Past and Present Members of the Order of Skull and Bones

Compiled by Eric Samuelson

*Aberg, Jr., Donlan Vincent
*Abrams, Peter Mark
*Acheson, David Campton (Campion) (S&B 1943)
*Acheson, Dean (Disputed) (Scroll and Key Society?)
*Ackerman, Stephen H.
*Adams, George Webster
Adams, Jr., F.B. (S&B 1932)
*Alexander, Eben (S&B 1873)
*Allen, Frederick Winthrop (S&B 1900)
Allen, Jr., A.J. (S&B 1945)
Alling, Jr. C.B. (S&B 1947)
?Alling, Wilbur M. (S&B 1964)
*Ames, Allen Wallace
Andrews, Jr., E.W.(S&B 1947)
Arres, Jr., Robert E. (S&B 1969) - Born 2-22-1947. Industrialist.
Married Karen Ann Koehler.
Asch, Victor - Mayor of Knoxville, Tenn.
Ashley, T.L. (S&B 1948)
Austin, Roy Lesley (S&B 1968) - Born 12-13-1939. St. Vicent's
Island. Educator. Married Glynis Sutherland.
Ayerigg II, W.A.(S&B 1942)
*Bannard, Otto T. (S&B 1876)
Baribault, R.P. (S&B 1949)
Barr, Jr., R.J. (S&B 1936)
Barres, H. (S&B 1932)
*Barry, William Taylor Sullivan Barry (S&B 1841) - Key leader of
the secessionist wing of the Democratic Party (1850s). Chairman of
the 1861 "Mississippi" Secession Convention.
Bartholemy, A.E.(S&B 1942)
Bassett II, B.B. (S&B 1949)
*Bates, Emmert Warren (S&B 1932)
*Bates, Samuel Henshaw
*Beach, John S.
*Beebe, William (S&B 1873)
*Beers, Henry A. (S&B 1869)
Belin, G. d'Andelot (S&B 1939)
Bell, W.T. (S&B 1942)
*Bellinger, Alfred Rammond (S&B 1917)
*Berlin, Gasper
*Bertron, Samuel R.
Biglow, Jr., L.H. (S&B 1948)
*Bingham (D-N.M.), Senator Jonathan (S&B 1936)
Birgen, Robert Richard (S&B 1968) - Washington D.C. Lawyer.
Married Joanne Schwiebert.
Bissell, Jr., Richard M.
Bissell, William Truesdale (S&B 1925)
Blake, D.B. (S&B 1937)
*Blake, Eli Whitney
*Blake, Henry T.
Blake, Jr., G.D. (S&B 1945)
Blancard J.G. (S&B 1939)
*Boasberg, James Emanuel
Borne, David Lyle (S&B 1963) - Elected to the U.S. Senate (D-
Okla.) in 1979. Former Chair of the Select Committee on
Boulos (Bouliaratis), W.M. (S&B 1947)
Bouscaren, Michael Frederic (S&B 1969) - Born 4-7-1947. San
Francisco, California. Stockbroker. Married Edith Clark.
*Bowles, John Eliot. (S&B 1935)
Bradford, Amory Howe (S&B 1934) - Married Carol Warburg Rothschild
(1941) (Carol's mother, Carola, was head of the U.S. Warburg
family after WWII).General manager for the N.Y. Times.
*Brandegee, Augustus
*Brinton, Daniel Garrison (S&B 1858)
Bronson, D.B. (S&B 1947)
Brooke, Jr., F.H. (S&B 1937)
Brown S.T.G. (S&B 1944)
Brown, Walter H. (S&B 1945)
Brown, Christopher Woolworth. (S&B 1968) - Born 1-15-1947. Lawyer.
Married Amy Forbes Clark.
Brubaker, James Robert (S&B 1977)
Brubaker, John Kim (S&B 1976)
Bryan, James Taylor (S&B 1971)
Bryan, Jr., L. Thomas (S&B 1955)
Buck III, Charles Henry (S&B 1969) - Born 3-7-1946. Boston,
Massachusetts. Businessman. Married Cheryl Lynn Ezell.
Buckley, Christopher Taylor (S&B 1975)
Buckley, Fergus Reid (S&B 1952)
Buckley James Lane (S&B 1944)--Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science, and
Technology (1981-82) (saw that U.S. military aid went to support the right regimes).
*Buckley, Jr., William Frank (S&B 1950)--Began his cooperation with the Agency while he was
in Mexico City in 1952, where his good friend, E. Howard Hunt, was CIA station chief.
Bullock, Stanton B. (S&B 1981)
*Bundy, Frederick McGeorge (S&B 1921)
*Bundy, Harvey Hollister (S&B 1909)--Stimson's Assistant Secretary of State (1931-33).
Stimson's Special Assistant Secretary of War (alongside Assistant Secretary Robert Lovett).
