------ Video ------ The Power of Myth - PBS/Bill Moyers Special Episode 1: The Hero's Adventure (first broadcast June 21, 1988 on PBS) About Campbell, hero types, hero deeds, Jesus Christ, the Buddha, movie heroes, Star Wars as a metaphor, an Iroquois story: the refusal of suitors, dragons, dreams and Jungian psychology, “follow your bliss,” consciousness in plants, Gaia, Chartres cathedral, spirituality vs. economics, emerging myths, “Earthrise” as a symbol. Episode 2: The Message of the Myth (first broadcast June 22, 1988 on PBS) Creation myths, transcending duality, pairs of opposites, God vs. Nature, sin, morality, participation in sorrow, the Gospel of Thomas, Old Time Religion, computers, religion as “software,” the story of Indra: “What a great boy am I!,” participation in society. Episode 3: The First Storytellers (first broadcast June 23, 1988 on PBS) Animal memories, harmonization with body and life-cycle, consciousness vs. its vehicle, killing for food, story: “The Buffalo's Wife,” buffalo massacre, initiation ritual, rituals diminishing, crime increasing, artists, the Shaman, the center of the world. Episode 4: Sacrifice and Bliss (first broadcast June 24, 1988 on PBS) Chief Seattle, the sacred Earth, agricultural renewal, human sacrifice, sacrifice of the Mass, transcendence of death, story: “The Green Knight,” societal dictates vs. following bliss, “hidden hands” guiding life's work. Episode 5: Love and the Goddess (first broadcast June 25, 1988 on PBS) The Troubadours, Eros, romantic love, Tristan, libido vs. credo, separation from love, Satan, loving your enemy, the Crucifixion as atonement, virgin birth, the story of Isis, Osiris and Horus, the Madonna, the Big Bang, the correlation between the earth or mother Goddess and images of fertility (the sacred feminine). Episode 6: Masks of Eternity (first broadcast June 26, 1988 on PBS) Identifying with the infinite, the circle as a symbol, clowns and masks, epiphanies and James Joyce, artistic arrest, the monstrous as sublime, the dance of Shiva, that which is beyond words. . Mythos Vol I - III Mythos: Vol. 1, The Shaping of Our Mythic Tradition (1999) Mythos - 1.1: Psyche & Symbol - The psychological impulse for and response to myth Mythos - 1.2: The Spirit Land - How myths awakened American Indians to the mystery of life. Mythos - 1.3: On Being Human - The emergence of myth in early hunter-gatherer societies Mythos - 1.4: From Goddesses to God - The gradual shift from the Goddess to male, warlike deities Mythos - 1.5: The Mystical Life - Non-biblical mythic strains that helped shape the Western spirit Mythos: Vol. 2, The Shaping of the Eastern Tradition (2000) Mythos - 2.1: The Inward Path - The core myths of the great Asian religions Mythos - 2.2: The Enlightend One - The Buddha and enlightenment, East and West Mythos - 2.3: Our Eternal Selves - Yoga and transcendence Mythos - 2.4: The Way to Illumination - Kundalini yoga and the seven chakras Mythos - 2.5: The Experience of God - Tibetan Buddhism and the spiritual journey that is death Mythos: Vol. 3, The Shaping of the Western Tradition (2011) Mythos - 3.1: Love as the Guide - The Arthurian romances, including Tristan and Iseult Mythos - 3.2: The Path of the Heart - Parzival and the Grail Quest Mythos - 3.3: Beyond Time and Space - The Romantic philosophers Mythos - 3.4: Between Pairs of Opposites - Thomas Mann and The Magic Mountain Mythos - 3.5: Into the Well of Myth - The Joseph novels and modern myth . Thinking Allowed - Understanding Mythology The late Joseph Campbell was one of the world's foremost mythologists and interpreters of myth. In this provocative discussion he argues against the literal interpretation of ancient myth, claiming that modern science provides the raw material for future myths which can serve to unite all of humankind as one biological and spiritual unit. . Sukhavati Through archival excerpts from his finest filmed lectures interwoven with exquisite images and evocative music from around the world, renowned mythologist Joseph Campbell takes us on a journey of transcendence and illumination, a trip through the mythological symbols and sagas left by our ancient forebears. What is revealed en route is "mankind's one great story," the grand drama played out by all cultures on all continents since time immemorial. This saga "projected" on the screen of the universe is the mythic