Herbs for Nerve Systems
Formulas and Therapeutic Action

Nerve Tonic Formula by Dr. Schulze

Therapeutic Action: This formula is a powerful sedative and antispasmodic. It will relax, sedate and relieve nervous tension and muscle spasms. It is also very effective for insomnia and a wonderful sleep aid. Although it has no narcotic ingredients, these herbs have become famous for their ability to relax and induce rest and sleep. It is useful for all types of muscle and nervous system spasms and cramps including nervous trembling disorders, seizures and fits. I used it in my clinic for those wanting to stop using antiseizure medications regardless of whether the cause was a brain tumor or a nervous system abnormality.

Formula: Valerian root, Lobelia seed pods, Passionflower herb, Hops flowers, Black Cohosh root, Blue Cohosh root, Skullcap herb and Wild Yam rhizome.

Dosage: 1-2 dropperfuls (35-70 drops) 3-4 times daily or up to 4 dropperfuls as needed.

Sources for herbs and herbal formulas

Lobelia Seed Pod Tincture by Dr. Schulze

Therapeutic Action: Lobelia is one of the most powerful and versatile herbs I know. In my clinic, I learned to rely on this herb more than any other. I learned in the first few years of my practice "When in doubt, try Lobelia."

Formula: Lobelia seeds in organic raw apple cider vinegar and pure grain alcohol

Dosage: 5 to 60 drops 3 to 4 times daily. In an emergency use 2 to 5 dropperfuls or more. An overdose is not dangerous, but causes slight sweating and nausea.

In American history, from Samuel Thompson - one of the great 18th century herbalists - to Dr. John Christopher, Lobelia was an important curing plant. This is the only herb that Dr. Christopher devoted an entire chapter to in his herbal book. Although currently in America the FDA has cautioned us on using this plant, in Europe it is an important over-the- counter drug sold in many modern drug stores. To begin with, alkaloids are one of the most powerful of all plant chemicals. Not all plants have them. Some have a few, but Lobelia ranks high, 14 different alkaloids. I am explaining this so you will understand that we know very little about this plant except that it is a powerful healer.

It has two main uses, first as an antispasmodic and second as a bronchial dilator and expectorant. As an anti-spasmodic, it is second to none, and will relax the entire body and organs. This is why it is the main ingredient in the Nervine Antispasmodic and also in the Nervine Sedative. It is the greatest herb for problems with the lungs. I have seen it work with a hundred different disorders, When in doubt, try it!

Sources for herbs and herbal formulas

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