*Bundy, McGeorge (S&B 1940)--National Security Advisor to Kennedy and Johnson.
*Bundy, William Putman (S&B 1939)--OSS (WWII). CIA (1951-61). Assistant Secretary
of State for Asian Affairs and a vocal advocate for escalating the Vietnam war.
*Buritt, Edwin A.
*Buritt, John
Burke, Jr. C.C. (S&B 1937)
*Burtt, John
*Bush, George Herbert Walker (S&B 1948)
Bush, Governor George Walker (S&B 1968) - Born 7-6-1946. New
Haven, Connecticut. In 1989 Standard and Poors. Yale 1968. Havard
1975. One board listing - United Bank (Director). None of other
29 in Standard and Poors as Executives or Directors. Current
Biography 21-24 (April 1997). Went to Phillips Academy (Andover)
like his father before him. Enlisted in Texas Air National Guard
but was never called to serve overseas. Served as "loyalty
thermometer" for his father. Bought 5% share of $46 million
Texas Rangers baseball team. Sat in regular stands: "I want the
folks to see me sitting in the same kind of seat they sit in,
eating the same popcorn, peeing in the same urinal." Told Laurence
Barrett: "My biggest liability in Texas is the question, 'What's
the boy ever done?'" Richards called him "Shrub" (a small
bush). Second Republican Governor of Texas since Reconstruction.
Bush articles: Time (July 31, 1989) (Sutton says Time was founded
by a dozen Bonesmen); NY Times (November 30, 1993) (Front Page);
People (November 8, 1993).
Bush, Jonathan J. (S&B 1953)
*Bush, Prescott Sheldon (S&B 1917)
Caldwell, Jr., S.S. (S&B 1933)
*Came, Charles G.
*Campbell, William H.W.
*Capron, Samuel M.
Carey, J. (S&B 1945)
*Carlin, Jr., William John Carr
Caulkins, J.E. (S&B 1948)
Caulkins, Jr., G.P. (S&B 1943)
Chafee (R-R.I.), Senator John M. (S&B 1947) - Former Navy
Secretary and member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
*Chandrasekhar, Ashok Jai
*Chapin, Lebeus C.
*Chauvenet, William (S&B 1840)
*Child, Calvin G.
*Chittenden, George H. (S&B 1939)
Chouteau, R.A. (S&B 1942)
Clark, W.J. (S&B 1948)
*Clark, William B.
Clucas, L.M., (S&B 1939)
*Cochran, Thomas (S&B 1904) (S&B 1894?) - One of the most powerful
partners in the Morgan bank.
*Coe, Edward B. (S&B 1862)
*Coffin, Rev. Henry Sloane (S&B 1897) - Uncle of William Sloane
Coffin. With John Foster Dulles led the U.S. delegation to England
to found the "World Council of Churches."
*Coffin, Jr., Henry Sloane (S&B 1949)
*Coffin, Jr., Rev. William.S. (S&B 1949) - Known best for his
anti-Vietnam war activities, he was recruited by the CIA after
Cohen, Kenneth Saul (S&B 1968) - Born 7-5-1946. Trenton, N.J.
Dentist. Married Patricia Ann Albert.
*Collier, Samuel (Sam) Carnes (S&B 1935)
*Colton, Henry M.
Connelly, Jr., W.J. (S&B 1948)
Connick, L, (S&B 1945)
Cook III, G. (S&B 1948)
*Cooke, Francis J. (S&B1933)
Cooke, R.B. (S&B 1936)
*Cooper, Henry Sage Fenimore (S&B 1917)
*Cooper, Jacob (S&B 1852)
*Cortelyou, George Bruce
Cosgrove, Jr., Thomas Francis (S&B 1969) - Born 12-8-1946.
Maldon, Massachusetts. Insurance. Married Wendellyn Hilton.
*Costikyan, Grange K.
Cowdry, Rex William (S&B 1968) - Born 2-12-1947. Des Moines,
Iowa. MD. Married Donna E. Patterson.
*Cowles, Alfred (S&B 1913) - Built the Cowles Communication empire
based on the Des Moines (lowa) Register and the Minneapolis
(Minnesota) Star and Tribune.
*Crane, W. Murray
*Creoxton, John T.
Cross, R.J. (S&B 1937)
*Cross, William Redmond
Cross, Jr., W.R. (S&B 1941)
Cunningham, Hugh T. (S&B 1934) - Rhodes Scholar. Central
Intelligence Group (1945-47). CIA Director of Training (1969-73).
CIA (1947-73).
*Cunnigham, Oliver Bulg (S&B 1917)
Curtin, F.C. (S&B 1935)
*Cushing, William
*Cushman, Isaac LaFayette
*Cutler, Carroll (S&B 1854)
*Dahl, George (S&B 1908)
Dale, Jr., E.L. (S&B 1945)
*Daly, Frederick J.
