Here is the Fifteenth issue of our online newsletter, "Spirit of Health." We bring you articles which are always beyond the mainstream medical school of thought and may be new to the alternative minded as well.
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This issue brings you excerpts from Sam Biser's Newsletter "Herbal Therapy for Serious Illness" featuring medical Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze. To subscribe to this Newsletter contact the University of Natural Healing - (804) 973-0262. The cost for one-year (8 issues) is $48.00.
Colon-Rectal Cancer.
Americans have the highest incidence of Colon-Rectal Cancer of any nation in the world, and it is now KILLING more Americans than ever before in history.
Okay, it's a dirty subject. Okay, it's embarrassing, but cancer and death are worse so let's talk about preventing this horrible disease, because no one else will.
Now, let's begin our interview with medical herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze.
SCHULZE: I studied and then taught for years with the late, great herbalist Dr. John Christopher. I interned with Dr. Jensen; I apprenticed with Paavo Airola, and studied with many more of the great old wise Nature Cure Doctors. They all had one thing in common. They ALL believed that the cause of most all disease was a dirty bowel, constipation, bad elimination, whatever you want to call it.
They ALL believed that by retaining pounds of this old infected material in Bowel Pockets (Diverticulosis), that this material would be reabsorbed into the body and infect nearby organs, make the blood toxic and cause disease. Now for the first time in the history of medicine, doctors are saying this is so.
BISER: I know, it was a common message from all the old great ones, but the message has fallen silent. I don't see bowel cleansing mentioned in ANY of the new herbal books I recently purchased. I thought it was a disease of the past until you showed me the medical books.
SCHULZE: Sam, doctors now say that digestive system and colon disease has reached an all time high in America, and is still on the rise. They say THE #1 CANCER AMONG MEN AND WOMEN TOGETHER IS COLON RECTAL.
The Merck Manual, the medical industry's standard text for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, tells us that colon degeneration is on the rise. The incidence of diverticulosis has increased dramatically over the last 40 years. It states that in 1950 only 10% of adults over the age of 45 had this disease, in 1955, 15%, in 1972, 30% and in 1987, almost half. The latest edition states that every person will have many bowel pockets if they live long enough. Every American adult will have herniation of the large intestine.
"Modern natural healers would rather discuss the latest enzyme fad or debate how melatonin helps jet lag, but in the meantime millions of Americans are rotting from the inside out."
BISER: So Natural Healers have politely swept it under the carpet and consider it dirty - or not high tech!
SCHULZE: I have one of the latest best sellers right here in my hand by this bearded M.D. guy on healing. In all 300 pages, he never once mentioned colon cleansing. It seems as though all he says you have to do is have a good attitude or something.
I have seen good bowel cleansing change a person's attitude - even heal the emotionally ill, but I never saw a positive affirmation blast out years of retained poisonous fecal matter from the bowel or expel a 30-foot tape worm.
BISER: I know you are famous for your bowel tonic formulas, your Intestinal Corrective Formulas #1 and #2. I heard some of the stories, but couldn't you hurt someone with these extremely strong herbal laxatives?
SCHULZE: As I see it you only have two choices when it comes to herbal bowel cleansers, ones that work, and ones that make promises as your belly gets bigger.
BISER: You are saying that some of the herbal bowel cleansers don't work.
SCHULZE: NONE of them. I used them all; my patients used them all, and you are better off with prune juice.
Arnold Ehret's Innerclean: I started off with that one as did many of my patients. It was a good formula for Buffalo Bill and Wyatt Earp but it just doesn't have the power to work on today's constipation.
BISER: What do you mean Buffalo Bill?
SCHULZE: Arnold Ehret, the designer of the formula was born during the Civil War. These people rode horses and stage coaches, ate much more fibrous and unrefined food. Those were very different times - 125 YEARS AGO. What worked then doesn't work now.
Today, people are eating a high fat, highly refined, low fiber food program, get hardly any exercise, are under more stress than ever before in history. These antique formulas just don't do the job.
