
collector (n.)

late 14c., "gatherer of taxes, etc.," from Anglo-French collectour "collector" (of money or taxes; Old French collector, Modern French collecteur), from Late Latin collector, agent noun from colligere "to gather together" (see collect). Meaning "one who collects objects of interest as a pursuit or amusement" is by 1774. Fem. form collectress is attested from 1825.

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Definitions of collector from WordNet

collector (n.)
a person who collects things;
Synonyms: aggregator
collector (n.)
a person who is employed to collect payments (as for rent or taxes);
Synonyms: gatherer / accumulator
collector (n.)
a crater that has collected cosmic material hitting the earth;
collector (n.)
the electrode in a transistor through which a primary flow of carriers leaves the region between the electrodes;