If you haven't had one already, Lucid Dreams are a specific type of dream where the part that you associate with you known as your "Waking State Consciousness", is now fully alert and active in a dream environment rather than a physical one.  You will know this state because you will be fully conscious and you'll recognize yourself as being "Awake" in a dream.  Lucid dreaming is the most exciting aspect of dreams.  With all the dream control techniques, the training in thinking while in hypnogogic states, you are bound to have vivid, clear lucid dreams.  This all adds to the adventures that unfold in this realm of consciousness. 
        Lucid Dreams are amazingly easy to do.  There is no mystery to them.  The fundamental is, you always have some consciousness while dreaming.  This time "You" are now present where as before, "You" were not.  Lucid dreams are a doorway to your own personal worlds.  Take pride in them because they reflect your ability to think, create and have fun in a totally safe, natural and tactile environment. 


        When you look at dreams and consciousness, you should realize that you do dream.  Why not try to be awake and conscious for them?  If you are already in a dream, why not make the most of it and actually be there for the experience?  Lucid dreaming is safe harmless fun.  The worse that can happen to you is you wake up or loose lucidity and dream. 
        If you are in a lucid dream, and you are developing dream control techniques; then the dream is a playground of opportunity, adventure, learning and fun.  Who knows what you'll find out?  I've read books, watched movies, raced cars, ridden on the backs of dragons, and fought in magical wars casting brilliant spells, which send cities tumbling, all when I was in a lucid dream. 
        I have not had a single dream that I can think of, that does not have something personal of value whether it is beauty, detail, music and/or adventure.  Even frightening dreams I have had are like watching a horror movie that I control. 


        Controlling a dream becomes as effortless as thinking.  To control a dream, all you need to do is think, and project that thought.  Dreams will accommodate you with what ever you desire.  Dream control techniques are a vital step in our conscious development as they present new ways to think and project our ideas. 
        If you experience violence in a dream, you can stop it by just putting up a force field, send them flying away with a focused psykokenetic blast.  Turn a nightmare into an Halloween special.  Once you master this simple art of dreaming, your sleeping life will transform into adventure after adventure. 


        As in Week One, we are using the same format for structured dreaming.  Each stage now becomes very important because in Lucid Dreaming you utilize each stage consciously.  I want you to develop keen skills such as: analytical abilities, problem solving, memory, reading, logic, math etc while in the dreamstate.  These physical skills are also essential in lucid dreaming.  We will incorporate a simple logic test to help gauge ourselves in the dreamstate to test how conscious we are. 
        The purpose of this test is to show you that you are not always 100% as conscious as you would like to be.  I have observed with myself many times when I have an intent, I become lucid in the dreamstate, and everything changes.  I can't recall the intent, I am uncertain if I am dreaming or not.  The Logic Test helps to build more intelligence while in the dreamstate. 


What is my name? 
What is the Date? 
What is my Phone Number? 
What is 2x5?  [Any simple math question] 

         Ask yourself this quiz before you sleep, and answer the questions.  When you achieve lucidity in the dream, you have to recall both your intent and this quiz again.  Try to answer the same quiz while lucid in a dreamstate.  It can be done, but you'd find out soon that it is not easy unless you are logically awake. 
         Dreams need the left-brain's analytical abilities and understanding of space/time to be fully realized in a lucid state.  Would you show up to a job without the tools to perform the task?  Then why leave the left-brain tools we need in the closet when you need them? 
If you think you cannot read in a dream, or compute a math question, then maybe it's not the dream, but the lack of logical cognitive skills we take for granted while here.  The quiz is to help you establish a strong link with that logical part of you.  It becomes essential that you are 100% conscious in order to achieve some of the more advanced stages of dreaming. 

Stage One: - The Initial stage before we begin to sleep.  This is done while standing, before sleep, 
                      and while we begin to enter sleep. 

Stage Two: - This is the hypnogogic territory.  If you followed Week One, then you will have had 
                      some experience with these states. 

Stage Three: - This is the actual dream itself.  In this section, we will apply new techniques. 

Stage Four:  - This is the most important stage, it is where we wake up, and record our 
                        experiences even if we were not lucid.  Every dream should be recorded and 
                        recalled to the best of your abilities. 


