Online Health & Nutrition Newsletter
Vol. 3.                                                                                                                              Issue 1. 25. January 1999
Spirit of Health

          Here is the Eighteenth issue of our online newsletter, "Spirit of Health." We bring you articles which are always beyond the mainstream medical school of thought and may be new to the alternative minded as well.

          If you would like to access back issues of this newsletter you can do so by selecting and choose the Newsletter link.

          This issue features bestselling author Stephney A. Langford, who discusses here a long awaited, much requested topic: pregnancy and children. Ms. Langford studied the needs of the human body for twenty years and authored the "How Do Enzymes Work in Your Body" and "Is Your Water Destroying Your Health?" books.

Pregnancy and Children

Preparing for Pregnancy

          It is very wise to prepare your body for pregnancy.

          A diet that has plenty of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables is very health-building. You can see if you have enough of these fresh, raw foods by testing your urine PH with PH paper. If your PH is between 5 and 7, increase the fresh, raw fruits and vegetables in your diet until your PH is between 7 and 8. Try to get organic fruits and vegetables. Look up your local natural food store. A great recipe is to make about 16 oz. fruit juice add 8 oz. water, a handful of fresh fruit and 2 tablespoons of superfoods. Mix them in a blender and enjoy.

          Make sure your eliminatory organs, the colon, liver and kidneys, are working correctly. Do an internal cleanse to ensure these organs are functioning at their peek. The best way of doing this is to start on Dr. Schulze's Cleansing program. The program consists of methods to clean first your intestines, continuing with your liver and kidney and finally your immune system and blood. The program is simple and easily followable.

          Get rid of that unwanted weight.

          Daily exercise is very important while doing your pregnancy preparation. Make sure that you have enough fluids that your body can release the waste.

          A very good thing to do is to juice fresh, raw fruits and vegetables every day. Add Superfood twice a day to the juice. Use a juicer like the Champion or the Green Power. The Green Power Juicer is especially great as its slower speed and the stainless steel gears are preserving the important enzymes found in vegetables and fruits.

          In my experience the best way to do juicing is to buy 8-16 oz. glass canning jars and put the fresh juice in them right while doing the juicing. Fill the canning jar completely leaving no space for air. Put on the top and refrigerate. This method will preserve the important ingredients of the juice for at least 2 days instead of the 15 minutes if you leave it in air to oxidize.

          Now that your body is ready to have a baby, maintain your good diet and you will enjoy your pregnancy.

Preparing your Environment

          The quality of the air in your home is very important. Inspect your cleaning supplies and your furnishings. These can put poisons into the air that may destroy your health.

          Put plenty of plants into your home. Include spider plant, aloe, chrysanthemum, philodendron, and Gerber daisies. These plants help to remove poisons in the air and make your air fresh and clean. Indoor gardens are very attractive but at the same time they improve air quality.

          The quality of the water you drink and bathe in is very important. In many countries chlorine, which is a poison, is added to the water to kill off all bacteria. When you drink or bathe in chlorine, this poison also kills off the valuable bacteria in your body. Solid carbon block filters are very good to put onto your incoming water supply and on the point of use, to remove the toxins.

          Serve and stir your foods in glass. It is the least toxic substance to use for any kind of cooking. Avoid the use of plastic and aluminum near your food. Plastic and aluminum release poisons into your food that may prevent you from having a healthy body.


          The primarily functions of the body is repair, survive, duplicate and procreate. When your health level falls below a certain point you lose those basic functions. Infertility and sexual impotency in men and women is usually just a sign of poor health. If you correct the underlying causes of poor health, you will normally become fertile.

          The Modern Medicine approach of this problem would be to go against nature and try to impregnate the woman anyway. When you can't have a baby or you have a miscarriage, nature says you are not ready, you are not healthy, you are toxic. If you would have a baby in this state, you or your baby could be hurt. The approach should not be forcing the pregnancy but getting healthy, and the pregnancy will then come naturally.

          To tell you a story, there was an actress who did not wanted a baby at the beginning of her career and wasn't very conscious about her sexuality. She wasn’t very careful. She ended up with 13 pregnancies and 13 abortions. Now abortion is a very damaging procedure. She then got married, settled down and tried to have a baby. Naturally she could not. Her first 3 attempts ended up with miscarriages. She decided to get healthy. She and her husband got to work. At the age of 43 she had very high-risk factors because of her previous history but she become a very good patient. She did all the cleansing, she got very healthy and she had a healthy baby girl and at 45 she had a baby boy, very healthy as well. According to the doctors this was an impossible miracle. So do not give up. And do not run to doctors to have some forced procedure that endangers you and your babies' life - and pay a fortune for no success. Get healthy and let nature do its work.