adventure that became Campbell's "Sukhavati," what he passionately embraced as his life's work, his place of bliss.Created by Maxine Harris and Sheldon Rochlin, with the enthusiastic support of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, this hypnotic and mesmerizing film is a deeply personal, almost spiritual, portrait of Campbell, told in his own words, in his twilight years, at the summit of his career and the apex of his intellectual powers. Through it, this great American thinker is still "joyfully participating in the sorrows of the world." . Transformations of Myth Through Time Part 01: The Hero's Journey: The World of Joseph Campbell This biographical film profiles Campbell's life's journey in the study of myth. The program forms a foundation for Campbell's thoughts and helps to explain his unique approach to mythology. Part 02: The In the Beginning: Origins of Man and Myth Campbell explores the dawn of mankind's mythic consciousness with a study of temple caves from the Paleolithic period. Campbell also introduces the basic concepts in the study of mythology: the role of the shaman, the stages of initiation, and the significance of lunar and solar symbolism. Part 03: Where People Lived Legends: American Indian Myths Campbell's telling of the Navaho legend of "Where the Two Came to Their Father" illustrates an American Indian version of the hero's journey and illustrates the relationship of man and nature, a constant theme through time in American Indian cultures. Part 04: And We Washed Our Weapons in the Sea: Gods and Goddesses of the Neolithic Period This title phrase signaled the beginning of the conquests and invasions of the warrior cultures. Through the artifacts from the Neolithic Period, Campbell traces the ascendance of the warrior cultures of the Gods over the agricultural based Goddesses societies. Part 05: Pharaoh's Rule: Egypt, the Exodus, and the Myth of Osiris Campbell's discussion of the burial rituals and Egyptian art of the Upper and Lower Kingdoms reveals the emerging mythological themes of the Near East. Part 06: The Sacred Source: The Perennial Philosophy of the East In this lecture, Campbell introduces the Perennial Philosophy of the East and focuses on the Indian tradition from its origins to the end of the Vedic period. Part 07: The Way to Enlightenment: Buddhism Campbell introduces stories of Buddha's life and enlightenment to reflect the essence of the Buddhist religion. The different sects of Buddhism are contrasted in their conception of transcendence. Campbell compares Buddhism with Taoism and Confucius and also discusses Buddhism's impact on the ancient West. Part 08: From Psychology to Spirituality: Kundalini Yoga, Part I Campbell discusses the purpose and extent of the Tantra system against the background of the Raja theory of Pantanjali. He also presents other types of Yoga. Part 09: From Psychology to Spirituality: Kundalini Yoga, Part II Through the study of elaborate artwork, Campbell portrays the full Chakra system of Kundalini Yoga and compares it with modem Western psychology and Christian concepts. Part 10: From Descent to Heaven: The Tibetan Book of the Dead In this program, Campbell reveals how the art, philosophy and mysticism of the Eastern Way reach a noble expression in the Buddhism of Tibet. Part 11: From Darkness to Light: The Mystery Religions of Ancient Greece Through a presentation of beautiful and compelling works of art, Campbell illustrates the myths of ancient Greece. In particular, he tells the story of Persephone and Demeter as the basis for the mystery religions. Part 12: Where There Was No Path: Arthurian Legends and the Western Way Campbell traces the wide ranging influence of the Arthurian legends and ties them to the emergence of the warrior-based society. He also illustrates the break with tradition in the tension between honor and love in these legends. Part 13: A Noble Heart: The Courtly Love of Tristan and Isolde Campbell tells many tales of the troubadours and courtly love. In his presentation of these tales, he explores the meaning and symbology of the many tests and trials of courtly love. Part 14: In Search of the Holy Grail: The Parzival Legend Campbell reveals the changing orientation of Western culture in his discussion of The Grail. In particular, Campbell contrasts the symbology of The Grail as an individual quest versus a holy quest.