         The most challenging aspect I found in lucid dreams was facing the worse that could happen.  I would either wake up or fall back into an unconscious dreamstate.  That was the worse that could happen to me at any given state.  In addition, this applies to you.  You will either wake up, or fall into an unconscious dream.  We use a balancing technique that is easy. 
         Remember all the meditation we have been doing?  By now, you are getting used to balancing, relaxing and releasing stress.  While lucid in a dream, it is easy to recall those relaxing, balanced feelings and stabilize.  Just tell yourself to relax and you will. 
          The second thing is, when you begin to recognize that you are starting to loose control.  Stop what you are doing, balance out and grab something to hold in the dream.  I call this an "Anchoring technique."  Hold on to a dream anchor such as: a pole, a car steering wheel, what ever seems like a heavy solid object in the dream.  Alternatively, touch the ground or a wall.  This acts as a powerful tool to stabilize yourself.  Don't do anything else but balance, and re-focus yourself.  Try the logical quiz again to gauge how conscious you are.  In addition, if you wake up or loose control, don't be discourage, always look at the successful lucid dreams you have. 



         Your first lucid dream.  The major obstacle is the hypnogogic territory.  You have probably tasted the power of these stages.  Moreover, you should have read the about them earlier in this course.  If not, please read about these stages, do not continue this level unless you are experienced enough to understand and deal with these dynamic changes in consciousness. 
         It was normal, and allowed to fall consciously asleep and dream when without remaining conscious through all the stages of Hypnogogia in week one.  Now, start to discipline yourself so you fall physically asleep, but not consciously asleep.  You may be using the "Lazy-Man's" technique as described above.  This technique has been for me, the most effective change to my sleep pattern. 
        When I start to fall into sleep, what I do while in the Hypnogogia is a simple focus.  I just stare to the upper right side of my visual range, and I relax.  I calmly tell myself I am allowing myself to remain conscious, and I am allowing the Hypnogogia to guide me into a lucid dreamstate.  As the Hypnogogia takes over, I release any fears/anxieties or concerns that I have, and let go of my attention focused on my physical body.  I let my body enter sleep following my own natural sleeping pattern. 
         Remember all the music, movies and dinners we practiced in the Introduction to Dreams?  Use these skills to create a dream vehicle to guide you.  Make it a car, plane, helicopter, rickety old boat, bicycle, sidewalk or what ever.  The thing is, you have to allow the Hypnogogia to take over, but not enough to cause you to fall asleep. 
         If you get strong sounds, brilliant flashes of colors, strong tactile vibrations, these are all indicators of Hypnogogia, and the door to lucid dreams.  It is important to know that you may experience high-energy sensations.  Knowing this is a powerful tool, you can over-ride any barriers you have which prevent passage.  Allow it all to flow, calm down, relax and follow any sounds you hear to the source.  Always try to follow a sound because it acts as an anchor. 
         The moment you get strong audible/visual/tactile sensations in these territories, you're at the door.  The sudden shift into a lucid dream is like a rush down a water-slide.  A very fast paced dream will explode in your senses.  It can feel like a nuclear bomb just went off and you're standing painlessly in the middle of it.  These sensations are super-real and make dreaming even more enjoyable.  Fear is the only thing that will keep you back.  Because you are not mentally prepared for extreme stages of sensory overload. 
          The first 100 times I had lucid dreams or out-of-body experiences they were very loud, energetic shifts into a state of full conscious awareness.  Over-time, they became less and less vivid.  Sometimes the shift was so subtle that I did not notice I was asleep because I moved so gracefully into that state.  You may not experience this kind of intensity.  I like to prepare you for the extremes because if you do experience it, it can shock you.  This may cause fear and you will not want to dream because of an intense experience for which you were not ready.  I want you to understand the power of these shifts.  They are totally safe, harmless and fun.  Once any fear is removed, it can be replaced with a sense of adventure.  You will probably thank me for preparing you for this kind of powerful shift into a lucid dream should you experience it. 


      We have the Logic Test that we must ask ourselves while standing by the edge of the bed. 


What is my name? 
What is the Date? 
What is my Phone Number? 
What is 2x5?  [Any simple math question] 

        Like you did in week one stand and make a mental map of yourself as waking consciousness.  Mentally impress how you will be and feel in a lucid dream.  Tell yourself aloud, or in your mind, 
       "I am going to bed for the purpose of having a lucid dream.  I know that I do dream so I am 
        allowing myself as my waking consciousness to enter a dream with all my logical faculties.  I will 
        consciously, willingly dream with full knowing that this is my desire, my intent, my will to do so 
        in a fully lucid, conscious and clear state of mind." 

      "I will be as I am now here in Waking Physical Reality with my full mental abilities needed to 
       observe, record and remember as clearly as I do now, but this time, I will use these natural tools 
       in the lucid dream." 


