Sony Pictures Digital
Stylus Pressure: Urban Grooves on Digital Wax
One session with Stylus Pressure: Urban Grooves on Digital Wax and you'll understand how vinyl resourcing and experimentation have led to some of the most innovative sound combinations ever created. Apply the Pressure and enjoy the strange fruits of years spent diligently cataloging and preparing fine soundz, distilled by Stylus Pressure down to thirty-seven construction kits that effuse pure urban magik – trippin' grooves and freaky sonic collages that flow into ACID as quickly as you can act and react with the paintbrush tool. All the royalty-free tracks you make with Stylus Pressure will have the creamy response curve that only the decks can provide, and we mean warm, round, and phat. There's no substitute, but you don't need one - Stylus Pressure: Urban Grooves on Digital Wax is the genuine vinyl core sound.
691 (516MB) original, royalty-free loops.

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Stylus Pressure: Urban Grooves on Digital Wax
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