day with your meals, and you are only having one two or three times a week, or every other day, or, even once a day, then the parasite larva can hatch.

          These parasites start eating all the yummy stuff down there and, they can also crawl out and actually attach to the wall of your colon.

          If you are moving your bowels regularly, it is the best preventive for parasites. So, what I always told my patients is, if you don't want parasites, make sure you have regular bowel movements.

          The old story is that when you die, the worms don't crawl in, the worms crawl out. These parasites take over.

"I have had many patients who were heavy meat eaters. They were the ones that I got the biggest amount of parasites out of."

          I would just do it with bowel cleansing, but, there are some additions, that I will give a little later, to the bowel cleansing routine... a parasite formula that is really guaranteed to clean the parasites out.

          I had one person come to me that was overweight and a heavy, heavy meat eater and he wanted to do the parasite cleansing. I put him on it, and, at his next visit, while he was seeing me, he got horrible abdominal cramps. He went into the bathroom, and then he asked me to come in - he literally filled the bowl with worms.

BISER: What did you see?

SCHULZE: Inch long worms, brown to clear-brown worms filling the toilet. I would say, two quarts of them. I mean, a toilet full of worms. I have seen this numerous times with people who are on a heavy animal food-based diet. That seems to be the diet that causes the most parasite problems.

          What I suggest is the two-step intestinal number one, and intestinal number two type program. We've given those formulas. I suggest the same type of thing to start. A person goes on the intestinal number one for a week, or until they have regular good bowel movements. The only difference is that when they start the second week, or when they have regular bowel movements, they start the intestinal number two.

          The one additional thing that I suggest is, six cloves of garlic a day and spread it out. One clove six times a day.

Richard Schulze's two formulas for cleansing and detoxifying the colon - and flushing parasites.

          The first bowel formula causes the colon to move - even if the nerves to the colon are damaged or non-existent.You can make this formula at home, or purchase it, but as I will tell you over and over again, I urge you to learn how to make your formulas at home.

          Here is the first formula:

          Don't be afraid to make this or other formulas, even if you are missing an ingredient or two or three, or if you have to substitute ingredients. Over time, this formula strengthens the walls of the small intestine. It destroys Candida overgrowth, and destroys and expels parasites, and relieves gas and cramps.

          Dosage: Take one capsule a day. If that gives you the bowel results you want, stop, this is your dosage. If it is not enough, increase by one capsule. Continue increasing the dosage by one capsule until you go to the bathroom in the morning and go "Wow."

          The second bowel formula is to be used together withthe first colon formula.

          Here are the ingredients:

          This formula will draw old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets. It will also draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals and remove radioactive materials. This formula will also remove over 2,000 known chemicals and pharmaceutical drug residues.

          Dosage: Mix one heaping teaspoon of powder with four to six ounces of fresh juice. After consuming this, drink an additional eight to sixteen ounces of water. Repeat this five times per day, or increase the servings and take a smaller number of dosages. This formula can be slightly constipating, so you may need to increase the dosage of formula number one. Make these formulas yourself at home, or purchase them pre-made from: Southern Botanicals 611-D So. Myrtle Ave Clearwater Fl, 33756 (727) 443-7711

BISER: Big cloves?

SCHULZE: Yes. Good size cloves of garlic - not the tiny ones.You are also supposed to take the intestinal number two 6 times a day. With each dosage of that, you also take one clove of garlic, and, also take one dropperful of my anti-parasite formula. I'm going to give you that formula. I've used it for years.

Dr. Schulze's private formula for killing parasites.

SCHULZE: It's the following:

On pomegranate root bark, you can't buy that commercially. You just have to know someone with a pomegranate tree and cut off a piece of the root.

BISER: Where would a person find them?
SCHULZE: It's not uncommon out here on the west coast, and you can just go to a pomegranate tree, and without killing it, just dig down until you find a piece of the root and cut it off. You can use a peeler, like a kitchen peeler, and just peel off the outside of the root.

BISER: The bark of the root?

SCHULZE: The bark of the root. It's quite soft...

BISER: What's so good about pomegranate root?

SCHULZE: Well, pomegranate root, according to the old herbalists, was a classic for getting out worms. So, of course, was worm wood. I just happen to like pomegranate, because it's one that I have become familiar with. I had a pomegranate treein the back yard in Malibu where my clinic was for 10 years.

BISER: Do you recommend they tincture this formula?

SCHULZE: Yes, but they could do it powdered, taking the powdered herbs would be fine. But, I use the tincture. I use a dropperful, 6 times a day, of the tincture, and, of course, I use that dropperful along with the clove of garlic and the dose of number two intestinal formula.

