' .>'-.>;-.. \ , ,i\..,j ~~ -~¥ ~: ' fJ\.+y.;klA..1.t-I\'£ Jl".,ht-f\,I,£ 6T-flt\.h tolo~1A ~;J~T ;JUffJ FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETA , OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC 'REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA ~,.,.".~ 'tlDT 4IIJ'Ci 5thYear No.6 0J\.+f"A"1 t.1.~1\'£ Jl 'fDht.lt.l'£ tT11AJI -101bNovember, 1998 ADDIS ABABA ~Jl" ~Ol}-,,~c i+1 Iiifjl f ih1J11".milf"T ,.hc 0.+ I11qct~+ fmllJ " ' CONTENTS OYt&~ ~"J: 4IIJ'CIft1JI/Iflf'JI"" , Proclamation No. 131/1998 Office of the President Establishment fT~IlJS1r1: Jrih4.T 0.+ "7!t~ ~":E-1Jr ~f~1 Proclamation Page 862 ' PROCLAMATIONNO. 1311199~ ~~:E-4IIJ'C'lf01/Ilif'Jli A PROCLAMATION TO ESTABLISH THE OFFICE fJ\.+f"A"1 t.1.t.I\ce JllfDh.t.lt.1ce tT"'''h.''~IlJS1+ OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL Jrih4.+ 0.+ ""7!t!tr fmllJ hCP:§ DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA fJ\.Tf"lil dJ.~I\'£ Jl""h~.v. tT-RA.h "~IlJS1+ WHEREAS, it is found necessary to establish the Office Jr/n.~,"7H'r ~"~I\1. 11'1(0-''''''' I of the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of nJ\.+f"lilt."~.I\ceJl'fDh~iL1ce tT11A.h ih1 Ethiopia; tlD1..,P'+ ~1+Jr !~ 10-" ~1+" (I) tlDlPl+ f-th"."m- NOW,THEREFORE,in accordancewithArticle55(1) ~m-J.AII ' of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of ~-PC C6,. I' Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows: ~O ~":E-"fT~IlJC1r1: Jrih4.+ 0.+ -"'IIl!t-t! ~CP:E-1. Short Tide -, 4I1J'C;if01/Ilif'JI" "..o, A.111"'''~"ftfA II This Proclamation may be cited as the "Office of the I' +C=\"I .President Establislhment Proclamation No. 131/1998." OILO ~cP~ m-"~ "~r~ILJS1+" - "7"+ fJ\.+f"A"1 2. Definition t.1.t.I\,£ Jl'fDht.iL1ce tT11A.h C6(1-RAC ~m-II In this Proclamation: "President" means the Head of e. tID!t!t,. , . State of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, -3. Establishroent i' fT~ILJS~'" ,..ih4.+, 0.+ (bilO 0'-1\ "Jrih4.+ 0..,," ~, f"tmd.) t.(\-1 'f;FAt; ih~'£ (1m-~+ . 1. The Office of the President (hereinafterreferred to as "the Office" is hereby established as an autonomous II\1D-~ilA 11'1(OILO'I\"~ ".!t4l".7.A II organ having its own juridical personality. I' fA".t.4.+ 0... "'l11t~""AT~1l41-1: ~11JiA II 2. The Office shall be accountable to the President. j!' fA"ih4.+ 0.-1: P'AIIJ1'i """I}C .4. Powers and Duties of the Office' A-ih4.+'n r-th"'~+ P'AtI'f''i """I}C-T ~'r~~A i The Office shall have the following powers and duties: I' nih~"'p'~;nA., "f 'th1-T tlDlPl+ AT~Il, 1) to establish an efficient working system for the JS")1:A"'(1m-P'AIIJ1'i "''''I}c-"f ~4.U" +AIII4. execution of the powers and duties entrused to the r~lPt.c P'~.f tlDUC;JTI President, under the Constitution and other laws; Jn4. 4..1.t.A. ~j~:,. ;JII.IIJr...,.c\.9'~ "..,lIofi i1,,:r:m-;lC 0""" 'HIC w:";rCC OIJ~~ OY(}II(}ofi; "m'i:"C' "'I:"~ofi I [. T ("ft~,}i: 01;l\.il.Y'}'i O~.(-r-..,.r-kl ;-'11f1~ """ o.,.w()~ V1t.!l ODAbh-1-I w:,...,. f""Llh"'''A4.'''''' nt'h1'-o .,.wi1r-:f'i 04f..j.'...~7i,. ,..hc a..,.:f '\OIJ;rCC f ;Jt,. fI(}11'h'},(tlJ-9""OA'-A'-fU1C,gJ-hlf''i 'A'" ; ~ct:';i' h"'~ ""I'-9':f '''f,.' MI(}OO-.}-" 'l"''''C ~~ ; ",' hn...,~'" "'I:"~-fl !!. AT(,,"~,}'I:fDl/.+Cn-; , ~h ~r-':f') 'hf~~08~ ,- .,.,ltw.'} fm-Plk ?~-fl "'I:".~ofi 1 .' ?;. AT (..,t~"i:"" Aa."'(}":fm-' ~tJ"~+ -Mn.me1'O:J> no~~1'') OY~""11f' ; fllDt;"I,I' a.:J-:r:dY)I"h+~ f.t,.CC ,..~f,. OYi1~'(-'i noh;r.,.A ; }. T(,,'t~"i: f"'r'-O~.,.(}n-'} A' A'-h'f:A "'ml,9'~'i l\.A~:f"9"" 'h"~ ""'II-o~i: .,.+ofiAfDo f"'l.1'1;1"'~ O..,.'} v-).:r OYh.,.qOCi %. fm-~ U1CCMI"-f}m.t,"",l\;""r-k~,AcrD~1':'" i1":fm-...,C OOlJ.,.IIOC ! ""'ofi~i: I'I.°DII1'h..,q-o m-m.;rOY"""'i lJ-A1ofi hh.;J-"7~"" "0IJ:f v-).;r . .' no~II1C : h.c.