Daniels, John H. (S&B 1943) - Works in ADM. The bank which
underwrites ADM stock issues is the Morgan Stanley investment
bank. Only son of John Daniels.
Daniels, John Thomas (S&B 1914) - Founder of the largest agro-
business and grain cartel company in Minnesota-Archer-Daniels-
Midland (ADM).
*Daniels, Joseph L. (S&B 1860)
*Danielson, Richard Ely (S&B 1907) - Past publisher of the
Atlantic Monthly magazine (one of the leading magazines for the
Eastern Establishment's views).
*Darling, Arthur Burr (S&B 1916)
Davenport, B.W. (S&B 1938)
*Davenport, Russell Wheeler (S&B 1923) - Editor and writer -
Fortune Magazine. Davenport created the Fortune 500 companies
Davis, R.M. (S&B 1933)
Davis II, H.W. (S&B 1936)
*Davison, Daniel P. (S&B 1949) - Head of London's Morgan Grenfell
Davison, Endicott Peabody (S&B 1945) - Went to work at the law
firm of Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam, and Roberts (Henry Stimson was
the Secretary of War during World War II).
Davison, Daniel Pomeroy
Davison, F. Trubee (S&B 1918) - Asistant U.S. secretary of war for
air from 1926 to 1933. American Museum of Natural History
President. Director of Personnel at the CIA in 1951.
*Davison, Jr., Henry P. (S&B 1920) - Senior Morgan partner who
helped set up the Guaranty Trust Corporation which became Morgan
Guaranty. Father was J.P. Morgan's representative at secret 1910
Jekyl Island meeting.
*Day, Clive
Demares II, Frank Edward (S&B 1969) - Born 2-4-1947. Chicago,
*Deming, Henry C.
Dempsey, Jr., J.H. (S&B 1938)
*Depew, Chauncy M. (S&B 1856) - General counsel for the Vanderbilt
railroads. Helped the Harriman family to enter into high society.
Devor, Jr., D.S. (S&B 1941)
*Dexter, Franklin B.
*Dilworth, J. Richardson (S&B 1938)
Dine, V. Van (S&B 1949)
Dodd, Norman
*Dodge, Philip Lyndon
Doolittle, D.H. (S&B 1943)
Dowling, Brian J. (S&B 1969) - Born 4-1-1947. Cleveland, Ohio.
Sportsman. Married Betsy Lampert.
Drain, R.D. (S&B 1943)
Draper, A.J. (S&B 1937)
Draper III, William - Defense Department, Import-Export Bank, etc.
Dunham, Jr., L.B. (S&B 1938)
Duryee, S.S. (S&B 1917)
*Dwight, Timothy
Dyess, Jr. A.D. (S&B 1939)
Early, H.E. (S&B 1945)
*Eaton, Daniel C.
Ecklund, J.E. (S&B 1938)
Elebash, S.D. (S&B 1944)
Ellis, Jr. A. (S&B 1944)
Ellis, F.H. (S&B 1941)
Elwell, Jr. F.B. (S&B 1945)
*Ely, Richard T.
*Emerson, Joseph
*Emerson, Samuel
Erickson, T.F. (S&B 940)
*Estill, Joe G.
Etra, Donald. (S&B 1968) - Lawyer. Yale 1968 (BB Cell). Attorney
to Ralph Nader Washington (1971-1973). Co-Author Citibank 1973.
U.S. Attorney, Dept of Justice (1978-1981). Now practices in Los
Angeles. A director of Russell Trust Association (the Bones
Holding Company). Dear Island Treasurer (1970-1972). Deer Island
President (1972-1975). Single.
*Evans, Evan W.
*Evarts, William M. (S&B) (1837) - Wall Street attorney for
British and southern slaveowner projects. Collaborator of Taft in
the 1876 bargain.U.S. secretary of state 1877-81.
*Ewell, John L.
*Farnam, Henry
*Farnam, William
*Farrar, John Chipman (S&B 1917)
*Farris, Robert P.
Ferguson, J.L. (S&B 1944)
*Ferry, Orris S.
*Few, Smith W.
Field, John W. (S&B19 37)
Finley, J.G.G. (S&B 1947)
Finney, J.W. (S&B 1945)
*Fisher, Irving (S&B 1888) - Founding president of the American
Eugenics Society. High priest of the economics faculty (Yale
professor 1896-1946).Merchant of British Empire propaganda.
*Fisk, F.W.
Fitch, G.H. (S&B 1932)
Fletcher, A.C. (S&B 1933)
Ford, W. (S&B 1942)
*Foster, Dwight
Fox, Joseph Carrere (S&B 1938)
Frank, Clinton E. (S&B 1938)
*Frankelm Scott David
*French, Robert D. (S&B 1910) - Yale's "unofficial" Secretary of
Fuller, S.E. (S&B 1935)
Fulton, R.B. (S&B 1932)
Fuller, Henry W. (S&B 1969) - Born 9-14-1946. York, Maine.