BISER: Now if they make this into a tincture, do they have to make a garlic juice?

SCHULZE: No, they can just chop up the garlic, throw it into the tincture. Garlic juice is stronger but they can just mashup garlic, put in a blender.

A summary: Dr. Schulze's Anti-Parasite Routine.

1) Cleanse your colon with Dr. Schulze's intestinal formulas #1 and #2. Use formula #1 for at least a week or two before you start formula #2.

2) Eat raw garlic, six large-sized cloves a day.

3)Cleanse your liver with the liver flush as described in Cures from Dr. Schulze's Last-Chance Clinic.

4) Use Dr. Schulze's anti-parasite formula as described in this interview.

5) Do this entire routine four times a year.

BISER: O.K. This brings up the question that confuses most of the readers. Parts. They don't understand parts when we say in a formula.

SCHULZE: What I mean by parts in a formula is that it can be anything. Parts is a measurement of the equality of one herb, in reflection to the other, in a formula. So a part can be a thimble, a handful, a gallon, a wheelbarrow...

BISER: They said they wanted to know if it's weight, is it volume...

SCHULZE: It's volume. A part is volume. It's a measurement of volume, not weight. If I ever give weight, I will give specifics in weight, but I like parts and I usually give parts. A lot of people, even other herbalists, give me grief on this, but parts is very human, because you can use the same formula for a big company as you would for Mrs. Tildaberry.

          Where she is going to use seven teaspoons of blackwalnut, a teaspoon of sage, a teaspoon of garlic, a teaspoon ofpomegranate root bark, a big company could use 7 truckfuls oractually a voluminous weight. So parts, always, is a volumeme asurement that I use.

"Patients have used this formula and brought in large jars with worms as big as 12 inches that looked like a small snake."

BISER: What have you seen happen from that formula?

SCHULZE: Well, this really pushes the worms out. I see if number one and number two can bring them out, but garlic not only kills worms (a vermifuge), it also expels them (a vermicide).

          Black walnut is famous for killing parasites and it does it too - if it's a great tincture. I've seen patients who do the number one and then the number two and the clove of garlic with each dose, and, the dropperful of this herbal formula.They've brought them in, in jars.

BISER: Do they bring in canning jars?

SCHULZE: Even bigger jars. I had one patient bring me in one worm that was about, my God, as big around as my little finger, and about 12 inches long. It looked like a small snake. It absolutely freaked everybody out. I've never had anybody, after this routine, that had a problem with parasites.

           It's not uncommon when you do this routine, if you have parasites, to get some abdominal cramping. The bowel's really activated and I find that sometimes, when you have parasites I don't know if it's when they hang on or when they let go - but sometimes, the people that have had, we'll say, dramatic parasite releases, it's been almost like a rectal vomit.

          I don't know how to say it, but they went "Oh", and they ran in and, you know, I mean a bowl ful of parasites. So I think that some of these worms have the ability to hook onto your intestines and not let go.

BISER: They say these parasites migrate and get into the brain and into the muscles and different parts of the body, does this tincture get them from the different parts?

SCHULZE: Absolutely. But, what really gets them from the different parts, is just having a really clean body. The old story is, that parasites won't migrate and get in other areas of your body if those areas are clean.

BISER: But what if they are already there before you know about them?

SCHULZE: Then, just general cleansing and blood cleansing and detoxification is the way to go. Because you have to clean yourself up.

          It is the way Dr. Christopher used to talk about germs and parasites being garbage men. He said that they won't come around any more when there's no garbage left. And so, you know, parasites and germs want to feed off of material that you are supplying them with, decaying flesh, tumors, and pus. I know it sounds disgusting.

BISER: What about this myth I heard, that you have to use special herbs from South America to get rid of parasites. . .

SCHULZE: I think this is silly. I don't know what on earth everybody is talking about. In fact, I got a letter on that today. We have some of the greatest anti-parasitical plants known in this country. I mean black walnut, sage, wormwood...

Why people are not getting results from various herbal anti-parasite formulas.

BISER: But a lot of people are selling black walnut tinctures. Why aren't people getting results?

SCHULZE: There is always the problem of poor quality commercial tinctures. In addition, one of the reasons is that people don't do their healing work. For example, you do a liver and gallbladder flush and you get gallstones out. Why then, when you do a flush six months later, do you get more gallstones out?

