Herbs for Five Day Liver and Kidney Cleanses
Formulas and Therapeutic Action

Detoxification Tonic Formula

Therapeutic Action: This formula is a very powerful blood and lymph cleansing formula and the one that I used for almost 20 years in my clinic. Every patient I treated and put on my 5 day cleansing and detoxification program consumed 1 bottle of this formula during the week of this program.

Formula: Red Clover blossoms, Mojave Chaparral herb and resin, Oregon Grape root, Burdock root and seed, Yellow Dock root, Goldenseal root, Garlic Juice, Lobelia seeds & Cayenne.

Dosage: 2 dropperfuls (70 drops) 4 to 6 times a day for a week or during the 5-day cleansing program or as described in the new incurables program. Mix with a few ounces of grape juice to make it go down easier. Drink 64-128 ounces of liquid a day.

This formula is based on the famous Hoxey Formula, Dr. Christopher's Red Clover Tonic formula and many similar formulae from around the world.

It works best if used along with my 5-day cleansing program. If you use it otherwise, just make sure to consume a gallon of water, juice and herbal tea each day you use it.

After one of the late Dr. John Christopher's arrests, he was instructed to never use the word cancer again. In a private conversation I had with him regarding Red Clover Blossoms he said, "I just can't help myself, Red Clover is the antidote for Cancer."

The herbs in this formula are strong in taste, and very effective detoxifiers. Every patient I saw with chronic illness or degeneration used this formula with great success.

Sources for herbs and herbal formulas

Liver/Gallbladder - Anti-Parasite Tonic by Dr. Schulze

Therapeutic Action: The herbs in this formula are famous for their ability to stimulate, cleanse and protect the liver and gallbladder and rid the body of parasites. Milk Thistle has certain chemicals that bind to, and coat, liver cells and not only heal previous damage but also protect the liver from future damage. Oregon Grape rootbark, Gentian root, Wormwood leaves and Dandelion root are all classic bitter tonic herbs. These herbs not only stimulate digestion but also stimulate the liver to excrete more bile which, in turn, cleans both the liver and gallbladder. If you have been exposed to any toxic substances, had constipation, eaten large amounts of animal food or drank alcohol or other harmful beverages, this formula is for you. Also, if you have had high cholesterol, blood fats or any family history of liver or gallbladder problems. Many believe that anyone who has cancer or any immune dysfunction had a weak congested liver to begin with. Even if a person has had their gall-bladder removed, these herbs will still be effective to clean the liver and bile ducts. The Black Walnut hulls, Wormwood and Garlic are strong ANTI-PARASITICAL plants. Parasite infestation is a fact of life. One cubic inch of beef can have over 1,000 parasite larvae waiting to hatch in your body. Over 65% of fresh fish tested has toxic levels of bacteria and parasites. Chicken is even worse. I've had hundreds of patients expel bowels full of intestinal parasites and also kill cellular parasites with this formula. It works best if used in conjunction with both Intestinal Formula #1 and #2. Use if parasites are suspected, or if there has been a history of bowel problems, constipation, eating animal products, prolonged illness, serious disease or degeneration.

Formulae: Milk Thistle seed, Dandelion root and leaf, Oregon Grape root, Gentian root, Wormwood leaf and flower, Black Walnut hulls, Ginger rhizome, Garlic bulb and Sweet Fennel seed.

Dosage: 2 Dropperfuls (70 drops) 4-5 times daily for 1 week. Most effective if used in conjunction with the next formula, the Detoxification Herb Tea and also my 5-Day Cleansing and Detoxification Program including the Liver/GallBladder Flush drink.

Sources for herbs and herbal formulas

Detoxification 15 Herb Tea by Dr. Schulze

Therapeutic Action: This tea has numerous health benefits. First, it is based on an ancient East Indian Digestive Tea formula. Over the years in my clinic, I have seen my patients eat almost anything, and survive, if they drank a cup of this tea before or during and after the meal. It is a stimulant to the entire digestive process especially the stomach and first stages of digestion.

Formulae: Roasted Dandelion root, Burdock root, Pau d' Arco inner bark, Cinnamon bark, Cardamon seed, Licorice root, Fennel seed, Juniper berries, Ginger root, Clove buds, Black Peppercorns, Uva Ursi leaves, Horsetail herb, Orange peel and Parsley root.

Dosage: 2 cups of the tea consumed 15 minutes after doing your Liver/GallBladder flush drink. It can also be drunk at any other time as many cups as desired.

Put 1 tablespoon (medium) or 2 tablespoons (strong) of this tea into 20 ounces of distilled water. Be sure to use only stainless steel or glass cookware. Let the tea sit in the water overnight. In the morning heat up to a boil, reduce heat and let simmer for 15 minutes. Strain out the herbs, do not discard them; let cool a bit but use hot. Put the used herbs back into the pot, add 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs and 20 ounces of pure water. Let sit overnight and repeat whole process again. Keep adding new herbs to old ones for 3 days, then discard all herbs and start over.

This tea also mildly cleanses the blood, skin, liver and gallbladder and is the perfect tea to use after the liver flush. It flushes out the bile and fats that the liver flush purged out of your liver and gallbladder. It is also a mild diuretic and disinfectant to the kidneys and bladder and will cause you to urinate a little more within an hour after ingestion.

This tea is also an excellent coffee replacement. It is a hot beverage, dark in color and tastes good. It's even better when a little pure maple syrup is added to the final brew. It also increases your circulation but has no caffeine. I used it in my clinic successfully for years to help people get off the coffee habit.

See Five-day Cleansing and Detoxification Program for Liver by Dr. Schulze

Sources for herbs and herbal formulas

The Kidney and Bladder Tonic Formula

Therapeutic Action: This Tonic is both Diuretic (increases the flow of urine) and disinfectant. According to medical reports, herbs in this formula destroy the bacteria that causes kidney and bladder infections. More importantly, whenever I used this formula in my clinic, it cured every patient with a urinary tract infection, even after antibiotics had failed, and it worked 100% of the time. This tonic formula works best if used along with the Kidney/Bladder Tea and the Kidney/Bladder Flush as directed in the 5-Day Cleansing and Detoxification Program on page 32 in the back of this booklet.

Formula: Uva Ursi leaves, Juniper berries, Corn silk, Horsetail herb, Pipsissewa leaf, Burdock root and seed and Golden-rod flower tops.

Dosage: 1 to 2 dropperfuls (35 to 70 drops) 3 to 4 times daily. Best results are obtained if used for 3 to 5 days consecutively and along with the Kidney and Bladder Tea.

Sources for herbs and herbal formulas

The Kidney and Bladder Tea Formula

Therapeutic Action: Same as Kidney and Bladder Tonic Formula above. This tea is most effective if used along with the tonic as directed in my 5 day cleansing program on page 32. Also dissolves stubborn kidney stones and calculi.

Formula: Juniper berries, Corn silk, Uva Ursi leaves, Parsley root and leaf, Carrot tops, Dandelion leaf, Horsetail herb, Goldenrod flower tops, Hydrangea root, Gravel root and Marshmallow root, Orange peel and Peppermint leaf.

Dosage: 2 cups 3 times daily

See Five-day Cleansing and Detoxification Program for Kidney by Dr. Schulze

See the New Incurables Program by Dr. Schulze

Sources for herbs and herbal formulas

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