Boatyard Operator in Nova Scotia. Married Judith Rivmus.
*Gallaudet, Edson Fessenden
*Gallaudet, Herbert Draper
Gallico III, G.Gregory (S&B 1968) - Born NYC. MD. Married Ellen
Biggs Polly Levine.
Galbraith, Evan G. Ambassador to France and Managing Director of
Morgan Stanley.
Garnsey, W.S. (S&B 1933)
Gates, Artemus (S&B 1918) - President of New York Trust Company,
Union Pacific, TIME, Boeing Company. Assistant Navy Secretary for
Air (1941-1945).
*Gile, Clement D. (S&B 1939)
Gill, B. (S&B 1936)
Gillespie, S.H. (S&B 1932)
*Gilman, Daniel Coit (S&B 1852) - Co-incorporator of the Russell
Trust. Founding president of Johns Hopkins University.
Glover III, Charles C. (S&B 1940)
Goedecke, W.S. (S&B 1947)
Goodenough, J.B. (S&B 1944)
Goodyear, R.M. (S&B 1949)
Gordon, G.A. (S&B 1934)
Gordon, McG (S&B 1938)
Gow, Richard H. (S&B 1955) - President of Zapata Oil, once owned
by Bush and which had possible links to the CIA.
*Graves, Henry S.
Grayson, C.T. (S&B 1942)
Grayson, J.G. (S&B 1940)
*Green, James Payne
*Griggs, John C.
Grimes, D.C. (S&B 1948)
*Griswold, Dwight Torrey
*Griswold, William Edward
*Grossman, Jay Alan
*Grover, Thomas W.
*Gruener, G.
Guthrie III, Robert K. (S&B 1968) - Probably CIA. Lived in
Alexandria, Virginia (1983). Married Marion Adelheid Melliwigt.
Haas, Frederick Peter (S&B 1935)
Hadden, Brit (S&B 1919)
*Hadley, Arthur Twining
*Hall, Edward T. (S&B 1941)
Hall, Gordon
Hall, J.A. (S&B 1936)
*Hall, Stanley
Hall, Jr., F.B. (S&B 1933)
Hallett, John F. (S&B 1934)
Halsey, Jr., R.W. (S&B 1942)
Hambleton, Thomas Edward (S&B 1934)
*Harman, Archer
*Harman, Jr., Arthur (S&B 1945)
Harmar, Josiah W.
Harper, Jr. H.H. (S&B 1934)
*Harriman, Edward Roland Noel (S&B 1917)
*Harriman, W. Averell (S&B 1913) - Investment banker with Brown
Brothers Harriman. Director of the Lend-Lease program of the U.S.
State Department (1941-1942). U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union
(1943-1946). Governor of New York, Under Secretary of State for
Asia (1961-1963), and presidential secret envoy to Soviet leaders
Stalin, Krushchev, Brezhnev and Andropov.
Harrison, F.H. (S&B 1942)
*Harrison, Henry B.
*Hart, Rufus
Hayes, Rutherford B. Co-founder of Skull & Bones. U.S. Attorney
General (1876-1877) and later Minister to Austria and Russia.
Reconstruction U.S. President.
Healy, Jr. H. (S&B 1943)
*Hebard, Daniel
Heffelfinger, Peavey
Hersey, John R. (S&B 1936)
Hessberg II, A. (S&B 1938)
*Hilles, Frederick W.
*Hincks, John H. (S&B 1872)
*Hines, Charles D.
Heinz (R-Pa.), Senator John - Killed in an airplane crash. A
Bonesman as was his father. The Heinz family has one of the
largest food-producing companies in the world.
Hoagland, D.W. (S&B 1943)
Hobson, Thayer
Hodges, Jr. W.V. (S&B 1932)
Holden, J.M. (S&B 1944)
*Holden, Reuben A. (S&B 1940)
*Hollister, Arthur N.
Hollister, Jr. J. B. (S&B 1949)
Holmes, G.B. (S&B 1945)
Holmes, J.G. (S&B 1934)
*Hooker, John W.
Hoopes, T.W. (S&B 1944)
*Hopkins, John M.
*Hopping, James M.
*Hord, Stephen Young
Hoston, Jr., A.R. (S&B 1939)
*Howe II, Harold (S&B 1940)
*Hoxon, Archibald R.
*Hoyt, Joseph G.
Huribut, Jr., G.B. (S&B 1945)
*Ingersoll, James W.
Isham, Henry Peter (S&B 1917)
*Ives, Chauncey B.
*Jackson, George E.