          Because you are still making gallstones. You need to use these herbal products. Then, you also need to make the life-style modifications. If you clean your bowel out, you'll get rid of the parasites, but, if you keep eating them, you'll have to keep doing this routine.

BISER: I think a lot of people view the parasite problem as a symptom and they just want to make it go away.

SCHULZE: Absolutely. A lot of people look at the parasite problem as being the essence of what's wrong with them. People are trying to look at the parasite as the root of the problem. The root of the problem is a bad food program, a filthy body where parasites want to live, and a bowel that's constipated.

BISER: So you use this parasite formula in the clinic?

SCHULZE: Oh, yes!

BISER: Did you ever use it on people with cancer?

SCHULZE: Oh, everybody. There's the person who will just do a intestinal formula one. They just want to get their bowel working. Then there is the person who says, well, I want to do formula one and formula two. They are the ones who want to do some deeper cleaning. But anybody that's come from a high, meat-based diet, I would do the parasite formula with them.

BISER: What's the worst parasite story you ever remember?

SCHULZE: Well, I think it's that first man who had the whole two toilet bowls. That one freaked me out the most because of the volume.

BISER: Did you see them squirming in the bowl?

SCHULZE: Oh, yes.

BISER: They weren't dead?

SCHULZE: No, all that came out were parasites.

BISER: Nothing else?

SCHULZE: No. No, no, no. What came out - I'm looking at my office and trying to come up with an analogy - if you imagine a toilet bowl, from the bottom, where it goes away up about 10 inches?

          I'm going to say, a gallon glass jug full of parasites. It was the consistency of, we'll say, applesauce. It was loose and wet, but it was all worms. But, this guyweighed, probably 270 pounds.

BISER: What about a woman I know, who says she's taken colonics for years, and she still sees liver flukes coming out of her liver?

SCHULZE: Yes. Colonics are just a wash.

BISER: You use tremendous amounts of water.

SCHULZE: Yes. Even if you use tremendous amounts of water, colonies, besides washing your bowel, have no chemical, therapeutic value.

          You will see parasites in the colonies. Some of them, we'll say sickly parasites, might come floating out. But the healthy parasites, they're dug in and they are dug into the trenches. They are in the nooks and crannies.

          They could have been in there for years. They are like moray eels in caves, like in the diverticula in your colon. They are not just going to go "Oh, I think we'll leave today." I mean, you have to blast them out.

          For instance, barberry will stimulate your liver to flush out more bile. The aloes will stimulate  peristaltic action. Cayenne will stop bleeding. Garlic will kill parasites and heal infection.

          But a colonic won't do any of those. A colonic is just washing it away.

          But here's the key with someone like that. What have they done with their food program? If you are constantly flushing out and emptying out parasites, you have to ask yourself, where am I getting these parasites from? And, of course, according to ABC Prime Time Live, 2/3 of all fresh fish tested had toxic levels of parasites.

BISER: Do you recommend people use that formula, say, once or twice a year?

SCHULZE: If they are going to continue on an animal based diet, I would suggest it 4 times a year. Don't only do a good bowel flush, but also add in the parasite routine.

BISER: Six dropperfuls a day?

SCHULZE: Yes. One dropperful 6 times a day, one clove of garlic 6 times a day, and one rounded teaspoon of intestinal number two 6 times a day.

BISER: Do you remember any other worm stories?

SCHULZE: Well, the lady with the big one, also had hundreds of worms from a half inch to five, six inches long.

BISER: What colors?

SCHULZE: Always brown, sometimes blood. Oh, I forgot to mention, sometimes blood comes out, too. And it's because these parasites hang on, and, when they let go, you can have some bleeding. So I have seen the jars with bloody stools and with bloody parasites, too.

          I was speaking up in Salem, Oregon, to a group of people, about a hundred people, and about 50 of them had done the bowel cleansing routine. Five of them had dramatic parasite stories - ranging from little half-inch long parasites, all to way to - one lady described it as_ spaghetti. Now that's 10% of the group. I would say you could add another 10% in additionto that who also had parasites, but who were too embarrassed to say so.

          One lady said that she had gone to Germany and somehow had been infected with parasites, and, when she came back, she felt ill and the medical doctors did tests. The doctors said she had a parasitical infection. They gave her drugs for the parasitical infection and most of the symptoms went away and she felt that she was better. About two months later, she did the bowel cleanse and filled the bowl with parasites.

           Now it also may be that although a person has gone on a good food program, they never really got the parasites out. I mean, you have to do some bowel blasting.

