
unlawful (adj.)

"contrary to law, illegal," c. 1300, from un- (1) "not" + lawful. Unlawful assembly is recorded in statutes from late 15c. Related: Unlawfully. Old English had a noun unlagu ("unlaw") "illegal action, abuse of law."

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Definitions of unlawful from WordNet

unlawful (adj.)
contrary to or forbidden by law;
unlawful measures
Synonyms: illegitimate / illicit / outlaw / outlawed
unlawful (adj.)
not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention;
unlawful (adj.)
contrary to or prohibited by or defiant of law;
unlawful money
unlawful hunters
unlawful measures
unlawful (adj.)
not morally right or permissible;
unlawful love
unlawful (adj.)
having no legally established claim;
Synonyms: wrongful