          There is a program called "The Incurables program" by Dr. Richard Schulze that is highly recommended in case you need help.

During Pregnancy

          During pregnancy you can not do heavy cleanses, or add new nutritional supplements without the consent of your health practitioner. Keeping your diet full of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables will enable your body to use the protein in your food.

          Change your exercise routine to ensure your comfort while pregnant but do not quit. You will feel much better and will stay healthy.

          Keep away from alcohol, cigarettes and drugs during pregnancy. These can hurt your baby as well as you.

          There is another story I want to share. A women, about 27, had had several miscarriages. Also she had Rh-negative blood, which was an extra danger factor as the second-born sometimes have toxic blood, and need blood transfusions.

          She became a very good patient too; she did her cleansing and during her pregnancy she did a special blood cleansing with herbs. Now that might sound ridiculous and goes against modern medicine, but she did it anyway. When her baby was born, it didn't need the transfusion at all.

          The formula she used was the following:

2 parts Red Clover blossom (the one which is still deep violet purple!!! If the blossom is already brown,its blood cleansing chemicals are already have gone back to the root)
2 parts red Raspberry
1 part Chaparral herb
1 part Garlic juice (make this fresh in a juicer or blender)
1 part Burdock seed and root
1 part Poke root
1 part Yellow Dock
1 part Barberry or Oregon Grape root
1 part Ginger root.
          She made a tincture of these herbs and took 3-6 full dropperfuls (35 drops a dropperful) daily, added to some juice or water or herbal tea, two weeks on, two weeks off during her pregnancy.

After the Baby is Born

          When your baby is born, if you wish to breast feed, it would be wise to increase your fluid intake and take an alfalfa supplement. The quality of your milk is determined by the quality of the foods you eat, so increase your daily intake of Superfood. Eat healthfully, and again, include lots of raw organic vegetables and fruits in your diet. Use the recipe for the juice with superfood above.

Introducing Solid Foods

          When the baby gets his or her first tooth, this is the sign to start introducing other foods. Start off by giving the baby some carrot juice. Make sure that you introduce only one new food at a time. This will allow you to discover if the baby is allergic to any of the foods. Take fresh foods like bananas, pears, apples, etc., peel them and put them in a blender, puree them until you have smooth paste and feed this to the baby. Do the same with fresh, raw vegetables.

          You can then start adding Superfood to the juices.

          Always remember that babies can't afford to eat junk food as doing so puts the body under stress during its development.

          Getting a child used to plenty of nourishing foods is a wise practice. The child naturally will want them and do well on them. This also gives them the chance not to get in the habits of eating junk food, like pizza and Coke, and surprisingly they will not want to eat that as they naturally will feel it is bad for them.

[Editor's Note: The above mentioned formulas are available from: Southern Botanicals. Write: 611-D So. Myrtle Ave., Clearwater Fl, 33756. or visit them at]

To obtain more information on healing or cleansing programs select and click on any of the icons of your interest.

We hope that the information in this newsletter is of help and interest to you. Please let us know what topics you would be interested in and we will try and provide you the information you request. Our e-mail address:

Best of Health

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This newsletter is published under the First Amendment of the U.S.Constitution, which grants the right to discuss openly and freely all matters of public concern, and to express viewpoints no matter how controversial or unaccepted they may be. (Rev 3/17/95)

WARNING: Natural methods can sometimes backfire and cause harm.
Remember that ALL herbs, foods or other natural methods occasionally have dangerous allergic reactions or side effects in SOME people. People have even died from allergic reactions to peanuts. Therefore, any natural method you learn about here may cause harm, instead of the benefit you seek. ASK YOUR PROFESSIONAL HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER FIRST, and if he is not receptive, consult another Professional Health Care Practitioner.
This newsletter contains unorthodox ideas and opinions, which are NOT accepted by the consensus of medical opinion. Before following these medically unproven ideas, please check with your own Professional Health Care Practitioner. If you feel you must self-medicate, proceed with extreme caution. Allergic effects can prove harmful.
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