~~OO-,}9"" OIJh;r.,.A . ! . ~. farDI!' U1C "9""'I"'~r.':f f;r.~..,. ~-o~n.I:r:m-'} , ,~ . : AT l'.."~'}i: fDl/.,('+Cn-O""'} 'h'i 0P't,. 'l.If.I:r:mtt:~"' L I\f,. T ("ft~,}i:,) fDl/.(}'iO'i:O""'} P''I-P'C''''' h..,fI-f1 t),,:r:m-,.?C l1oPOIJl1hC ,ha,.. ! iI' T("ft~,}1: 'f~ U1C c",,'}..,p.'f') n"~c\.A ",+-oAm-(}.1'1"""'",-f~f,."i:,}~'" ,.nli. lID111 ! f,.111'1-9"" OP'C''''' OYf.t.1.""'i n""L111 mofi~ OY~f"": I. fU1t,i: h"'II...~C':f'i lblt-'f ODbtbh+~'f ;r.0IJ"" 'h'}~lJ-9"" 0;-'''' 08",(."" h~"'~ ftp-"".(-C'i "'Ib't..., I ~1j') : "'L~i'l: 7iA"''''' O~~"~'i: f"7.,(}...n.}-'} P'~-P'cq.}-'''..,1111 i1,,:r:m-...,C n{ID.,.lInc "'h.c.~9""; H!' AT~'t~,}i: fDt+Cn-"n..i:;r9':f,})'fODtOlJc{W~ fDl/.noAh;r:r:m Ai1":" f""Lou"-n.}-,., v-).;J ", no :F:r:..,.; I~' nT l'..ftJS,}i: fni\f,. mqct'l"" h"'tllD"-"i1",}-;lC f:"C-f1 .,'}~~..,. OD~mC't fP't. "':"h..lLl:r:m "'ADl/.1~0"" lJ-).;r nf1.ff.m-h""""A"'~l"'I (Jo).;r w~ If.' T ("fl~,}i: :n"4C.c\.A "'ofi~"" iD",.. nA." ar6J.D' U1C hADIJ..('~C"'.)-,.." "..,lIof) i1,,:r:m-;lC .-., ~ {',--. ".. r'. ~ flnoT'lnc "h~"1.ID-'} .I " , v-It-"'Ib';w'} I!!' T(,,'t~,}i: flU1Cm-hT l\"V~c't.-+ fp't. , ~.}h"" LOIJl\h;J-TcD-;lC f}OIJII!i1hclM10fi 'fC'"'lt.,.. no'}~ 'f: ; Il;-n'f("lt~,}i: i\DI/.(}mf"'ln~;J-;J=7iA"''''~ l\'i fn1hf: t,.~, ,. 'f-C';r9':f "~~~,,.. u-l;J-9':f'} ", no:F:r:..,.! n. f,}-fl~'''' flAa."" no.,'} I m-A OIJ'P'PA I nhooOIJh(} h'i OIJh(}h I 2) to collect, in cooperation with pertinent bodies, up to--dateinfonnation on major political, economic and social activities carried out at the national, international and regional levels; as well as to compile and make same available; 3) to prellar~and submit a draft text, of occasional national addresses the President makes on television and the radio to the Ethiopian peoples, as well as of speeches b~delivers.at the anntaljoint seiSion of the ','~ . House ofP~ le~'~. 'teesenta~ and th e."ouse of ' . the FecFratiQDand;at~a4'ious >-a()mest..~~; inter .. o . .. ... . national conferences; ,4) ...to"amine >~.Jl1~~:~mitteit 'to ~e Wesident .C and give pertfhen1adviCethereon; 5) 'to 'tbsuM that' proper'ineanies are taken for. the ' security of the President and his family; to manage and follow-up the administrative.".affairs ,of. his. , , residenc~; , audiencet:as f<;!D.!!d,'~p,proPriaie, 'to~tbe represeri 6) "to cqoidin~te occasi08SWheiebythe~esident gives ~, ... '. ", . ,'; ;',..'... .j;,,:>'" .. - " " tatives of various sec.torsof the soCietyand to others;' 7) uponanofficialvisitto.EthiopiabyaforeignHeadof State, to create a conducive. atmQ~e,jn cooperation, wi. .~nt. GfflCes,for, the, Q~~~l success of the visit; and to follow-up the implemen , tatiQn th~re8f; '.. 8) to conduct, in consultatio.nwith relevant organs,the event whertby fo~ign'afubassadbrs present their ciedehdatsito'the President'and take leave of him at the coticltrsiohof their tertfi C1fduty; 9) 'toktep minutis',df detibotations.1ldd betWeen the President and foreign digttttarie~ officiaHyreceived by him, and to.systematicatly Qrganize and prqperly ; maintain same;. , " 10) to conduct, in cooperation with relevant organs>:~e; event whereby the President appoints:~bas~dors ~d other envoys ~ w~U~ cqnfers lligh military titles ~~ ,a'X~s ,orders" '1X1~a1Sand prizes, in .' accordance Withthe law; :. , 1.1) to consider petitions.su~mitted to the President and : . faciFtate the direc~ng" thereof to the ~oncemed . :~ . " organ'S;' " " : 12) to maintain close relations with entities"under the patrOfiageof the Presiderit and tbfullow-up, from time to ft1\\e,the mu~ oflttiradtivity; 13) to handle, in cooperatiun wi'ti ith&seccmeemed, all req\fisites forj theePeSident'stravel abtoa(,i on, an official visit or o~ise; 14) to~orJc DUt,~