Even Dr. Christopher's Naturalax was too mild for me and most of my patients. It just didn't have the power, but it was designed well over 30 years ago.
Other formulas add a little fiber to your diet when you need a roto-rooter and blasting caps. The rest, well someone designed them from a textbook, I guess, and they are useless. My thousands of patients weren't freaks; the herbal bowel cleansers sold in stores just don't work.
"My husband sat on the toilet after dinner, and didn't get off until 3 in the morning. 7 hours later HE WAS 56 POUNDS LIGHTER. I always knew he was full of it!"
SCHULZE: Almost 20 years ago, when I first heard my late teacher Dr. Christopher talk about extreme constipation, I thought he was lying. I wanted to believe him, but when he started telling me that he had patients that hadn't pooped in a month, I thought that he was telling me a fish story, an herbal lie.
But soon after in my clinic I had a fashion model come to see me, a very beautiful girl, slim, 122 pounds, and only had ONE BOWEL MOVEMENT A MONTH for the last year and a half. I was shocked. Where did it go? I was ready to call David Copperfield or Siegfried and Roy, this was real magic.
That year I had many patients that only had one bowel movement a month and that was the record until a women came to see me, a 38 year old attorney that only went every other month, ONLY 6 BOWEL MOVEMENTS IN A YEAR!
Then I met Theresa from Santa Rosa, California. She only had 3 bowel movements during her pregnancy, one per trimester and 2 others that year, now the record holder was ONLY 5 BOWEL MOVEMENTS IN A YEAR.
Then last year I got a letter from a lady in Southern California thanking me for my Intestinal Formula # 1. In the letter she stated that before using my herbal formula she was only having one bowel movement every 6 months. THAT IS ONLY 2 BOWEL MOVEMENTS A YEAR, A RECORD HOLDER!!!!!.
BISER: This is unbelievable, Richard. I have never heard of such extreme constipation. It is beyond constipation, these people are frozen solid in the bowels. Why haven't I heard of cases like this?
SCHULZE: Sam, these people usually don't go around bragging about it, they are hiding in shame, and in pain, and don't know where to turn. Everyone has failed them, the empty promises of their medical doctors and the herbalists with their bran. They pay the money, and could fill a bus with the bottles of drugs and herbs, BUT THEY STILL COULDN'T SHIT UNTIL THEY MET ME.
I had one man in Hawaii who got his dosage up to 46 capsules of my formula, that is a record in itself, and then that night, sitting on the toilet, EVACUATED 56 POUNDS OF FECAL MATTER. I met his wife and she said to me that she always knew her husband was full of shit, and was she right.
"I don't care if someone's colon is DEAD, I will make them have a movement the next day."
BISER: What about babies? I heard some babies are being born now without any nerves to the bowel and NOTHING can get them to have a bowel movement on their own.
SCHULZE: Hirschsprungs disease, and I get every one of them to have normal bowel movements.
Sam, it is really pretty simple. See, there are certain plant chemicals, phytochemicals, in a few herbs, called anthraquinones. There is a particular one called Emodin that is in certain varieties of Aloe that grow near the equator, and in Senna leaf and pod and in Cascara Sagrada bark.
Emodin doesn't have to be digested, or assimilated. It doesn't have to get into your nervous system. It has a direct chemical reaction with the smooth muscles in the intestine and makes them contract, along with other stimulating herbs in the formula like Cayenne pepper that do the same thing. I have never met a bowel to date that had the audacity to disobey this herbal order.
I have had babies that were so plugged up that they vomited fecal matter, that when x-rayed the fecal matter was found backed up into their stomachs. One had fecal matter backed up in its esophagus. The doctors always said there was no hope of ever having a working bowel and wanted to do colostomies on 6- month and 8-month old babies. I got ALL of their bowels working again, IN DAYS.
I have had elderly patients that the doctors botched up gall bladder and stomach surgeries and cut most or all of their nerves to the colon. These poor souls hadn't had a bowel movement on their own in years. Many told me that the quality of their life, with having to take enemas every day, well, it just wasn't worth living anymore. I got them ALL going in days.