          You can't be afraid of someone going, "Well, I had a little diarrhea." Have some diarrhea. Get rid of the worms. And, of course, concerning the 6 cloves of garlic a day. A lot of people might say, "Isn't that a bit much?"

The cleansing power of garlic, but not from pills.

BISER: Sandy's mother is eating 6 cloves of garlic a day!

SCHULZE: How old is she? 70?

BISER: The garlic made all kinds of mucus come out of her eyes.

SCHULZE: Good for her. This is what garlic does. It's one of our greatest detoxifying herbs.

BISER: But you are not going to get that result from garlic pills?


BISER: You are not going to have mucus come out of your eyes?

SCHULZE: No. No, no, no. Whether you are talking about parasites or about detoxification, I have never, ever, ever seen these results from garlic pills. It only happens when you eat raw, fresh garlic.

          Now, if you have to travel, and have no choice, the best garlic product you can get is called Garlicin from Nature's Way. I use it myself.

Low dosage: a main reason why people don't get results with herbs.

BISER: O.K. Let's go to dosages, which confuses everybody.

SCHULZE: One of the reasons people don't get well is, they don't take enough herbs. Michael Moore says it plainly in his book "Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West" that the problem with American herbalists and their patients is that they pussy-foot around in relationship to dosages. That's the bottom line.

          When you go to a Chinese herbalist in China, when you leave with your herbs for the week, they give you a grocery bag.

          When you go to an American herbalist, you end up with one little bottle of something.

          The Chinese give you so many, you can barely carry them away. They are using handfuls of herbs to make pots of tea.We use a tea bag or a few drops of tincture. So it's not necessarily that the Chinese herbs are better, but they are just using more of them.

          So, one of the things I say to people is, always start out gradually. One dropperful, two dropperfuls, three dropperfuls. We are going to give some dosages now for medium and high end, but always, I like to caution people, try one first and see what happens. Next day two. Next day three. It's the safest way to do it.
          O.K. I'll give you capsules, powders, tinctures, and teas and I'm going to have store-bought vs. high-quality.

"Capsules of dry herbs are one of the worst ways to use herbs, except for intestinal formulas."

SCHULZE: Tinctures are almost always preferable to dry but if you must use them, here is some advice on dosage.

          I'll kind of lump them all together, but capsules, most capsules you buy in the store, say take one to three a day. That's a good place to start and see if you tolerate it, but I would say, as soon as you realize you can tolerate this you go up to two capsules three times a day.

          And then, if you can tolerate that, go up to one or two capsules every hour or six or twelve capsules. You know, six, ten, twelve capsules and if you do two an hour you could betaking up to 30 capsules a day.

BISER: What kind of intensity are we talking about?

SCHULZE: Well, even with medium-quality herbs, 30 capsules a day would be an intense dosage. One of the things that people need to do, is start out with the dosage that's on the bottle, but if they tolerate that, keep increasing, and, if you are really ill, you can take a large amount. Like I said, you can take one or two capsules an hour vs. one or two a day.

BISER: That's store-bought herbs?

SCHULZE: Yes, now we should just make a general cautionon this. That, if they are using high-quality herbal products, to be careful with their dosage increases.

BISER: Good point.

SCHULZE: Now, with powders, most people suggest something like a quarter teaspoon three times a day, which would be about equal to a capsule - an eighth to a quarter-teaspoon three times a day. That's a good starting dosage.

          But they can also go up to a half teaspoon three times a day if they tolerate it and then a half teaspoon every hour if they tolerate it. So that would be the same as a capsule.

          With tinctures, the average dosage listed on the bottle is usually half, to one dropper, one to three times a day.

BISER: That's right

SCHULZE: I would say to start with that, three times a day, but as soon as possible go up to two dropperfuls, three times a day and then all the way to two dropperfuls an hour. When I've been ill, now it depends on the herb, but with store-bought echinacea, or whatever, I would do a bottle a day. With a lot of these herbs, I would do a whole bottle a day of the tincture...

BISER: Of commercial tinctures?

SCHULZE: Of commercial tinctures. On the other hand, if you have high quality, if these people are going to see an herbalist, and he's making some things himself then I would be more cautious.

          And the final one, the tea, a lot of people say a cup of tea three times a day. I would say that if a person tolerates that to go to two cups of tea three times a day all the way to one to two cups of tea an hour.

          Let's not pussyfoot around. Most dosages that are given for herbal products are given for if you are going to take that product over a long period of time.

          What we're usually talking about in your newsletter is a person with a problem. When you have a problem, you need to take double, triple, quadruple, ten times that dosage for a shorter concentrated period of time, a week, two weeks, amonth, until you are better. So one of the things we want to encourage people to do is take larger amounts.