Jackson, Henry Rootes (S&B 1839) - A leader of the 1861 "Georgia"
Secession Convention and post-Civil War president of the Georgia
Historical Society. President of American National Bank of
Brunswick (1894-1898).
Jackson, J.H. (S&B 1934)
Jackson, W.E. (S&B 1941)
*James, Ellery Sedgewick (S&B 1917)
*James, William Ellery Sedgwick
*Jay, Pierre (S&B 1892) - Chairman of the Board and Federal
Reserve Agent (1914-1926) (Federal Reserve Bank of New York).
Jenkins, R.E. (S&B 1948)
Jessup, J.B. (S&B 1942)
*Johnson, Charles F.
*Johnson, Joseph.(Joe) Hale (S&B 1935)
*Johnston, Henry Pheleps
*Johnston, William
*Jones, Frederick S.
*Jones, Theodore S. (S&B 1933)
*Joshan, Henry Porter
*Judson, Issac N.
Kelley, L.M. (S&B 1937)
*Kellog, Fred W.
*Kellogg, Stephen W.
Kellogg, W.W. (S&B 1939)
Kelly II, W.C. (S&B 1944)
Kemp, J.B. (S&B 1942)
*Kent, Albert
*Kent, William
Kerry (D-Mass.), Senator John Forbes - Formerly on the Senate
Intelligence Committee, Kerry is now on the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee.
*Kilborne, William (Bill) Skinner
Kilborne, W.S. (S&B 1935)
Kilcullen, J.M. (S&B 1934)
*Kimball, John
Kimball, W.S. (S&B 1934)
*Kingsbury, Howard T.
*Kingsley, Henry Coil
*Kingsley, William L.
*Kinne, William
Kiphuth, D. (S&B 1941)
Kirchwey, G.W. (S&B 1942)
Klotts, Jr., A.T. (S&B 1943)
*Knapp, John M. (S&B 1936)
*Knox, Hugh
Kolar, Bruton Ward (S&B 1968) - Born 2-27-1946. Oak Park,
Illinois. MD. Married Margaret Louisa McMahan.
*Kwok, Wei-Tai
Laundon, Jr. M.H. (S&B 1932)
Lavelli, Jr., A. (S&B 1949)
*Learned, Dwight Whitney
Leavenworth, D.L. (S&B 1947)
*LeBore, Barry William
LeGore, H.W. (S&B 1917)
Leiper, J. McC. (S&B 1949)
Levering, Walter B. (S&B 1933)
*Lewis, Ashel Hooker
*Lewis, Charlton M.
*Lewis, Charlton T.
Liley, Jr. F.W. (S&B 1943)
Lilley, John - Ambassador to China.
Lindenberg, J.T. (S&B 1932)
Lindley, F.V. (S&B 1933)
Lindsay, D.A. (S&B 1944)
*Lindy, Peter Barnes
Lippincott, D. McC (S&B 1949)
Little, S.W. (S&B 1944)
Livingston, Richard H.B. (S&B 1969) - Born 8-19-1947.
Greenfield, Massachusetts. Vice-President of Admiral Shipping
Company. Married Elizabeth Dubben.
*Lohman, Carl A.
Lord, C.E. (S&B 1949)
*Lord II, Charles Edwin (S&B 1949) - Comptroller of the Currency.
*Lord, Franklin Atkins
*Lord, George de Forest
*Lord, Oswald Bates (S&B 1926) - Married Mary Pillsbury of the
Minnesota based Pillsbury Flour Corporation.
*Lord, William Galey
*Lord, Winston (S&B 1959) - Kissinger protege and former
Ambassador to China. Clinton Assistant Secretary of State.
Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (1983-l988).
*Lovett, Robert Abercrombie (S&B 1918) - Harriman's childhood
friend. Partner in Brown Brothers Harriman, Assistant Secretary of
War for Air (1941-1945), Deputy Secretary of Defense, Secretary of
Defense (1950), leading member of the New York Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR). Lovett was one of the five or six most powerful
men in the United States for nearly 40 years until his death in
*Luce, Henry (S&B 1920) - Bonesman with David Ingalls and Harry
Pomeroy. Luce published "Time" magazine, where his ironically
named "American Century" blustering was straight British Empire
Lufkin, P.W. (S&B 1949)
*Lyman, Chester S.
Lynch, R.V. (S&B 1945)
Mack, R.G. (S&B 1948)
Maclean, J.H. (S&B 1943)
*MacLeish, Archibald (S&B 1915)
*MacLeish, William
*Maclellan, George B.
*MacVeagh, Franklin (S&B 1862)
*Madden, John Beckwith (S&B 1941)
Madden, B. Patrick (S&B 1969) - Born 5-7-1947. Stubenville, Ohio.
Banker. Married Deborah Russell Whitlock.