BISER: Most people I talk to are not even sure how many times a day they should have a bowel I movement, so start at the beginning. What is normal?
SCHULZE: I can honestly say that I have traveled the world in search of the perfect bowel movement. How many people can say that? I have traveled to the jungles of Central America, and to China, India, Africa, and Asia. I wanted to see primitive rural people living simple natural lives, I wanted to see what their bowel habits were like, because I was sure as hell not going to find normal and natural anywhere in America.
"If you are straining, grunting, pushing or meditating just to have a poop, or if you need a library in your bathroom, you know, like a stack of magazines on the hamper, then you are constipated."
BISER: What did you see?
SCHULZE: Simple, natural, primitive people, who gather wood, eat natural food and have relaxed unstressed lives have between 2 and 3 bowel movements a day.
They eat, and within 15 to 30 minutes after their meal they wander off to their spot, squat and have a bowel movement. It is usually light in color, soft and unformed, and comes out easy with no straining, grunting, pushing or meditation.
So what is normal is 2 to 3 soft, easy, unformed bowel movements a day that happen naturally 15 to 30 minutes after each meal.
BISER: What is normal in America?
SCHULZE: One bowel movement every 2 to 5 days is the average in America. So we should be having 14 to 21 bowel movements a week and instead, we are having between 2 and 4. I figure that puts the average American 50,000 poops short in their lifetime, maybe more.
BISER: So what can we do? What about Colonics?
SCHULZE: Colonics are great, and have helped a lot of my patients, and I suggested them to many of my patients that were sick, but they are really just a glorified, great washing out of the colon, that's it, a wash. Herbs can do so much more.
Herbs can not only clean and scrub out the bowel, they can draw out old fecal matter and poisons, stop bleeding, disinfect, kill and expel parasites, destroy and remove cancer, kill Candida albicans overgrowth, regulate and balance the intestinal flora, remove toxic metals such as lead, mercury, radioactive heavy metals, and most importantly, strengthen the muscles of the colon to promote normal bowel movements.
BISER: What formulas did you use in your clinic?
SCHULZE: I used mainly two, my Intestinal Formula # 1 and Intestinal Formula #2. Intestinal Formula 1 is the beginning.
All of my patients, and all of my students around the world ask me the same question, where do I begin; what program or routine do I do first and there is only one answer: CLEANSE THE BOWEL. This is not some traditional protocol I use to pay respect to my teachers. There is a great reason for starting with the bowel FIRST.
When any patient came to see me, my eventual goal was to get them to do some sort of detoxification routine, a cleanse. The purpose of a cleanse is to remove toxins from the fat, muscle, blood and internal organs that have accumulated naturally over a period of years. This is how you prevent disease.
When you do a cleanse, you loosen up and flush out this accumulated waste and poison, and it has to flow out of the elimination channels, especially the colon and kidneys. If these elimination organs are not clean and operating properly, you will not get the benefit out of your cleanse, and you might even get very ill.
So the first step in ANY good health program should be the cleaning out and strengthening of the elimination organs and the bowel is the best first place to begin.
BISER: Tell me about your your Intestinal #1.
SCHULZE: It is very simple. I designed this formula to make ANYONE, no matter how constipated, have a bowel movement. Other armchair herbalists think this formula is extreme, but they never ran a clinic; they never had thousands of people suffering from constipation.
I started EVERY patient on this formula for 20 years in my clinic, and the results were amazing, not just constipation, but it helped everything from mental illness to infertility.
BISER: Infertility? How could this be?
SCHULZE: When I was a kid, I had a 1950 Ford. It was my first car. I used to be able to open up the hood, sit on a front fender with my feet dangling into the engine compartment, and work on the engine; change spark plus, whatever.
Nowadays, I open up the hood of my Ford Expedition and I just shut it right back up; it is too complex, too many wires, hoses, pipes, pumps, and even if I understood it, there is NO ROOM to work on it. Some engineers used up every square inch of room.
"There is NO EXTRA SPACE in your body. If your bowel swells due to constipation and bowel pockets, something else, another organ gets crushed."
BISER: What is your point?
