{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1053\f0\fs20 1. Irish origins of civilization 2006.04.13\par \par 2. Akhenaton, Cult of Athon 2006.06.22\par \par 3. Judeo-christianity 6 part series\par (1). Judaism, the Vatican, Freemasonry & the religious dialectic 2006.07.06\par (2). Rise of priestarchy, dramatis personae of the Bible 2006.07.13\par (3). The true roots of Judaism and Freemasonry, the Biblical covenants 2006.07.20\par (4). Kings Dynasties & Pshysical evidencefor Israel 2006.08.06\par (5). Ideas of reality, collective denial, Sigmund Freud on Moses and Akhenaton 2006.08.27\par (6). The Bible Book of the Pharaohs, Cult of Aton\'b4s world alliances 2006.09.03\par \par 4. New Technology 2007.01.07\par \par 5. Outsider 3 part series\par (1). Outsider and the guilt complex 2006.12.21\par (2). Enlightenment, the Ego, the Self and the Soul 2007.01.18\par (Theosophy, Blavatsky & hijacked organizations)\par \par (3).Children and the Outsider 2007.02.15\par (Marketing Industry, subversive use of sacred symbolism)\par \par \par 6. Two part special on movies and symbolism 2007.03.15\par (The tarot, playing cards, eschatology)\par \par 7. Lucifer and the dark side of the Sun 2007.04.19\par \par 8. Inquisitions, Old and new 2007.05.17\par \par 9. Sorcery and Magic 2007.06.21\par \par 10. Irish Origins 4 part series\par (1).West to east movement, age of catastrophe 2007.08.02\par (2). Colonization and the Celts 2007.08.16\par (3). Atonism and world control 2007.10.25\par (4). The Druids, Culdeans, Gaels and the creation of Christianity 2007.11.25\par \par 11. The Post Human world 2007.09.20\par \par 12. AstroTheology 2008.04.20\par \par 13. Sorcerers and magicians: Amenists, Atonists, Druids and Scythians 2008.08.31\par \par 14. Middle East conflict 2006.07.21\par \par 15. Conspiracy and psychology 2009.11.20\par \par 16. Roots of Tyranny 2009.12.03\par \par 17. Disciples of the Mysterium 2009.12.17\par \par \par \par NOTE: The only interview that isnt in its right chronological order is the "Middle East Conflict" from 2006, all others are in the exact order they were made and released. Dates of the interview are in the titles of the mp3 files as well\par \par \lang1033\par }