Prepare yourself with a final affirmation: - 

        "I am clear, fully awake, fully aware.  My intent is to have a clear lucid dream of where I will 
         be as I am now in my waking state, with full mental abilities to recall my logical quiz and my 
         intent as well as to have full clear memory my dreamed of experience.  When I awake, I will 
         remember my dream in full, clear and vivid detail.  I am in bed; my body will fall comfortably, 
        deeply asleep, as I will remain awake and alert enough to enter the dream consciously.  I know 
        that I will be dreaming.  " 

INTENT: - "Right now, my intent is to have a fully alert, fully conscious lucid dream. I will just 
                    observe the dream for now to get comfortable and familiar with the new experience." 


        This safety net is like training wheels on a bike.  What it has done for me is saved my night from a lack of lucidity should I be overwhelmed and subdued by the Hypnogogia.  Like any affirmation, it helps plant a focus should you loose control. 

SAFTEY NET: - "Should I fall unconscious for any reason during this sleeping phase.  I will 
                             suddenly wake up in the dream and realize that I am dreaming with my full waking 


          Hypnogogic Territories are the rough ride to success.  It is easy to slide through them if you relax enough.  Encourage the dream to form by changing your thinking to accommodate more visual/auditory/tactile thoughts.  Create a vehicle like a car.  Imagine the steering wheel, the nice bucket seats, and the fuzzy dice from the mirror.  Turn on the radio, fire up the engine and step on the gas.  Just relax on the effort, this is really done in a light, passive manner.  This car is not essential, you can just allow the Hypnogogia to form, and focus on any sounds or patterns it creates and somewhat mentally follow them.  Everything here must be done in a very calm, relaxed manner or you may try to hard and stay awake, or get lazy and fall asleep.  Know a lot of people can lucid dream, and make it through these stages, you can too. 
         As your body starts to fall asleep, you will notice you might feel a pressure on your body, or you might feel paralyzed.  This is an indication that your body is falling asleep so keep focusing on lucid dreaming.  Do not try to control your breathing, eye movements, or anything other body functions, hand them over to the same natural autonomic mechanisms that take care of us when we sleep every night.  If you think about your body, you may keep it awake.  If you find you are trying too hard and not sleeping, then just let go and fall asleep.  Do this after about a maximum of 45 minutes of allowing yourself to sleep.  I have found if it takes me more than 45 minutes I just drop off and the sometimes the safety net catches me.  That's a bad habit to form, don't rely on the safety net because you'll be more adept if you can just shift quickly into the dream while being conscious. 
         Other factors that may intimidate you when your body falls asleep.  You may experience a moment where you are not breathing.  This may frighten you, but remember "You" are actually out-of-phase with your body, and do not require any air to breathe.  You might find that where you are is in a dark, empty void.  This void is very commonly found in certain stages of an out-of-body experience. 
         The sleep paralysis is another example of your mind being awake, but your body fast asleep.  I have spoken with a number of people who have experienced sleep paralyses and explained how it relates to the out-of-body experience, and they in turn, were able to use this as a gift for successful lucid dreaming, and out-of-body exploration. 


        I hope that all went well and you made it.  At this stage, you must first be focused, balanced and relaxed.  It can be a powerful shift into this lucid dream state.  The first few lucid dreams people have tend to be powerful.  Observe the dream; become aware of yourself in the dream.  Recall your logical test.  Ask the questions and answer them out-loud in the dream.  Now explore the lucid state.  Just take it slow, patiently and gradually build up to potential exploration. 
        For now, we want you to get comfortable with lucid dreaming with our waking consciousness.  This dream reality not physical rather exists as a state-of-mind.  You need to learn the ropes of this new reality.  It has no rules, no boundaries.  Your logical mind sets the rules if you desire.  You can fly, change forms, create fantastic music or art.  The limits are up to you. 


        As always, this is the most important stage.  What good is a dream if you can't recall it?  Since we really need to understand the barriers we have while entering the state, the questionnaire becomes even more important for identifying our weaknesses in these states. 


1.)  How long do you estimate it took before you fell asleep? 
2.) Did you notice any hypnogogic effects? 
     a.) Color, images, flashes of light?  Please Describe. 
     b.) Faint sounds, music, noise?  Please Describe. 
     c.) Vibrations, physical sensations?  Please Describe. 
     d.) Did your thoughts change to abstract thoughts?  Please Describe. 
      e.) You don't remember you just fell deep asleep?  Yes / No 
3.) Give a small detailed list of what you can remember before falling asleep: 
4.) Did you have an intent before sleeping?  Yes/No 
5.) What was that intent? 
6.) Did you remember dreaming?  Yes/No 
7.) Were you Lucid in the dream?  Yes/No 
8.) Did you recall your logical test?  Yes/No 
9.) Did you dream your desired intent?  Please write down your desired intent. 
10.) Please describe in as much detail what you recall of your dream. 