SCHULZE: I used to think our anatomy was like my 1950 Ford. You know, a lung up here, a kidney way down there, a bowel in the middle, with lots of room.
Then one day I was invited to examine my first cadaver and WOW, what an enlightening experience! The human anatomy is not like my 1950 Ford at all. It is my new Ford Expedition; every square inch is packed with something and everything is touching something else. The sigmoid colon wraps around the uterus and the ovaries attach to it.
what is your point?
SCHULZE: There is no extra room. So if the old natural healers and now the medical doctors are right, and your colon is swollen with pounds of old retained fecal matter, then something else has to be crushed, because there is NO EXTRA SPACE.
This is why all my patients benefited from a good bowel cleansing program. This is why I saw improvements with kidney disease, breathing and lung problems, infertility, female problems, prostate problems, heart problems, sciatica, arthritis, EVERYTHING.
I even had many clinically mentally-ill patients have miraculous healings from cleansing the bowel, which goes to prove you can't have sweet thoughts on a sour stomach.
BISER: So, even if a person thinks that their particular problem is unrelated to the colon, they might be wrong?
SCHULZE: I knew a woman who had migraines. They were so bad that she would even go blind during some of the attacks. Sometimes she would fall to her knees in public or even blackout. She went to her medical doctor, who gave her some pain killers and they went away, but eventually came back.
She asked the doctor for something stronger. He eventually prescribed narcotics because the pain had taken over her life, and ruined it. The pain went totally away, but returned.
Out of frustration, she went to a Chiropractor who noticed that her cervical vertebrae were subluxated. After a series of adjustments her pain went away, but it eventually came back.
She then went to an Acupuncturist, who stuck her with needles in her back, neck, all over her body for congested shit The pain disappeared, and then returned.
Out of desperation, she went to a Rolfer, a deep tissue body worker, and he did some real restructuring of her neck, in fact her whole body, and the pain was gone, and then returned.
Finally, she ended up at an herbalist, one of Dr. Christopher's students. He prescribed her one of the Doc's formulae for pain, Wild Lettuce and Valerian root, a great formula. It was a miracle, her pain completely disappeared. Gone, but it eventually returned.
Three years of blinding pain, ruining her life and driving her insane, she finally came to my clinic doorstep and told me that story.
Within the first 2 minutes of her visit, I asked her one of my favorite questions; How often do you have a bowel movement? It turned out she only went once or twice a week. I suggested before we did anything, we do a thorough bowel cleansing routine for a couple of weeks. She was furious. She demanded my migraine formula. She was literally sobbing, in tears, begging, pleading for relief. I gave her the bowel cleansing program and sent her home.
After a few days, she called me and told me that her migraines were gone right after an amazing experience on the toilet, but was afraid they would return like they had done with ALL the other doctors and practitioners. I told her to keep taking the Intestinal Formulas.
Over the next few months, I put her through all of my programs and cleaned her colon a few more times, and the migraines never returned since. That was thirteen years ago.
BISER: What is your point?
SCHULZE: I never paid any attention to the fact that she had migraines. I just looked to where the basics were wrong, and fixed them.
See Sam, all the other doctors, ALL of them were focusing on her neck, when they should have been focusing on her rear end. All the other doctors, even the so-called natural ones were still focusing on the symptom, and not the cause.
I had another lady come to see me, JoAnn from up in Sacramento, California. She had been out of work, literally flat on her back in pain for 3 years. She had back pain, in the lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and sciatic nerve for 3 solid years, EVERY DAY, ALL DAY.
No work, not even housework, no even going shopping for a few groceries, (her husband mentioned no sex also). She was 100% crippled, a total wreck.
The medical doctors wanted to fuse her spine, maybe even cut the nerves to relieve the pain. The Chiropractic therapy offered no help, nor did the Osteopaths or Orthopedics treatments. She was at her wits end. She even told me she was contemplating killing herself.
Guess what, constipated! I put her on the bowel cleansing program and in less than a week, all of her pain was gone, and never returned. She was shocked, in disbelief. And she was really, really mad at all the doctors for overlooking something so simple.
