
blame (v.)

c. 1200, "find fault with" (opposed to praise, commend); c. 1300, "lay responsibility on for something deemed wrong," from Old French blasmer (12c., Modern French blâmer) "to rebuke, reprimand, condemn, criticize," from Vulgar Latin *blastemare, from Late Latin blasphemare "to blaspheme, to speak lightly or amiss of God or sacred things," which also had a sense of "revile, reproach" (see blaspheme). Replaced Old English witan (with long "i"). Related: Blamed; blaming.

blame (n.)

early 13c., "an act or expression of disapproval, rebuke, etc., for something deemed wrong;" mid-14c., "responsibility for something that is wrong, culpability," from Old French blasme "blame, reproach; condemnation," a back-formation from blasmer "to rebuke" (see blame (v.)).

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Definitions of blame from WordNet
blame (v.)
put or pin the blame on;
Synonyms: fault
blame (v.)
harass with constant criticism;
Synonyms: find fault / pick
blame (v.)
attribute responsibility to;
We blamed the accident on her
Synonyms: charge
blame (n.)
an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed;
the police laid the blame on the driver
blame (n.)
a reproach for some lapse or misdeed;
he took the blame for it
Synonyms: rap
blame (adj.)
expletives used informally as intensifiers;
a blame cold winter
it's a blamed shame
Synonyms: blasted / blamed / blessed / damn / damned / darned / deuced / goddam / goddamn / goddamned / infernal