       The focus of this day is to get you more comfortable with being a dreamer while dreaming by introducing you to the dream body.  The dream body is a very interesting model of how you see yourself.  It reacts to your thoughts and can change into any form you desire once you are comfortable with changing the vehicle you operate while dreaming.  In this session, we will examine the dream body. 
       While lucid, just take the time to touch your face, feel the your dream hands.  Look at them; see what they look like.  Pull on your cheek or stretch out a finger.  Playfully examine what you are in a dream with a dream body.  Is it tactile?  Does it have texture?  What does it feel like?  Can you change it?  This body is indestructible and can do things beyond your imagination.  Have fun exploring yourself in this state and learn your unlimited potential through exploration and dreaming. 


       As in Day Eight, use the same logical test, the same affirmations and the safety net affirmation.  The only thing we will do different is the intent. 

INTENT: - " I am having a lucid dream for the purpose of examining my dream body 
                     and recalling my logical test." 


       As in Day Eight, try to maintain waking consciousness while the body falls asleep naturally.  Allow the hypnogogic experiences to flow, and catch a wave and ride it into the dream. 

        If you successfully made it consciously into the dream, before you rush off to do something fun, recall the logical test and your intent. 


    Wake up; apply dream recall techniques fill out the questionnaire from Day Eight. 


       One of my favorite dreams, along with many others that enjoy lucid dreams is flying.  Flying can take some practice and is based completely on how you approach flying.  When I first started dreaming, my flying dreams were actually just large gliding leaps.  Then I started to swim/fly.  This was kind of a funny approach to flying because I probably looked a lot like a frog swimming in water.  Finally, I started to get my rocket boosters working and was able to blast at mach speeds across the sky.  It just took time to over come some fears of flying.  Not all flights were successful, I crashed several times into mountains, buildings, billboard signs and just about anything that got in my way. 
       I want you to enjoy dreaming, and I encourage you to play around and have fun. 
Keep in mind that you are also learning some viable skills that will assist your progress towards more controlled, desired dreams that you want to experience. 

        Using the same logic test, affirmations, and safety net as in Day Eight.  The only difference is the intent. 

INTENT: - " My desire is to experience a fully lucid flying dream." 


       Your probably getting more used to this kind of Hypnogogia if you successfully pass through these fields of thought.  Keep up all your skills for maintaining consciousness. 
        While in the dream, before you continue, recall your test and intent.  Now explore flying.  Try a combination of techniques from a standing leap, to a running dive.  Try creating a pair of rocket boots and blasting off into space.  Just imagine being a superhero and create super-human powers to help you in the dream.  At any rate, have fun with flying because it is a real fun thing to do, and helps to eliminate fear. 


       Use the same questionnaire from Day Eight. 



        In this session, when you achieve your Lucid Dream State, your goal will be to create a totally new landscape and dream in a very dynamic, magical way.  An example is, wave your hand clearing the dream to a blank screen, then point where you want the mountains, the ocean, the sky.  Create in as much detail all the plants, the animals, and the buildings.  Keep adding and subtracting details, as you desire. 
        Then just stand and marvel at the power of your imagination and thought as you effortlessly create a beautiful dreamscape to play in.  The dreamscape can be of any desired choice.  This time you are creating it dynamically as you go. 


        The same test, affirmations and safety net from Day Eight.  Use this intent. 

INTENT: - "While I am lucid and in a dream, I will create from scratch my desired 
                    dream in full vivid detail." 


        Keep applying the same techniques that have been working for you for moving through this state into a dream.  If you are not having any success, then start to look at what is causing you to either fall asleep, or stay awake.  Make a list of all those factors and prepare for them when you begin any session by creating a new affirmation based on these factors.  Mapping this out in your sleeping cycle will only better your understanding and skills. 


        Recall the Intent, the Test and control the dream by creating your desired dream.  Do it slowly, with passion and make it fun. 


        Use the same questionnaire from Day Eight. 