But this is my understanding of Natural Healing. You must get the foundations of health in order, before doing any specialized treatment. In the majority of my patients, no specialized treatment was ever necessary.
BISER: But how could the bowel cleansing effect her spine?
SCHULZE: Sam, a swollen, constipated, irritated bowel puts pressure and infects everything around it. The nerves from the spine run right next to the bowel before they go down the legs. I have had hundreds of patients that had chronic back pain, sciatica, leg pain, and all disappeared after a good bowel cleansing program.
BISER: She must have been elated!
SCHULZE: With no pain, Yes, with me, Yes, but very pissed off at her doctors. She was furious that NO ONE had suggested any bowel cleansing.
BISER: I get the point; no matter how far removed the problem seems from the colon; no matter how physically far away from the colon the affected organ may be; no matter how ridiculous it may seem to do a bowel cleansing program instead of brain surgery - cleanse the bowel first and see what happens.
SCHULZE: You have nothing to lose!
BISER: What percentage of your patients got relief from their problems by doing the bowel cleansing program.
SCHULZE: Approximately 80% of my patients, across the board, regardless of what was wrong with them, regardless of how long they had been sick, got more than relief, GOT WELL from doing my bowel cleansing program.
BISER: What about bowel cancer?
SCHULZE: I had hundreds of patients with bowel cancer, many got rid of it using the bowel cleansing program alone.
I had a man from San Diego tell me this story just a few years ago. He was in his 60's and his son asked him to go to the doctor and get a sigmoidoscope check, a look into the bowel. This is getting to be a routine check now for older folks, to look for bowel cancer or other bowel disease.
Well, sure enough they saw it, a cancer growing in his sigmoid colon, and it had invaded into the muscle, maybe even farther. He also had around 35 polyps. The doctors wanted to admit him to the hospital immediately, for a colon resection. They wanted to gut him and carve out at least 12 inches of his colon. He was scared.
His son was a follower of my work, used my formulas and heard my stories, and he suggested that his Dad do my bowel cleansing program. The Dad asked the doctor if he could delay the colon surgery for a few months while he did an herbal bowel cleanse. The doctor said he was nuts; the herbs could be dangerous and even if they weren't, they were useless and that a delay of a few days, let alone months, could be suicidal.
The man told me that he was more afraid of some doctor sticking a knife up his ass than the cancer, so he went on my program.
BISER: What did he do?
SCHULZE: Just three things, the Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 and the Intestinal Corrective Formula #2 and raw garlic, 8 cloves a day. He first got his bowel working more frequently with the number one formula and then started taking the number two formula.
BISER: How much, how long?
SCHULZE: He ended up taking 6 entire jars of the #2 formula over about 8 weeks, and then went back for another look by the doctor. The doctor was furious, and said that surgery may not even save him now because he delayed getting proper professional treatment by playing around with some hocus-pocus herbs.
But what the doctor saw shocked him. All 35 polyps were gone, disappeared, not a trace of even one, and the cancer looked like a dried up skeleton of a cancer. He said that when he slightly scraped it with a tool through the scope, that it just fell off the bowel, JUST FELL OFF!
BISER: Was this just a fluke case?
SCHULZE: Sam, I had hundreds of patients with bowel polyps, that got rid of them. I had hundreds of patients with bowel cancers, that disappeared, even big ones like grapefruit size. I had them do the Intestinal Corrective Formulas, the Incurables Program, lots of garlic, raw garlic, and their body ate their cancer up, it was gone. Sam, this was no fluke case, I could tell you a hundred of them.
BISER: Would you give the formula to my readers so if they wanted to make it themselves, they could?
SCHULZE: Absolutely. The ingredients are:
Curacao and Cane Aloe leaf: The Strongest Cathartic, Very Bitter Liver Cleanser
Senna leaves and nods: Strong Cathartic, been used for thousands of years.
Cascara Sagrada aged bark: Strong Cathartic, Bitter Liver Cleanser, bile flow.
