International Turbine & Power, LLC
Bladeless Disk, Vortex & Implosion Technologies

Welcome to the most exciting part of this website. International Turbine And Power, a company that was founded by a young and energetic engineer and scientist in 1999 - Frank Germano, had a dream...To paraphrase Nikola Tesla - "Suppose someone should discover a new mechanical principle...something as fundamental as James Watt's discovery of the expansive power of steam, by the use of which it became possible to build a motor that would give ten horse power for every pound of the engine's weight? A motor so simple that a novice in mechanics could construct it and so elemental that it could not possibly get out of repair. Then suppose that this motor could be run forward or backward at will, that it could be used as either an engine or a pump, that it cost almost nothing to build as compared with any other known form of engine, that it utilized a larger percentage of the available power than any existing machine, and, finally, that it would operate with gas, steam, compressed air or water, any one of them, as its driving power..."

It does not take a mechanical expert to imagine the limitless possibilities of such an engine. It takes very little effort to conjure up a picture of a new world of industry and transportation made possible by the invention of such a device. "Revolutionary" seems a mild term to apply to it. That was quite the dream, Taking this as a starting point, we went on to design, build, and test this amazing engine. We are now ready to offer the Bladeless Boundary Disk Turbine and Pump to the world...( BDT prototype engine, in CAD rendering, pictured to right - click to view larger image of picture.)

"International Turbine And Power, LLC" is currently designing the next generation of powerful, efficient engines and pumping systems.

We call this revolutionary engine, a "thermodynamic transformer," or "BDT" as this is a more proper name for the device. Our engine is based on the pioneering work of Nikola Tesla. His engine - the Tesla, Bladeless Boundary Disk Turbine - was originally developed in the early 1900's. These engines, powered by steam, or any combustible fuel, such as methane, natural gas, propane, gasoline, diesel, or hydrogen, or even flowing water from rivers or from an ocean's tides, offer an incredible advantage over "conventional" engines. They are fairly inexpensive, extremely efficient, require virtually no maintenance, and will run in environments where other engines, would, quite simply - fail.

This engine offers an incredible advancement over "conventional" units (Turbines, Diesel, Internal Combustion, etc.), in both efficiency, simplicity  and economy. The Tesla Turbine and Tesla Pump function on the principles of adhesion and viscosity, or "boundary layer" drag. The Tesla Turbine itself, is a very simple device, consisting of basically, a number of very thin disks, mounted on a shaft, with their centers cut out in sections...this assembly is then enclosed in an air tight case. Pure simplicity.

The turbine is powered by steam or combustion gas; virtually any combustible fuel will work. Tesla's steam turbine (an 18" diameter unit) was documented at achieving a 68% efficiency level, with an output of 330 HP. With a "multi - stage" turbine, Tesla hoped to achieve a 97% efficiency level, with an output of well over 1,000 HP. Tesla's only limiting factor was a shaft and case incapable of withstanding the forces. With our current modern technology, this is no longer an issue.

Such a machine is a "thermodynamic transformer" of an activity surpassing, by far, that of any other prime mover, it being demonstrated in practice that each single disk of the rotor is capable of performing as much work as a whole bucket-wheel of a conventional turbine. Besides, a number of other advantages, equally important, make it especially adapted for operation as an internal combustion motor. With our patent pending Thermodynamic Transformer (BDT TT) engine design, as well as our patented Tesla/Schauberger type Pump system - our "Centrifugal Molecular Pump"® (CMP), our newest line - the patent pending "Centrifugal Molecular Turbine ®" (CMT), and our "Fresh-Cool®" Air conditioning and Heat-Pump Systems, and our revolutionary "InVAID®" (Vortex Accelerated Implosion Drive), and "Mighty-tiny TT"  Water Powered Systems, we are in a position to offer GLOBAL energy solutions. All of our systems use environmentally sensible and sustainable technology. Our mission statement -

"Bringing fresh air and fresh ideas to a dying planet."

ITP is actively seeking investors and interested partners to join with us thus allowing the introduction of this amazing technology to the world. ITP will gladly provide more information to "qualified" investors. Contact information is listed, below. Follow the link, below, for a listing of GI²'s full capabilities.

To view pictures and see engineering reports of our Tesla-type turbine - the BDT & CMP - use this link

Click below for applications and systems offered by ITP

International Turbine And Power:

Global Energy Solutions

"What Can ITP Do For You?"

Contact ITP by email




Contact Frank Germano by email


Applications and Systems

The CMP and CMT systems explained

"Just what is your new invention?" I asked. "I have accomplished what mechanical engineers have been dreaming about ever since the invention of steam power," replied Dr. Tesla. "That is the perfect rotary engine..." Nikola Tesla, 1911

As anyone who reads today's headlines, or watches a Television newscast , one does not need to look far to realize that our Nation is in an immediate energy crisis. This is not only happening in the United States, but appears World-Wide. We have relied on outdated forms of "prime movers" and inefficient forms of power generation and supply for nearly a century. The technology, in the form of the original Tesla Bladeless Boundary Disk Turbine, was applicable in Tesla's is not only beneficial, but may be critical to implement this technology in OUR time!

