Sony Pictures Digital
Ma Ja Le': Saturn and Elsewhere
Space Music is characterized by two major features: evolving, intricate soundscapes, and lush, ultra high fidelity sound quality. The experimental music duo Ma Ja Le' are masters of both. Composers / Sound Designers Paul Vnuk and Chris Short of Ma Ja Le' invite you to immerse yourself in the pulsating rhythms and swirling textures of Saturn and Elsewhere - a group of tribal ambient sounds that can be utilized as a standalone construction kit, or provide a source of rhythms and atmospheres for electronica, experimental music, world music, and film scores. Created by accomplished innovators and connoisseurs of the genre, Saturn and Elsewhere provides the finest samples of their kind available anywhere, presented here as an exclusive, royalty-free Sony Pictures Digital Loops for ACID loop library.
277 (479MB) original, license-free loops.

Sample Loops
NOTE: These samples are 24-bit audio files, and therefore may not be compatible with your default media player.

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Ma Ja Le': Saturn and Elsewhere
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