Barberry rootbark: Stimulates Liver / Gall Bladder and bile flow
Ginger rhizome: Increases downward peristalsis, contractions
Garlic bulb: Destroys candida, and infection, and promotes healthy flora.
African Bird Pepper: Stops bowel bleeding, stimulating cathartic.
When first making this formula, start with equal parts of each herb. As you use it and want to make adjustments, increase or decrease the individual herbs according to the action you are looking for.
Therapeutic Action: This stimulating herbal tonic is both cleansing, healing and strengthening to the entire gastro-intestinal system. It stimulates your peristaltic action (the muscular movement of the colon) and over time strengthens the muscles of the large intestine, halts putrefaction and disinfects, soothes and heals the mucous membrane lining of your entire digestive tract.
This herbal tonic improves digestion, relieves gas and cramps, increases the flow of bile which in turn cleans the gall bladder, bile ducts and liver, destroys Candida albicans overgrowth, promotes a healthy intestinal flora, destroys and expels intestinal parasites, increases gastrointestinal circulation. It's anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal.
Dosage: Start with only 1 capsule of this formula during or just after dinner. This formula works best when taken with food. The next morning, you should notice an increase in your bowel action and in the amount of fecal matter that you eliminate. The consistency should also be softer. If you do not notice any difference in your bowel behavior by the next day, or if the difference was not dramatic, then that evening increase your dosage to 2 capsules.
You can continue to increase your dosage every evening by one capsule until you notice a dramatic difference in the way your bowel works. There is no limit. Most people need 2-3 capsules but a few have needed over 30 capsules. It has taken most of us years to create a sluggish bowel, so let's be patient for a few days and increase by only 1 capsule each day
This formula can be taken for a week, a month or the rest of your life. Continue to use this formula until you are having one bowel movement each day for every meal you eat. Between 2 and 4 bowel movements a day is normal.
Some people are born with very lazy, sleepy, sluggish, stuck bowels. Some people only need this formula for a few weeks a year, maybe when they are traveling, and others may need it for years, decades, maybe on and off for the rest of their life.
I still say I would rather take these herbs for the rest of my life, have good digestion and assimilation of nutrition, and have normal, easy, frequent, complete bowel movements than be constipated and get bowel disease.
BISER: What about children, you can't get them to swallow a capsule and this formula tastes horrible outside of the capsule.
SCHULZE: That's when I use my Intestinal Formula #3. It is a liquid formula, based in Fig Concentrate with Cascara Sagrada bark, Senna leaf and pod and the oils of Anise, Clove and Tangerine. You can make it yourself with figs and water, and just the main herbs, if you wish.
BISER: Can you use this formula with babies?
SCHULZE: Kids of any age, it is safe and effective, even for big babies. I use it myself sometimes.
BISER: Do either of these formulas get rid of the debris from years of constipation, you know the built-up waste, the fudge stuck in the bowel pockets?
SCHULZE: Yes, to some degree, but that is why I designed the Intestinal Corrective Formula #2, the intestinal vacuum formula. I realized after a few years in the clinic that getting the colon to work properly was only half the battle.
Now I needed to get in there and get out any old accumulated waste. After all, remember the Merck manual said EVERY American will have diverticulosis, saccular herniations, filled with old, dehydrated, hardened fecal matter. I needed to get this old rock hard shit out before it caused disease.
I wanted to design the strongest herbal intestinal vacuum I could, one that would suck anything out. This formula is so strong I have sucked things out of peoples' bowels that have been in their for decades.
BISER: Like what?
SCHULZE: I had one woman that had been in a near fatal car crash many years before she came to see me for a routine cleansing. During her bowel cleansing routine with Intestinal Corrective Formula #2, she brought in almost a hundred pieces of automobile glass that she passed in her bowel movements.
I had another woman in her 60's who passed over 20 old coins. She asked her mother who told her that she used to swallow coins as a child and the mother couldn't get her to stop. Sure enough, the coins were all dated around when the child was 4 to 5 or before. This formula could be a real find to coin collectors all over the world.
BISER: Would you you tell my readers your Intestinal Corrective Formula #2.