Everyone hears the buzzwords - "decentralized power stations"...I do not have the space here to amplify on the exact definition, however, it is quite probably the most cost effective solution to our current electrical energy situation. Small, efficient "powerhouses-in-a-hat" (the term coined by the media of Tesla's day for the Tesla Turbine) will be employed in towns, communities, groups of houses, and around large cities, augmenting the current Utilities. We (ITP) are in the enviable position of being quite able to assist end consumers in this energy crisis.

ITP's BDT TT engine has a weight to output horse power ratio of up to an unbelievable 10 HP per pound. It has the ability to run on almost any fuel. It is incredibly compact and lightweight. Pollution output from the exhaust of even the propane version is FAR below that of even today's best standard engines. The system also lends itself in use as an "air to air" refrigeration system without the need for harmful Freon gasses. The engine, by its very nature of operation is perfectly suited to "Turbo/Electric" applications. The BDT-TT engine is unequaled in it's simplicity and output, far exceeding any other conventional engine to date.

Almost a quarter of the air pollution today comes from the coal being burned to generate electricity. Fuel consumption, resulting in air pollution and acid rain, could be significantly reduced simply by replacing the conventional blade steam turbines currently used by utilities with the Bladeless Tesla Steam Turbine (ITP BDT). This also would have the added bonus of drastically reducing maintenance. But the real solution lies in using low temperature wet steam occurring naturally from the ground in the form of geothermal energy. This energy would destroy a conventional bladed steam turbine, unless expensive steam drying is employed. However, the Bladeless Tesla Steam Turbine (ITP BDT) requires no drying and can be connected directly to the geothermal source.

It has been estimated that the geothermal potential in just Southern California alone, could power the entire North American Continent with NO POLLUTION! Add to this the large geothermal potential of Wyoming (think of the geysers in "Yellowstone National Park" - that's geothermal energy), Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, and you will begin to get the picture of the enormous geothermal potential available in the Northwestern states alone. Large oil companies have comprehended the potential of geothermal energy and have purchased many of these large tracks of prime geothermal land. Due to the revolutionary concepts embodied in this engine, we can easily end the so called energy crisis and dramatically reduce pollution. Even the vested energy interests are beginning to understand that now is the time for change, realizing their future health and wealth is directly linked to that of the environment. Environmentally sensible usage of available resources - "some fresh air for a dying planet"; ITP's credo.

There are a number of individuals and young companies now interested in building and designing Tesla-type engines. Many have their own approaches to design. One thing to keep in mind is this: follow Tesla's designs first, and after achieving a working, efficient engine design, then begin modifying. Far too many builders have claimed that the Tesla Turbine is somehow "faulty," or flawed... however, upon examination, it is clear that it was the builders mistakes and/or changes that caused the failure of being unable to attain Tesla's amazing results. I began this venture with the premise that the Tesla design was absolutely correct, and that by following the patent information faithfully, we would end up with a working turbine. That has proved more than true. Industry will almost definitely be forced to look further at our engine, as it will soon present itself to be a "best available technology." When that day comes, as it certainly will, International Turbine And Power will be capable of implementing the engine into commercial use. Read an article appearing in the "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists" featuring an interview with Frank Germano in late 2002.



The BDT TT engine, pump, "InVaid", "Fresh-Cool", and CMP/CMT systems are in prototype, commercially available stage, and are in "patent-pending" status. We have fully functional units which we will gladly demonstrate at our facilities in Austin, Texas. For a confidential demonstration of our technology, contact us at the address below.

Information On Prototypes and Special Requests: For a response, either on the dates of availability, the engines themselves, investment opportunities, or for companies and individuals interested in purchasing our engine, pump, or system packages in a PROTOTYPE stage immediately, please contact us by email, directly. We will respond to each email, based on priority, as quickly as possible. We can also evaluate any and all requests for installation of our technology in your present structures.

Standard Engineering Fee for consultation: Mr. Frank Germano, Mr. Martin Dorantes,  & International Turbine And Power, LLC charges a standard engineering fee of $195.00 per hour for answering requests and provides detailed reports on our technology to qualified individuals and investors. This fee is refundable if purchase of one of our products is made within 90 days of the request and the delivery of the requested unit. Contact one of us through email links below for a full description of the services offered. ITP can easily look at all commercial applications and review your presently installed systems and offer suggestions and/or improvements to the existing system. By incorporating our technology, a quite substantial improvement in efficiency as well as energy savings will almost definitely result.

Investor Information: ITP is a privately held company, as its corporate name - International Turbine And Power, LLC implies. Our main focus is in the Research and Development field. We welcome the opportunity to design and build fully operational Tesla-type turbines and pumps for other individual corporations and businesses. Investors are encouraged to contact us, directly.

