Reference > Anatomy of the Human Body > XI. Splanchnology > 3c. 4. The Ejaculatory Ducts
Henry Gray (1821–1865).  Anatomy of the Human Body.  1918.
3c. 4. The Ejaculatory Ducts
(Ductus Ejaculatorii)

The ejaculatory ducts (Fig. 1153) are two in number, one on either side of the middle line. Each is formed by the union of the duct from the vesicula seminalis with the ductus deferens, and is about 2 cm. long. They commence at the base of the prostate, and run forward and downward between its middle and lateral lobes, and along the sides of the prostatic utricle, to end by separate slit-like orifices close to or just within the margins of the utricle. The ducts diminish in size, and also converge, toward their terminations.
Structure.—The coats of the ejaculatory ducts are extremely thin. They are: an outer fibrous layer, which is almost entirely lost after the entrance of the ducts into the prostate; a layer of muscular fibers consisting of a thin outer circular, and an inner longitudinal, layer; and mucous membrane.   2

FIG. 1153– Vesiculæ seminales and ampullæ of ductus deferentes, seen from the front. The anterior walls of the left ampulla, left seminal vesicle, and prostatic urethra have been cut away. (See enlarged image)


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