SCHULZE: Sure; here is it, for those who want to make it at home.
Flax seed: contains a natural cleansing and laxative oil.
Apple Fruit Pectin: removes radioactive waste, mercury, lead, heavy metals.
Pharmaceutical Grade Bentonite Clay: removes 35 times its weight in waste.
Activated Willow charcoal: Removes over 3,000 known harmful chemicals.
Psyllium seed and husk: adds needed fiber, reduces inflammation.
Slippery Elm inner bark: removes toxic waste, reduces inflammation.
Marshmallow root: Reduces inflammation.
Fennel seed or Peppermint leaf: Carminative, aids digestion, moves gas.
Make this formula also using equal parts of each herb. Then increase or decrease each herb depending on the desired action you want, intensified or weakened.
Therapeutic Action: This cleansing and soothing formula is to be used periodically in conjunction with Intestinal Formula #1. This formula is a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum. It draws old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets.
It will remove poisons, toxins, parasites, heavy metals such as mercury and lead and even remove radioactive material such as strontium 90. This formula will also remove over 3,000 known drug residues.
Its mucilaginous properties will soften old hardened fecal matter for easy removal. This makes it an excellent remedy for inflammation in the intestines such as diverticulitis or irritable bowel.
Many patients discovered that this formula also removed colon polyps. This formula is an antidote for food poisoning and other types of poisoning.
Suggested Dosage: Take this formula 5 times each day beginning in the morning for 5-6 days consuming a total of 8 ounces of the powdered formula during this period.
One hour after your morning nutritional drink, mix 1 heaping teaspoon of Intestinal Corrective Formula #2 powder with 8 ounces of diluted juice. It mixes best if you shake it in a small jar. Add a little water or juice to the jar first, then the powder, then the rest of the liquid. This keeps the formula from sticking to the bottom and sides of the jar.
Do the same 1\2 hour before lunch, between lunch and dinner, 1\2 hour before dinner and 1 hour before bed, so that you are consuming a total of 5 heaping teaspoons each day. During or after dinner, take your Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 as usual, but increase your regular dosage by 1 additional capsule, or more if necessary to have sufficient bowel movements.
It is helpful to drink additional liquid after each dose of Intestinal Corrective Formula #2, at least 8 ounces.
BISER: Are there certain people who shouldn't use one or the other of these formula?
SCHULZE: Definitely; here are a few of my suggestions.
I divided people up into the two major bowel types, those that don't go enough (patient type A, 97% of us) and those that go too much (patient type B. only 3% of us). If you are in the middle and have 3 bowel movements a day, and have never had a bowel problem and have no family history of one, then God bless you, and give this newsletter to the person on your left.
Patient Type A: The sluggish bowel type. This was 97% of my patients, the ones who needed help getting their bowel working frequently enough, the sluggish bowel, the skippers, the constipated ones. If this is you, this formula is for you and follow standard directions.
Patient Type B: The irritated bowel type. This was only a small percentage of my patients, about 3%. This type is the exception to the rule, those with bowels that work too often, more than 3 bowel movements a day This includes those that have Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, etc. If your bowels are irritated, hot or are working too frequently, skip this formula and go immediately to the Intestinal Corrective Formula #2.
Patient Type A: The sluggish bowel type. Continue to use Intestinal Corrective Formula # 1 until your bowels are moving 2 to 3 times a day and the consistency is softer.
Use Intestinal Corrective Formula #1 for a minimum of 1 week before adding the Intestinal Formula #2, but you can wait a month or longer if necessary.
Once you have achieved 2 to 3 bowel movements a day, for at least a few days in a row, then begin the Intestinal Corrective Formula #2. You want to use up the entire 8 ounce jar within one week. This amounts to approximately 1 heaping teaspoon 5-6 times a day Follow the mixing directions earlier under suggested dosage.
Patient Type B: The irritated bowel type. Since you will not be taking the Intestinal Corrective Formula # 1 at any time during this program, unless you get constipated, you can use the Intestinal Corrective Formula #2 on a daily basis to soothe your bowel and solidify your bowel movements.
