Sony Pictures Digital
The Bill Laswell Collection: Volume IV: Covert Diaspora
Dissemination of five strains of music virus via CD-ROM. There is currently no vaccine available. Develop mutations and upload them — we believe in your ability to infect and eliminate generic music forms. Retain your anonymity if desired.

The music of Bill Laswell is fluid and derivative, assembled from disparate sources and transmitted in ways never dreamed possible before the digital age. We exist in a new world of music shimmering with infinite possibilities. Bill Laswell proliferates his dream of music through hundreds of production assignments that span cultures and continents. In a ceaseless emanation, the diaspora of progressive music terminates in the anarchic music of the clubs and streets worldwide. The sounds themselves drift through virtual space in mutations of rock, funk, hip-hop, electronica, world music, and ambient/cinematic forms. Join the flow. Exclusive 2-CD, 24-Bit Edition.

Buy the Bill Laswell Box Set and get this exclusive 24-bit, 2-CD bonus library! Click here for details.

656 (683MB) original, license-free loops.

Sample Loops

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The Bill Laswell Collection: Volume IV

© 2004. Sony Pictures Digital Inc. All Rights Reserved.