*Mallon, Henry Neil (S&B 1917) - Bush moved to Texas to work for
Dresser Industries. The job was arranged for him by his father
with Dresser President Neil Mallon. Dresser, according to several
sources, had close ties with the CIA.
Mallon, T.R. (S&B 1945)
*Marburg, Theodore
*Marshall, Samuel
*Mason. Edward G.
*Mather, Frederick
McCallum, Jr., Robert Davis (S&B 1968) - Born 1-30-1946. Memphis,
Tenn. Lawyer. Married Mary Rankin Weems.
*McClintock, Norman
McCrary, Jr., J.R. (S&B 1932)
McElroy, B.T. (S&B 1945)
McGaughey, Jr., G.E. (S&B 1945)
McGauley, J.M. (S&B 1933)
*McLaughlin, Edward T.
*McLeash, Archibald
McLemore, Jr. B. (S&B 1937)
Miles, R.C. (S&B 1937)
Miller, D.L. (S&B 1943)
Miller, Jr., A.G. (S&B 1939)
Miller, Jr., C.L. (S&B 1939)
Miller, Wentworth Earl (S&B 1969) - Born 10-23-1947. Overlin,
Ohio. Lawyer. Married Joy Marie Palm.
Mills, E.E. (S&B 1934)
Mills, J.P. (S&B 1932)
*Misner, Timothy Charles
*Mitchell, Donald G.
Mitchell, H.H. (S&B 1939)
*Mnu, Chin
*Moore, Eliakim H.
Moore, J.I. (S&B 1947)
Moore, Richard.A. (S&B 1936) - Began his intelligence career in
World War II where he served as a special assistant to the chief
of military intelligence. Nixon aide. Ambassador to Ireland.
Moorhead, W.S. (S&B 1945)
*Morris, Ray
Morse, J.B. (S&B 1934)
*Morse, Sidney N.
Moseley, T.W. (S&B 1948)
Mosely, S.D. (S&B 1943)
*Mulford, Elisha
*Murpee, Samuel Sloan
*Name, Addison Van
Newton, Jr., J.Q. (S&B 1933)
*Nichols, Alfred B.
Nichols, E. (S&B 1934)
*Northrop, Cyrus
*Norton, William B.
O'Brien, Jr., F. (S&B 1947)
O'Brien, Jr. P. (S&B 1945)
O'Neill, Jr., E.G. (S&B 1932)
Ogden, A. (S&B 1932)
O'Leary, John Joseph (S&B 1969) - Born 1-16-1947. Philadelphia,
Penn. Lawyer. Married Patricia Cepeda.
*Olsen, Albert William (S&B 1917)
Orrick, A.D. (S&B 1940)
Orrick, Jr., W.H. (S&B 1937)
*Overton, John William (S&B 1917)
*Owen, Edward T.
*Packard, Lewis R.
Palmer, C.E. (S&B 1947)
Parker, R.B. (S&B 1933)
*Parsons, Henry Mcl
Parsons, M. (S&B 1933)
*Patela, James Gerald
*Payne, Harry
*Peck, Tracy
Perkins, Jr., John (S&B) (1840) - Chairman of the 1861 Louisiana
Secession Convention.
*Perkins, Samuel C.
*Perrin, Bernadotte
*Perry, David B.
Pfau, Jr., G.H. (S&B 1948)
*Phelps, William W.
Pickett, L.K. (S&B 1941)
*Peirce, Frederick E.
Pillsbury, E.P. (S&B 1936)
Pillsbury, Jr., J.S. (S&B 1935)
*Pinchot, Amos
*Pinchot, Gifford (S&B 1889) - Invented the aristocrats'
"conservation" movement. He was President Theodore Roosevelt's
chief forester, substituting federal land-control in place of
Abraham Lincoln's free-land-to-families farm creation program.
Pinchot's British Empire activism included the Psychical Research
Society and his vice presidency of the first International
Eugenics Congress in 1912.
Pionzio, Dino (S&B 1950) - CIA deputy chief of station (1970)
in Santiago, Chile during the massive CIA destabilization of the
Allende government. Investment banker. Dillon, Read (VP).
*Pomeroy. John
*Porter, John A.
*Potwin. Lemuel S.
*Powers, Richard Hart
Price, Jr., C.B. (S&B 1941)
Price, Ray - Wrote GHW Bush's 1992 Republican nomination speech.
Rankin, B.C. (S&B 1936)
Ranney, G.A. (S&B 1934)
Raymond, G.T.P. (S&B 1949)
Read, R.R. (S&B 1947)
*Reed, Harry L.
*Richardson, Rufus B.
Robinson, J.T. (S&B 1937)
Robinson, Jr., H.C. (S&B 1947)
*Rockefeller, Percy A. (S&B 1900)
Rodd, D.B. (S&B 1940)
*Rodd III, Thomas (S&B 1935)
*Root, Reginald D.