          In fact, massive amounts, as long as they don't start out with it overnight. Start with the recommended amount and then double it and double it and double it again. Work your way up to the maximum amount.

BISER: What have you done, let's say, in your worse kidney cases? What are some of your highest dosages of kidney tea?

SCHULZE: I have, believe it or not, never had to go over nine cups a day of the kidney tea and, of course, each of those cups having two dropperfuls of kidney tonic.

          That was the highest dosage I have had to go. But,

          I just got a letter, a record breaker, that someone took 24 capsules of the intestinal number one formula. I don't think this was necessary. But personally, when I was feeling really bad three or four weeks ago, I took a whole two-oz. bottle of Echinacea over a day's period.

BISER: Of the strong stuff?

SCHULZE: That's right. I was just wiped out. If I was ill, I'd have the taste of those herbs in my mouth around the clock.

BISER: And if you wake up at night, you take more?

SCHULZE: Yes. You just keep the bottle in your pocket. And you just keep using it.

How people misuse herbal medicine, instead of improving their diet and lifestyle.

BISER: I guess people are scared, Richard, by stories like I heard on TV, in which a lady took a diet tea to lose weight, adiuretic-type tea, and it actually killed her. She kept taking it and taking it and it turned out maybe it was an unbalanced tea or she unbalanced her minerals.

SCHULZE: I think that people need to use their personal intuition and observation. I think a big part of it, too, is common sense. Again that's against natural healing basics. To lose weight, you eat less and exercise more. You don't take. ..

BISER: . . . a massive amount of diuretic tea.

SCHULZE: That's right.

BISER: People are using herbs in a way that violates natural healing principles.

SCHULZE: Absolutely. The basis of natural healing is good common sense. And many people use herbs like they would use a drug, as a quick way out to skip the basics. And the bottom line is that, if you do that, anything can be dangerous.

          Anyone trying to lose weight who uses herbs by themselves - and doesn't include natural healing - is an idiot.That's my personal feeling. You should keep your jaw shut, lower the fat content of your diet, get on the treadmill and use herbs.

          Instead, people hope to melt away the pounds by drinking tea or something. That's a good way to get yourself in trouble. That's why herbs are to be part of a naturalhealing routine - not a replacement for it.

If your blood is too thick...
           you need to thin it with water. I had a friend whose blood protein was too high. The doctors said he had to avoid all protein. After talking to F. Batmanghelidj, it turned out that he drank only a glass of water a day. He needed to dilute his blood.

          Dr. Batmanghelidj told him to drink two quarts of water per day, plus add half a teaspoon salt to his daily diet. You can measure out the salt and dip your finger into it when you drink the water. When my friend went back to the doctor a weeklater, not only was his blood protein down, but his high bloodsugar and cholesterol also cleared out. His doctor said, "I don't know what you're doing, but keep doing it."

          If you are taking blood thinners, or have blood that is thick with cholesterol, you can thin your blood and change it from molasses into a free-flowing river - by giving yourself 2 quarts of water a day, plus salt. Salt is essential to heart health - just the opposite of what the idiots on TV shows tell you. The key is drinking the water with it. That's what they all have missed.

          For more information you need, get Your Body's Many Cries for Water, $14.95 plus $3 postage, to Global HealthSolutions, PO. Box 3189, Falls Church, VA 22043. You can also buy 100 books for $100, including postage.

To obtain more information on Dr. Schulze 's healing or cleansing programs select and click on Health and Natural Healing Programs in the side bar. To purchase the above mentioned formulas use the same address and click on Where to get.

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This newsletter is published under the First Amendment of the U.S.Constitution, which grants the right to discuss openly and freely all matters of public concern, and to express viewpoints no matter how controversial or unaccepted they may be. (Rev 3/17/95)

WARNING: Natural methods can sometimes backfire and cause harm.
Remember that ALL herbs, foods or other natural methods occasionally have dangerous allergic reactions or side effects in SOME people. People have even died from allergic reactions to peanuts. Therefore, any natural method you learn about here may cause harm, instead of the benefit you seek. ASK YOUR PROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER FIRST, and if he is not receptive, consult another Professional Health Care Practitioner.
This newsletter contains unorthodox ideas and opinions which are NOT accepted by the consensus of medical opinion. Before following these medically unproven ideas, please check with your own Professional Health Care Practitioner. If you feel you must self-medicate, proceed with extreme caution. Allergic effects can prove harmful.

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