We also can work in a joint-venture capacity, with certain contracts. When the turbine, pump, "Fresh-Cool", "Centrifugal Molecular Pump", "Centrifugal Molecular Turbine" and "InVAID" systems become commercially available, it is our firm belief that we can attain a massive market share and offer an extremely high return on invested dollars, in a very short timeframe. Note: the BDT TT, CMP, CMT and InVaid systems are patent pending. There is no other company that we are aware of that can offer this amazing technology. Contact us directly for a full disclosure.

*As stated in many different locations on this site and webpage, all of our units are in the prototype, commercially ready stage! The cost for each of these units and systems is, therefore, based on applying our standard engineering fee ($195.00 per hour for design services) plus the individual cost of manufacture, shipping and installation. ** For qualified individuals and investors interested in making a commercial release feasible and profitable, please see below for further information.

Components of the ITP CMT bladeless engine. 1.) Internal Components 2.) Internal Components 3.) Operational Engine 4.) Thumbnail view internal components (click for larger view) 5.) CMP - Centrifugal Molecular Pump (click for larger view). All images courtesy of "International Turbine And Power, LLC. Used by permission. Copyright© and Patent Protection apply. What you are looking at below is one of our BDT (bladeless disk turbines) both operational, and with its internal component structure. Pretty simple. The conical shaped unit is our (Patent pending) CMP - Centrifugal Molecular Pump, showing its internal components as well. ITP has done what most have felt was impossible - we have proved the validity of Tesla's claims about the bladeless disk, boundary layer turbine and pump. They are the most efficient, perfect rotary engines and pumps available today. Note:You may not copy nor distribute images without permission from International Turbine And Power, LLC. For the history of our bladeless disk turbine's development, use this link - Operational BDT units.

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The "power" of ITP - documents our full capabilities.

International Turbine And Power, LLC - the official corporate website.

Frank Dominic Germano
Bladeless Disk, Vortex & Implosion Technologies
HC 1, Box 1887
Tafton, PA 18464

International Turbine And Power, LLC
Frank Dominic Germano
Co-founder & member
Bladeless Disk Technologies
931 Rumsey Avenue, Box 550
Cody, Wyoming 82414


the TESLA TURBINE: Historical Perspective

"The Electrical Experimenter- The Tesla Gas Turbine"...July, 1920

"Dr. Nikola Tesla, whom the readers of this publication know very well and whose amazing work in the various scientific fields is also universally recognized, again comes in the limelight with a remarkable explosive gasoline turbine perfected by him recently which he describes in detail in a patent just granted. This remarkable turbine does away with all the troubles and complexity to the former attempted types. Stated briefly, the invention consists in the production of a peculiar shape conduit, thru which the gases are admitted into the turbine, and which has the singular property of permitting their passage in that direction only; in other words, uni-directionally. This device when used in conjunction with the bladeless turbine produces an engine which may be explosively operated by gasoline, alcohol, or other fuels and is absolutely devoid of all valves. It is the simplest internal combustion motor conceivable. Owing to the tremendous output of the turbine, one single disk being practically equivalent in performance to a whole bucket wheel, a very small machine of this kind is capable of developing an astonishing amount of power...

The upper part of the turbine casing has bolted to it a separate casting, the central cavity of which forms the combustion chamber. To prevent injury thru excessive heating, a water jacket may be used, of else water injection, or air cooling, this all the more readily as very high temperatures are practicable.

The top of the casting is closed by a plate with a spark-plug inserted and in it's sides are screwed two of the valvular conduits communicating with the central chamber. One of these is , normally, open to the atmosphere while the other connects to the fuel source.

The bottom of the chamber terminates in a suitable nozzle which consists of separate member of heat-resisting material. To regulate the influx of the explosive constituents and secure the proper mixture the air and gas conduits are equipped with regulating valves. The exhaust openings are in communication with a ventilator..."

Quotes from Nikola Tesla, circa 1911...

"It is a radical departure in the sense that its success would mean the abandonment of the antiquated types of prime movers on which billions of dollars have been spent. Under such circumstances the progress must needs be slow and perhaps the greatest impediment is encountered in the prejudicial opinions created in the minds of experts by organized opposition."

"I have developed 110 horsepower with disks nine and three quarter inches in diameter and making a thickness of about two inches. Under proper conditions the performance might have been as much as 1,000 horsepower. In fact there is almost no limit to the mechanical performance of such a machine. This engine will work with gas, as in the usual type of explosion engine used in automobiles and airplanes, even better than it did with steam. Tests which I have conducted have shown that the rotary effort with gas is greater than with steam."

"It is the lightest prime mover ever produced and can be operated without trouble at red heat, thereby obtaining a very high economy in the transformation of energy."




Click here for the Nikola Tesla and Viktor Schauberger Bookstore, from "AMAZON.COM"


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