Runnals, J.F.B. (S&B 1937)
*Runyon, Theodore
*Russell, William Huntington - Valedictorian of his class at Yale
in 1833.
*Sage, Dean
*Sage, Henry Manning
Saleh, Muhammad Ahmed (S&B 1968) - Born 10-10-1945. Jerusalem.
Vice-president of Timex Corporation. Married Mary Soderstrom.
Savage, Jr., B. (S&B 1932)
Schermerhorn, A.E. (S&B 1938)
Schmidt, Thomas Carl (S&B 1968) - Born 6-3-1945. Cinn., Ohio.
Consultant. Married Deborah Caroline Beaumont.
Schollander, Donald Arthur (S&B 1968) - Born 4-30-1946.
Charlotte, N.C. Real Estate Developer. Married Penny Susan Stark.
*Schuyler, Eugene
*Schwab, John C.
Schwarzman, Stephen Allen (S&B 1969) - Born 2-14-1947.
Philadelphia, Penn. Managing Director, Lehman Brothers. Married
Ellen Philips.
*Seabury, Mortimer
Seaman, Jr., I. (S&B 1945)
*Seely, William W.
Selander, Duane Arthur (S&B 1969) - Born 12-2-1942. Oakland, Ca.
Insurance Business. Married Audrey Marie Zorna.
Setson, Jr., Eugene W. (S&B 1934)
*Seymour, Charles
*Seymour, Jr., Charles (S&B 1935)
Shepard, B. (S&B 1936)
Shepard, Jr., Frank Parsons (S&B 1917)
Sheapard, Jr., L.M. (S&B 1939)
Shepard, Jr. R.B. (S&B 1935)
Sherrill, F.G. (S&B 1949)
*Shipley, Joseph L.
*Shirley, A.
*Sill, Edward R.
*Silliman, Jr., Benjamin
*Simpson, Kenneth Farrand (S&B 1917)
Smith, Jr. , H.F. (S&B 1942)
*Smock, Morgan Robert
Solbert, P.O.A. (S&B 1941)
*Southworth, George CS
Spaulding, J.A. (S&B 1945)
Spitzer, Jr., L.B. (S&B 1935)
*Sprague, Homer B.
*Spring, Andrew J.
Sprole, F.A. (S&B 1942)
Stack, Jr., J.W. (S&B 1940)
*Stagg, Amos A.
*Stanley, Harold (S&B 1908) - Founder Morgan Stanley, investment
Steadman, Judge John - Court of Appeals in the District of
Columbia Stebbins, H.L. (S&B 1933)
*Stetson, Jr., Eugene William (S&B 1934)
Stevens, A.B. (S&B 1940)
*Stevens, Henry
Stevens, Jr., J.B. (S&B 1938)
Stevenson, C.P. (S&B 1941)
Stewart, Justice Potter. (S&B 1937) - Swore in George Bush as Vice
President in 1981.
Stewart, Z. (S&B 1943)
*Stille, Charles J.
*Stillman, George S. (S&B 1935)
Stillman, P.G.B. (S&B 1940)
*Stimson, Henry Lewis (S&B 1888) - Partner in the Wall Street law
firm of Root and Stimson, Secretary of War (1911-13) under
President Taft (1908-1912), Governor General of the Philippines
(1926-1928), Secretary of State under President Herbert Hoover
(1929-1933) and Secretary of War under Presidents Franklin Delano
Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman (1940-1946).
*Stokes, Anson P.
Stone, Jr., L.T. (S&B 1937)
Stucky, W. McD (S&B 1940)
Sumner, W.S. (S&B 1945)
*Sumner, William G.
*Sutherland, Richard
*Swan, Joseph Rockwell (S&B 1902)
*Swayne, John W.
Swenson, Jr., E.F. (S&B 1940)
Tabor, J.R. (S&B 1943)
*Taft, Alphonso (S&B 1833)
*Taft, Charles Pheleps
*Taft, Enos N.
*Taft, Horace Dutton
Taft, Alphonso (S&B 1833) - Founding Bonesman alongside William H.
Russell. As U.S. attorney general in 1876-77, Alphonso Taft helped
organize the backroom settlement of the deadlocked 1876
presidential election. The bargain gave Rutherford B. Hayes the
presidency (1877-81) and withdrew the U.S. troops from the South.
Secretary of War (1876).
Robert Alphonso Taft (S&B 1910) - Speaker of the House of
Representatives (1921-1926) and Senator (R-Ohio) (1938-1950). Said
to be the only member of the Taft family who was not Skull &
*Taft, William Howard (S&B 1878) - Secretary of War (1904-1908).
The only man to ever serve as both the President (1908-1913) and
Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court (1921-1930).
Trustee, Carnegie Institution.
*Tarbell, Frank B.