        This session will deal with dream territories.  To achieve this state, we will start working with a new navigation tool that we have always had.  Imagine a part of yourself that is accustomed to dreaming on every possible level we are discussing here in this course.  Now, you will start to work with that part of you on a more regular level as we begin our ascent towards more profound stages of dreaming. 
        We are a system of consciousness that has a dynamic cognitive skills which come naturally to us all.  The waking consciousness and the sleeping consciousness we have are still who we are.  Yet they both work on two different spectrums of experience.  The part of us that deals with dreams and other sub-conscious experiences are what we need to learn from as we are our "waking consciousness."  Just knowing that we dream, and that we have a very elaborate mind can allow us to tap into this naturally existing part of ourselves. 
        When in the dream, just ask yourself to show yourself the dream territories.  In addition, ask yourself to take you on a tour of these territories.  Allow whatever way this comes to you to continue and just allow it to change the dream, so don't implement dream control.  Your subconscious dreaming self will guide you as it knows these territories on a more regular basis.  Just as you know the town where you live. 


        Same logical test, same affirmations, and same safety net.  Use this intent. 
INTENT: - "I am now mapping out the dream territories.  In addition, I am working with  the part 
                    of me, that knows these territories.  I am allowing this part of my total consciousness 
                    to guide and assist me in a guided tour of these territories." 

        At this point, you should have a few tools that you have created to help you enter a lucid dream.  What ever works best for you should then be refined and improved.  What ever doesn't work discarded and replaced with a new tool.  These tools are all based on your knowledge of the mechanisms of Hypnogogia, which induce unconsciousness rather than allowing consciousness to pass clearly into a dream. 

       Recall your test, your intent and allow this part of your total consciousness to guide and assist you. 


        Use the same questionnaire from Day Eight. 


       We are preparing you for the next phase of this course, which is shared dreaming, and all the knowledge that entails the reasons why we share dreams.  In preparation for this new outlook on lucid dreaming.  We will begin to interact with dream characters as if they were real and not the subjects of our subconscious creation.  The main reason for this will be detailed in the Shared Dream section of this course. 
       If you are uncomfortable with the idea or notion that we share dreams, continue with that notion.  This is part of the mystery, which is dreaming.  I know of others who experience lucid dreams on a more regular basis who have experienced shared dream potential.  The reason I cover this in my course is for people who do experience shared dreams, and people who would like to. 
       Everything in this course is optional, and should be taken with a lot of skepticism.  Should you start to experience the more advanced stages of our sleeping consciousness, then you will appreciate any piece of information that helps you on your journey through sleep.  By actually having the ability to lucid dream, you now have the ability to experience in a "first-person" perspective, as "yourself" the more advanced stages of sleep. 
       We will work with you as a "total system of consciousness" rather than just the waking/sleeping parts.  We want to start becoming a complete "whole" of who we are, rather than being a fragmented part in our total consciousness system.  To do this, we have to begin to merge with our overall consciousness and learn as much as we can from the other aspects of us, which are normally lost to unconsciousness during sleep. 
      We have to be open, and understand that we are not totally subjective in a dream environment and that shared dreams are possible.  At an advanced level of consciousness, we can share our experiences with other systems of consciousness like ourselves.  These "other" beings will most likely be our friends and family.  Treat them with love and respect should you start to advance to the higher stages of consciousness development because what you are now doing will effect them should they be with you in a shared dream environment. 


        Use the same logical test, the same affirmations and the same safety net as in Day Eight.  Use the following intent. 

INTENT: - "I am allowing myself to work with my total consciousness as a whole to aid, and assist 
                    me in sharing my dream experiences with other beings/people who's love, intelligence, 
                    and experience is equal or greater than my own. " 

        Standard techniques apply for hypnogogic territories. 


        While in the dream, recall your test, recall your intent and if there is any people present, talk to them.  Gather information about them such as name, address or telephone number.  Ask them information about themselves.  General questions etc.  Treat them with love, respect and openness as if they were real people. 


        Use the same questionnaire as in day eight. 



        This is just to capture the final stages of this small introduction to Lucid Dreams.  This is a good exercise for you and the total consciousness that we are a part of when we are awake.  You have to work towards utilizing more of your total system of consciousness.  This idea of a "total consciousness" is evident when you start to experience the more advanced stages of sleep consciousness.  You need this unconscious dreaming part active with you in order to make the necessary leaps to the next stages in consciousness. 
        This is all done by allowing your intuition, your imagination, your experience, and your passion for dreaming to lift you upward into newer levels of dream experiences. 


        The same logical test, affirmations, and safety net as in day eight.  Use the following intent. 

INTENT: - "I am allowing myself to work with my total consciousness in order to advance to the 
                    highest level possible that I can achieve while in a lucid dream." 


        Apply your effective tool for the hypnogogic territories. 


        Recall your logical test your intent and just allow your total overall consciousness to map out and guide you to the highest advanced level you can achieve while in a lucid dream. 


 Use the same questionnaire from day eight