
outline (n.)

1660s, "lines by which a figure is delineated," from out- + line (v.). Literally the outer or exterior line, but used freely for the principal or distinguishing lines. Meaning "rough draft in words" is from 1759.

outline (v.)

1762, "to draw in outline, draw the exterior lines of, sketch the main features of," from outline (n.). Meaning "to describe in general terms" is from 1847. Related: Outlined; outlining.

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Definitions of outline from WordNet
outline (v.)
describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of;
sketch the outline of the book
outline his ideas
Synonyms: sketch / adumbrate
outline (v.)
draw up an outline or sketch for something;
Synonyms: draft
outline (v.)
trace the shape of;
Synonyms: delineate / limn
outline (n.)
the line that appears to bound an object;
Synonyms: lineation
outline (n.)
a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory;
Synonyms: synopsis / abstract / precis
outline (n.)
a schematic or preliminary plan;
Synonyms: schema / scheme