*Taylor, Dick
Terry, H.P.B. (S&B 1935)
*Thacher, Thomas Anthony
*Thacher, Thomas Day (S&B 1904)
*Thacher, William L.
Thomas, W.D. (S&B 1941)
*Thomison, Gregory Allan
*Thompson, John R. 1938
*Thompson, Joseph Parrish
Thompson, Jr., William McIlwaine (S&B 1969) - Born 2-19-1947.
New Haven, Conn. Lawyer. Married Elsie Dunn Wilson.
Thorne, P.B. (S&B 1940)
Thorne, Brinley Stimpson (S&B 1968) - Born 8-13-1945. New York
City. Architect. Married Marie Cox.
Tighe, Lawrence G. (S&B 1941)
*Todd, John E.
Train, R. (S&B 1936)
Trudeau, G.B.
Tucker, Jr., Carl (S&B 1947)
*Tufts, Bowen (Sonny) Charleton (S&B 1935)
Turner, H.M. (S&B 1937)
*Twichell, Charles P. (S&B 1945)
*Tyler, Charles M.
*Tyler, Moses Coit
Van Dine, V. (S&B 1949)
Vanderbilt, Alfred Gwynne (S&B 1899)
*Vogt, T.D. (S&B 1943)
Vose, E.E. (S&B 1945)
Waite, U.S. Chief Justice Morris R. (S&B 1837) - Chief Justice of
the U.S. Supreme Court 1874-88, whose rulings are said to have
destroyed many rights of African-Americans gained in the Civil
War. He helped his cohorts Taft and Evarts arrange the 1876
presidential settlement scheme to pull U.S. troops out of the
*Waldsworth. James Jeremiah
*Walker, Charles R.
*Walker, Horace F.
Walker, J.P. (S&B 1944)
Walker, J.S. (S&B 1942)
Walker, L. (S&B 1936)
Walker, Jr., George Herbert (S&B 1927) - Financier and co-founder
of the NY Mets. The President's uncle and financial angel. In the
1970s he sold G.H. Walker & Co. to White, Weld & Co. and became a
vice president of White, Weld.
Walker, S.S. (S&B 1948)
*Walsh, Kevin Sanchez
*Watkins, Charles L.
Warren, G.U. (S&B 1945)
Watson, Jr., W.B. (S&B 1940)
Weaver, H.S. (S&B 1948)
Weed, G.H. (S&B 1938)
*Welch, William H.
Weyerhaeuser, Frederick E. (S&B 1896) - Owner of vast tracts of
American forest. Follower of Pinchot's movement. The Weyerhaeusers
were active collaborators of Cecil Rhodes.
*White, Andrew Dickinson (S&B 1853) - Founding president of
Cornell University; psychic researcher; and diplomatic cohort of
the Venetian, Russian and British oligarchies.
*White, Charles A.
*White, Henry D.
*White, John R.
White, W.B. (S&B 1941)
White, W.G. (S&B 1941)
Whitehead, M.K. (S&B 1936)
Whitehouse, C.S. (S&B 1947)
Whitman, Jr., F.S. (S&B 1938)
Whitmore, Jr., J.A. (S&B 1944)
*Whitney, Edward Baldwin
*Whitney, Edward Payton
*Whitney, Emerson Cogswell
*Whitney, Harry Payne (S&B 1894) - Married Gertrude Vanderbilt,
investment banker.
*Whitney, James Lyman
*Whitney, Joseph Ernest
*Whitney, Payne
*Whitney, William Collins (S&B 1863) - Secretary of the Navy
(1885-1889). Promoter of the Naval Shipyards and financier. Part
of the Whitney family which sent eight of its members to Yale to
become Skull & Bonesmen. Family intermarried with the Payne,
Harriman and Vanderbilt clans. The Whitneys became some of Wall
Street's most powerful financiers through the Guaranty and
Knickerbocker Trust Companies.
Wickwire, W.R. (S&B 1949)
Wilbur, J.S. (S&B 1933)
Wilbur, R. (S&B 1938)
Wilhelmi, Jr., F.W.(S&B 1939)
Wilkie, Jr., V. (S&B 1948)
Williams, B. (S&B 1939)
Williams, S.G. (S&B 1932)
Wilson, Hugh
Witter, Jr., Dean (S&B 1944) - Investment banker.
Woodlock, Douglas Preston (S&B 1969) - Born 2-27-1947. Hartford, Conn. Lawyer. U.S. Federal District Judge (Boston)
(Appointed 1986). Yale 1969 (Next Cell). Reporter Chicago-Sun Times
(1969-1973). Former Assistant U.S. Attorney (1979-1983). Married
Patricia Powers.
Woolley, Knight (S&B 1917)
Zorthian, B. (S&B 1941)

* Indicates Name listed by Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr.
Primary Bio material sources:
Various Net Articles.mason13.htm

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