You can use this formula continuously during the first two months of this program. You can use this formula forever if you wish. You may find that 1 teaspoon a day does the job, though you may need three. Experiment to see what dosage is best for you.
It is helpful to drink additional liquid after each dose of Intestinal Corrective Formula #2, at least 8 more ounces. Drink plenty of pure water, herb teas and diluted fruit and vegetable juices during this two week colon cleanse. A good amount is between 64 and 128 ounces of liquid each day. This makes the program more effective.
BISER: The Intestinal Corrective Formula #2 is BLACK. Now I noticed it doesn't taste bad, in fact it doesn't taste like much of anything, but it looks weird. Have you had any people have a problem with this?
SCHULZE: A few. One man sat in my office one day and told me that the program was too radical and that he didn't want to do it, to drink the Intestinal formula #2 drink.
BISER: What did you say to him?
SCHULZE: I told one man that herbs were God's gifts to us for better health. They were Nature's medicines and that nothing could be more natural. It is just that we have been brainwashed by medicine into thinking that chemotherapy, radiation and surgery is O.K., but herbs are dangerous. What could be farther from the truth?
I also told him about a few of my patients, like the 28 year-old woman who had a little tumor on her anus, and the doctors did laser guided pinpoint radiation to remove it. The next thing she knew she had fecal matter dripping out of her vagina. She died in a few months.
I told him of the 6 year-old boy they did bowel surgery on and severed his spine by accident and he will never walk, play or run again. I told him about the young woman in my clinic who lost a pint of blood a day from her bowel after having 26 cauterization surgeries and I told him of watching patients die in my arms after their doctors botched surgeries destroyed their lives.
I also told him that if he goes to a gastroenterologist and they take a little peek into his colon, it will be with a sigmoidoscope that feels 100 FEET LONG, SO LONG IT FEELS THAT IT MIGHT POP OUT OF HIS NOSE.
BISER: What did he say?
SCHULZE: Nothing, he just drank his herbal drink quietly.
Intestinal Formula #2 for Food Poisoning.
SCHULZE: Intestinal Formula #2 is an antidote for food poisoning, and other types of poisoning.
The Pharmaceutical Grade Bentonite Clay, the Willow Charcoal, The Apple Fruit Pectin; all of these ingredients are super-powerful absorbing agents.
If you get food poisoning, or you feel you ate something bad, the first best thing is to vomit it out. The best way to do that is to drink up to 2 quarts of warm water with the juice of a lemon, or any citrus squeezed into it.
Then put your fingers into your mouth over the toilet and shove the fingers way back and tickle your uvula, that little thing that hangs down at the back of your mouth, and vomit. GET THE POISON OUT and a good vomit is the fastest, best way.
Then take 4 heaping teaspoons of Intestinal Formula #2 in about 16 ounces of distilled water. This routine will get out any poisons that are in your stomach and absorb the ones that your vomit did not get out. If it has been a number of hours since you ate, FORGET the vomit routine and just take your Intestinal Formula #2.
To obtain more information on Dr. Schulze 's healing or cleansing programs select and click on Health and Natural Healing Programs in the side bar. To purchase the above mentioned formulas use the same address and click on Where to get link.
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Best of Health
This newsletter is published under the First Amendment of the U.S.Constitution, which grants the right to discuss openly and freely all matters of public concern, and to express viewpoints no matter how controversial or unaccepted they may be. (Rev 3/17/95)
WARNING: Natural methods can sometimes backfire
and cause harm.
Remember that ALL herbs, foods or other natural methods
occasionally have dangerous allergic reactions or side effects in SOME
people. People have even died from allergic reactions to peanuts. Therefore,
any natural method you learn about here may cause harm, instead of the
and if he is not receptive, consult another Professional Health Care Practitioner.
This newsletter contains unorthodox ideas and opinions,
which are NOT accepted by the consensus of medical opinion. Before following
these medically unproven ideas, please check with your own Professional
Health Care Practitioner. If you feel you must self-medicate, proceed
with extreme caution. Allergic effects can prove harmful.
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