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[DIR]Parent Directory -
[SND]21 One Step Closer To Heaven - Conce.m4a2.9M
[SND]20 Dancing At The Doge's Ball - Riga.m4a2.8M
[SND]26 All's Well... - Concerto A 5, Op..m4a2.5M
[SND]25 My Place Is With Casanova - Overt.m4a2.5M
[SND]01 An Untold Story - Assaggio No. 1.m4a2.3M
[SND]23 The Hanging - Violin Concerto _Il.m4a2.3M
[SND]04 Eternal Damnation - Overture From.m4a2.2M
[SND]13 The Noble Pig - Concerto Per Quar.m4a2.2M
[SND]02 The Legend Of Casanova - Tambouri.m4a1.9M
[SND]14 Paprizzio's Arrival - Concerto a.m4a1.9M
[SND]09 A Terrible Mistake - Concerto a 5.m4a1.8M
[SND]10 A Secret Lover_ - Sinfonia From T.m4a1.7M
[SND]11 Marriage Is A Safe Haven - Concer.m4a1.6M
[SND]06 A Venetian Virgin (Score).m4a1.5M
[SND]19 The Plume's Nom Is Casanova! (Sco.m4a1.5M
[SND]24 A Great Escape - Overture From Za.m4a1.5M
[SND]22 Casanova's Confession - Sonata Op.m4a1.4M
[SND]18 A Nom De Plume _ Carnivale! - Bou.m4a1.4M
[SND]08 A Lover's Duel - Overture From La.m4a1.3M
[SND]16 With My Hopes - Concerto a 5, Op..m4a1.1M
[SND]03 I Yield To Love - Cello Concerto.m4a1.0M
[SND]15 Inquisitor Pucci (Score).m4a761K
[SND]05 The Doge's Decree - Concerto In C.m4a693K
[SND]07 San Cremori At Dawn - Concerto In.m4a646K
[SND]12 Trailing Guardi - Sonata For Viol.m4a601K
[SND]17 A Big Idea - Harpsicord Concerto.m4a438K