
deliberation (n.)

late 14c., deliberacioun, "act of weighing and examining," from Old French deliberation, from Latin deliberationem (nominative deliberatio), noun of action from past-participle stem of deliberare "consider carefully, consult," literally "weigh well," from de, here probably "entirely" (see de-) + -liberare, altered (probably by influence of liberare "to free, liberate") from librare "to balance, make level," from libra "pair of scales, a balance" (see Libra).

Sense of "slowness in decision or action" is from early 15c. Meaning "mutual discussion and examination of the reasons for and against a measure" is from late 15c..

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Definitions of deliberation from WordNet

deliberation (n.)
(usually plural) discussion of all sides of a question;
the deliberations of the jury
deliberation (n.)
careful consideration;
a little deliberation would have deterred them
Synonyms: weighing / advisement
deliberation (n.)
planning something carefully and intentionally;
it was the deliberation of his act that was insulting
Synonyms: calculation
deliberation (n.)
a rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry;
Synonyms: slowness / deliberateness / unhurriedness
deliberation (n.)
the trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision;
he was a man of judicial deliberation
Synonyms: deliberateness