By John DiNardo
June 6, 2010
Editor's note: It has come to my attention that Nibiru is not a planet, but a dwarf star.
Planet X is estimated by unrelated astrophysicists, such as Dr. John Murray, Dr. John Matese, and Brian Marsden (Smithsonian Institute of Astronomy), as being one to three times the mass of Jupiter. Now, the mass of Jupiter is equal to 317 times the mass of Earth. And the very smallest celestial body that can be classified as a "brown dwarf star (sun)" would be as massive as Jupiter. Most brown dwarf stars are larger than Jupiter. Planet X, being virtually unanimously considered to be a brown dwarf star, is very likely larger than Jupiter. X's mass is plausibly at least 500 times the mass of Earth.
This means that X's gravitational pull is beyond stupendous. Hence, as X makes its 50 billion mile journey through deep space, it attracts celestial bodies like a magnet would attract iron filings. Each iron filing is anywhere in size from a small planet, to a comet, to an asteroid, to a meteor, to a rock, all the way down to a particle of iron oxide dust.
So, when McCanney says that there are a great many bolide (bullet like) objects in Earth's locale, he is tacitly speaking of what he calls the Planet X entourage, and what I call the X gang. Planet X will not strik Earth, but some of those iron filings of various sizes must, by statistical reasoning, strike Earth. And this is what God warns us about in REVELATION. Wormwood will be a member of the X gang, not the beehive, but one of the bees. Jason Martell also discusses it on
Editor's note: Neptune is not the farthest planet from the sun in our galaxy. Mathematicians such as Percival Lowell (1855-1916) state that there is another planet that is farther, Planet X, Nibiru.
For those of you who believe the Bible, see the Book of Isaiah especially chapter 24.
The Summerians, too, knew of this phenomenon of Planet X. In part 3 (2012 Update from Project Camelot) of this edition, you will be able to observe this planet which has a far different trajectory than the planets of which we are aware in our everyday existence if you click on the link that says Planet X.